Chapter 397: This is the basic skill of a warrior

When school started, Wang Teng’s first thing was to find Tan Taixuan, but unfortunately she had already left and was not in school.

What about a good surprise? ?

This female liar!

Wang Teng was full of grievances.

On the first day of school, the school broadcasted the rankings won by Wang Teng and others in the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country.

The two top ten places, this is a kind of glory, but also indicates that the next resource tilt.

Many people understand this, and those who don’t understand, have also reacted to others’ intentional or unintentional dissemination.

This is a good thing!

What the warrior needs most is resources.

They are the biggest beneficiaries, and the reputation of Wang Teng and Han Zhu has quietly grown.

Especially Wang Teng, the first place, makes people seem to be dreaming.

It is also a freshman year, why does Wang Teng live like a senior, but they are still cute?

What is going wrong?

Doubts turn to doubts, and it does not prevent them from viewing Wang Teng as glory, as the leader of the Yellow Naval Academy…

The students are happy, and the school is happy too!

Everyone is happy.

Next, the Yellow Sea will definitely enter a blowout period, and the strong will be stronger, and the future of the Yellow Sea can be expected.

While everyone was still immersed in this honor, Wang Teng had been summoned by Peng Yuanshan.

In the training building, besides Wang Teng, many students gathered here, and there were nearly a hundred people visually.

In the past, there were many familiar faces, many of them were the top 100 students in the rankings and were beaten by him.

When these students saw Wang Teng, their faces went dark.

To be defeated by a freshman, this is a properly black history.

But when they thought that this guy went to the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country without a word, and returned with the championship, they couldn’t be convinced.

At the first thought, losing to such a Tianjiao is actually nothing to be ashamed of.

In addition to the students, Wang Teng also felt a few powerful auras. They were a few instructors, all of which were 6-star and 7-star warriors, and there were a total of five.

There are also six or seven instructors of the 5-Star War Soldier level.

Seeing this battle, Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.

“Lao Nie, this kid will be handed over to you.” Peng Yuanshan said to a 7-star warrior-level instructor, and then left Wang Teng and left.

Wang Teng: “???”

Is this the arrangement the school gave him?

The tutor known as Lao Nie looked at Wang Teng and said, “You are Wang Teng!”

“Hello mentor!” Wang Teng called out honestly.

Although everyone is at the same level, you still need to have the respect that your instructor should have.

“Well, yes, go to the team, just waiting for you.” Lao Nie nodded, seemingly satisfied with Wang Teng.


Several people from Han Zhu waved to him immediately.

Wang Teng walked over, and after all, he and Han Zhu and the others became very familiar with each other because of the martial arts competition.

This is the circle.

Everyone didn’t speak, because Old Nie spoke up above.

“Okay, everyone is here to talk business.”

“Introduce yourself first, my name is Nie Jianqiang!”

Everyone: “…”

Strong Nie!

The name is superb!

Everyone sighed with emotion, and heard Nie Jianqiang continue: “Tomorrow, we will go to another world and enter the Black Sparrow Legion!”

One stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves~!

When I went to another world, everyone felt nothing. They had all been to another world, which can be said to be commonplace.

But to enter the Black Sparrow Legion, you don’t need to think about it, it’s definitely not for playing.

What are you going to do?

What else can you do when you enter the regiment must be on the battlefield!

Going to other worlds to do missions is already extremely dangerous. Even military missions have been taken over by some people, which are more dangerous than ordinary missions.

But no one has ever been on the battlefield.

But don’t even think about it. Going to the battlefield is much more dangerous than doing missions.

There are dead people on the battlefield all the time, they go, and the next moment is not sure that it will be one of the corpses.

Many people’s complexions have changed.

But there are also people who look excited…

“After waiting for so long, I’m finally going to the battlefield.” Han Zhu gleamed his eyes and said in a low voice.

Wang Teng: “???”

Is this guy a war madman?

“Why do you look at me like this? Only when you are on the battlefield can you accumulate military merit. I am a man who wants to be a general.” Han Zhu said.

“Hehe, General, you really dare to think about it.” Wan Baiqiu squinted at him, full of disdain.

In fact, Lao Nie was mainly telling everyone about this today, and after confessing some trivial matters, he let them leave.

“Go to the logistics building to exchange some supplies.” Han Zhu said.

A few people naturally have no objection. When you arrive in another world, some materials are relatively scarce, and you can’t buy them just as you want.

Besides, where to buy on the battlefield.

On the contrary, many things in the school are easier and cheaper to exchange.

Other people are not stupid, they all know this truth.

They are all seniors. They have been mixed for so many years, and the tasks they have done are indistinguishable, and the experience is naturally very rich.

When they arrived at the logistics building, Han Zhu and the others did not hesitate to buy credits, and started to buy special ones. They bought several kinds of pills alone, supplementing the original force, and healing the wound. These are life-saving things, only buy more. Don’t buy less.

There are also weapons, battle uniforms and so on. They have all the shortcomings they have, and they almost have to arm themselves to the teeth.

Wang Teng looked around and bought a 9-star uniform. After thinking about it, he originally planned to buy a rune bow and a rune gun.

But then I remembered that the quota on the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall had just been released.

So I planned to go back and buy from the intranet of Pole Star Martial Arts Hall.

They arrived very quickly anyway, and they should be there at night.

As for the pill, he looked at it and found that he could refine it, and the quality was definitely better than the purchased one.

So he only bought some elixir and planned to refine it himself.

Han Zhu and the others were fascinated.

“What do you buy so many elixir for?” Han Zhu wondered.

“I also bought a 9-star battle uniform. I’ll go. You are too rich, local tyrant.” Wan Baiqiu shouted.

“Fortunately, fortunately, it’s not very rich.” Wang Teng put away the battle uniform and the elixir, a little fortunate, thanks to a small profit from Zhuge Xiaoliang last semester, otherwise there would be so many credits to squander.

“As for medicinal herbs, of course they are used to refine the pill. I like to use the pill that I refine.”

“Refining yourself!”

“You still do alchemy?”

Han Zhu and others were taken aback.

“Is there any problem? This is the basic skill of the warrior, alright.” Wang Teng said lightly.

God’s basic skills!

If it is a basic skill, how can we not?

This guy must be pretending to be coercive.

Han Zhu and others looked at Wang Teng disgustingly, and resolutely resisted pretending to be a criminal.

“What about that, can you refine it for me?” The next moment, Han Zhu asked, licking his face.

“There is me and me.” Wan Baiqiu is not to be outdone.

It smells so good!

Having said that, the two of them completely believed in Wang Teng, and they didn’t even think about whether he would not be able to refine them.

Du Yu, Zhang Fengyu and others were not embarrassed to speak. Their relationship with Wang Teng was not as good as Han Zhu, and they were a bit hesitant. Who knows if Wang Teng can really be refined.

“Okay, I refining myself is also refining, adding you two is not much, but I have to prepare my own elixir or something.” Wang Teng did not refuse, for him, it does not take much time to refine such a small amount of pill. .

A man with a high success rate is so fast!

“No problem!” The two agreed, and then immediately bought the corresponding elixir and handed it to Wang Teng.

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