Chapter 394: As a Girlfriend! (Two in one)


Mother Lin thanked Wang Teng again, and then went to Father Lin’s room, presumably to tell him this.

When Wang Teng came up just now, he felt that Father Lin was at the door of his room and seemed to be ready to come out, but after seeing Wang Teng coming, he went back again.

In response, Wang Teng just shook his head in his heart.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing happens at home, no matter what the man is going to get ahead.

However, without personal experience of Father Lin’s situation, outsiders might not be able to understand the pain and helplessness.

What’s more, you have to face your former companions.

Other people’s strange eyes, pity and even contempt are probably enough to make a man collapse.

And he didn’t want to get ahead, if Wang Teng hadn’t come just now, he was also ready to come out.

At this time, the three sisters Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan were talking in the room.

“Thank you again.” Lin Chuhan looked at Wang Teng with a warm flow in his heart.

When she needs it, Wang Teng will always show up.

Is this the so-called fate?

“Don’t, you have said enough thank you.” Wang Teng said helplessly.

Lin Chuhan pulled up her hair, suddenly remembered, and asked, “By the way, did you come to see me today?”

“Ahem, this…” Wang Teng’s heart jumped, he was a little nervous inexplicably, he coughed, and saw Lin Chuxia watching curiously, he said, “It’s better to go outside and talk about it.”

“What? Keep it from me.” Lin Chuxia was unhappy.

What’s the secret? Actually want to hide it from her.

“Little girl, what do you know.” Wang Teng gave her an angry look.

Men, there are always one or two things I am embarrassed to say in front of too many people.

“What the hell is the secret?” Lin Chuhan looked suspicious.

“You just come out with me.” Wang Teng tried his best to straighten his face.

Lin Chuhan saw a trace of embarrassment on his face, and while a little surprised, he couldn’t help shaking his head and laughing in his heart, and then followed him out of the house.

At the door, Lin Chuhan said, “Okay, what can I say.”

Wang Teng glanced at the door and said speechlessly, “Lin Chuxia, I saw you. Go back to the house and don’t want to eavesdrop.”

Lin Chuxia pouted her head and said, “Okay, okay, I know I can’t hide it from you.”

Turning his head after saying one step three times, he walked into the house very unwillingly.

Then Wang Teng said, “What, my mother, I want you to…”

He was really hard to speak, and he paused three times.

Lin Chuhan suddenly became nervous when he heard this.

Wang Teng’s mother actually mentioned her!

What does his mother want her to do?

For the first time, Lin Chuhan felt that Wang Teng was so troubled. In just one sentence, he couldn’t finish it all at once. He urged: “What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to go to my house for a meal.” Wang Teng gritted his teeth and finally spit out these words.

Nima is too difficult!

Thinking that he had faced 9-star warrior-level soldiers, and even the warlord-level powerhouses, he didn’t even persuade him at all.

Even if she used to slap her sister, it was said to be slapped, without any ambiguity.

Unexpectedly, because I wanted to see my parents today, I was so compelled.

It’s really shameful.

“Your mother asked me to go to your house?” Lin Chuhan’s eyes widened, filled with inconceivability, and his face flushed suddenly.

“Uh…yes, it’s such a thing.” Wang Teng saw that she was more nervous than herself, and he didn’t know how to relax, and he nodded confidently.

Lin Chuhan: “…”

This bastard, what a thing is like this.

This is completely throwing the pot to her.

Lin Chuhan glared at Wang Teng, turned his head, and left him a back of his head, and said: “I’m not going, I’m not familiar with you, why should I go to your house.”

“Is this unfamiliar?” Wang Teng said silently: “I have issued a military order with my mother. I must take you back. Are you really not going?”

“That’s your business.” Lin Chuhan said.

“Then I’ll go back and tell her, you don’t want to come.” Wang Teng said.

“You!” Lin Chuhan was anxious, really want to be so, Wang Teng’s mother can still have a good impression of her.

“Hey, go, go, my mother just wanted to see you, and thank you for your help in the past.” Wang Teng smiled shamelessly.

“I didn’t help you, on the contrary, you were helping me.” Lin Chuhan felt a little funny when he saw him like this, and said helplessly.

“That can’t be said. I thought I was a scumbag at the beginning. If it weren’t under the influence of your academic tyrant, how could the prodigal son turn around and know when he was lost.” Wang Teng is completely nonsense, owing both his life and the help of the system. In Lin Chuhan’s body, she didn’t know anyway.

Sure enough, Lin Chuhan believed that it was true. He really thought that he had influenced Wang Teng. He was still a little happy, but he still didn’t dare to take credit for it. For helping our family so much, how am I embarrassed to accept your mother’s thanks.”

“My mother said that she must thank you in person. If you don’t go, she will take the time to visit your home.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and used his killer.

Lin Chuhan was taken aback.

My mother, come home! ! !

Think about the scene… Lin Chuhan was full of agitation, it was terrible.

But she wasn’t stupid, she reacted immediately, looked at Wang Teng suspiciously, and said, “You didn’t lie to me?”

“Why lie to you? If you don’t believe me, go to my house and ask my mother in person.” Wang Teng said vowedly.

Lin Chuhan said silently: “Wandering around, I’m not going to your house yet.”

“Let’s go, it’s just a simple family dinner. It won’t be so good. If you are really worried, you can also bring the early summer. She has been to my house and is more familiar with my parents. You should rest assured that she is there.” Seeing that her tone had loosened, Wang Teng continued.

“Is it really possible to bring Chuxia?” Lin Chuhan was really moved, mainly because she couldn’t refuse Wang Teng because she couldn’t refuse.

“Yes, no problem at all.” Wang Teng nodded without hesitation.

Lin Chuhan hesitated for a while, then suddenly bit his lip and asked, “Then tell me, I…in what capacity should I go to your house?”

Wang Teng looked at Lin Chuhan, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly he approached and said in her ear: “As a girlfriend!”

“Ah!” Lin Chuhan exclaimed, and slammed Wang Teng away, his slender jade neck, crystal earlobes, and even the whole pretty face blushed instantly.

“Who wants to be your girlfriend.”

Leaving a word, he ran into the house.

Wang Teng smiled and shook his head.

Women, always duplicity!

Sure enough, a man still has a thicker skin to take the initiative. The previous counseling is an illusion.

Wang Teng nodded to himself.

That is definitely not him.

When Wang Teng walked into the house, Lin Chuhan had recovered and seemed to have already talked to Lin Chuxia.

Lin Chuxia didn’t feel much, and said lightly, “Brother-in-law is not like you. I thought it was a secret. It turned out to be that.”

Wang Teng was suddenly embarrassed, and he was actually despised by this little girl: “Go, what do you know as a child.”

Lin Chuxia didn’t argue with him, just squinted at him, snickering in her heart.

Lin Chuhan gave Wang Teng a blank look, with inexplicable expressions in his eyes.

I don’t know how Lin Chuhan told Mother Lin, and then tossed again.

When he came out of the Lin family, Lin Chuhan had big and small bags, exactly the same as when Wang Teng came to the Lin family.

When Wang Teng saw Lin Mu’s cheerful expression, he felt his scalp numb, and quickly took Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia and fled.

Deer Park, Wang Family.

Wang Teng parked the car and walked home with the two sisters Lin Chuhan.

On the way back, Wang Teng had already sent a message to Li Xiumei.

As soon as the three of them walked through the door, Li Xiumei greeted her with enthusiasm, and her eyes instantly fell on Lin Chuhan.

“Auntie!” Lin Chuhan cried out embarrassedly.

“You’re Chuhan, right? Wang Teng often mentions you at home.” Li Xiumei looked at her with a smile, and took her hand into the house.

“This guy often mentions me!” Lin Chuhan couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng, feeling surprised.

 ̄へ ̄

Wang Teng looked at Li Xiumei with a bitter look. When did he often mention it, it is easy for people to misunderstand what Mr. Mother said.

“Auntie, do you still recognize me?” Lin Chuxia also ran to Li Xiumei’s side and said.

Li Xiumei looked at Lin Chuxia’s face and said in surprise: “Oh, you are Chuxia, I heard Wang Teng said that you have recovered, and I almost didn’t recognize it. What a beautiful girl.”

“Well, I recovered.” Lin Chuxia nodded and smiled: “Thanks to Brother Wang Teng.”

“It’s good to recover, and it’s good to recover.” Li Xiumei smiled and pulled the two sisters into the house.

As for Wang Teng, who cares about him.

No, there is a little person who remembers him.

Doudou was playing in the living room, and when he saw Wang Teng, he immediately ran over.

“elder brother!”

Wang Teng picked her up, held her high, and made her giggle.

Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia were very surprised. Didn’t you hear that Wang Teng had a younger sister?

Moreover, when Lin Chuxia came to Wang’s house last time, she had never seen Doudou, and she was even more puzzled.

Naturally, there are some things that cannot be said in front of Doudou, so Wang Teng told Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia of Doudou’s life experience.

The two women suddenly appeared in a daze, looking at Doudou, they couldn’t help showing a trace of affection.

When everyone came to the living room, Li Xiumei prepared snacks and fruits and greeted sisters Lin Chuhan to eat.

There is a saying, three women in one scene.

The three of them got together, and after the initial strangeness, especially under the enthusiasm of Li Xiumei, they soon became one, talking and laughing, so lively.

Wang Teng couldn’t intervene at all.

Doudou asked quietly in his ear: “Brother, who are these two beautiful sisters?”

“They are my brother’s friends.” Wang Teng also whispered quietly: “Do you want to play with that young lady?”

Doudou tilted his head for a moment, nodded and said, “Yes!”

She has never had any playmates, seeing Lin Chuxia, she couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

“Then go quickly.” Wang Teng smiled.

“But does she hate Doudou?” Doudou said nervously.

“No, Doudou is so cute, she must also like to play with Doudou.” Wang Teng comforted.

“Really?” Doudou asked hesitantly.

“Of course, my brother can still lie to you.” Wang Teng patted her on the back and gave her an encouraging look.

Doudou mustered up the courage to walk towards Lin Chuxia.

Lin Chuxia saw a little man approaching timidly, and she was surprised that she heard Wang Teng’s voice transmission in her ear, and she smiled and beckoned to Doudou.

Lin Chuxia was not very young, and had no playmates before. At this time, she was also able to play with Doudou, the little girl, and the two little girls quickly played together.

Before long, Li Xiumei went to prepare lunch in person, and Lin Chuhan naturally wouldn’t be idle, and hurriedly followed by to help.

When it was time for lunch, Xiao Bai also flew back.

Wang Teng took out some star beast flesh and blood and gave it to Lin Chuxia and Doudou so that they could feed.

The two little ones are also having fun and having fun.

If it hadn’t been for Li Xiumei to ask them to wash their hands and eat, the two would not let go.

Li Xiumei and Lin Chuhan prepared lunch, and Wang Shengguo also came back. Seeing Lin Chuhan walking out of the kitchen with vegetables, his eyes widened.

what’s the situation?

Did you enter the wrong door? ?

Wang Shengguo looked dumbfounded.

When Li Xiumei urged Wang Teng to go out in the morning, he had already visited some families that he had contact with, so he didn’t know that Lin Chuhan was coming to visit.

Lin Chuhan was taken aback for a moment, and quickly said, “Are you Uncle Wang?”

“Are you?” Although Wang Shengguo thought this little girl was a little familiar, he didn’t think of it for a while.

“Dad, she is Lin Chuhan.” At this moment, Wang Teng walked over and said.

“What do I say, why look so familiar? At the time in high school, your head teacher showed me your picture, but it was the first time I saw a real person. It’s much more beautiful than the picture.” Wang Shengguo patted his head, and he was shocked. road.

“Uncle praised.” Lin Chuhan said embarrassedly.

Li Xiumei walked out carrying the dishes and said, “Go wash your hands and get ready to eat.”

The food was quickly put on the table, and everyone was seated. Li Xiumei kept serving Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia with food, very enthusiastic, which made Lin Chuhan a little bit overwhelmed.

Wang Shengguo asked about Lin Chuhan’s recent studies from time to time. He was still very satisfied with this future prospective daughter-in-law.

I couldn’t help sighing that I had played a good chess move in my son’s high school, and let Lin Chuhan be Wang Teng’s tablemate, and he was too wise to get the moon near the water tower.

After lunch, Lin Chuhan stayed at Wang’s house for a while, chatting with Li Xiumei and Wang Shengguo before leaving.

Wang Teng naturally wanted to send the sisters back.

In the car, Lin Chuhan couldn’t help but burped.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile and said, “How do you feel?”

“Too enthusiastic!” Lin Chuhan said with lingering fear: “If I eat this way every day, I will definitely have to become fat.”

Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing.

“You still laugh.” Lin Chuhan groaned.

“Eat more is a blessing, and for your figure, adding more than a dozen catties can’t be said to be fat, at most it is plump.” Wang Teng said.

“Go go, I don’t want it.” Lin Chuhan said in a bad mood.

“I think it’s delicious. If I could eat so many delicious foods every day, that would be great.” Lin Chuxia said yearningly while touching her bulging belly.

“Snack goods!” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes at his sister.

“I will come often after I like to eat, my mother must be very happy.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, okay!”

“Little traitor.”

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