Chapter 392 Who Are You?

The almost insulting words of the lady made Lin Mu tremble all over.

What does it mean to have a beautiful daughter?

Is the family rushing to propose a marriage and can’t refuse it?

Although the Lin family had no money and power, they couldn’t tolerate other people’s insults.

But before Mother Lin spoke, Wang Zijin frowned, and said, “Mom, don’t you say a few words.”

Then he turned his head to Lin Chuhan and said, “Chuhan, you too, my mother is an elder anyway, how can you talk to an elder like this.”

This made Lin Chuhan furrow his brows deeper, and a trace of disgust flashed in his heart unconsciously.

This Wang Zijin talked to himself there, with a lesson in his words, and really thought he was someone.

It’s toxic!

Wang Zijin said Lin Chuhan, then turned his head and said to Lin Mu: “Auntie, what my mom said was angry, don’t take it to heart.”

Father Wang, who has never spoken, also came out at this time to make a round and said: “Okay, well, after so many years of love, don’t hurt your peace.”

This Wang family sings red cheeks and white cheeks, do you think they can’t tell?

Lin Chuhan was speechless.

“Don’t, our family can’t afford your feelings.” Mother Lin said coldly, “You should leave, please.”

The noble lady is not a good temper, she is used to taking care of herself, because her husband and son are both martial artists, and they are sought after by people everywhere. Wherever she has suffered from this kind of anger, she immediately exploded, and she stood up and said to Father Wang, “Look, Look at what she said, you shouldn’t help them at the beginning, they don’t understand your affection at all…”

Before finishing talking, Mother Lin sneered: “Since you are shameless, then I have to talk to you well.”

“Why do you help us, don’t you have any points in your heart? Wang Dong, before my old Lin was abolished, did he help you? He even saved your life. Without him, you can have today. Wherever the body stinks I don’t know yet.”

“Back then, you did give our family a little favor, and then you paid back all that was supposed to be returned? Later, you took the initiative to alienate it regardless of your affection. It was not that you were afraid of getting into the trouble of our family. I really thought I couldn’t see it. It’s not someone who doesn’t know good and bad. Have you ever said anything about you?”

“Now that I haven’t contacted for so many years, you suddenly come over and want to get married, so I have to agree?”

“Yes, your family’s conditions are ten times better than ours, but our family can’t afford it.”

“I want me to sell my daughter. I’m sorry. Although I’m just a woman who has nothing to do with it, I won’t do such things that I can’t close my eyes after death.”

Now that she had torn her face, Mother Lin didn’t show any mercy, and directly dug up all the previous events and spread them out in front of the other party.

Otherwise, with her temperament, she would never mention anything about life-saving grace.

Wang Dong’s face was blushing and uncertain by her, as if he had been torn off the fig leaf, making him angry.

“You, you…” The lady stood up abruptly, angrily unable to speak, and she swept the water cup on the coffee table to the ground, falling to pieces.

“Mom!” Wang Zijin didn’t expect things to happen to this point, his face was extremely embarrassed.

“Humph!” Wang Dong snorted coldly, and said coldly: “Since they are not welcome, let’s go. I haven’t seen each other for so many years, but I have a lot of temper.”

“Walk away, such an uncultivated family, I don’t want to stay here for a moment.” The lady took Wang Zijin and was about to leave.

When the Wang family walked to the door of the living room, Wang Dong suddenly stopped and said, “I remember Lin Chuhan was studying at Tunghai University. I know a few mentors inside. I don’t know how Lin Chuhan’s grades are. Can you graduate smoothly?”

“What do you mean?” Mother Lin and Lin Chuhan suddenly changed their faces and glared at Wang Dong.

This person was so shameless that he threatened them with such a method!

“Literally.” Wang Dong sneered, not planning to talk to Li Lin and the others, and turned his head and walked out of the living room.

At this moment, a flat to indifferent voice came from the stairs.

“It’s a big breath!”

When Wang Teng followed Lin Chuxia upstairs, he happened to hear the noise in the living room. At the same time he was speechless, his heart couldn’t help but rise in anger.

He was angry not only because of the actions of the family, but also because they even dared to fight Lin Chuhan’s idea.

Lin Chuxia took Wang Teng upstairs, and now blocked him in the corridor.

Because of her health, she has been relatively withdrawn since she was a child. She can still smile when facing her family and Wang Teng, but she is extremely indifferent to outsiders.

Seeing that Lin Mu and Lin Chuhan were being bullied at this moment, her eyes were cold, the force of the poison in her body was boiling, and the pupils of her eyes showed a deep black color, even showing killing intent…

Suddenly a hand was pressed on her slightly thin shoulder, and the poison force in her body was instantly suppressed.

Lin Chuxia’s eyes were restored to clarity, and she looked up at Wang Teng.

“Calm down, just leave it to me.” Wang Teng smiled at her.

Lin Chuxia saw his smile, as if a warm feeling passed through his heart, the killing intent gradually dissipated, calmed down, and nodded involuntarily.

“Who are you?”

Wang Zijin saw a boy of similar grade appearing in Lin Chuhan’s house, and the appearance of him and Lin Chuxia seemed to be very familiar with the Lin family.

More importantly, the first glance at the past made people feel that this young man was extraordinary, and his glances were so dazzling that he did not dare to look directly.

The most important thing is that this girl is much handsomer than him!

A strong sense of crisis emerged, and he couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng full of hostility.

Having said that, why does this young man look familiar?

But he couldn’t remember it for a while, so he didn’t think much about it.

Wang Teng ignored him. Instead, he looked at Wang Dong and said with a chuckle: “Just now you said you knew Donghai University’s tutor? Come, tell us all about it, and see what great people you know? Who is it? Such a mighty prestige.”

“Asshole, you dare to talk to my dad like this.” Wang Zijin was furious. The young man in front of him not only ignored him, but even talked to his dad in a joking tone, which made him even more unbearable.

“Where did the wild boy come from? I don’t know how high the sky is.” The lady sneered and said with a look of disdain.

“Young man, it’s better to think clearly before speaking, so as not to offend someone who shouldn’t be offended.” Wang Dong said coldly with a cold light in his eyes.

Wang Teng glanced at Wang Zijin and the lady, then looked at Wang Dong plainly, and said blankly, “It’s up to you?”

“You!” Wang Zijin and the lady were furious.

Wang Dong was also very angry. He was so despised by a young man, where did he put his face down.

However, he was a little uncertain about Wang Teng’s origins, suppressed his anger, frowned and asked, “Who are you on earth?”

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