Chapter 4 Killing or not practicing 【Ninth National Radio Gymnastics】

Wang Teng came to Pole Star Martial Arts Hall originally for training.

Now he is busy picking up attributes.

He feels like a man picking up tatters, picking up things dropped by others hard.

Before he observed it, the transparent bubbles on the ground were all dropped by the martial arts students during the training.

There are many trainees in the martial arts hall, so there are many attribute bubbles that fall.

But one thing made Wang Teng very heartbroken.

There is a time limit for the existence of bubbles and will disappear after a few minutes.

He was stunned for a while, and several bubbles disappeared, but he was heartbroken and he felt that he had lost hundreds of millions.

The trainees kept training, and sometimes dropped a few attribute bubbles.

Wang Teng was very happy to pick it up, his attributes “cengcengceng” went up like money.

A martial arts instructor saw him running around like a headless fly in the training hall.

“Hey, that classmate, if you come to the martial arts gym to train well, why are you running around?”

“Teacher, I just came today to see how everyone trains. The ancients said that three people must have my teacher. I will learn from everyone first.”

Wang Teng looked at the martial artist instructor, smiling casually.

“You just came? Come here, I will teach you the [Ninth National Radio Gymnastics] first. Now you know nothing. You can see it for nothing. You will learn the basics before you speak.” said the instructor. .

Wang Teng thinks about it, and thinks what he said makes sense, and this instructor is still very responsible.

Reluctantly glanced at the few attribute bubbles that had just dropped in the training hall, as if hundreds of millions were leaving him.

“Teacher, what kind of exercise is [Ninth National Radio Gymnastics]?” Wang Teng walked over and asked curiously.

“[The Ninth National Broadcast Gymnastics] is a scientific exercise method developed by the state in conjunction with the basic exercise method of Xingwu Mainland.”

The tutor said and turned on the speaker.

“The ninth set of broadcast gymnastics in the country-martial youth, start now!”

Wang Teng has a whole body!

The music sounded, it was the familiar taste and the familiar preparatory action.

“Watch it!”

The tall and sturdy tutor must be at least 1.8 meters tall, and his muscles are extremely terrifying.

Wang Teng is stunned!

The instructor has already started broadcasting gymnastics following the music.

“The first style, stretching exercises, one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four…”

“The second type, chest expansion exercise, one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four…”

“The third style, kicking exercise, one two three four, two two three four…”

Wang Teng looked at each other blankly, with countless horses running wild in his mind, and he couldn’t stop him.

Shintemeow broadcasts gymnastics!

Although he also discovered that despite the names still being those names, the movements are much more complicated, and some difficult movements are very demanding on the body.

It seems… can indeed play a role in physical training?

But, this music, this rhythm, this familiar feeling is really shameful!

“How about it, have you seen everything clearly? If you didn’t see it clearly, I will rehearse for you again!”

The music stopped, and the instructor slowly stopped his movements and let out a sigh of relief. There was a lot of hot sweat on his forehead. The effect of [Ninth National Radio Gymnastics] was amazing.

“Teacher, I can see clearly!” Wang Teng nodded quickly, for fear that he would really do it again.

Seeing his unfulfilled expressions, it is possible to do what he said, no joke.

“Oh, it seems that you have a good memory. I read it three times before writing it down.” The instructor said disappointedly.

Khan, what’s the matter with your disappointed look!

Doing gymnastics is addicted to you!

Wang Teng persuaded the tutor away like a plague god and asked him to harm other students. They were very happy.

What [National Ninth Broadcast Gymnastics], I, Wang Teng, will never practice, and I will never practice if I die!

This life can only rely on picking up attributes to become stronger!

While that instructor was not paying attention, Wang Teng continued his great cause of picking attributes.




【Basic Boxing Technique*5】

Wang Teng is very happy. He has picked up a lot of power and speed attributes. He hasn’t tried it, and I don’t know the level of the power. But when he walked in the training hall, he obviously felt that the speed was much faster. He jumped out a few meters accidentally. Far.

[Comprehension] The attributes are a little bit small, and they are all a few tenths, and only a few can make up a little.

“[Comprehensibility] As the attributes increase, do you become smarter and don’t feel anything?” Wang Teng thought like this.

and many more!

[Basic Boxing Technique*5]? !

A bubble that was different from the previous one was absorbed by Wang Teng, and many memories of practicing boxing suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Basic boxing, I can do it?” Wang Teng was a little unbelievable.

In the warrior stage, there is no original force, and you cannot practice the original force combat skills.

So the country summarized many basic combat skills, including body skills, boxing skills, sword skills, sword skills and so on.

Then promote it so that all people can practice.

Wang Teng looked at the young man in his twenties who was practicing basic boxing not far in front of him, his eyes beaming.

Although he has learned the basic boxing techniques, he obviously still can’t be proficient. He just knows how to do it. It’s very rough, equivalent to the average person’s practice for four or five days.

However, picking up more [Basic Boxing Techniques] attributes should improve your proficiency, right?

Bang bang bang!

The young man beat the sandbag vigorously, and the sandbag swayed from side to side, making pits appear in the sandbag with every punch.


“Sure enough, the warrior is the way out.”

“Why can’t you drop it… Hey, it’s dropped, it’s dropped again!”

Wang Teng was a little excited, sneaking up from behind, picking up attributes inadvertently, and then slipping away.

【Basic Boxing Technique*7】


“This young man, you have material! It is material!” Wang Teng sighed.

Sure enough, his basic boxing technique is more proficient!

After waiting for a while, Wang Teng had to turn to other students after seeing that the other party had no more attributes.

Only children make choices.

My lord, you want it all!

My Wang Teng is an adult!

【Basic Body Method*2】

The training hall is surrounded by a runway, like a playground.

A fat man ran across the track, blowing Wang Teng’s hair like a gust of wind.

A bubble fell from behind the ass.

Confirmed the body shape, he is a flexible fat man!

“Huh? Basic body skills!!”

When Wang Teng picked up the attributes, he was suddenly shocked. It was another basic combat technique, or body skills. This luck was a bit of a bad luck.

The fat man ran tirelessly, as if a hen had laid an egg behind his butt, and bubbles fell one by one.

“so much!”

Wang Teng was shocked again, and in line with the principle of no waste, he ran behind him and picked it up.

The newly increased speed attribute played a role, supporting Wang Teng to hang behind the fat man, running a bit of joy.




【Basic Body Method*3】


“Ha~ha~ha…what are you doing behind me?” The fat man stopped, stuck his tongue out, staring at Wang Teng and asked.

“Who’s following you, I’m training my body, don’t be passionate.” Wang Teng also stared.


“What are you?”

“Damn, I won’t run anymore, just run by yourself.” The fat man was anxious, but he was helpless to Wang Teng.

“Don’t, run two more times, I think you are very promising, don’t give up easily!” Wang Tengwan said.

“…” Fatty.

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