Chapter 378

When Wang Teng returned home, he was completely relaxed, and went to bed until half past nine the next day.

Li Xiumei didn’t wake him up either. It seemed that her son was tired enough doing martial arts at school, and finally went home. Of course, he had to take a good rest.

At half past nine, Wang Teng woke up in his room, saw the surrounding environment, and took a moment to react.

This is at home!

He couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed, stretched, and yawned and went into the bathroom to wash.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he went downstairs.

Li Xiumei heard the movement and walked out of the kitchen and smiled: “Wake up, why don’t you sleep for a while?”

“I can’t sleep anymore. I usually get used to getting up early.” Wang Teng said.

“You are tired enough to practice martial arts.” Li Xiumei said with emotion.

“There is no gain without paying.” Wang Teng shook his head and smiled.

Li Xiumei brought out the breakfast. There were porridge, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, etc. Wang Teng smelled the scent, and could not wait to sit down and eat.


“You kid, isn’t it just rice porridge fritters? What’s the smell?” Li Xiumei smirked.

“That can’t be said, how can the things outside compare with the ones at home.” Wang Teng put a fried dough stick into his mouth and said vaguely.

“Today is the new year, I will make you more delicious tonight.” Li Xiumei said.

“Today is a small year?!” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“What do you think.”

“Time flies so fast.” Wang Teng said with emotion.

Isn’t it? Thinking about it now, more than half a year has passed since he returned to this life.

After eating breakfast, Wang Teng walked out of the house and saw Youyan Mingya Xiaobai playing with Doudou in the yard.

“came back!”


As soon as Wang Teng came out, Xiao Bai yelled at him.

Recently, he has put Xiaobai directly in stock, allowing it to move around him, as long as it doesn’t leave too far, there will be no danger.

What’s more, Wang Teng can also know what happened in the first time through the spirit pet contract, so there will be basically no problems.

With the increase in strength, Xiao Bai’s body size is really getting bigger and bigger now, Doudou’s small body can directly lie on its body.

Xiaobai flew into the air with Doudou, making the little girl giggle.

Xiao Bai is very spiritual, and Wang Teng is also very relieved to ensure the safety of a child.

Seeing Wang Teng, Doudou patted Xiaobai’s back, landed from mid-air, and then flew into Wang Teng’s arms.

“Brother, Xiaobai is so fun.” The little girl said with a smile, sweating profusely.

This little girl seems to have gained a lot of weight recently. With a chubby face, Wang Teng couldn’t help but squeezed, and said with a smile: “Did you go to bed after you eat or eat after you sleep? You have gained so much weight. ”

“Ah, no no, Doudou has martial arts practitioners, don’t believe Doudou will call you to see.”

Doudou struggled to get out of Wang Teng’s arms, and then “heh heh ha ha” in the small yard to play a set of gymnastics, which was exactly what Wang Teng taught her before. Unexpectedly, she remembered it clearly, and the little one did it too. Have a look and feel.

Wang Teng watched it again, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and quickly wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said: “Okay, OK, I believe you. I didn’t expect Doudou to be a little genius. We practiced really well. .”

“Really?” Hearing Wang Teng’s appreciation, Doudou’s big round eyes suddenly sparkled, looking at Wang Teng expectantly, hoping to be affirmed.

“Of course it is true.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Then elder brother teach Doudou some more awesome things, okay?” Doudou said hopefully.

“It’s good, but you still have to practice gymnastics just now, you have to practice very very proficiently.” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, Doudou will continue to practice until she is very, very proficient.” Doudou said with a serious light on his head.

“So good!”

Then Wang Teng started martial arts with the little guy in the yard. Although these things are like pediatrics to him now, he still patiently teaches Doudou and corrects some of her small mistakes.

Wang Teng spent a day with his family at home.

The next morning, he greeted Li Xiumei, and drove the car to go out.

“Son, where are you going?” Li Xiumei hurriedly walked out, her eyes gleaming with gossip, her eyes shining and asked.

“Uh…go to the classmate’s house.” Wang Teng said casually.

“Let’s go to Lin Chuhan’s house.” Li Xiumei said with an expression of’I’ve seen everything through long ago’.

“How do you know?” Wang Teng held his forehead, and sometimes he really had to admire his mother’s keen sense of a detective.

“Heh, what can you hide from your mother and me, wait.” Li Xiumei looked arrogant, put down a sentence, and hurried into the house again.

“Mom, why are you going?” Wang Teng yelled, but he could only see Li Xiumei’s back in a hurry, and received no reply.

There is no way, my mother’s life is hard, I can only wait.

Ten minutes later, Li Xiumei walked out carrying the big bag, opened the passenger seat, and stuffed all these things into the car.

“What’s all this?” Wang Teng was full of question marks.

“These are all given to your dad by others, and our family can’t finish them. Take it with you. You idiot, go to someone’s house with nothing. If I were your future mother-in-law, I would definitely not look good to you.” Li Xiumei was angry. road.

Wang Teng: “…”

Future mother-in-law? ?

Did my mother think of going so far?

“Go ahead, silly boy.” Li Xiumei put her things away and urged after closing the car door.

Wang Teng touched his nose and drove away. Don’t try to refute your mother at this time, because it’s useless and all struggles will be futile.

On the way to Lin Chuhan’s house, Wang Teng glanced at the various gifts in the passenger seat and shook his head helplessly.

Having said that, this is the first time he has faced such a thing in his two lifetimes.

It didn’t take long before the car came to a halt slowly.

Wang Teng carried large bags and small bags to Lin Chuhan’s home, surrounded by neighbors, showing gossip, looking at Wang Teng curiously.

Lin Chuhan opened a grocery store at home, the new year was approaching, and the business was relatively good. Lin Chuhan was also helping in the store at this time.

Mother Lin’s eyes were sharp, and as soon as Wang Teng approached, she noticed, and immediately left the customer behind, greeted with a smile: “Wang Teng is here!”

“Auntie, I have come to pay you a respectful early life.” Wang Teng smiled and handed the gift over.

“Oh, I just came here. Why do you bring so many things and waste money.” Although Mother Lin kept blaming Wang Teng for spending money, she couldn’t stop the smile on her face. He walked towards the house.

“There are not many things. They were all taken at home. No money was spent. The main reason was a little care. I didn’t think of this when I went out. My mother prepared it for me.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh, even your mother knows you are here.” Mother Lin said in surprise.

“She knew it for a long time, saying that when Chu Han was assigned to me at the same table or my dad asked the head teacher for help.” Wang Teng smiled.

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