Chapter 376 That look is almost like a devil!

When Xiao Yunfan fell into some bad memories, Lin Chuhan’s eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

Then turned his head to look.

Sure enough, he saw a familiar figure coming from a distance, and it was Wang Teng.

And behind Wang Teng, Han Zhu from Huang Haijun Academy and others followed.

“It’s really you, I thought I was wrong.” Wang Teng looked at Lin Chuhan and said with some surprise.

“I went to the summer to watch the game.” Lin Chuhan smiled.

Wang Teng nodded suddenly, and then said: “Do you want to go back? I’ll see you off.”

“Okay!” Lin Chuhan nodded directly in response.

“Let’s go then.” Wang Teng turned around to leave, and then as if he had just noticed Xiao Yunfan and the others, he said in surprise: “Hey, isn’t this Senior Xiao from Donghai University? Why are you here? We are quite destined.”

Fate of fart!

It’s just fate!

Xiao Yunfan felt a faint pain in his head, and his heart was full of complaints.

However, facing Wang Teng, he laughed dryly and said: “Ha, ha ha! Junior Wang Teng, we also just came back from Xiadu, and we just ran into it on the road.”

“That’s it, saying that just after the game, Senior Xiao must go back to rest and recuperate, I won’t talk to you!” Wang Teng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said directly.

“Haha, what Wang Teng’s younger brother said is that we really want to go back and take a good rest.” Xiao Yunfan said in a serpent.

“Then let’s say goodbye first!” Wang Teng didn’t say anything, gave him a fist, and then led Lin Chuhan and others around and left.

After a few people walked away, Xiao Yunfan’s complexion gradually became difficult to look at. From Lin Chuhan’s attitude, he knew that he had no chance.

If he were replaced by someone else, he might still fight, but if this person was Wang Teng, he would not have the confidence to fight at all, nor would he dare to fight.

Don’t look at that kid like Niman, he’s really black!

He clearly remembered that Wang Teng had a smile on his face at the time, saying that he would be lighter, but in the end he shouted slabs of bricks at him, and he looked like a devil.

“This guy is really arrogant. Didn’t he just win a championship? Let’s talk about it in the future. Besides, Lin Chuhan is the school flower of Tunghai University, so why is it cheaper for him.” There are students from Tunghai University who can’t see it. , Immediately said indignantly.

Xiao Yunfan couldn’t help showing a wry smile when he heard the words.

Isn’t it a champion?

Fortunately, he dare to say.

Xiao Yunfan glanced at the classmates beside him and shook his head in his heart. This guy is still too naive.

I don’t know how many big-time figures are paying attention to the nation’s No. 1 Budo Contest. Once they win the championship, they will be caught in the eyes of these big-time guys. How can this champion be of average weight.

Moreover, when Wang Teng won the championship, Huang Naval Academy definitely valued him more. In the future, he will definitely be arranged to enter the military development and even pave the way for him.

As for ordinary students like them, the normal way is to mix with the major forces for a few years. In the future, they may be able to mix with a high-level status. Even better, it is nothing more than entering the system, and there may be some development.

However, the two are not on the same level at all.

In terms of talents, they are even more incomparable. The opponent defeated the young geniuses in the country, the Tianjiao who stood at the top of this generation, and even the Minister of Education and other big figures have great expectations of Wang Teng, saying that he can enter the war. General.

What does a warrior-level warrior represent?

That is almost the most powerful group of people in this era. They have the supreme status and have countless wealth and resources. Compared with them, ordinary warriors are one world by one.

Xiao Yunfan didn’t say anything. This classmate just said it was an injustice for him. If he retorted, he would definitely make both parties unhappy.

There are some things that he can’t say, and some things can’t be understood without just saying them. After all, he will have to go to the society to get around to really understand.

In the car, Wang Teng said to Lin Chu, “Why are you walking with that guy?”

Before Lin Chuhan spoke, Tian Xiaoxiao interrupted and said: “I met on the plane and kept following us.”

“You two little girls should stay away from him. That Xiao Yunfan is not a good crop.” Wan Baiqiu suddenly said from the side.

“No, I think Senior Xiao is a nice person in normal times.” Tian Xiao laughed when Wan Baiqiu said so, and suddenly became a little unhappy. After all, Xiao Yunfan was the senior of their Donghai University, and outsiders spoke ill of him in front of them. Their faces are not pretty.

“Hey, that’s because you didn’t see the other side of him.” Wan Baiqiu sneered: “If you go to another world one day and work with him, you will naturally understand how deep his intentions are.”

Tian Xiao smiled at what she said surely, and suddenly hesitated: “Really?”

“What good is it for me to lie to you? It’s nothing more than a reminder. It’s up to you whether you listen or not. Little girls like you who have not been involved in the world will not have any bones left when they run into him.” Wan Baiqiu finished. He no longer paid attention to Tian Xiaoxiao.

“You only need to know a little bit in your heart.” Wang Teng said.

Lin Chuhan and Tian Xiaoxiao looked at each other, nodded, and finally didn’t say anything unconvincing.

Wang Teng first sent Lin Chuhan to his home.

Lin Chuhan got out of the car, glanced at Wang Teng with some worry, and explained: “I have nothing to do with Xiao Xuechang, we just ran into each other on the plane, and then he followed…”

“I’m afraid I will misunderstand.” Wang Tengnao teased.

“I’m just talking about it, whatever you want to understand.” Lin Chuhan turned and ran away with reddish ears.

Wang Teng shook his head with a smile, then returned to the car and returned to school.

“Scholar Wang Teng, your little girlfriend.” Wan Baiqiu winked at him.

“I’m really envious. I have a girlfriend in my freshman year, and I’m still at the school level.” Han Zhu said with solemn emotion.

“I didn’t expect you to be such a senior.” Wang Teng said.

“Senior, I am also a man.” Han Zhu said bitterly.

“Sister Wan Xuejie shouldn’t have a boyfriend, it’s better to think about it.” Wang Teng said hehe.

“Hehe, even if I’m single for a lifetime, I won’t look for such a boring man.” Wan Baiqiu sneered.

“…” Han Zhu.

Wang Teng laughed.

After several people returned to school, they were summoned by Peng Yuanshan.

Peng Yuanshan and others have been waiting for a long time. They met Wang Teng and said, “You have won honors for the school in this nation’s first martial arts contest. A lot of time, the Chinese New Year will be coming soon, and I will go back and spend a good time with my family. I will spend the whole year happily. Anything will be arranged next semester.”

“The New Year is coming!” Wang Teng realized that when he just came back, there seemed to be a lot of lively on the street, and everyone was smiling.

Everyone immediately returned home. They said goodbye to each other, left the school one after another, and went home.

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