Chapter 374 Wu Yun is prosperous!

Dragon Nest!

The nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition has completely come to an end.

The final result was beyond everyone’s expectations. Wang Teng entered the finals as a dark horse and finally won the championship.

And the gold content of this champion is not low at all.

Throughout the previous martial arts competitions, there have never been so many contestants reaching the 6-star warrior level, but this time there are as many as four.

Luo Cheng, Ji Xiuming, Ren Qingcang, and even Wang Teng!

More importantly, not only are their realm not low, but their combat power is also terrifying, and ordinary warriors can’t compare them.

Especially in the final between Ren Qingcang and Wang Teng, the attacks of the two made the veteran strong players on the scene speechless.

too strong!

That kind of attack was already beyond the limits of one’s own realm, and ordinary warriors simply couldn’t make such a powerful attack.

The cheers and applause at the scene lasted for a long time before it gradually subsided.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles that Ren Qingcang had dropped around the ring, and then walked down the ring.

[Thunder Force *50]

【Thunder Force*45】

[Advanced Lightning Talent*10][Thunder Force *63]

【Thunder Body*1】

As each attribute bubble merged into his body, Wang Teng’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

What a big harvest!

Force, talent, technique… in one step!

Now he also has the talent of the Thunder Element, and even the Heavenly Rank Cultivation Techniques are all available at the same time.

If Ren Qingcang knew, would he vomit blood?


No matter what Ren Qingcang does, Wang Teng is happy anyway!

You know that he has been jealous of Ren Qingcang’s Thunder Element talent for a long time. He has been staring since the start of the game, and now he has finally got his wish.

The attack of the Thunder Elemental Force was very powerful, and Wang Teng had a deep understanding of it during the battle with Ren Qingcang.

Otherwise, with his 7-star warrior-level strength, he should have crushed Ren Qingcang, but in the end he would have forced him to use that unsure attack.

Except for Ren Qingcang’s arousing of the natural forces of heaven and earth, the bigger factor is that the Thunder Element’s force is too powerful.

Fortunately, he succeeded in the end.

And with this experience, that trick is completely formed, and if you use it again in the future, you will naturally become proficient.

This is a blessing in disguise!

What’s more, now that he has obtained Ren Qingcang’s advanced lightning talent, it is equivalent to an extremely powerful attack method. As long as he raises his realm, he can directly crush him when he encounters Ren Qingcang.

Wang Teng looked at the Thunder Force on the attribute panel.


[Thunder Force]: 130500 (2 stars)

A long way to go!

If you want to increase the original force of the Thunder Element, I’m afraid you have to find another way.

For example, lightning strikes?

Thinking about the sourness, Wang Teng couldn’t help but shudder!

This matter has to be considered again…

Wang Teng was thinking about the matter, and when he stepped off the ring, Han Zhu and others hurriedly rushed over.

Han Zhu punched Wang Teng’s chest and laughed: “Good fellow, you have won the championship.”

“Calm down, don’t make a fuss.” Wang Teng said with a look of disgust.

Han Zhu: “…”

“You guy, you’re pretending to be forceful again.” Wan Baiqiu couldn’t help rolling his eyes at him.

On the second floor of the auditorium, Ye Jixing smiled and said, “Lao Lei, your apprentice still lost.”

Lei Zhenting shook his head dejectedly and said, “Hey, that kid Wang Teng is really an evildoer, so a terrifying attack can be done, and Ren Qingcang won’t be wronged.”

“Yes, Wang Teng’s blow is really terrible!” Mr. Ma said with emotion.

“That should be his own move.” Lei Zhenting said in deep thought.

“It should be, at least I haven’t seen a similar attack method.” Ye Jixing said.

“It’s really awesome!” Lei Zhenting exclaimed.

On the other side, Peng Yuanshan, Tong Hu and others all smiled, and the joy on their faces couldn’t hide.

“Wang Teng has done a great job this time!” Peng Yuanshan smiled.

“Even the champions are held back. Our Yellow Navy Academy is the big winner.” Tong Hu rubbed his hands excitedly.

“Look at your virtues, didn’t you just win a championship?” Tan Taixuan said calmly.

Everyone: “…”


Chi Guoguo’s pretense!

This is the champion, you think it is Chinese cabbage!

“The principal, you are not in charge. You don’t know that Chai Mi is expensive. I squeeze out the school’s resources bit by bit from other places. Otherwise, so many students, how many people want to drink northwest wind.” Peng Yuanshan complained.

“Ahem, is it so serious?” Tan Taixuan said in embarrassment.

“Otherwise, what do you think?” Peng Yuanshan said in a bad mood.

“Hahaha, you can see that I didn’t do anything at all. Didn’t this train a good apprentice and take the championship back.” Tan Taixuan was shamelessly taking credit for himself.

Yan Kang, the dean of martial arts at Kinlin University, walked away silently.

Next is the awards.

For the top ten, this is not only an honor, but also a generous reward.

Martial artists, what they need most is resources, why are they desperate for their lives, not just for that little resource.

A good ranking will not only allocate more resources to their forces, but the participants themselves will also receive corresponding generous rewards.

“This is the end of the nation’s No. 1 Budo Contest. Now we invite the top ten to come to the podium, and the Minister of Education will present awards to everyone!” The commentator’s voice came from the radio.

Everyone came to the stage to receive the award.

Wang Teng was the last to take the stage, and it was his turn after everyone had received the award.

At this time, Ren Qingcang happened to walk down from the rostrum. He was not lightly injured in the battle with Wang Teng. At this time, his face was very pale. When he saw Wang Teng, his face was not very good, and a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.

The eyes of the two met, Wang Teng’s expression was flat, and he walked past him.

“Next time, I won’t lose to you again.” Ren Qingcang’s lips moved slightly and said in a low voice.

“Try it.” Wang Teng didn’t look at him anymore and went straight to the podium.

Ren Qingcang’s complexion behind him was extremely ugly. This kind of ignorance had always been given to others, but he did not expect to reverse it today.

This is undoubtedly a great humiliation to him.

Wang Teng stood still on the rostrum, and an elegant middle-aged man walked over.

This man is the Minister of Education!

He smiled at Wang Teng’s charity, and someone came over with a plate behind him. He took the plate and handed it to Wang Teng.

“Performance is good, keep working hard, and enter the rank of general as soon as possible!” The Minister of Education patted Wang Teng on the shoulder and said.


When everyone heard this sentence, their expressions changed slightly.

The Minister of Education has such high expectations for Wang Teng!

Even to Ji Xiuming, Ren Qingcang and others, he didn’t say this sentence, and he didn’t expect to see Wang Teng so differently.

“Thank you, Minister!” Wang Teng said, taking the plate with the prize.

“Go, it is destined to be the world of your young people in the future.” The Minister of Education said.

When Wang Teng stepped off the rostrum, the Minister of Education looked around, and his voice spread in Longchao: “Everyone, the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition is completely over here, but life is endless and martial arts are not limited, regardless of whether it is ranking. I still haven’t won the ranking. I hope you can continue to climb the peak of martial arts, and go further and higher on this road.”

“Here, I wish you all…Wuyun prosperous!” After saying that, he punched everyone.

Everyone stood up suddenly, clasped their fists, and said loudly:

“Wuyun is prosperous!”

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