Chapter 38 Martial Arts Enrollment Expansion

Wang Teng looked at the last extra column—[blank attribute]: 60!

He touched his chin, hesitating how to use this blank attribute.

I scanned the attribute panel from top to bottom.

“Come one by one, try them all.”

So Wang Teng first added a little blank attribute to [Savvy], and the 83-point savvy jumped a bit, becoming 83.1!

Ratio: 10:1!

Wang Teng nodded secretly.

Next, I added a bit to [Spirit], which also added a spirit attribute of 0.1.

Obviously this is also a ten to one exchange ratio.

Then there are the fire and ice talents, add a little separately, and each of these two talents has increased a little.

Ratio: 1:1.

When he arrived at the [Lingshi] talent, Wang Teng thought it was the same, but he did not expect to add a little blank attribute. The [Lingshi] talent only increased by 0.1, which was another ten to one.

“Could it be that [Lingshi] has a more advanced talent?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but guess.

He continued to experiment and found that the original force behind, and even the exercises and combat skills, were all at a ratio of 1:1.

But when it comes to [combat power], you can’t directly add points.

“It seems that combat power can only be improved indirectly through other attributes.” Wang Teng thoughtfully.

After some experimentation, it took 11 points for the blank attribute, and 49 points were left.

Wang Teng did a little thinking, and directly added 20 points to the Fire Force Force, and the remaining 29 points were added to the Fire Lin sword technique.

Expertise is not as good as knowledgeable.

In the case of limited blank attributes, of course, only one of the attributes can be upgraded as soon as possible.

[Comprehension]: 83.1

[Spirit]: 12.2

[Talents]: Elementary Fire Talent (11300), Elementary Ice Talent (13300), Spirit Vision (Elementary 1.110)

[The original force]: 62100 fire (one-star warrior level)

5100 ice (one-star warrior level)

[Gong Method]: Chi Yan Jue (Introduction 2100), Xuan Bing Jue (Introduction 2100)

[Combat Skills]: Basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, body in the slightest), spear technique (Xiaocheng), fire lin sword technique (entry 40100), magic ice fist (entry 9100)

[Knowledge]: Basic subjects (full marks)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 191

[Blank attribute]: 0

He looked at the changes in the attribute panel and nodded in satisfaction.

“[Blank Attribute] is a good thing, just a little more!” Wang Teng couldn’t help sighing.

However, he also knew that in the future, he wanted to harvest so many blank attributes at once, but he was afraid that it would not be so easy.

That giant crow is terrifying in strength, and it will drop more attributes.

This kind of thing is unforgettable!

If it weren’t for the mysterious warrior, he wouldn’t even be able to save his life, let alone pick up attributes.

It’s better to think less about the good thing about pie in the sky!

Shook his head, Wang Teng quickly straightened his mind.


The first class is for the class teacher’s Fan Weiming.

He walked into the classroom and said solemnly: “Classmates, the college entrance examination is about to go in more than two weeks. Your parents will make you more delicious foods and supplement your nutrition…”

“In addition, the Education Bureau just issued a notice that there have been some changes in the college entrance examination for the martial arts major this year.”

All the students in the class looked at him.

When Wang Teng heard this, he suddenly felt a little bit of energy.

The college entrance examination will be a little reformed every year. I don’t know what will change this year?

It is also a college entrance examination for martial arts.

Fan Weiming said in the eyes of everyone: “The martial arts major will be expanded this year. Intermediate martial arts are also eligible to take the martial arts college entrance examination.”

“Expanded recruitment!!”

“This is real?”

“Intermediate martial arts can also participate, then I also have the opportunity to take the martial arts major!”

Many students got excited, especially those who reached the intermediate level of martial arts, dancing with joy.

As for the low-level warriors, all of them were downcast.

High-level warriors, there are a total of five in the East China Sea No.1, but there are many low-level warriors and intermediate warriors.

This is undoubtedly great news for those intermediate warriors.

The college entrance examination is a turning point.

After being admitted to the martial arts major and enjoying more resources, you will have the opportunity to become a martial artist in the future.

In the past, many of them couldn’t even reach the senior martial artist before the age of twenty, and failed to pass the martial arts major, let alone martial artist.

Now the expansion of the martial arts profession means that their opportunity has come.

How can you not be so excited!

“Okay, calm down first, and wait until I finish talking.” Fan Weiming clapped his hands.

Everyone gradually calmed down and looked at Fan Weiming.

Fan Weiming said: “If there are students in our class who want to apply for the martial arts major, remember to come to our office to register within this week. The Academic Affairs Office will count the number of people and report them to the Education Bureau.”

“Only after you register, will you be issued a martial arts exam admission ticket. If you don’t have the admission ticket, you won’t be able to take the martial arts college entrance examination. You must remember it!”

He said, paused, then spoke again.

“However, you must make it clear to your parents that the college entrance examination for martial arts includes a practical assessment, which is dangerous.”

“Now that the Internet is developed, you may all know that it is dangerous, but you don’t have any idea of ​​how dangerous it is.”

“Let me tell you this, the actual combat assessment actually has a rated mortality rate. If it does not exceed this mortality rate, the above will not pay too much attention. In other words, if you die, you will die.”

“So students who are not sure, please don’t take the fluke mentality, and would rather go for the exam after repeating the course for a year.”

“Okay, let’s stop here, get ready, let’s start class!”

After Fan Weiming finished speaking, he gave the students present some time to digest.

Sure enough, the students below immediately started talking in a low voice.

“There is even a death rate. I always thought it would be injured at most.”

“I asked a senior, and he said that there was no death in the college entrance examination for the martial arts major in the past two years! Did he lie to me?”

“Not necessarily. It seems that there has been no death in the first two years, but what about going forward?”

“That said, you have to check it carefully after you go back. If there is any mortality, you really need to consider it carefully.”

Some classmates frowned, and the previous joy was washed away a lot.

“Ahhhhh…If you want to participate in the martial arts college entrance examination, the “Five-year Wushu Three-year Simulation” will also be picked up. How can it be enough for just more than two weeks!” Suddenly someone exclaimed.

“Yes, “Five Years of Wushu Test and Three Years of Simulation”, I didn’t read it at all, how do I take this test?”

“It’s too bad, why don’t you inform earlier…”

The atmosphere was immediately distorted, and I was still concerned about the death rate just now, but now all of them have been stumped by the “Five Years of Wushu Tests and Three Years of Simulation”.

Wang Teng shook his head. It turned out that he was going to expand his enrollment, and that had nothing to do with him. Anyway, his strength was fully capable of coping with the college entrance examination.

“Huh?” Wang Teng suddenly turned his head and found that Lin Chuhan’s mood seemed a little wrong.

There was light in her eyes, but her face was full of hesitation and anxiety.

“Squad leader Lin shouldn’t be an intermediate warrior, right?”

Wang Teng thought of a possibility and couldn’t help asking her: “Why, do you also want to take the martial arts college entrance examination?”

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