Chapter 372: It’s going to change!

Countless eyes gathered in one place.

Wang Teng at this moment can be described as the eye-catching, he is the most dazzling cub!

Off the court, Ji Xiuming stared at this scene blankly, a trace of sorrow appeared on his face: “Did he lose his re-election to Qingcang?”

The biggest blow to Tianjiao might be that the person he didn’t pay attention to, but became the one who defeated him, and went further than him.

Ji Xiuming clenched the sword in his hand tightly, pinching his finger bones a little white.

“Won… Won?” Han Zhu and the others were full of disbelief, looking at each other, unable to accept it for a while.

As a freshman, Wang Teng participated in the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country for the first time, and in the end he took a champion home! !

Who can think of this result?

I am afraid that even Peng Yuanshan, who asked Wang Teng to participate in the nation’s No. 1 martial arts contest, may not have expected it.

Champion of the nation’s No. 1 martial arts contest!

This vocabulary, which is full of dreams and even contains the dreams of countless young martial artists, is what all martial artists are pursuing!

On the second floor of the auditorium, Peng Yuanshan was a little lost. Looking at the figure standing proudly below, he was full of emotion. He couldn’t help but rushed to Tan Taixuan next to him and said: “Principal, can you think he can win the championship?”

“Uh…” Tantai Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and said in embarrassment: “I’ll just let him try.”

Good one to try!

It’s not unreasonable for the apprentice to be unreliable, after all, even his teacher is the same virtue!

“…” Everyone was speechless.

The Dean of the School of Budo at Kinrin University, Yan Kang, looked envied and disgusted. See if this is talking about humans?

Just try and win the national martial arts championship. If you get serious, wouldn’t it be time to get back all the world championships.

He will not admit that he is sour!

After all, Wang Teng was once the target of their contention, that is to say, their Jinlin University was also expected to be the champion.


Thinking about it this way, Yan Kang’s mentality is about to explode!

That’s a champion! Champion!


Wrong billion! ! !

Called the life’s biggest regret series!

Yan Kang’s whole person is not well, and he falls into autism. At this time, he can’t wait to find a no-man corner to draw a circle and curse the lucky guys like Huang Haijun Academy.

At the other end, Ye Jixing, the master of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, was full of emotion, and then couldn’t help saying: “I remember this kid is of the ice type, I think he used the fire type almost all the time, and later he used the water type and the earth type. Wind element, this is a multi-line talented warrior!”

When Mr. Arima next to him heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and secretly counted: “Five elements?!”

“Yeah.” Ye Jixing smiled and nodded: “If it is not hidden, it is indeed the fifth element.”

“Sizzle!” Mr. Ma took a breath: “This talent…”

He no longer knew what words to use to describe it.

Then he couldn’t help turning his head and rushing to the master of Lei Ting Martial Arts Hall, “Master Lei, it seems that your apprentice is not wronged!”

Thunderstorm, who didn’t speak from beginning to end, suddenly smiled: “The game is not over yet.”

President Ma was taken aback for a moment.

Lei Zhenting raised his head and said:

“It’s going to change!”

Ye Jixing’s complexion changed slightly when he heard the words, and he suddenly raised his head to look towards the sky.

I don’t know when the sky has dimmed, the dark clouds are overwhelming, and the storm is about to come.


Suddenly, a thunder and lightning cut through the clouds, and the silver-white light illuminates half of the sky. The audience who was still immersed in the game was instantly awakened.

“Take Thunder!”

Ye Jixing looked solemn, looked at Lei Zhenting and said, “Your apprentice is so crazy!”

“For the championship, what is this.” Lei Zhenting said with disdain.

Inside the dragon’s nest, the commentator’s voice sounded: “It’s thunder. It’s really strange weather. There should be very few thunderstorms in winter.”

“Fortunately, our championship has already been decided…Wait, what I saw, Ren Qingcang stood up again! He actually stood up again!!”

The voice of the narrator was full of incredible, instantly attracted everyone’s eyes, and looked at the swaying figure standing up on the ring.


“How can it be!”

“The attack just now made him stand up.”

Everyone was surprised and couldn’t help but talk, and the game that had already decided the winner was suddenly full of suspense.

Can Ren Qingcang fight again?

Does he still have a chance?

“So tenacious!” Wang Teng lowered his head to look at Ren Qingcang with a surprised look, then frowned and looked into the sky.

This thunder is very unusual!


As if in response to his guess, another thick thunder and lightning struck across the sky, and this time it struck straight toward the ground.


In the next moment, the thunder and lightning fell directly on Ren Qingcang’s body.

“This is?” The pupils in Wang Teng’s eyes shrank, and suddenly a bad premonition surged into his heart. This Ren Qingcang absolutely wanted to produce something.

“Ren Qingcang… was struck by lightning!!!”

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is this operation?

Ren Qingcang just got up, everyone still wants to see if he can come back next, why is he suddenly struck by lightning?

Could it be that he did something wrong that God couldn’t see his father, so he lowered the thunder to kill him and prevent him from winning the championship?

For a time, various brain holes appeared in everyone’s minds.



Lightning and thunder, thunder and lightning blasted, connecting the thunder and lightning that struck Ren Qingcang in the middle, like the branches of a big tree, forming a spectacle.

In the thunder and lightning, Ren Qingcang supported the sky with both hands, and his short hair stood upright, rushing into the sky.


A burst of laughter resounded.

At the same time, an extremely powerful force burst out from it.

Even if everyone is dull, even if they still don’t know how Ren Qingcang did it, they finally understand that Ren Qingcang was not struck by thunder, but deliberately attracted thunder and gathered the power of thunder and lightning for his own use.

Everyone didn’t know how to describe such a crazy act.

too crazy!

Too bad!

No one thought that Ren Qingcang would reverse the situation in this way.

“Wang Teng, you can’t beat me after all!” Ren Qingcang’s voice came from Thunder, and his eyes seemed to penetrate Thunder to look at Wang Teng.

“Stop talking nonsense, don’t hesitate to use any tricks.” Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged and said lightly.

“Stubborn mouth when you die!”

Ren Qingcang’s face became cold, and then all the thunder and lightning were led to his right hand.


As the voice fell, all the thunder and lightning gathered, and gradually condensed into a thunder and lightning dragon, hovering and roaring in the sky.

Wang Teng’s face was solemn, and he felt a huge threat from the huge Thunder Dragon.

“With the help of nature, the power of Ren Qingcang’s blow has broken through the limit, I am afraid it will be close to the 8-star warrior level!”

“You can only try that trick!”

He had no idea that Ren Qingcang could achieve this level, his eyes flashed quickly, and finally realized that he could only use the trick he had been experimenting before, otherwise it would really be impossible to stop Ren Qingcang’s attack.

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