Chapter 370

Wang Teng, win!

The whole dragon’s nest is boiling.

This result was beyond the expectations of many people, especially the supporters of Ji Xiuming, who never expected that he would lose to Wang Teng, and some could not accept this result.

But many people shouted Wang Teng’s name, cheered for him, cheered for him!

He conquered countless audiences in his performance.

Powerful people will receive respect and admiration everywhere, and Wang Teng’s power is beyond doubt.

In General White Ginseng’s live broadcast room, a local tyrant made 100 super rockets directly.

The audience was even more detonated.

“Too awesome!”

“Dark horse, absolutely dark horse!”

“Wang Teng is really good, even Ji Xiuming has defeated it!”

“I seem to see a supernova rising up!”

And this is the view of ordinary people, for the martial artist, they see more.

For example, Wang Teng turned out to be a 6-star combat soldier.

Another example is that he also has the original force of the water system.

He even became a water-type sword intent!

This list of items is amazing. In this game, Wang Teng exposed a lot of things.

On the second floor of the auditorium, Ji Huayang let out a sigh of relief and sat down a little bit dejectedly.

This result makes him somewhat unacceptable.

But can he criticize Ji Xiuming?

Does not!

He knew that Ji Xiuming had tried his best, but Wang Teng was too evil, such evils were rare, but he couldn’t help it when he met anyone, he couldn’t criticize anything anymore.

Ji Huayang’s gaze turned to Wang Teng on the ring.

What an amazing talent!

If the First Academy were able to win him over, there would be no such battle today.

And this championship glory will still be the first university.

Unfortunately, there is no if…

Peng Yuanshan and others were overjoyed. Wang Teng actually won. To their surprise, the surprise was really big.

At first they thought that Wang Teng was already in the top ten. They didn’t expect that he not only made the top ten, but also hit the top three all the way.

The difference between the top three and the top ten is not even a little bit.

And it seems to be a promising champion!

Even with Peng Yuanshan’s determination, thinking that Huang Haijun Academy can win back the glory of the championship, my heart is still agitated.

At the end of the game, Wang Teng stepped out of the ring, followed by a match between Ren Qingcang and Luo Cheng.

Both are 6-star warriors, but Ren Qingcang’s strength is very strong, and it only took ten minutes to win the game.

Luo Cheng was beaten out of the ring by his life, and he fell into a coma.

Wang Teng looked at the figure bathed in thunder on the ring, his expression a little dignified: “The Thunder Body is really an extremely powerful exercise.”

Ren Qingcang seemed to feel his gaze, turning his head to see, a hint of coldness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

“Today’s game is completely over. The final winner, Wang Teng and Ren Qingcang, will determine the champion from these two contestants tomorrow!”

“So, who will be the champion of this nation’s No. 1 Budo Contest?”

“Tomorrow’s game, let us wait and see!”

As the commentator’s voice fell, everyone left the Dragon Nest one after another.

The next day.

Early in the morning, the dragon’s nest was full of people.

This is the last day of the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition, and it is also the most critical day.

The champion will be announced today!

In the arena, only the Yellow Navy Academy and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall are the only ones.

Wang Teng sat in the rest area of ​​the Yellow Navy School, his face was plain, without sadness or joy. Before the game, his heart was still calm and there was no fluctuation.

Even if the opponent is Ren Qingcang!

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps sounded in his ears.

He couldn’t help but look up: “Teacher!”

The visitor is actually Tantai Xuan!

“I’m relieved when I see you.” Tantai Xuan said with a smile.

“There is nothing to worry about, it’s just a game.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“This is like my apprentice.” Tantai Xuan said.

Peng Yuanshan and the others looked at the pair of pretending masters and apprentices, and they were speechless. Cooperating with others is simply worrying you for nothing. You two didn’t take it seriously.

On the other side, Ren Qingcang stood beside an old man in a wheelchair.

“I didn’t expect that such a genius would appear in his Wang family.” The old man suddenly said.

“The talent is okay, but I will beat him.” Ren Qingcang believed in himself.

“How can you beat him? He is so young, give him time, and he will rise in the future.” The old man shook his head.

“In the arena competition, death and injury are inevitable.” Ren Qingcang said with cold eyes.

A trace of hesitation flashed in the old man’s eyes, and he nodded and said: “You do what you can, the Ren family still depends on you.”

When the two were talking, Wang Teng also noticed the old man.

“It’s him!” At a glance, Wang Teng recognized that the other party was Elder Wang’s enemy. He didn’t expect him to come to the arena today.

“Interesting, defeating his proud grandson in front of him, I wonder if this old thing will die on the spot?”

Wang Teng sneered in his heart. He didn’t have any pity for this old man. The other party hated the old man Wang, and he wanted to destroy the Wang family.

In the previous life, the Wang family walked into the abyss because of him.

Although there are many differences between the two lives, the hatred is the same.

Eight o’clock!

“Time is up, please go to the central ring!” The narrator’s passionate voice spread throughout the dragon’s nest.

“I’m going up!” Wang Teng heard the words, got up slowly, and walked towards the central arena.

After a while, Wang Teng and Ren Qingcang came to the central arena.

The two stood opposite each other.

Ren Qingcang suddenly raised his right hand and slashed his hand with a knife across his neck.

Seeing this movement, Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his hands into fists.

Just when everyone was puzzled and didn’t know what he meant, a finger suddenly popped out of his fist.

Middle finger!

Ren Qingcang’s complexion suddenly turned black.

“Puff!” Many people in the audience laughed on the spot.


This Wang Teng has enough skin!

The referee looked at the two people full of gunpowder and immediately announced the start of the game.


Ren Qingcang suddenly burst into a bright thunder light, like a god of thunder and lightning, striding towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was not afraid at all, and there was even a hint of excitement in his eyes. He directly used “Eight Extreme Magic Power”, and the muscles of his whole body changed, as hard as gold and iron, and he strode towards Ren Qingcang.

The two were quite far apart. At first they just strode forward, but when they reached the back, they turned into afterimages and collided.


Ren Qingcang smashed his fist and didn’t leave his hand at all.

Wang Teng also punches, head-to-head, who is afraid of who.


Two punches banged against each other.

No one retreated, and at the same time, the left hand vacated by both sides punched again.


Another fist banged together, the Force blasted, and the air wave rolled back.

The two fell into a rivalry.

An incredible color flashed in Ren Qingcang’s eyes. Wang Teng’s physical body could actually contend with him. You must know that he had practiced such a heavenly exercise technique “Thunder Body”, so why did Wang Teng?

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