Chapter 359 Damn, this kid snatched the weapon of the eight-armed magic general? !

Zhao Yuanwu was slashed by Wang Teng and landed on the ground.

But the violent impact still kept him back.


Zhao Yuanwu acted decisively, inserted the sword into the ring, rubbed a spark, and retreated three more steps, finally stopping the retreat trend.


Then he spouted another mouthful of blood.

His face was extremely ugly, and he looked down at the knife mark on his chest.

This scene is so familiar, it was the same when he killed Han Zhu before, Wang Teng is still treating his body in his own way!

“Ha ha ha…” Zhao Yuanwu let out a deep laugh.

“It’s getting more and more interesting.”

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Teng opposite, with evil red lights in his eyes: “I underestimated you!”

Wang Teng looked at Zhao Yuanwu, his eyes flashed slightly.

This tone is not like what the loser said. Is there any other means by Zhao Yuanwu that can turn against the wind?

“Do you have any other means, you can use all of them, I will convince you to lose.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“Heh!” Zhao Yuanwu grinned, “This method was originally intended to be reserved for Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang, but now I have to use it on you first.”

As he spoke, the red light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and his whole body was bloody, just like the substance, and the blue veins violently wriggled like a snake.

“This is…” Wang Teng frowned.

At this moment, Zhao Yuanwu looked like he was using a special secret method to stimulate his potential.

Wang Teng has understood this kind of secret method, but basically all have extremely serious sequelae, ranging from loss of energy and blood, exhaustion of force, requiring a long period of recuperation to recover, and severe… It is the road of martial arts that has broken the future.

However, the greater the damage, the greater the benefits, such as being able to burst out several times its own power instantly!




The roar continued from Zhao Yuanwu’s body, and his muscles swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wound on his chest was squeezed, as if healed and disappeared, and the blood on it was directly evaporated by the terrifying high temperature, and it did not exist in an instant.

This scene also made everyone see clearly through the big screen, and many people exclaimed.

Especially ordinary people have never seen such a situation. Just now, Zhao Yuanwu was cut by Wang Teng. He was already very weak. Why suddenly it was like a chicken blood, even stronger than before, which made people feel Extraordinarily incredible.

The narrator’s voice suddenly remembered and was very passionate: “Zhao Yuanwu hasn’t completely failed yet. He seems to have used some secret method, and his strength is stronger than before. Can he turn defeat into victory?”

On the second floor of the auditorium, Qianyuanzong’s supreme master Zhao Zhixing’s expression changed slightly, and he couldn’t help saying: “Yuan Wu was too impulsive! Even if this competition is defeated, there will still be a resurrection match. There is no need to use the secret “violent blood secret method” of this door at this time. “!”

“This situation can’t blame Yuan Wu, who would have thought that Wang Teng would pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, with such a strong strength but willing to hide, how can Yuan Wu be willing to be defeated by him?” Qian Yuanzong’s third elder said.

“Young people are inevitably striving to win. Yuan Wu has been too smooth these years. Once he has lost, he must be unstable.” Another old man said that this person is the second elder of Qian Yuanzong.

“There are too many talented martial artists in major schools, not to mention Ji Xiuming and Ren Qingcang, this Wang Teng alone is very amazing. Now this society, the school system is the right way, our sect is still out of date.” Zhao Zhixing can’t help but Sighed.

The second elder and the third elder looked at each other silently.

On the ring.


A terrible aura erupted from Zhao Yuanwu’s body.

“Here! Me! Die! Come!”

Zhao Yuanwu broke out completely, raging into the crown, and strode towards Wang Teng in stride, stepping on the ring with heavy steps, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

In an instant, he came to Wang Teng and slashed it down.


The knife was filled with flames, burning and twisting the air, showing its high temperature.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed slightly, and he raised his sword to block, but Zhao Yuanwu was reluctant, and slashed one after another, forcing Wang Teng to retreat.

Clang clang clang!

The two knives collided, sparks splattered everywhere.

Wang Teng clearly saw that the sword in his hand was being cut one by one, and even cracks appeared, and it was about to be scrapped.

“With such a fierce slash, such a clean counterattack, with Zhao Yuanwu’s long knife in hand, we can only see the afterimages. Wang Teng seems to be in a weak position. Is it true that he is about to reverse the victory and defeat?” commentator Zhang Jun explained Sounded at the right time.

“Wang Teng’s situation seems a bit bad!” Another commentator Su Xiao also said.

The voice just fell.

Suddenly a crisp sound came from the big screen.


In the next moment, everyone saw that the battle knife in Wang Teng’s hand was cut off by Zhao Yuanwu, and it was broken into pieces, scattered all over the ground.

“Now it’s up to you how to block it!” Zhao Yuanwu’s eyes flashed a trace of sorrow, and he slashed towards Wang Teng who opened the middle door.

Many viewers can’t help but close their eyes when seeing this.

Lin Chuhan’s face turned pale, and he didn’t expect that such an accident would happen again when it was obviously a win-win situation.

On the second floor of the auditorium, Peng Yuanshan opened his eyes slightly, staring at the scene on the ring closely.

Everyone held their breath, squeezing a sweat for Wang Teng.


At this moment, a dull sound came from the ring.

The sound was like cutting on a heavy iron plate!

But… this is not right!

Zhao Yuanwu was stunned, looking at the huge black weapon that appeared in Wang Teng’s hand for unknown time.

Everyone also reacted and looked towards the ring.

Then his eyes fell on the weapon involuntarily.

“This, what is this?”

Everyone looked at this strange weapon in a daze like Zhao Yuanwu.

Like a sword like a sword, huge!

How could there be such a strange weapon.


“This is…Mageweave black gold!!”

Many tycoon-level figures present saw the doorway of this weapon at this moment.

It turned out to be a magic weapon cast by Mageweave Black Gold! !

And it’s still such a big piece!

Many of the bigwigs present couldn’t help swallowing their saliva, their eyes gleaming.


Too violent!

Such a large piece of black gold with magic patterns is enough to forge several conventional weapons, but now it only forges the weird weapon in Wang Teng’s hand, which is a waste.

“Why do I feel that this weapon is… familiar?” Ye Jixing, the master of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, muttered to himself on the second floor of the auditorium.

“You forgot about the war a year ago. That eight-armed demon general Zulzi’s weapon looks like this.” Lei Zhenting, the master of the Thunder Martial Arts Museum, said subconsciously.

After speaking, he himself suddenly reacted, his eyes widened, and he glanced at Ye Jixing.

“Damn, this kid snatched the weapon of the Eight-Armed Demon General?!!!”

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