Chapter 36 I haven’t been a big brother for many years!

“You do not believe!”

Zhao Ganghu sneered and said, “You know what a fart, you don’t believe it.”

“Do you know what I just saw?”

“The Force!”

“That’s what the force is!”

“When the giant crow swooped down, he stimulated the force, and I could see it clearly.”

“If you tell me you don’t believe me, am I blind?”

Zhao Ganghu’s harsh shouts echoed in his ears, and Zhao Gangbao was stupid.

“Original, Force… Martial Artist!”

“That kid turned out to be a warrior!!”

“However, the last time I saw him, his strength was not that strong, at most equivalent to a middle-to-high-level warrior, how could he be a warrior!”

Zhao Gangbao couldn’t believe it anyway.

“This can only show that he is hiding and does not want to reveal his true strength.” Zhao Ganghu guessed.

“Hidden strength!” Zhao Gangbao was startled and asked in doubt: “Then what is his purpose?”

“This is not something we can know, but think about it for yourself, if you repeatedly anger a warrior, what will be the consequences?” Zhao Ganghu stared at him with a hatred of iron and steel.

“Hiss!” Zhao Gangbao thought, and suddenly took a breath.

“Brother, I provoke him once, he won’t kill me.”

He couldn’t help shivering when he thought of a certain consequence.

“That’s hard to say, but after all…it’s a hidden danger!”

“Well, now you come with me, apologize to him, see if you can get his forgiveness, and expose this matter completely.” Zhao Ganghu groaned and said.

Zhao Gangbao hesitated, and some did not dare to face Wang Teng directly.

But seeing that Zhao Ganghu was about to have another attack, and thinking of the consequences, he gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, I will apologize now!”

When the two brothers Zhao Gangbao were trying to make up for the terrible consequences of Wang Teng, the beauty of the pet shop ran up to Wang Teng.

“You, hello! Thank you just now!” The pet shop beauty was a little shy, looking up at Wang Teng.

“You’re welcome, it’s just a matter of effort, but I want to thank you for answering so many questions for me. I went to a lot of pet shops before I found you a person who knows something about birds.” Wang Teng laughed.

“Then let’s add a WeChat. If you have any questions, you can also directly ask me through WeChat in the future.” The beauty of the pet shop said actively.

Before Wang Teng did not have this treatment.

Sure enough, the hero saving the beauty is the nirvana for picking up girls!


[Add WeChat… Am I the kind of person who adds girls WeChat casually? ( ̄へ ̄)]

“Okay, okay, add a WeChat, I will trouble you more if there are problems in the future.” Wang Teng quickly took out his mobile phone.

After adding WeChat, the two exchanged names and changed the remarks.

The beauty of the pet shop, Lu Zhiqing, said: “The pet shop is very busy today, I have to go back first, and I will contact WeChat if I have something to do in the future.”


Lu Zhiqing smiled and waved, and ran into the pet shop.

When Zhao Ganghu saw that Wang Teng had finished soaking up girls, he cautiously walked over with his ineffective brother.

“Sir, please wait a minute.”

Wang Teng turned his head, first glanced at Zhao Ganghu, didn’t know him, and then saw Zhao Gangbao behind him.

“It is you!”

The smiley expression and the meaningful tone made Zhao Gangbao’s whole heart lifted.

Zhao Ganghu also jumped in his heart, and quickly pushed Zhao Gangbao.

“Big brother…” Zhao Gangbao stammered.

Wang Teng lit a cigarette and suddenly said, “I haven’t been a big brother for many years!”


What the hell? ?

Zhao Gangbao looked dazed.

Zhao Ganghu laughed dryly, and said, “This gentleman is joking. My name is Zhao Ganghu, this bastard’s brother.”

“Before, it was my incompetent brother who didn’t know Tarzan. He provokes her husband. Today I brought him here to apologize to you.”

Then he shouted at Zhao Gangbao, “Hurry up and apologize to this gentleman!”

Zhao Gangbao was about to bow and apologize, but was stopped by Wang Teng.

“Hold on, I’m afraid you didn’t come here to apologize specifically today? You just followed me all the way. Are you stupid when I am Wang Teng?” Wang Teng sneered.

Zhao Ganghu’s face changed.

Zhao Gangbao was even more frightened, oh my god, it was exposed!

“Mr. Wang…”


Wang Teng refused to give him a chance to speak, and the aura that belonged to the warrior broke out, pressing down on the two of Zhao Ganghu.

I just lied to him just now, although I knew someone was following, but I didn’t know the other person’s purpose.

Now look at Zhao Ganghu’s expression.

It was obvious that they were here to seek revenge, but what happened in the middle made them change their minds and come over to apologize honestly.

“Could it be that the force was used just now and was seen?”

Thinking in his heart, Wang Teng stared at the two Zhao Ganghu coldly.

Now that it is delivered to the door, it should be settled so as not to always be worried about it.

Even if he is not afraid at all now, but there are always ants crawling in front of him, and people will feel upset.

Zhao Ganghu faced the pressure of the martial artist, but he could only support it hard, and his heart was shocked.

“Sure enough, it is a warrior!”

Zhao Gangbao’s face was pale, and he fell directly to the ground, unable to get up.


Speaking of mystery, it is actually just a kind of pressure from the strong to the weak.

Wang Teng vs. Zhao Ganghu is a warrior to a martial artist.

Disparity in strength!

The gap lies ahead!

Therefore, there is pressure.

“We are willing to compensate!” Zhao Ganghu said hard with cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth.

“Compensation?” Wang Teng grinned.

“This card has five million in it, so it’s the right to make amends!” Zhao Ganghu took out a bank card and said.

“five million!”

The amount is indeed not small, ordinary people may not be able to save one million in a lifetime, but this is a full five million!

However, Wang Teng is a damn rich second generation!

He smiled faintly, and said: “Am I like a person who lacks these five million?”

Zhao Ganghu shook his heart. It seemed that things were not so easy to solve. He had forgotten that he was the owner of good money in front of him.

Can someone who drives a supercar lose money?

His mouth was full of bitterness, and he wished to kill Zhao Gangbao on the spot, to provoke such a bad star.

“Please give me one day, and I will give you a satisfactory answer tomorrow.”

Zhao Ganghu was also decisive. Seeing that five million could not handle the matter, he immediately gave up and made a guarantee.

“Okay, I will wait for your message tomorrow.”

Wang Teng nodded, he was not worried about the opponent running away.

Donghai City says it’s not too small, and it’s not too big. It’s not difficult to find someone.

Unless Zhao Ganghu is willing to abandon everything in the East China Sea and go to other cities, there will always be a day.

Wang Teng believed that he would not be so stupid.

Watching Zhao Ganghu carry Zhao Gangbao away, Wang Teng couldn’t help shook his head.

Although this Zhao Ganghu is only a high-level warrior, and he is a little older, he is still a human being, but his younger brother…

That’s really mud that can’t support the wall!

Brother Tiger, Brother Leopard, brother is a tiger, but the younger brother is not necessarily a leopard!

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