Chapter 342 The National No.1 Budo Contest Opens!

The next day.

The first national martial arts competition officially opened.

Early in the morning, countless people gathered outside Dragon Nest.

The reporters circled around and squeezed into the front of the crowd, long guns and short cannons flashing non-stop.

A black car drove up from the outside and slowly stopped outside the square in Longchao. Someone got out of the car.

“It’s the Minister of Education! Take a photo!”

“Look, the president of the Budo Association is here too!”

“That’s… Governor Xiadu!!”

A group of big-time figures appeared on the stage, and under the escort of the staff, they stepped into the dragon’s nest.

The opinions outside were still unfinished, and there was a lot of discussion.

These tycoons are usually very difficult to see one, but at this moment, there are a lot of people who are dizzying, and it can be regarded as a great increase in knowledge.

After I went back, I could brag to others about who I saw in Xiadu.

Among the crowd, Lin Chuhan and her two roommates also came early. Like Wang Teng and others, they came to Xiadu in advance. They have been playing for two days, but Xiadu is so big, Xu is the schedule. Staggered, they did not run into each other.

Tian Xiao smiled on tiptoes, looked around, and said without blocking his mouth: “Chu Han, why didn’t you see your sweetheart?”

“Bah, baw, don’t talk nonsense.” Lin Chuhan suddenly made a blushing face.

“Hehe.” Tian Xiaoxiao laughed unscrupulously.

Xu Wantong also pursed her lips, and said: “Now it must be the big people who will enter the venue first, and wait until the contestants, but I heard that they seem to have a special entrance channel.”

“By the way, I don’t know if Xiao Yunfan from Donghai University has any hope of making it into the top ten?” Tian Xiaoxiao said suddenly.

“This is not good. There are geniuses in the No. 1 Budo Contest in the country. We at Tunghai University have not been ranked very well in the past years.” Xu Wantong said a little frustrated.

“What about Huang Haijun Academy?” Lin Chuhan couldn’t help asking.

“Okay, Chu Han, you are too much in Cao Ying’s heart in Han,” Xu Wantong said pretentiously angrily.

“Where is it? I just ask casually.” Lin Chuhan was a little embarrassed, did he behave too obviously?

“Suddenly I remembered that Senior Xiao Yunfan seemed to have some interest in Chu Han. I remember the last school event, Senior Xiao Yunfan’s eyes had not been removed.” Tian Xiao said with a smile.

“It seems to be, Chu Han, Xiao Yunfan’s senior is also very good. I heard that he has been valued by the Ari Group and signed in advance. He has a bright future in the future. Would you like to think about it?” Xu Wantong quipped.

“I have nothing to do with him. I haven’t seen each other after that school event. Don’t use this to tell me anything. Besides, I’m going to get angry.” Lin Chuhan said solemnly.

“Okay, okay, I’m kidding, you’re anxious.” Seeing that she seemed to be really unhappy, Xu Wantong shrugged, stopped joking about it, and said: “The Yellow Sea is better than us, and it can usually be done. In the top ten, and squeezed into the top three last year, it is a prehistoric high, but if you want to enter the top three this year, it is hard to say, after all, the competition for the top three is very fierce.”

“Look, see, there’s another big man here.” Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly yelled.

At the same time, with bursts of dazzling flashes, the reporters are definitely the fastest.

“It’s Mr. Ari’s Ma!”

“The one behind is Mr. Penguin’s car. These two one after another, they are very punctual.”

“Today there are a lot of bigwigs in the business circle.”

There were not only reporters but also anchors from major live broadcast platforms. The atmosphere was extremely hot and the grand occasion was unprecedented.

The gangsters all entered the venue soon, and then the on-site staff opened the audience channel, allowing the audience to enter the venue one after another.

The people present were already waiting impatiently, and as soon as the passage opened, they pushed each other in and squeezed in.

The entire Dragon’s Nest has a total area of ​​nearly 300,000 square meters, and there are nearly 100,000 auditoriums, which can accommodate many spectators.

After the audience entered the Dragon’s Nest through the major passages, a crowd of people suddenly appeared in the Dragon’s Nest, and the noise went straight into the sky.

There are too many people, and it takes more than ten or twenty minutes to enter the venue alone.

A large number of staff maintain order at the scene.

The layout of the dragon’s nest is very peculiar, with many big and small martial arts arenas all around.

The ring on the edge is smaller, and the wider the ring is toward the center.

At the center is a high platform with tables and chairs.

At this time, the big guys were already seated on the high platform in the center, and suddenly one of them stood up and shouted, “Quiet!”

It is the Minister of Education!

His voice is not loud, and he did not use any sound transmission tools, but when it spread, it turned into a rolling sound wave, covering all the noise.

The scene is quiet!

Obviously, the Minister of Education is a martial artist!

“Please keep quiet and find your place to sit down.”

“The martial arts competition is a national event, and I hope you all respect it.”

Perhaps it was because of the awe-inspiring atmosphere that the audience was completely quiet. There were many ordinary people present. They didn’t know the so-called martial arts before, but at this moment they seemed to feel something special.

The Minister of Education glanced around and nodded with satisfaction:

“Next, I announce that the first national martial arts competition is officially opened!”


Everyone was stunned.

This is… no more?

Shouldn’t the leader’s speech be lengthy? Those big-time figures don’t show up?

It is totally unreasonable to play cards.

The people who were used to listening to the leaders’ speeches couldn’t turn around at this moment, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came out from the broadcast.

“Hello everyone!”

“I’m Zhang Jun, the martial arts commentator.”

“I am Su Xiao, a martial arts commentator.”

“This time the nation’s No. 1 martial arts contest will be explained by me and two.”

In the middle of the dragon’s nest, there were more than a dozen huge electronic screens facing the surroundings. At this time, the sound and shadow of two men and women appeared on the electronic screen.

“Zhang Jun and Su Xiao, the narrators of CCTV, turned out to be the two of them.”

Many people recognized the two people on the electronic screen, and the discussion sounded again.

Zhang Jun’s voice was heard again on the electronic screen over there: “I am very happy to explain this martial arts competition to you. Next, I will briefly introduce you to the rules of the competition.”

“The game adopts a single-player elimination mode, and the two sides of the game are randomly selected by the computer.”

“There are a total of 108 martial arts arenas in the Dragon Nest, which are divided into 16 areas to compete at the same time, and the top 16 are finally determined.”

“Of course, for the sake of fairness, the game has also added a wild card game mechanism. Some defeated fighters can return to the main ring through the wild card game and continue the game.”

“After the top 16 is determined, the final qualifying will be held in the central arena and will eventually compete for the championship.”

“Today’s opening ceremony is to let everyone get to know the young generation of talented warriors from all over the country!”

When Zhang Jun said this, he paused for a while, and then said at the same time with Su Xiao:

“Next, I invite talented warriors from major universities and major forces to enter the venue…”

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