Chapter 335

Wang Teng finally took a long time to make Hou Pingliang reluctantly accept this fact.

They are also concerned and chaotic. As Wang Teng’s best relationship in school, he naturally does not want him to go to the martial arts competition to find abuse now, so as not to create any psychological shadow, which will be detrimental to the martial arts practice in the future.

Wang Teng is naturally quite touched by this. Although his psychological age is older than these young people, he has gradually adapted to and integrated into his current identity and life over the long period of time, and it is extremely harmonious to get along with a few people.

In comparison, maybe this is a friend worth making.

You don’t have to wait until the moment of crisis. In adversity, you can see the truth. In the ordinary life, some things are enough to reflect certain things.

With the announcement of the Huang Haijun Academy’s entry list, Wang Teng’s name is also known by many people.

The students in the school were all shocked and puzzled. Of course they knew who Wang Teng was.

The first freshman!

After all, Wang Teng is still relatively famous in the Yellow Sea.

It is precisely because I know that I am even more shocked and puzzled. The first freshman is also a freshman. When will the freshman be able to participate in the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition?

How can this be a bit ridiculous!

The outsiders were also caught by Huang Naval Academy’s decision.

Just as Hou Pingliang and others are paying attention to the situation of Xiadu Military Academy, Jinlin University and other schools, other schools are also paying attention to the Yellow Navy Academy.

Once Huang Hai’s entry list was announced, they knew it the first time.

No one else was surprised, but this Wang Teng…who is he?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then looked down… Freshman!

Huang Hai actually sent a freshman to participate in the first national martial arts competition?

Can this be more fun?

Even if they made various complaints and were puzzled, they were still very honest in investigating Wang Teng’s information.

The champion in the Donghai Wushu exam, the 1-star warrior-level strength was specially recruited by several top universities, and finally chose to enter the Yellow Sea…

All the news about Wang Teng was placed in front of the various forces. Although it was not very comprehensive, it was all the information that could be found.

“It’s interesting, but it’s not enough!” Someone sighed, thinking that Wang Teng had a good talent, but he didn’t think he was now qualified to participate in the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition.

Wang Teng was admitted to the university with the strength of 1 star warlord, but now only one semester has passed. How much can he improve?

2 star warriors?

Or 3 star warrior level?

The 3-star warrior level is already in the sky, and it is very difficult.

But the 3 star warrior level to participate in the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition is just the bottom. What does Huang Haijun Academy think?

Many people were puzzled and sent people to investigate Wang Teng’s news, but ultimately to no avail.

At this moment, Wang Teng was a little helpless, and he was stared at everywhere he went, his eyes seemed to see flowers from his face.

He came all the way to the training building, went up to the fourth floor, and walked into a large training ground.

There were a few people standing on the open space of the training ground. Peng Yuanshan and the deans of the five major academies were all there, and there were also ten seniors who looked unfamiliar.

As soon as Wang Teng came in, he glanced at him several times.

“You look at me like this, I will be shy!” Wang Teng scratched his head and said with a shy look.

Han Zhu: “…”

Du Yu: “…”

Ling Zhiming: “…”

Wan Baiqiu “…”

Five Deans: “…”

Peng Yuanshan raised his eyebrows without a trace, and said blankly, “Don’t roll over yet.”

“Come!” Wang Teng ran over and stood in front of Peng Yuanshan: “What’s the command of the Central Hospital?”

Peng Yuanshan didn’t manage to meet him, so he swept around and said: “Since everyone is here, let me just say a few words. The nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition is not a trivial matter, it’s about the honor of the school, and it’s also a big platform for universities to compete with each other. , The above are all paying attention. They will evaluate the potential of the school based on the performance of each school in the martial arts competition, so as to delimit the resource allocation for the coming year.”

“So you must do your best, not only for yourself, but also for the school.”

“Do you understand?” At the end, it turned into a deep shout.

“Understood!” Han Zhu and the others responded neatly and loudly with an upright posture, a straight back.

While Wang Teng stood loosely, his voice was just normal volume: “Understood!”

As a result, this shout immediately showed a difference.

The senior elder sisters frowned slightly and looked at Wang Teng.

Peng Yuanshan glared at him fiercely, and then said to several people: “I know that you are very puzzled or even suspicious about Wang Teng’s joining. I won’t explain anything, but I will give you a chance to prove that he is not worthy to participate.”

“I’ll go!” Wang Teng’s eyes stared, Peng General Hospital, you are doing something wrong.

Huh huh!

Ten pairs of eyes stared at Wang Teng suddenly, meaning inexplicable.

In particular, there is a pair of eyes with deep hostility. This is a young man with a long sword carrying a long sword, with half-length broken hair and a very handsome appearance. He walked out and said straightforwardly: “I am the fifth in the rankings. Zhang Fengyu, the school sent ten people to participate in the martial arts competition. The first five were named the first echelon and the last five were the second echelon. However, because of your presence, I was squeezed to the second echelon, so I couldn’t make it through a match.”

“Is that so? Why don’t I let it be for you! I’ll just go to beaten soy sauce, and be the second echelon.” Wang Teng said.

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the remaining seniors changed slightly.

“You… look down on me.” Zhang Fengyu narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Don’t mess around, let’s start.” Peng Yuanshan said helplessly.

Zhang Fengyu nodded and drew out the sword behind him.

“Hey, don’t get excited, I’m serious.” Wang Teng shouted.


Without saying a word, Zhang Fengyu stepped forward, slashed with his sword, and the dense sword light instantly enveloped Wang Teng.

“Really!” Wang Teng’s figure moved slightly, dodging from left to right, and he avoided Zhang Fengyu’s attack with great ease.

“Zhang Fengyu’s swordsmanship is getting stronger and stronger.”

Those seniors commented silently, and when they looked at Wang Teng, they couldn’t help frowning: “But this guy is not easy!”

Wang Teng easily avoided all attacks, stepped on his feet, retreated lightly backwards, and opened the distance.

“Senior, if you really want to compare, I can do it.” Wang Teng said with a slightly serious expression looking at the other party.

Zhang Fengyu didn’t speak, but explained everything with his actions. A powerful aura suddenly burst out of his body, and the fierce sword aura escaped.

“Five percent sword power!”

“Zhang Fengyu has realized that the sword is 50%!”

Several people’s complexions moved slightly, and their eyes were still watching this scene.

Can Wang Teng catch such a heavy hand?

“It’s too late for you to admit defeat!” Zhang Fengyu said lightly.

“Come here and try it.” Wang Teng smiled.

Zhang Fengyu’s eyes condensed, and he swung out a long sword in his hand.


Facing the extremely powerful sword light, Wang Teng made a punch, and only one punch, then the sword energy collapsed, the sword light shattered…all disappeared invisible.

Everyone is shocked!

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