Chapter 330 Respect and awe for the generals…

After Wang Teng came out of Ge Lin, he separated from Tan Taixuan and others, and went to visit Lin Zhan by himself.

After Lin Zhan took the healing elixirs, his injury had improved, but he still looked very weak, lying in bed not knowing what he was thinking.

“How about it, isn’t it better?” Wang Teng walked into the room and asked.

“I can’t die yet.” Lin Zhan turned his head and said in a hoarse voice.

“Liu Yan and the others…” Wang Teng hesitated.

“Don’t worry, I let them run away first after I made it up. The Yao family didn’t catch them.” Lin Zhan knew what Wang Teng was worried about, and said.

“That’s good, I thought… it would be fine anyway.” Wang Teng sighed in relief, shook his head, and said.

“Yeah, if anyone is missing, the Battle Tiger team will survive in name only.” Lin Zhan said with emotion.

“How did you get caught by the Yao family?” Wang Teng asked.

“Do you still remember the people who took the Yao family to offer a reward to kill us last time? After those people were killed by us, the Yao family focused on us, and personally sent someone to stay in Yongcheng. Send a 5-star warrior-level powerhouse to intercept.” Lin Zhandao.

“Relax, Yao Hongshou has been punishable, and the Yao family has ceased to exist since then. It is considered revenge for you.” Wang Teng said.

“Yao Hongshou is dead! The Yao family is gone! How did it die? How did it kill?” Lin Zhan said in shock.

Yao Hongshou is a 6-star warrior-level powerhouse, and the Yao family is not weak. He actually died when he said he died, and he died when he said he died?

Although Lin Zhan hated Yao Hongshou extremely and wished him to die early, he felt a little unreal at the moment.

“I killed it!” Wang Teng said lightly.

“You killed it!!” Lin Zhan seemed to hear something incredible, his eyes widened: “That’s a 6-star warrior-level powerhouse!”

Wang Teng smiled without saying a word.

Looking at him like this, Lin Zhan couldn’t help smiling bitterly: “You kid is too perverted!”

“It’s nothing. Compared with the real strong, I am still far behind.” Wang Teng couldn’t help but think of the Eight-armed Demon General, and the last great arm that broke through the world…

Sure enough, he is still too weak!

“The Battle Tiger team really can’t keep you.” Lin Zhan sighed, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

He had known for a long time that Wang Teng’s world was in a wider area, and the Battle Tiger team was just a shoal. It was the limit to allow this Qianlong to inhabit for a short while before it grew.

“Don’t say that, the Battle Tiger team helped me a lot.” Wang Teng said.

“Don’t talk about it!” Lin Zhan smiled and asked curiously. “By the way, why are you in Yangcheng?”

“Come and travel!”

Afterwards, Wang Teng had a few more conversations with Lin Zhan, then stopped interrupting and left the room.

Wang Teng returned to his residence in the back garden of the Rune Guild alone. Yangcheng was destroyed and many buildings were destroyed. However, like the Rune Guild itself, there were extremely advanced defensive formations. Naturally, it survived the disaster. The ordinary dark species could not. Break its defenses.

In the room, Wang Teng sat cross-legged, immersed in his mind, looking inside the attribute panel.

The above changes are extremely huge.

The first is understanding and spirit, both of which have reached the ‘king state’. After picking up the attribute bubbles dropped on the battlefield, they have improved a lot.

[Comprehension]: Wang Jing (211000)

[Spirit]: Wang Jing (1651000)

It is extremely difficult to improve the understanding and spirit of the king realm. The ratio between the spirit realm and the king realm is 10:1, which means that the average spiritual attribute of the savvy and the king realm is 1000:1.

Only 1,000 points of ordinary comprehension and spirit can obtain 1 point of the king’s comprehension and spirit.

It’s crazy!

Fortunately, the powerful existence behind the space vortex was shocked, dropping a lot of the spiritual power of the king realm, but it was cheaper for Wang Teng.

If it really appears, don’t know how many king realm spirit attributes will be dropped?

Of course, Wang Teng only dared to think about it. He couldn’t look directly at the existence of terror, let alone actually appear in front of him.

And many geniuses fell on the battlefield, some reached the spiritual realm, and some reached the king realm comprehension, so his king realm comprehension has also improved a little.

Wang Jing’s comprehension is already extremely terrifying. Now that Wang Teng goes to comprehend the “Eight-level Magic Technique” and other high-level force techniques, he will not feel strenuous at all, and he can even understand it at a glance. Such a comprehension is really true. Not many people have it.

Next comes talent. Wang Teng has picked up a lot of low-level talents, but once more advanced talents appear, they will be covered immediately, and now his five-element talents have all reached high-level.

This is very scary, high-level talents are scarce, and Wang Teng has all the five elements, and they are all high-level. I don’t know how many people’s jaws will be shocked by speaking out.

As for the wind element and ice element talents, there is no one, after all, special force attribute talents are rare.

In addition, he also gained a talent for advanced swordsmanship, his own understanding of swordsmanship instantly improved, and he faintly felt that the several swordsmanship and combat skills he had cultivated showed signs of breakthrough.

“My swordsmanship talent has long been advanced, and now the swordsmanship talent is catching up and keeping pace with it. Swordsmanship is still very good.” Wang Teng thought, touching his chin.

Further down is the original force attribute. After picking up the original force attribute bubble on the battlefield, his original force attribute has increased by a large amount.

[Dark Force]: 28904000 (6 stars)

[Golden Force]: 26704000 (6 stars)

[Wood Force]: 31104000 (6 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 29634000 (6 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 35604000 (6 stars)

[Earth System Force]: 33504000 (6 stars)

Seeing this, the corners of Wang Teng’s mouth were frantically raised… It was not far from the 7-star warrior level.

Next time I see the Eight-Armed Demon General, I wonder if he will be surprised?

Do you want to abuse it again?

Floating, a little swollen!

We must respect and be in awe of the commander-level powerhouse, how can we talk about such frivolous topics.

Anyone who abuses or not abuses, at least has to wait until he is promoted to the rank of warlord.

Convergence, the arc of the corner of the mouth immediately flattened, serious!

In addition to the above six elements of force, Wang Teng has acquired a new type of force attribute—thunder element!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but recall the situation at that time. The person who used the Thunder Element’s force seemed to be the general Shen Tuxiong of the Foreign Army!

Regrettably, there is only the Thunder Elemental Force, not the Thunder Element talent!

Therefore, these lightning talents can only be temporarily stored in the pronuclear, and cannot be used at all.

Do you want to knock Shen Tuxiong’s sap?

Maybe it will explode the talent of the Thunder Element…Mist, what on earth is thinking about, that is also a warlord-level powerhouse!

Wang Teng felt like he was just killing him, but this was the Thunder Elemental Force after all, the special element with extremely strong offensive power, and extremely rare, was really tempting.

Why don’t you ask Shang Tan Tai Xuan to knock on the sap together?

As soon as this dangerous thought came out, it was like a wild grass with tenacious vitality falling into the soil, taking root and sprouting, out of control…

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