Chapter 33 Taobao Customization

on Monday.

The first day after becoming a warrior!

Wang Teng just woke up, still in a trance.

After a while, I remembered a bunch of things I experienced last night in my mind.

“It turns out that I am already a warrior!”

Wang Teng clenched a fist, felt the power hidden in his body, and finally found a sense of reality.

The warrior absorbs the original force into the body, and uses the original force to refine the body, causing qualitative changes in bones, muscles, etc., which is not comparable to the martial artist.

However, in the era of martial arts, becoming a martial artist is just the starting point!

Wang Teng got up to wash, then went downstairs to have breakfast.

“Mom, hasn’t my dad come back yet?”

At the dinner table, Wang Teng put the egg into his mouth and asked Li Xiumei strangely.

“It is said that there is a project that has not been negotiated, and it will be delayed for a few days.” Li Xiumei drank the bird’s nest porridge and said.

Wang Teng nodded, since it was the company’s business, he didn’t ask any more.

After breakfast, Wang Teng drove to Donghai No. 1 Middle School.

The college entrance examination is getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere in the school is getting tense day by day. The students are studying desperately just to get a better future.

It is said that the college entrance examination is a turning point in life!

A lot of people sneered, but what if fortunately to have a hard time going to a university? After I came out, I didn’t have a monthly salary of three, four, five or six thousand.

Save money and save money for ten years before you want to buy a house or a car.

It’s all bought with a loan! !

As for those with a monthly income of 100,000 or millions of dollars, they are a minority after all.

Which one of them is not a top student who graduated from a famous brand, learning God!

How to compare?

Just ask how do you compare?

So what kind of knowledge changes fate is fooling people?


Because if you don’t go to college, you will find that you will only get worse…

Lin Chuhan came earlier than Wang Teng.

In the past, Wang Teng just thought she was very hardworking.

But now I know that she was still working outside so late, but the next day she still got up earlier than many people to study.

He deserves to become a god of learning!

If it was a past life, Wang Teng was still a young man.

At this age, he would only be disdainful of Lin Chuhan’s behavior.

What’s the use of studying so hard?

After graduation, the money he earned for a lifetime may not be able to afford him a supercar.

But after experiencing the defeat of the Wang family, he realized that he was useless at all. Without the Wang family, he was nothing.

Don’t be too wasteful! !

Seeing Lin Chuhan immersed in his studies, Wang Teng was very moved.

Without disturbing the other party, after sitting down in the position, take out the phone and log in to Taobao…

He intends to see if there are any special contents for holding weapons.

Judging from the characteristics of the system, Wang Teng’s future development will only be more comprehensive, and more and more combat skills will be learned.

He already has two weapons, a sword and a glove, and he will definitely use more weapons in the future.

Hang on your body one by one when you can’t go out, right?


Sure enough, Taobao has everything you need, and you can find anything messy.

Enter a keyword, and quickly get a bunch of similar items.

However, they were all scabbards, scabbards, and stick sleeves, which couldn’t meet Wang Teng’s requirements at all.

The morning class is over, and the first class begins soon.

Wang Teng is still learning Taobao, and he has no thoughts about going to class.

Lin Chuhan couldn’t see it and frowned, but he still sighed in his heart and said nothing.

Suddenly, a sharp light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and his gaze stayed on an item.

“Hidden weapon box?”

Looking at the style, it is a long wooden box with a very retro style.

He took a look at the introduction.

This Tibetan weapon box actually claims to be able to hold 14 kinds of weapons.

There are also organs on it. Once you press it, the weapon you need will pop out.

“So awesome?”

Then, when he looked down, Wang Teng was dumbfounded and discovered that the so-called 14 types of weapons were actually swords, including 14 types of different lengths and styles.

“Buy it or not?”

Wang Teng hesitated.

“Forget it, just ask the merchant to see if you can order one.”

This shop is called 【Master Lu】, and it is also a flagship store of Golden Delicious. The comments below are all well received.

There is no shortage of custom-made items in the comments.

So Wang Teng directly clicked on the chat box and asked the other party.

“Are you there?”

“I am, dear (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~”

“Can you order a Tibetan weapon box here?”

“Hidden weapon box?”

“……you do not know??”

“Wait a minute, dear, I’ll check it out.”

Wang Teng is a bit speechless. This store doesn’t even know what he sells. Is it reliable?

After a while, the other party came back.

“Dear, you there?”

“I checked it for you just now. It turns out that the Tibetan weapon box you mentioned is this thing.” A photo was attached to it.

In the photo is a wooden box piled in the corner of the warehouse with dust on its surface.

Wang Teng finally knew why the other party couldn’t remember.

“How many years have you taken out this thing?” he asked suspiciously.

“Ahahahaha, don’t pay attention to these details. My grandfather suddenly inspired me to make this Tibetan weapon box. Nobody bought it. It was piled up in the warehouse. I didn’t expect someone to ask about it for so many years.” The other party smiled awkwardly. road.

“Dare to ask how old is this thing?”

“Not much, not much, only ten years!”

“Hiss!” Wang Teng said with a toothache, “Well, then you can ask your grandpa for me if you can order one for me according to my idea.”

“……I’m afraid not.”

? ?

“Why?” Wang Teng asked.

“Um, I don’t want to see my grandpa and his old man so early. ⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄”

“Sorry!” Wang Teng felt helpless.

“forget about it.”

He was about to go offline, and the other party hurriedly sent a message.

“and many more!”

“If you can, tell me your thoughts. I’ll see if I can make some modifications on the basis of this Tibetan weapon box. If I can sell it, I think my grandfather Jiuquan will also be very happy. of.”

“Oh!” Wang Teng was shocked.

Be a dead horse doctor!

So he told the other party his request.

There was silence for a while before he said, “Are you going to use it as a collection?”

“Just take it.” Wang Teng said.

“Well, I will try my best, and I will notify you when I am done.” the other side said.

“What about the price?”

Seeing that the other party was anxious to go offline to study how to transform the Tibetan weapon box, without even discussing the price, Wang Teng suddenly had a vague concept of this person’s character…

I’m afraid it’s not a foolish one!

“Yes, I forgot o(╯□╰)o”

The other side thought for a while and replied.

“No one wants this thing anyway, so just give it a hard work of 800,000 yuan.”

“All right, as long as things satisfy me, I will buy them for one hundred thousand.”

Wang Teng did not hesitate, so he agreed.

Those rune weapons are hundreds of thousands of millions at every turn, and this hidden weapon box is only 100,000, which is not unacceptable.

What’s more, he has more requirements and can only customize it. The higher cost is justified.

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