Chapter 320: I’m so anxious to pee! (Second!)

In the sky, the huge circular magic circle slowly rotates, covering an area.

The light flickered above the formation, a powerful mental power enveloped it, and a rune at the center of the rune was carefully inscribed.

A figure was sitting in the center of the formation, his face was extremely serious, almost all his mind was devoted to the layout of the formation, and he ignored the fierce battle outside.

The eyes are the window of the soul. At this moment, his eyes are shining with divine light, which is the performance of using the spiritual power to the extreme.


At a certain moment, there was a loud noise from the defensive array below, which broke into pieces, completely turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

The expressions of the strong human races changed drastically, the defensive formations collapsed, and the warriors of the human race were the first to bear the brunt. A large number of dark species had no obstacles, and they drove straight forward, not knowing how many people were going to die.

Sure enough, the dark species that had been blocked from the formation just now swarmed in, and the pressure on the human race increased greatly. Many warriors were surrounded by several dark species, were directly thrown down, and were killed.

“I’ll go down and help!” The two 6-star warrior-level powerhouses guarding Wang Teng looked at this scene with a sad expression, one of them said immediately.

“This…” The other person hesitated slightly, and Wang Teng couldn’t make mistakes here. Goring’s lesson was right in front of him.

“Let’s go both of you, I can handle it here.” At this moment, Wang Teng suddenly said.

“How does this work, we have to leave at least one person.” The two martial artists said.

“Go!” Wang Teng glared at him, making the two 6-star warrior-level soldiers a little embarrassed, as if they were facing a character like Goring.

“No, if something happens to you, we are sinners.” The two martial artists still insisted.

“I have a way to protect myself, you don’t have to worry, you go quickly, if Yangcheng is destroyed, everything we have done will be in vain.” After Wang Teng said, he ignored them and continued to immerse himself in the formation. Dare to be the slightest distraction.

I was distracted just now and almost went wrong.

The difficulty of this formation is beyond his imagination!

Xu was the last sentence that touched the two martial artists. They looked at each other and nodded heavily: “Then be careful!”

After speaking, he turned back and rushed down.

Time is passing, and the night is about to pass. Too many people have died in this battle, but the battle is still going on, and the younger generation of geniuses are also badly injured.

Yi Kaicheng broke an arm, Dongfang Yu was seriously injured, and Li Rongxue was protected by someone, but he was also extremely injured. He held his sword and looked towards the battlefield with a sad face.

There are only two of the Wanjia three brothers and sisters now.

Wan Feipeng is dead!

In order to protect his fish-lipped brother, he was willing to die, perhaps this is the innate feelings of human beings, it is the blood bond that cannot be removed.

Wan Feiyu was crying bitterly. He wanted to kill all the dark seeds to avenge his brother, but he was already powerless and was taken to a safe place.

Wan Feifeng was madly killed. Their three brothers and sisters had been in a very good relationship since childhood, but one person died at the moment. She blames herself, regrets, and is extremely painful. She can only paralyze herself with killing.

Such scenes are everywhere, and people are dying every moment. This is an unfair battle. The darkness is too sudden and there are too many. The Yangcheng warriors rush to fight, and they are naturally extremely weak.

The strong men above the 6-star warrior level also fell several people. Such strong men are big-time figures no matter where they are, but in the end several people fell here. This is the injury of the human race.

Wang Teng glanced at the bottom, his heart was shocked, for some reason, a sense of sorrow welled up in his heart.



It seemed that there was a long-lasting voice shouting from the deepest part of the soul. He felt extremely absurd, but it was so real that it was hard to describe.

He closed his eyes and didn’t allow himself to look at the tragedy below. He could complete the formation with only a little left. At this time, he must not be distracted.

“Who can kill him, reward 10,000 magic crystals!” The Eight-armed Demon General suddenly shouted coldly.

The dark seeds below suddenly showed a fierce light in their eyes, and immediately there were several 5-star and 6-star dark seeds rushing up.


“Hahaha, go to hell!”

Those dark species released various attacks and enveloped Wang Teng.

Ten thousand magic crystals are enough to drive these dark species crazy.

“Despicable!” Yang Wang and Dean Yang glared at the Eight-Armed Demon General. They were wounded and exhausted, panting heavily with the Eight-Armed Demon General to the end.

“Stop them!”

The two rushed down and shouted.

The strong human race abandons the enemies they are fighting against, rushes to the dark species, intercepting their attacks.

However, some of the attacks were still directed at Wang Teng.

King Yang, Dean Yang and the others were dumbfounded and couldn’t get out of the way to rescue them. The kind of helplessness made people desperate.

Does Wang Teng also follow in Goring’s footsteps?

After insisting on it for so long, it still falls short in the end?


When the crisis came, Wang Teng’s heart alarm sounded, and he snorted coldly, and the original force of the earth gushed out of his body, without reservation, a series of barriers were condensed in front of him, like a wall of earth.

Those attacks all bombarded the barrier.

Layers of barriers broke apart, and finally three layers were left, but a series of attacks disappeared.

Wang Teng was unscathed!

“Earth Element Force!”

King Yang and Dean Yang breathed a sigh of relief, but they were shocked in their hearts. They remember that Wang Teng had been using Fire Force and Metal Force before, but at this time he used Earth Force.

Three-line warrior! !

This surprise is really not small.

The younger generation of warriors below are almost numb, how many cards does this guy have?

One after another, one after another, one after another, shocking their nerves.

The smiles on the faces of several dark species stiffened, as if watching ten thousand magic crystals fly away with wings, so annoying!

The Eight-armed Demon General has never felt so powerless against a person, but now he truly understands it, and it is very clear, and his strong mentality is about to explode.

Why, why!

Is this kid the nemesis God sent me?

“Kill him, kill him, if you can’t kill him, I will make your skin cramps into candles.” The Eight-armed Demon General was furious.

Those dark minds trembled, and suddenly there was a feeling of bitterness as a dog. It was clear that they came to kill Wang Teng for the ten thousand magic crystals. How can they turn it around now? If they can’t kill them, they will be made into candles. .

You said it earlier, why didn’t you say it earlier, we won’t kill him if you said it earlier!

The gain is not worth the loss!

The dark heads were full of grievances, and they could only kill Wang Teng as if they were fierce. If Wang Teng didn’t die, they had to turn into candles.

However, the strong human race has rushed to stop them, and the long-range attacks are blocked by Wang Teng’s earth barrier, they can’t even see people, let alone kill him.

All of a sudden, a few dark heads were eager to pee.

He will die in the dark, let us go over and kill him, let go…

At this moment, a terrifying energy burst out from that formation.

The formation is done!

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