Chapter 313 Flame Wings, Take the Air to Kill the Enemy! (One more!)


The huge city that was prosperous in the past is now in desperation.

The tall and towering walls were unable to withstand the dense dark seeds outside the city. Under the bombardment of a large number of dark seeds, the layers of protective shields continued to ripple, and even slight cracks had appeared in some places.

A large number of rune divisions are scattered throughout Yangcheng to maintain the operation of the defensive circle, and always fill in the cracks.

Both the Liu Family and the Su Family are rune families, and both have sent their elite family members to protect the large formation.

Su Lingxuan, Su Lingyun, and even Liu Xinghui are all on the city wall at this moment. They are called geniuses, and they are much stronger than ordinary rune masters, and they are also a new force.

And in one place, a huge crack could no longer heal, and a large number of dark seeds rushed into Yangcheng.

That crack was cut out by the Eight-Armed Demon with one blow.

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises are constantly coming from the sky!

The four figures turned into four streamers, colliding with each other from time to time, flying backwards, and then colliding again.

Every time there is a collision, there will be an explosion, and the aftermath of the battle will form a circular wave of force that spreads around, and the sound is terrifying.

Below, the major forces in Yangcheng have a large number of warriors fighting against the dark species.

Yangcheng College, major families, military soldiers, etc.

The battle is very fierce, human races fall down every moment, the horror of the dark species has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, they are very difficult to kill, and extremely difficult to kill.

For Terran warriors, it is like a nightmare.

Fortunately, the human race has also mastered the weakness of the dark species, as long as it destroys the heart and head, it will definitely be able to kill it.

Concentrating on attacking, those dark species will not get any benefits.

The most troublesome thing is that the Dark Species also has a major feature-assimilation!

Those warriors of the human race who are seriously injured are extremely vulnerable to the Dark Force, and once their minds are affected, they will turn into emotionless killing machines.

Just like those low-lying dark species.

As more and more human warriors and dark species died, a large number of attribute bubbles floated on the battlefield.

【Fire Force*3】

【Earth Force*4】

[Dark Force*3]


【Water Force *5】

【Dark Force*8】

While killing the Dark Seed, Wang Teng released his mental power, wandering around, picking up nearby attribute bubbles.

Fortunately, his mental power has reached the king state, otherwise it will not take long for his mental power to dry up and it will be difficult to support long-term use.

Even the Dark Seed will drop spiritual attributes, and the continuous supplement of these spiritual attributes enables him to maintain his mental power.

At this time, Xu felt the power of Wang Teng, and the surrounding four or five low-level dark species rushed towards him.

“Be careful!” A voice suddenly came from the side to remind Wang Teng.

It is Dongfang Yu from Yangcheng College!


Facing those dark species, Wang Teng glared irritably, and swept out with a sword. The scarlet flame blade directly chopped off the heads of these lower dark species, and they couldn’t die again.

Dongfang Yu was dumbfounded. Four or five dark species attacked at the same time. Even if it was only a low-level dark species, even she would be a little strenuous. This Wang Teng killed all of them in one blow!

How strong is this guy?

She suddenly thought that Wang Teng had punched Yao Hongshou, who was a 6-star warrior, and she was shocked.

Wang Teng turned his head to look at Dongfang Yu who had just reminded him, his eyes condensed, his figure suddenly rushed out, and a sword pierced into the heart of a dark species.

This dark seed jumped from behind her at the moment Dongfang Yu was stunned, trying to kill her.

Strange to say, these low-level dark species have no saneness, but still retain extremely keen fighting instincts, knowing how to seize every opportunity, and it is extremely difficult.

“Don’t froze!”

Wang Teng drew the sword from the chest of the Dark Seed, walked in the blood, and turned around and slammed into another group of Dark Seed.

“It’s been a lesson!” Dongfang Yu recovered and smiled bitterly in her heart.

She ranks tenth on the list of talents, her strength has reached the top of the 4-star warrior level, and her combat power is extremely strong.

So she was definitely not a vase. After a moment of loss of consciousness, she immediately condensed her eyes and joined the killing again.

At this moment, Wang Teng no longer knows how many attribute bubbles he has picked up. He only knows that his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the original force in his body is constantly flowing, making him more and more courageous, as if the God of War and the God of Killing possessed his body.

Others still need the pill to replenish the lost force, but he doesn’t need it at all. Wherever he goes, pieces of darkness fall down, making the surrounding human warriors dumbfounded.

But it is also very exciting!

“How can this guy be so strong?” Yi Kaicheng is the second greatest genius of Yangcheng College. His strength is only below Dongfang Yu. He wanted to compete with Wang Teng during the previous banquet. He saw this at this moment. , But was shocked to be unable to speak, and his heart was extremely bitter.

It’s not at the same level at all!

At this time, a figure swooped down from the sky and took Wang Teng straight.

It was a dark species of high-ranking blood, with fleshy wings on its back, and its speed was very fast.

The icy black light flickered at the tip of the spear and pierced Wang Teng’s head.

Wang Teng’s complexion was slightly condensed, and his sword split, 90% of his sword power broke out by 30%, directly smashing the black light to pieces.

Seeing that the Blood Race Dark Seed could not achieve a single blow, it hurriedly soared into the air, flashing its wings and leaving behind shadows, which kept flashing around Wang Teng, looking for opportunities to shoot again.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, his eyes contemptuous, as if he was very happy to see Wang Teng’s helplessness.


Suddenly, its eyes stared.

I saw a pair of flame wings suddenly appeared behind Wang Teng, under one flap, like a scarlet scarlet rainbow, appeared in front of the blood race dark species in an instant.

“Five-star warrior level!” Yi Kaicheng blurted out, his whole body numb.

In the entire talent list, only the top three have reached the 5-star warrior level, and those people are all in their twenties.

And this Wang Teng is only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he has actually reached the 5-star warrior level!

Hiss… horrible! ! !

The Dark Species of the Blood Race was also taken aback, and its eyes widened, but it itself was a 5-star warrior grade, and it immediately reacted, a scarlet flash in its eyes, a strange light appeared, and it pierced towards Wang Teng’s eyes.

It is a talented skill of the blood race…confusing!

“Looking for a dead end!”

There was a sneer at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and the scarlet glow flashed in his eyes. He had already cultivated his mind-causing skills to an extremely deep level. At this moment, with the blessing of the spiritual power of the king, he faced the bloody dark species in front of him.

“How is it possible?” The blood race saw the familiar eyes of Wang Teng, and his face was shocked and full of inconceivability.

The next moment there was a daze on its face, and its entire body was frozen in midair.


A sword beam pierced through its heart…

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