Chapter 31 【True·Watch Out】JPG

Lin Chuhan has been busy all day, already very tired, his delicate face looked a little haggard.

The sweat on her forehead made her hair slightly messy.

But this does not conceal her beauty.

Lin Chuhan works part-time in a milk tea shop, yes, it is the “two o’clock” milk tea shop!

Her presence undoubtedly adds a touch of color to this milk tea shop.

The owner of the milk tea shop often feels that the original decision was really wise. As long as Lin Chuhan is there, the business of his shop is always better than usual.

Unfortunately, Lin Chuhan only comes to work on weekends.

It’s a pity!

The boss is a married person with a fierce wife in the family, so he has no idea about Lin Chuhan.

However, the two male employees in the store were salivating with Lin Chuhan. They either delivered breakfast or invited lunch every day. They were extremely diligent.

The boss sees it and wants to say something, but it is not easy to intervene in the private affairs of the employees, so he can only stipulate that he cannot fall in love during working hours.

The effect is naturally there.

But after work, the boss can’t control it anymore.

At this moment, all the employees in the store are packing their things and getting ready to get off work.

A tall boy with a very Zhouzheng appearance walked over and smiled and said to Lin Chuhan:

“Chuhan, it’s so late, wait for me to take you back.”

The other boy with tin foil permed his hair saw that he was a step slower, and said anxiously: “Chu Han, where I live is just on the road with you. I’ll take you off.”

A girl teased: “You can get it, your so-called on the way, at least ten kilometers away from Chu Han.”

“It’s closer than Qian Weibo anyway. His home and Chuhan’s home are at least 20 kilometers apart.” The boy said when the tin foil was hot.

The tall boy Qian Weibo frowned and said with a smile: “I usually exercise at night. I send Chuhan home and then return. It just meets the amount of exercise today.”

“Hey, what an excuse is looking for is very high-sounding.” The tin foil hot-headed man sneered.

“Well, don’t make any noise, I don’t need you to send it, I can go back by myself.” Lin Chuhan refused as always and said coldly.

Both of them were helpless and were rejected every time. In fact, they didn’t even know where Lin Chuhan’s home was.

Lin Chuhan just told them which district they live in in general…

After all, girls must protect themselves when they are outside, and they cannot tell other boys their home address.

The two boys wanted to say something more when a voice rang.

“Beauty, give me a cup of milk tea!”

Lin Chuhan’s frivolous voice made Lin Chuhan feel very familiar.

“Sorry, we are going to close the door.”

As soon as Qian Weibo finished speaking, Lin Chuhan turned his head and saw the appearance of the incoming person clearly, surprised.

“why you?”

“Look at what you said, why can’t it be me.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

Listening to the familiar conversation between the two, Qian Weibo and the tin foil hot boy suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Besides, this man is a little handsome!

Hmm…just a little bit!

Qian Weibo asked, “Chu Han, who is this?”


“Haha.” Wang Teng narrowed his eyes and gave him a meaningful look.

“He is my deskmate.” Lin Chuhan said.


Qian Weibo and the boy who are hot on tin foil condensed their eyes, then glanced at each other.

Confirmed the look in the eyes, this is a strong opponent that needs to join hands to fight.

“Since Xiaolin’s table is at the same table, let’s adjust the last cup of milk tea.” The boss nodded to Wang Teng and said.

Qian Weibo asked, “So, this classmate, what do you want to drink?”

“Is there any fragrance floating?” Wang Teng said.

Qian Weibo: “…”

God is so fragrant!

This is a milk tea shop, not a supermarket!

If you want to drink incense, go to the supermarket to buy a cup and go back to soak in sand sculptures!

Qian Weibo roared inwardly.

The owner and other employees of the milk tea shop are also full of black lines, speechless to the extreme.

Lin Chuhan has already started, the simplest milk tea with black pearls, a large cup, after adjusting it in twos and threes, and slamming it in front of Wang Teng.

“Twelve yuan!”

“It’s so expensive!” Wang Teng didn’t care what milk tea was, complained, and took out his mobile phone to swipe the code to pay.

Lin Chuhan ignored Wang Teng, and after finishing packing, he said to the boss and walked out of the milk tea shop.

She launched a small pink sheep from the parking area next to it.

Then put on a HelloKitty super round helmet, about to step on the little sheep.

“Chu Han, wait for me.”

Qian Weibo and the tin foil hot boy hurriedly packed up, each pushing an electric car to catch up.

The appearance of Wang Teng made the two suddenly feel a sense of urgency. Tonight, no matter whether Lin Chuhan refuses or not, they plan to send her home brazenly.

Lin Chuhan frowned displeased when seeing the two sticking together like dog skin plasters.

“My squad leader, I’ll give it to you.” Wang Teng came over with the milk tea.

“No need!” Lin Chuhan said coldly.

“It’s all old classmates, what are you polite to me.”

Wang Teng snatched Lin Chuhan’s little sheep and picked it up with one hand.

“I go, this strength!”

Qian Weibo’s expressions suddenly changed.

When Wang Teng walked to the sports car parked on the side of the road, their eyes widened.

There was a “di” sound.

When the trunk opened, Wang Teng stuffed the lamb directly in.

At this moment, the trunk cover can’t be closed completely.

The little pink sheep was half exposed, very dazzling.



“It’s so showy!”

“Sports cars with little sheep, really never seen before!”

During this operation, the owner of the milk tea shop who was watching was dumbfounded with Qian Weibo and others.

“Is this the gap?”

Both Qian Weibo and Weibo suddenly doubted life.

Wang Teng opened the car door and urged Lin Chuhan, who was still standing there.

“Go! What are you doing in a daze.”

Lin Chuhan bit his lip, stomped his feet, and finally got into the car.


Seems to hear the sound of broken glass.

Heart hurts!

The two men clutched their chests.

Wang Teng closed the car door for Lin Chuhan and was about to get in the car. Thinking of something, he walked in front of Qian Weibo.

“Two, are you familiar with my squad leader?” he asked with a smile.

The two of them were about to nod their heads, Wang Teng put his hands on their shoulders, gently applying force…

The next moment, the rattle is shaken!

“Since I’m not familiar with it, I will call my name later, so remember to bring my last name.”

Me, Wang Teng!

[True·Watch out] JPG!

Wang Teng laughed and let go of his hands, Qian Weibo’s faces were flushed.


It feels like the bones are going to be crushed!

The strength is amazing, this person is afraid that he is not a martial artist?

And driving a sports car means you have money!

Can’t afford it! Can’t afford it!


The two nodded quickly, what Lin Chuhan? Who is that? Is it beautiful? What does it have to do with me?

Nothing matters anymore.

The most important thing is to send this demon away quickly.

Wang Teng drove the car, roaring into the night, and Qian Weibo and the boy with tin foil stared blankly at the rear lights of the sports car.

And the little sheep that was exposed…

Just feel an unprecedented mockery!

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