Chapter 305 Leaping Growth in Strength

It was the first time that Shu Hongye and Tan Shasha saw Wang Teng behave in this way. It was a little strange and funny. This guy is really…black!

Su Lingxuan had already seen Wang Teng’s abdomen black, she didn’t feel surprised, her eyes shone at the moment, and she ran over to stare at the one hundred thousand source stone.

The source stone itself is the size of a fingernail, and a large part of it belongs to the middle class.

But in Su Lingxuan’s eyes, this bag is like a gold mountain and a silver mountain.

Wang Teng took the bag and turned it around in front of her… then… put it into the space ring.

Seeing the source stone disappeared, Su Lingxuan couldn’t help but yelled: “You have a share, but you made such a large income because you followed me to the academy, so I should have a share.”

“Rolling, thinking is beautiful.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes, not very young, but a lot of careful thoughts, Su Lingxuan, the little girl is a complete financial fan.

The two women Shu Hongye and Tan Shasha shook their heads and smiled.

“Then you have to treat me, I want to eat the spiritual food made by the academy’s Master Lingcook.” Su Lingxuan also knew that Wang Teng would not give it to her, and as soon as she rolled her eyes, she immediately shifted her target.

“You have a good calculation.” Wang Teng glanced at her contemptuously, and said, “But I am in a good mood. I have invited this guest today.”

“Walk away!” Su Lingxuan smiled, pulling up the two daughters of Shu Hongye and Tan Shasha, and went to the cafeteria of the college.

“Slow down, slow down!” Shu Hongye shook his head and cried repeatedly.

Wang Teng followed slowly.

Seeing him slowly, Su Lingxuan couldn’t help but urged: “You should hurry up.”

“What’s the hurry? The food is right there, and you can’t fly.” Wang Teng said in a bad mood.

Su Lingxuan thought of the spiritual food, and the corners of her mouth seemed to overflow with a little crystal, she secretly sucked, swallowed, and said anxiously: “Oh, I don’t care about you anymore. I’m going to order food first.”

“Go go.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

Su Lingxuan walked away as soon as she said she was going to go, leaving Wang Teng and the three people behind to walk slowly.

“Lingxuan is always like this, she is strange, innocent and innocent.” Tan Shasha smiled from the side.

“This is true temperament.” Wang Teng said.

“You are very strong, it seems that you haven’t tried your best just now?” Shu Hongye asked tentatively.

“They are not enough for me to do my best.” Wang Teng said flatly.

A faint color flashed on the faces of the two women, nodded, no longer deliberate, talking and laughing along the way to the college cafeteria

After eating Wang Teng’s 1000 source stone for a meal, Su Lingxuan really slaughtered his fat sheep.


Two women Su Lingxuan and Shu Hongye went to class, while Wang Teng wandered in the academy alone.

As he walked, a humming sound came into his ears.

Wang Teng’s attention was attracted, and he followed the sound to turn a path, and a very wide square appeared in front of him.

A stone monument stands in the center of the square, which is particularly eye-catching.

Wang Teng looked into the distance, and the three characters “Yanwuchang” were printed in his eyes.

One by one young figures are practicing martial arts in this martial arts field, and the vocalization just now comes from their mouths.

Some of these students are practicing swords, some swords, some sticks…18 weapons, all being used.

The light of the Five Elements Force shines in every corner of the square, which is extremely eye-catching.

【Earth Force *25】

【Fire Force*18】



【Water Force *30】

【Wood Force *24】


Each attribute bubble floats around the square, densely packed and dazzling.

Wang Teng was overjoyed!

This is the right place! !

He just wandered around randomly, but he did not expect to accidentally come to the place where the students practice martial arts.

There are so many attribute bubbles around, it’s almost a profit!

Wang Teng was very excited, his mental power swept past, and the attribute bubbles were drawn by him to pick them up.

He picked up this pile of attribute bubbles for more than ten minutes.

A total of 361 points of gold force, 411 points of wood force, 358 points of water force, 502 points of fire force, 435 points of earth force, 121 points of wind force, 36 points of spiritual attributes, 250 points Perception attributes.

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (93.6/100)

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (97.8/100)

[Golden Force]: 1130/2000 (4 stars)

[Wood Force]: 1016/2000 (4 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 1210/2000 (4 stars)

[Fire Force]: 1759/2000 (4 stars)

[Earth Forces]: 1322/2000 (4 stars)

【The Force of Wind】: 384/1000 (3 stars)

Wang Teng looked at the changes on the attribute panel and was immediately satisfied.

The Force of the Five Elements is constantly approaching the 5-star warrior level, especially the Force of the Fire Element, which is not far away.

And understanding and spiritual attributes have almost reached the peak of the spiritual realm. I don’t know what the next realm will be? What changes will happen?

But even if he hadn’t broken through, Wang Teng could already feel that he was getting smarter and smarter, and his savvy was getting better and better. When he had time to go back to comprehend the swordsmanship and swordsmanship, he might have soared by several percent at once!

Wang Teng turned around and left. Everyone had a limited amount of attribute bubbles dropped every day. These people had been squeezed through the wool once, and then he couldn’t squeeze out much.

Wang Teng left Yangcheng College and found You Jingfu’s residence, letting him teach the knowledge of poison.

In the next few days, in addition to the three major guilds, Wang Teng added two more places, Yangcheng College and You Jingfu’s residence.

There are many practitioners in Yangcheng College, and countless attribute bubbles are dropped every day.

Wang Teng picked up a wave of attributes every day, and the Force of the Five Elements increased significantly, breaking through to the 5-star warrior level one after another, while the Force of the wind system broke through to the 4-star warrior level.

In addition, he still goes to the Evernight Mountain Range every night to practice spiritual master and poison force.

These days, the poisonous force contained in that swamp was almost absorbed by him, and Wang Teng’s poisonous force was also successfully promoted to 4 stars!

In addition, all of You Jingfu’s knowledge was also emptied by Wang Teng. Apart from shock, he was only shocked. He thought that Wang Teng was just joking, but he did not expect that he actually learned it all within a few days.

When You Jingfu always thought of Wang Teng’s exchanges with him, his insights were not worse than that of his senior poison master, and even more profound.

Such a young senior poison master is unimaginable!

You Jingfu said he was convinced.

It’s not human!

He has no more thoughts for comparison.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Teng’s savvy and spiritual attributes have both broken through and entered a new level-Wang Realm!

After the spiritual realm, it is the king realm!

Wang Teng is temporarily unsure of how strong Wang Jing is, but he has a feeling that under the generals, maybe he will be able to fight!

And what are the benefits of reaching the king state?

【Flame Sword】: 986/1000 (90%)

【Flame Knife Position】: 920/1000 (90%)

[Wind situation]: 953/1000 (90%)

The three kinds of ‘situations’ have all been realized 90%, and the meaning of Wang Jing’s comprehension can be seen with such a powerful comprehension ability.

With the passage of time, the winter in Xingwu Continent is approaching, and Wang Teng’s days in Yangcheng are coming to an end. He is about to leave and return to Earth Star.

And on that day, he received a letter from the Yang Wangfu.

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