Chapter 289 After Dried This Jar Of Chili, You Are My Smart And Cute Little Junior Sister

“What’s the matter with you?” Wang Tengnao joked.

Su Lingxuan’s eyes stared, and she suddenly saw a can of peppers on the table, and said: “I just…I will eat this can of peppers.”

“This is what you said, the teacher testified!” Wang Teng quickly blocked her retreat.

“…” Su Lingxuan was immediately dumbfounded.

“You guys!” Goring laughed.

After the meal, the three came to the study.

There were runes and talisman pens on the table, and Wang Teng picked up the talisman pen, slightly meditating.

“I can’t draw it anymore.” Su Lingxuan joked, “Brother, if you can’t, you won’t. You can admit it. It’s all here. It’s boring to die.”

“Well, Lingxuan, let Wang Teng consider it carefully and don’t disturb him.” Goring was not in a hurry, standing aside the old god and said.

Wang Teng glanced at Su Lingxuan. Naturally, he was not unable to draw it. He was just trying to show it to the extent that it would not surprise them too much. After all, it would be a bit shocking to draw a complete deformed rune.

As for what happens after the transformation rune appears?

He wasn’t worried. Transforming talent and transforming runes were two concepts, and transforming runes couldn’t compare to talents no matter how strong they were.

Wang Teng didn’t say a word, and the face of Su Lingxuan’s jokes didn’t change at all, the rune pen fell, and soon a few rune structures were on the paper.

“What are you paintings!”

Su Lingxuan couldn’t see why, just about to make fun of him, she suddenly heard Goring’s surprised voice next to her:

“This is……”

Her complexion changed slightly, and when she turned her head to see Goring’s thoughtful expression, her heart suddenly shook: “No way?”

Su Lingxuan was silent for a while, looked at Wang Teng, and saw a weird smile on his face, a bad premonition flooded her heart.

Su Lingxuan gritted her teeth and stared back without showing any weakness.

Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, the momentum cannot be weak!

Goering looked at the runes on the table, and became more and more fascinated. Then he squeezed Wang Teng away, leaned closer to observe carefully, and sighed: “Interesting, interesting, I didn’t expect it to be like this!”

After a while, he raised his head and looked at Wang Teng, his face could not help showing appreciation.

“I didn’t expect you to really research it out, although it is not perfect, but if you continue to study it, you will definitely be able to complete it.” He said.

“It’s all well taught by the teacher.” Wang Teng gave a flattering and said hehe.

“You, I only taught you for a day. What does it have to do with me? This is your own talent.” Goering couldn’t laugh or cry.

“Teacher, do these rune structures help your research?” Wang Teng asked.

“Yes, it’s very helpful. I have found inspiration, but this is your result. I will not steal it. You should continue to study it. This will be of great help to your study of runes.” Golin said .

“…” Wang Teng was dumbfounded.

The script shouldn’t be like this.

He wanted to give Goring a little inspiration, and he must have studied the complete deformed rune based on Goring’s accomplishments, which saved him a lot of work.

As a result, Goring did not intend to study.

Teacher, do you want to be so upright? ?

Wang Teng couldn’t laugh or cry, and casually found an excuse, and said, “Teacher, or you should study it. After all, my current rune attainments are not high. If I study in depth, it will inevitably take a lot of time, which is not a good thing for me. ”

Goring glanced at Wang Teng in amazement, pondered for a while, and said, “Let’s do it, I will study mine, and if you are interested, take advantage of your free time to study, and finally we will confirm each other and perfect this deformed rune.”

Wang Teng stopped to say anything, nodded and said, “It’s okay, just do as the teacher said.”

Su Lingxuan who was on the side was shocked for a moment, and Wang Teng actually developed a deformed rune!

Although it is only a part of the structure, this is definitely an incredible discovery.

It should be noted that even Goering has not worked out the reason after studying it for so long, and Wang Teng learned that this matter was only a day away, but it has achieved results, and it is incredible to think about it.

That’s it. Teacher Ge Lin and Wang Teng have to study together and confirm each other. This has put him in an equal position!

Such treatment made her eyes red with jealousy.

“Junior sister, what did you just say?” Wang Teng looked at Su Lingxuan badly, and her sly voice pulled her back to reality: “If I find results, you will eat that jar of peppers, I Did you remember correctly?”

“Ha, ha ha…” Su Lingxuan’s face was stiff, and she suddenly let out a dry laughter, and said in a shame: “I think there may be some misunderstanding, brother, listen to me.”

“Before listening to you, please eat this jar of peppers.” Wang Teng took out the jar of peppers from nowhere, and said in front of Su Lingxuan without mercy.

“You, you!” Su Lingxuan was stunned: “When did you bring it in?”

“I took it with you when you said you wanted to eat chili.” Wang Teng laughed.

“…” Su Lingxuan wanted to vomit blood depressed, and stared at Wang Teng angrily: “You scheming man!”

“…” Wang Teng.

Obviously you said that you want to eat chili, but now you call me a scheming man!

“You can’t live by committing sins, who is to blame!” Wang Teng sneered.

“Teacher…” Su Lingxuan had no choice but to turn her head to ask Goring for help, looking at him pitifully, her voice sad and sad.

“Hahaha, this is the matter of the two of you, don’t find me.” Goering looked funny, laughed, turned around and went out.

“Ah, teacher, hold back, help me!” Su Lingxuan wanted to take the opportunity to drive away, but Wang Teng stopped him: “Want to cheat?”

Su Lingxuan saw that the door was blocked by Wang Teng. If he did not let him go, she would definitely not be able to go. Her eyes turned quickly, and she immediately shouted softly, “Brother…”

“Stop!” Wang Teng listened to this sound, his scalp was numb, and a layer of goose bumps appeared all over his body. He hurriedly called to stop, and said: “Don’t say I won’t give you a chance, I will give you a choice, or eat With this jar of peppers, you can either help me wash the smelly socks, you can choose one.”

“What, you actually want me to wash the smelly socks with such a smart and cute little sister, you are too…too frantic!” Su Lingxuan asked, her eyes widened as if she heard something incredible.

“Duang!” Wang Teng slammed the jar of pepper on the table: “If you don’t want to, let’s do it, you are still my smart and cute little sister.”

“…(⊙_⊙;)…” Su Lingxuan felt that there was a devil with long horns in front of her. She regretted it, and regretted why she had to die?

“Junior sister, it’s just a jar of pepper. You won’t die if you eat it.” Wang Teng comforted.

In the end, it was okay not to be comforted, and Su Lingxuan couldn’t hold back completely when he was comforted.

The little mouth slumped, and tears flowed down: “Wow~”

Wang Teng’s expression at the time was this:


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