Chapter 278 Passing the Intermediate Rune Master Examination

“I want to participate in the Intermediate Rune Master Examination?”

President Goering and the three examiners looked at Wang Teng in surprise.

Behind Goring, Su Lingxuan also opened her eyes wide and opened her small mouth slightly, thinking she had heard it wrong.

In the room, all eyes were focused on Wang Teng. Passing the Junior Rune Master Test with a full score has surprised everyone, lamenting his amazing talent. Now he still wants to participate in the Intermediate Rune Master Test. How can this talent be described?

All people collectively aphasia for a time.

“This guy!” Liu Xinghui looked at Wang Teng, who was the only focus in the field, with a blazing fire burning in his eyes, a flame of jealousy.

This kind of treatment belonged to him before, but now it’s all taken away by the other party.

Su Lingyun didn’t feel too jealous of Wang Teng. Her contradiction was mainly in Su Lingxuan. At this moment, looking at Wang Teng’s angular face, a bright light flashed in her eyes.

If he really passed the Intermediate Rune Master Examination, then…

“Where did this guy come out? If he passed the Intermediate Rune Master Examination, then he would be a monster!” Everyone returned to their senses and looked at Wang Teng as if they were looking at a monster, smiling bitterly.

“Don’t underestimate the Intermediate Rune Master Examination. If you want to pass the Intermediate Rune Master Examination, you must not only engrave a 2-star rune array, but also have a 2-star force and an intermediate level of spiritual power in the realm.” Su Lingxuan Can’t help but remind.

“The 2-star force, the spiritual power of the intermediate level of the mortal realm…” Wang Teng glanced at the little girl.

The 2-star Force is the term of the Star Martial Continent, which represents the strength of the 2-star warrior.

And the spiritual power of the mortal realm is the previous realm of the spiritual realm. The spiritual power of ordinary people is generally in the mortal realm, but Wang Teng is now in the spiritual realm and has reached a high level.

If Su Lingxuan knew Wang Teng’s true strength, how would she feel?

“If I can, I still want to try.” Wang Teng said.

Goering slowed down, looked at Wang Teng meaningfully, and said, “Are you sure you want to participate in the assessment of the Intermediate Rune Master?”

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded.

The three examiners came over and heard Wang Teng’s persistence, their expressions suddenly a little dignified.

“Little guy, this is not a joke.” The examiner of the goblin clan said.

If Wang Teng passed the examination of the Intermediate Rune Master at such an age, his talents can only be described as evildoers. Looking at the rune world of the entire empire, there has been no such amazing talent in the rune world for hundreds of years. .

“Don’t be so serious, it’s just an assessment. Doesn’t the Rune Guild have an intermediate rune master assessment every day? There should be a lot of people participating. I don’t have more people, and I don’t have a lot less. If it doesn’t work, just forget it. “Wang Teng said silently.

“Yes! How can’t! Now, I will prepare for your assessment right away.” Goring said immediately. If Wang Teng is released, and later discovered that he is indeed an Intermediate Rune Master, that would be a huge loss for their Yangcheng Rune Guild.

In the entire empire, every city has a rune guild. Everyone belongs to the same family, but there is competition. There is a monster-level genius in the local rune guild. For them, there is only good and no harm.

The three examiners also reacted instantly.

What’s more, as Wang Teng said, it is just an assessment. There are so many people participating in the assessment every day. What if there is more than one Wang Teng?

When the assessment results come out, everything will naturally be clear.

The three examiners and President Goring personally took Wang Teng to another room, and the door of the room read the Intermediate Rune Master Examination Room.

There were even fewer people in the Intermediate Rune Master Examination Room, with only a few people. The Intermediate Rune Master Examiner inside saw Goring and the others walking in with Wang Teng, and he was shocked and stood up and said, “President, why are you here?”

“I will bring someone to participate in the Intermediate Rune Master Examination.” Golin said.

“Oh, who is it? I asked you to bring it here in person.” There were also three examiners in the Intermediate Rune Master’s examination, and he couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

They knew that Su Lingxuan, Goring’s disciple, was only at the level of a junior runeman, and they all knew her. They didn’t see her at this time. Instead, they saw Wang Teng behind Goring, with doubts on her face. color.

“It’s him.” Goring let out Wang Teng behind him, looked around, and said, “Your assessment hasn’t been tested yet.”

“So young to participate in the Intermediate Rune Master Examination?” The three people looked at each other with a deep look of surprise, and nodded in response: “It really hasn’t started yet.”

“Then add him too.” Goring said directly without explaining Wang Teng’s identity.

“Okay!” When the three of them saw this, they stopped asking more, and ordered the staff to prepare another assessment platform.

The Intermediate Rune Master assessment will soon begin!

“I hope you don’t let me down.” Goring looked at Wang Teng who was walking on the examination platform, his eyes flickering, and he muttered to himself.

The Intermediate Rune Master is assessed outdoors.

Liu Xinghui, Su Lingyun and others did not leave, but gathered in the corridor, waiting for Wang Teng’s assessment results.

Su Lingxuan was also on this list, staring at the closed door of the assessment room, and muttered in her heart: “The teacher is also true, and he didn’t even bring me.”

Liu Xinghui saw Su Lingxuan alone, his eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but leaned over, pretending to be intimate, “Lingxuan, do you think that guy can pass the test?”

Su Lingxuan frowned without a trace, moved a little half a step away, and said, “I don’t know, just look at the result.”

“I don’t think it’s 80% of the show. The guy probably saw the president present and wanted to attract the president’s attention this way.” Liu Xinghui didn’t notice Su Lingxuan’s small movements and said to himself.

“Even the teacher and the others can’t be sure about things. Anyway, I can’t see anything.” Su Lingxuan said.

The expression on Liu Xinghui’s face suddenly stagnated.

“Haha, how does it feel to put a hot face on a cold ass?” Su Lingyun sneered.

“Humph!” Liu Xinghui’s complexion instantly turned red, and he gave a cold snort, and said nothing more.

Su Lingxuan frowned, Su Lingyun’s words were too ugly.

But for this cousin, she was really helpless. Ever since she took Golin as her teacher, Su Lingyun couldn’t understand her.

Time passed, and at a certain moment, the door of the examination room in front of him slowly opened, and Goring and the three examiners walked out first.

“Teacher, what’s the result?” Su Lingxuan ran up quickly, grabbing Goring’s arm and asked.

Goring sighed.

“Failed?” Su Lingxuan’s face appeared in Wang Teng’s mind, with some regrets.

Liu Xinghui couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but Su Lingyun showed disappointment on her face, and her eyes became indifferent again.

“No, he passed, I just lament that his talent is so amazing.” Goring said with emotion.

Su Lingxuan was taken aback for a moment, and she couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him.

Liu Xinghui was stunned.

Su Lingyun raised her head abruptly, a light flashed in her eyes.

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