Chapter 272: Leaving and Traveling

“The General Hospital, this is not a question of being independent, but having reached this point and has to make this decision.” Wang Teng said helplessly.

“What you said is right.” Peng Yuanshan nodded: “With your strength, together with other freshmen, it’s not fair to you.”

“There is nothing fair or unfair, but everyone’s path is different. This is my choice.” Wang Teng said.

“I have agreed to your request.” Peng Yuanshan said nothing but agreed.

“Thank you for the completion of the General Hospital!” Wang Teng said gratefully.

The school has school rules, especially the Huang Haijun Academy, which has stricter rules.

It was not time for the freshman to leave the school at will, but Peng Yuanshan made an exception for him.

“Don’t be busy thanking me first, I will allow you to take a long vacation, but it must be three chapters.” Peng Yuanshan said.

“You said.”

“I don’t care how you study. At the end of the semester, your scores in each subject must be excellent. In addition, your strength must also reach the 5-star combat soldier level.” Peng Yuanshan said.

“No problem.” Wang Teng agreed without hesitation.

Peng Yuanshan was afraid that he didn’t know this, for him there was no difficulty at all.

As for the scores of various subjects, it will be difficult to fail the test if you just spend some time picking up attributes at that time. As for the 5-star warrior level, he is only one level away. There is still a long time before the end of the semester, and he cannot reach it. Less than.

“The answer is so simple, it seems that you are very confident, is my request too low?” Peng Yuanshan smiled.

“Uh…I think this is enough, but I also need to leave some room for other students to catch up. My performance is too good, and they will feel inferior.” Wang Teng said shamelessly.

“You kid!” Peng Yuanshan gave him a virtual nod with his index finger, shook his head and laughed: “What are your plans next?”

“Go to another world.” Wang Teng said.

“I guess so.” Peng Yuanshan groaned and gave advice: “Go to another world, don’t just think about hunting star beasts for missions. There are still many things to learn over there. As far as I know, are there any? Few people pretend to be a native of another world, blend in with them, travel around, learn their knowledge, and you will receive a lot of goods.”

“There is this kind of operation?” Wang Teng’s eyes widened.

“How do you think we contacted them in the first place?” Peng Yuanshan said meaningfully.

“That’s the case.” Wang Teng touched his chin, as if he had figured out something: “We blend in with them, learn their knowledge secretly, close the gap, and when they react, we have been able to talk to them on an equal footing.”

“We have our advantages, and they also have their strengths. In some things, we have common interests and goals, so we can maintain the so-called peace.” Peng Yuanshan said.

“Is it because of the darkness?” Wang Teng asked with a move in his heart.

“Yes or not.” Peng Yuanshan stopped talking.

“Sell Guanzi again.” Wang Teng was speechless. Seeing that he didn’t mean to say any more, he changed the subject and asked: “Can’t the strong in other worlds see our disguise?”

“As long as you are not a strong person with particularly strong mental power, you will generally not find anomalies.” Peng Yuanshan said: “Of course, if you have a way to hide your soul mark, then it’s a different matter.”

“Soul Mark?” Wang Teng was surprised when he heard this word for the first time.

“Do you know why people from other worlds can’t pass through the cracks in space?” Peng Yuanshan said.

“Isn’t it because of this soul mark?” Wang Teng said.

“Well, according to our research, every world has the mark of every world, and the aboriginal people of every world have this mark, and they are above the soul.” Peng Yuanshan explained.

“So, people with strong mental power will find the difference in soul imprints.” Wang Teng took the conversation.

“Not bad!” Peng Yuanshan nodded.

“Then why are we able to pass through the space crack?” Wang Teng asked the biggest doubt in his heart, which didn’t make sense.

“This is the world’s rejection problem.” Peng Yuanshan said.

“You mean, our world is repelling them, but their world does not repel us?” Wang Teng looked shocked, and he was all involved in the will of the world. Could it be more ridiculous?

“You can say that.” Peng Yuanshan seemed to have said a little too much, and waved his hand to let Wang Teng leave: “Okay, you will know what you should know in the future. It’s useless to ask so much now. Go away, go away, don’t bother you. I am.”

“No, you are halfway through, how uncomfortable I am.” Wang Teng was depressed to death, and was eventually driven out of the office by Peng Yuanshan.

A day later, Wang Teng was ready and notified the family to let them not worry. He also called Lin Chuhan to inform the schedule so that she could not find anyone to worry about, and then left Earth Star through the space crack.


Wang Teng bought a few alien costumes. The costumes here are still a bit retro. The Terrans are very similar to the Earth Stars. There are whites and yellow races. There are also differences in clothing, just like the East and West differences between Earth Stars.

Wang Teng belongs to the yellow race, wearing ancient costumes similar to the Earth and Stars, and his temperament has changed drastically.

With a strong outfit and a hidden weapon box on his back, he is like a handsome young man walking across the rivers and lakes, handsome and outstanding.

The face value is too high, looks good in everything!

Wang Teng looked in the mirror and shook his head in distress.

Hey, I don’t know how many ignorant girls and young women are going to be fascinated~

After handling his own dress, Wang Teng came to the transfer station where the Force floater was parked in Yongcheng, ready to go to the city where the alien races gathered.

This transfer station was crowded with people, and there was a large crowd of people. It can be seen that there are many people of all kinds, carrying luggage, and rushing to board the airboat, shouting constantly.

Wang Teng checked at the ticket office. The nearest city was Yangcheng, and he decided to make it his first stop.

“Thank you for a ticket to Yangcheng.” Wang Teng said to the pretty young lady selling tickets in front of him.

The ticket sales lady looked at Wang Teng’s face, her eyes lit up slightly: “Okay, wait a minute.”

Wang Teng paid the money, and she quickly handed out a ticket from the window.

“The floating boat going to Yangcheng is about to take off, and the floating boat going to Yangcheng is about to take off… Passengers who have not yet boarded, please hurry up!”

There was a voice on the radio.

Wang Teng quickened his pace and finally caught up with the floating boat that was about to take off.

“Quickly go in, a little later, you will have to wait three hours.” The ticket inspector smiled.

“Thank you!” Wang Teng thanked him and stepped into the floating boat.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute.”

At this moment, a voice came from behind him, and Wang Teng glanced back, and two young girls of seventeen or eighteen years old hurriedly rushed over.

“It seems that it’s not just my luck!”

Wang Teng smiled and didn’t pay attention anymore. He walked into the floating boat and found a corner to sit down and close his eyes to rest.

Not long after, the floating boat shook slightly and rose high into the sky. Wang Teng looked outside through the window. The buildings and people below gradually shrank, and finally only black spots remained.

“Qingxin, there is a place here.” A voice suddenly came over.

Wang Teng turned his head and saw the two girls who had just boarded the boat behind him walking towards this side.

“Hello, we have no seats. Can you sit here?”

The two girls were of the same age as him, and their appearance was outstanding, especially the girl who was questioning at the moment, wearing black long skirts, with elegant temperament.

“Whatever.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Thank you!” Fei Qingxin nodded and thanked.

“You’re welcome, no one is sitting in this position.” Wang Teng said.

“You guy, your eyes are dishonest, and you always stare at our house with a clear heart.” Another girl next to her suddenly rolled her eyes at Wang Teng.

“(⊙_⊙)” Wang Teng.

Isn’t it a normal operation to look at your eyes when you meet a beautiful woman? Is this not honest?

“Qiaoqiao!” Fei Qingxin yelled strangely, then turned to Wang Teng and said, “Don’t listen to her nonsense. My name is Fei Qingxin. She is Meng Qiao. How about you?”

“The two are not only beautiful, but they also have nice names.” Wang Teng smiled and said, “My name is Wang Teng.”

“Your name doesn’t always feel like a good person.” Meng Qiao said, this girl seemed to be uncomfortable with Wang Teng.

“…” Wang Teng.

“My bestie is not forgiving, you ignore her.” Fei Qingxin smiled awkwardly: “Are you from another city? Are you also here to see this alien city?”

“An alien city!” Wang Teng murmured in his heart. He used to call the Xingwu Continent an alien world. This was the first time he heard that the earth star was called an alien world. It was strange in his heart, but he still nodded on the surface: ” Yes, come and see if you are curious, are you a native of Yangcheng?”

“Well, we sneaked out of the house.” Fei Qingxin stuck out her tongue playfully and asked: “Where are you? Where are you from?”

“I’m from another continent, and I’m traveling around now, and I’m going to see Yangcheng.” Wang Teng made the personal settings in advance.

There are a total of five continents in Xingwu Continent, each of which is very vast, and he claims to be from a faraway place, and no one else can find anything.

“You can travel to the mainland at such a young age. You must be very strong!” Fei Qing said admiringly.

“Hey, Qingxin, don’t be deceived by him. This guy is clean and completely clean. There is no trace of wind, food and sleep. No matter where he looks like a person traveling everywhere, I think he is the kind of liar who specializes in deceiving girls.” Meng Qiao Come out again to tear down the stage and speak bluntly.

“Don’t let you take a bath yet?” Wang Teng said silently.

“Huh, who knows if what you said is true or false, you don’t seem to be a good person, the little white face looks like, and the strength may not be that strong.” Meng Qiao hummed.

“Qiaoqiao, you are too much.” Fei Qingxin smiled apologetically at Wang Teng, and quickly pulled Meng Qiao away: “What the hell are you doing today, what are you always doing against him?”

“I’m not targeting him, but this guy himself is suspicious, Qingxin, I promised your brother to take good care of you, and I can’t let you be fooled by the smelly man outside.” Meng Qiao said.

“Bah, baah, why are you fooled by a stinky man, am I that stupid?” Fei Qingxin said angrily.

“That’s not good, you can see that his eyes almost didn’t write the words’so handsome’ on his face.” Meng Qiao despised.

“No.” Fei Qingxin suddenly made a big blush.

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