Chapter 177 Ah…Youth! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

back to dorm.

Wang Teng’s waist straightened, and the corners of his mouth also showed a curve. He called up the attribute panel.

[Comprehension]: Spiritual Realm (16100)

[Spirit]: Spirit Realm (5.8100)

The first is the comprehension and spiritual attributes. According to the conversion rate of ten to one, 1 point and 0.8 point are added respectively.

Then the elementary earth element talent has become the intermediate earth element talent. Wang Teng felt it carefully, and he was more acquainted with the earth element force between heaven and earth.

In addition, the original force of the earth element also added 12 points.

Earth Force: 1251000 (3 stars)

Now Wang Teng’s Earth Element Force is 3 stars, and he needs 1000 points of Earth Force to be promoted to 4 stars.

However, there are so many geniuses at the Yellow Navy Academy. If you communicate with each other, you will surely be able to rise to the top soon.

Wang Teng was very satisfied with the result today. He sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice. As for the tofu cubes on the bed, whether he could move it or not… It was too difficult!

Military training continued in the afternoon.

Wang Teng enjoyed the attention of all the freshmen, and his deeds of defeating the sophomore have spread to all the freshmen.

There are those who admire and jealous, and there are also those who worship and shout.

The instructor hadn’t arrived yet, and everyone could not help whispering.

The classmates around Wang Teng couldn’t help but come up to ask questions.

Hou Pingliang was even more weird, holding a water bottle as a microphone, and asked: “Brother Teng, let me interview, what do you think of defeating the sophomore?”

“I think…too weak!” Wang Teng said forcefully.

“Huh…” Lu Shuji’s faces were full of contempt, and he didn’t show any face to reveal him: “We all know that you had a hard time defeating the sophomore, but even so, it’s very powerful.”

Wang Teng didn’t care, and he mingled with everyone with a smile.

In his heart, he was happy, and he secretly admired his acting skills.

Hey, you can almost get an Oscar!

“The instructor is here!” I don’t know who shouted, all the voices immediately disappeared, and everyone lined up at the fastest speed.

“Everyone is very free.” Du Chi walked to the front of the phalanx of War 1 and said cheerfully.

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