Chapter 156 Doudou’s Golden Doudou

Wang Teng looked at the villain on the opposite sofa, defeated, and asked: “Doudou, do you want to watch cartoons?”

Doudou shook his head.

“Would you like to eat…apples?” Wang Teng asked, picking up the apples on the table.

Doudou shook his head again.


Shaking his head!


Shaking his head!


“Brother Wang Teng, are you greedy?” Doudou looked at Wang Teng purely.

“…” Wang Teng held the milk in his hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth instantly stiffened.

When Li Xiumei came out, what he saw was Wang Teng lying on the sofa in love, and Doudou sitting next to him, with an innocent face full of innocence.

“What’s wrong with you…?” Li Xiumei asked in surprise.

“It’s okay, I just want to be quiet.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

“…” Li Xiumei.

“Doudo, what’s wrong with your brother Wang Teng?” She turned to Doudou and asked.

Doudou shook his head and stared with a pair of big eyes, indicating that he was innocent and didn’t know anything.

“Forget it, we don’t care about him, let’s go, Auntie will take you to take a bath.” Li Xiumei picked her up, ignored someone pretending to be dead on the sofa, and went upstairs.

Doudou poked her head from the side of Li Xiumei’s neck and looked at Wang Teng with a strange expression on her face.

Wang Teng sighed. He was actually defeated by a little bit. Don’t fail too much!

While he was sitting on the sofa complaining about himself and doubting his life, the phone WeChat rang.

Take a look.

It’s a message from Bai Wei:

“Big Brother Wang Teng, are you back?”

During Wang Teng’s trip to another world, Bai Wei sent a lot of information, but Wang Teng hadn’t had time to reply, and she didn’t expect she would send it back at this moment.

The frequency of this girl’s hair news is a bit high!

“Come back!” Wang Teng went back.


Bai Wei immediately sent a surprise emoji package over.

Bai Wei: “Big Brother Wang Teng, where did you go to play? I didn’t contact us throughout the summer.”

Wang Teng: “I went to another world.”

He didn’t hide it, and it was nothing shameful anyway.

Bai Wei “You went to another world!!! (ΩДΩ)”

Wang Teng: “Yes!”

Bai Wei: “Awesome! Brother Wang Teng, you can already go to another world! ٩(๑◡๑)۶”

Wang Teng sent out an Erha emoticon with a big smile on his hips.

Bai Wei: “Is the scenery in another world beautiful? Are there any photos? Send me some pictures.”

Wang Teng shook his head. The scenery in the alien world is beautiful, but he is not in the mood to pay attention to those, which are more dangerous and strange, such as various powerful star beasts, and the unknown dark species…

However, before he became a warrior, his impression of other worlds was also beautiful scenery, exotic customs and so on.

Before and after the comparison, Wang Teng was also a little embarrassed.

Wang Teng sent out a dry smile emoticon: “I forgot to take the photo, I will show it to you next time.”

Bai Wei: “It’s a pity, but… forgive you, you must remember to take pictures next time. I really envy you that you can go to another world.”

Dahan Wang Teng: “Definitely! Definitely!”

The two chatted for a while, and Wang Teng finally found an excuse to get out, and he couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

Just about to put away the phone, a message came in again——

Lin Chuhan: “School is about to start, are you back?”

Wang Teng: “Just come back!”

Well, three days after coming back, it can be considered as just coming back!

Wang Teng nodded to himself.

Lin Chuhan: “Where did you go during your summer vacation? Why did no one reply?”

Wang Teng: “Another World!”

Lin Chuhan: “Another World!!!”

Has he gone so far? Lin Chuhan was secretly surprised, and a sense of pressure and urgency emerged for no reason.

Can’t be dumped too far!

Lin Chuhan was also very curious about the alien world, and asked this question and that enthusiastically.

Wang Teng told her what he could say, to satisfy her curiosity.

After half an hour, after finishing the communication, Wang Teng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Ding Dong!

Another message.

Wang Teng looked at the phone in his hand, his eyes twitched.

Lin Chuxia: “Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I heard from my sister that you are back.”

Wang Teng: “…”

These women are endless, right?

Wang Teng had to fight hard to deal with this future sister-in-law…

Twenty minutes later, Wang Teng finally dealt with Lin Chuxia and sighed.

“Woman, I’m so scared!”

Then he shut down immediately without thinking about it.

MMP, see who sends me a message.

My phone is dead, turn it off!

Li Xiumei came down from upstairs holding Doudou, the little guy was already clean, like a porcelain doll.

I didn’t know what they were upstairs just now, and there was no one in sight for a long time.

The pajamas that Doudou wore were bought by Li Xiumei who asked her nanny Chen to go out in the afternoon. Other daily necessities were also bought.

Wang Teng estimated that Li Xiumei planned to let Doudou stay at home for a long time.

“Son, come and play with Doudou for a while, and I’ll cook some supper for you to eat.”

Li Xiumei put Doudou on the sofa next to Wang Teng, exclaimed, and went into the kitchen to cook.


Wang Teng wanted to cry without tears, did he get involved with a woman tonight?

Three big ones are sent away, and another small one!


He turned his head to look at the villain beside him, showing an old father-like smile…

After half an hour, Li Xiumei cooked the supper and called everyone to eat.

At the table, several people were eating supper.

There was also a small bowl in front of Doudou, but she did not move.

“Doudou, why don’t you eat it? Don’t you like it?” Li Xiumei asked.

Doudou shook his head and suddenly said: “Auntie, I want to go home, I want to find my parents.”

The atmosphere suddenly solidified!

Wang Teng and others fell silent suddenly.

“Doudou, it’s at Auntie’s house, OK, your parents have gone far away…” Li Xiumei’s eyes were red, and her voice was a little choked.

“Do they want Doudou?” The little girl’s mouth was flat and she was already crying.

“Why? They are the people who love Doudou the most in the world, how could they not want you.” Li Xiumei said.

“Then why didn’t they come to Doudou?” Doudou said doubtfully: “Are they scared to hide by the bad guy? Brother Wang Teng is so powerful. Auntie, would you let Brother Wang Teng protect them? That bad guy bullied Mom and Dad.”

“Good boy, they just went to work far away. When you grow up, you can see them again.” Li Xiumei said.

“Auntie, you lie, are they dead!” Doudou said, the golden Doudou in his eyes has already rolled down.

Li Xiumei covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying, she stepped forward and hugged Doudou tightly, and Doudou finally burst into tears.

“Oh, poor child.” Wang Shengguo couldn’t help sighing deeply.

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