Chapter 1421 The horror of Wang Teng! Tutian collapsed! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

In the fighting space.

Two unparalleled sword lights collided, bursting out countless sword auras, sweeping around.

Everyone watching the battle in the other space was all shocked.

They stared at the point where the sword light collided, and they couldn’t bear to blink.


The roar echoed constantly.

The aftermath of the Force rewinded towards the surroundings, the sword energy swept across, and suddenly a figure flew out in the sword light.

Kill the sky!

It’s actually killing the sky!

In the confrontation of this sword, he obviously fell into a disadvantage and was shaken out.


The spectators were in an uproar, and they did not expect that the terrifying sword of Tuan Tian would be defeated by Wang Teng’s sword light.

“Wang Teng… is so strong!!!”

Many people were shocked, and their pupils shrank sharply.

Wang Teng gave them too many accidents.

He had only shown some superficial knowledge of this kendo before, and others thought he was not good at it.

Now it seems that this is not good at it, it is simply not the time to show it.

Now that he encounters the genius of swordsmanship like Tuantian, Wang Teng has shown his kendo attainments, and he has the upper hand in this first round of fights.

It’s incredible!

Tutian’s body was shaken back several thousand meters, and his footsteps slammed in the void, leaving a clear white mark directly in the space, ending his body shape.

At this moment, he looked a little embarrassed, with his long hair dangling, a little messy, and there were even two small sword marks on his cheeks.

The sword mark suddenly cracked at this time, and blood flowed out.

Tutian wiped his cheeks, feeling the warm blood, and there was a red light in his eyes.

“What was the name of the sword you just saw?”

He stared at Wang Teng closely, and seemed to be more excited, and a cold voice came from his mouth.

“The Overlord’s Twelve Swords, Sword One!”

Wang Teng said lightly.

Among the spectators, a figure whose appearance was hidden by light suddenly twitched at the corner of his mouth.

This sword technique was secretly learned from him, and now it is said in a grandiose way. It’s really…

Never seen such a brazen person!

This person is amazingly Yu Yunxian!

Regarding Wang Teng’s battle, he did not fail in a single battle.

Since losing to Wang Teng, he has been paying close attention to every battle of Wang Teng, knowing himself and the enemy before he can win every battle.

Although it has already been defeated, it is impossible to say that it will be victorious in a hundred battles.

But at any rate, I know the shame and then be brave, and win it back next time.

But he had to admit that Wang Teng’s perception of this [Twelve Overlord Swords] Jianyi seemed to have surpassed him.

Even has gone out of its own way!

He thought he couldn’t do the power of that sword just now.

Among them, there is not only the grandeur and domineering meaning of the [Twelve Overlord Swords], but also a strong to extreme killing intent.

This is what he doesn’t have.

Kendo is the way to kill.

Increasing the meaning of killing will only make swordsmanship more powerful.

“Overlord’s twelve swords! Sword one!” Slutian’s eyes flickered, staring at Wang Teng and said, “So, you still have eleven swords!”

“Guess!” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“…” Slaughter the sky.

“Come again!”

“This first sword counts me as a loser!”

“See if you can catch my second sword!”

There was a cold burst of shouts.

Tuotian’s figure suddenly disappeared in place, and once again rushed towards Wang Teng, a stronger killing intent erupted from the war sword in his hand.

That killing intent instantly turned into a peculiar field, spreading around at a speed hard to see with the naked eye.

Kill the sword domain!

At this moment, Tutian finally used the power of the domain!

A black field enveloped Wang Teng, and endless killing intent permeated the field, the sword light turned into a torrent of black sword light.

Wang Teng’s pupils suddenly shrank!

Very strong!

This sword merged with the [Killing Sword Domain], it was really powerful.

Even Wang Teng felt a surge of pressure!

This is the strength of the fourth-order sword domain!

Wang Teng didn’t know if Tutian had used his full strength, but he also had to release Tier 4 domain power to resist it.

But his [Slaughter Sword Domain] only realized Tier 3, and there is still a big gap between this and this Slaughter Sky.

“Second Form of Slaughter God!!!”

Opposite, Tutian shouted.

The torrent of black sword light suddenly soared into the sky, and then screamed down suddenly, tearing through the void, and swept toward Wang Teng with bursts of piercing wind.

The dense sword light completely blocked Wang Teng’s surroundings.

[Killing Sword Region] Unleashing endless killing intent, it even enveloped Wang Teng, making his body stagnate.

If it is an ordinary person, under the meaning of such a horrible killing, I am afraid that it has long been unable to move.

But Wang Teng is different!

His eyes flickered, his gaze swept around, and his mental power quickly rolled out, picking up all the attribute bubbles dropped by Tutian.

【Killing Sword Domain*300】

【Killing Sword Domain*350】

“Sure enough, once you use it, you just don’t want to drop the attribute bubble and you can’t help it.” Wang Teng smiled in his heart, and a period of sentiment emerged in his mind, and his [Killing Sword Domain] quickly improved.

When he was in Jianyu Plain before, his [Slaying Sword Domain] had reached the level of the middle and upper reaches of Tier 3.

At this time, he gained a few hundred points of insight, and [Killing Sword Domain] finally broke through to Tier 4!

[Killing Sword Domain]: 1504000 (fourth order)

“According to the way of the other, return to the body!”

“Look at whether your Killing Sword Realm is great or mine is great!”

The words in Wang Teng’s heart fell, and a terrifying killing intent burst out of his body, which was not weaker than the killing intent of Slaughter Heaven.

The feeling of stagnation on his body was instantly broken through.


The power of the field exploded.

The fourth-order golden sword domain is open!

Tier 4 Killing Sword Domain is superimposed!

“You also try my second sword!”

At this moment, Wang Teng was also aroused to fight, and he greeted him with a loud shout.

Overlord’s Twelve Swords!

Sword two!


Within the domain, there was an endless burst of peculiar sword light of gold and black, which also turned into a torrent, rushing straight up from below, and violently collided with the torrent of black sword light rushing down from the sky.

The violent roar echoed, the entire field was shaking, and the void was almost collapsing.

The power of the two swords is so terrifying!

All the people watching the battle changed drastically, and their faces were full of shock.

The two people’s understanding of kendo is really terrifying, and they have reached such a point.

Their eyes were fixed on the sky in the battle space, and the victory or defeat was only an instant.


The two torrents of sword light kept hitting each other, the sword light shot in all directions, strangling frantically, exuding endless fierce meaning.

Tuotian’s gaze stared at the collision in front of him, his complexion suddenly changed.

I saw that the torrent of black sword light he slashed out actually showed signs of rout. In the golden and black sword light of the opponent, it was like ice and snow touching the flames, gradually dissolving.

And once this sign appears, the rate of ablation will become faster and faster.

The next moment, the entire torrent of black sword light suddenly exploded, and countless sword lights dissipated in the air.

Tutian’s complexion changed drastically, and he immediately withdrew and retreated violently.

But it was too late.

After Wang Teng’s black and gold sword light defeated his offensive, it cut through the air and suddenly enveloped him.


Slut Tian was instantly enveloped by the flood of sword light, and the entire figure disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

“Did you lose?”

Many eyes converged on the flood of sword light, and many people squeezed cold sweats for Slut Tian, ​​wondering if he could stop the flood of sword light.

Although it was not immersive, everyone could feel the horror of the flood of sword light.

Many people felt that they would not be able to bear this kind of tangible bombardment.

No doubt he will die!

But Tutian’s strength is indeed very strong, even in the face of such a powerful attack, many people feel that he may be able to stop it.

“Second Sword!”

The muscles on the corners of Yu Yunxian’s mouth twitched again.

What did he just see?

Sword Two of the Overlord’s Twelve Swords!

There is absolutely nothing wrong, that is the second sword of the Overlord’s Twelve Swords!

He suddenly remembered that in the last time in the battle for genius hegemony, Wang Teng had said that as long as he played it once, the other party could learn it.

He didn’t believe that Wang Teng was able to learn the sword one of the Overlord’s Twelve Swords. He already thought it was a miracle.

The Twelve Swords of the Overlord, the more difficult it is to practice as you go back, let alone stealing learning.

But now it seems that Wang Teng has done it.

He really learned Sword II secretly!

Yu Yunxian had never encountered a person who could make him so powerless.

Wang Teng stood holding the sword, his eyes fell on the torrent of sword light ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly.

so close!

This Slaughter Heaven’s strength is the third level of the universe, but fortunately, his gold system star force is one level higher than the opponent, reaching the fourth level of the universe.

Otherwise, with the same strength of Tier 4 Sword Domain at this moment, it may not be able to suppress the opponent.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the torrent of sword light in front of him suddenly appeared abnormal.


At this moment, a dark sword light suddenly rose straight up into the sky, and Wang Teng’s sword light torrent was like a school of fish. It was washed away by a shark that suddenly broke in, and the endless sword light shot backwards in all directions. Out.


At the same time, the hum of the sword reverberated in the void, overwhelming all the sounds, and it was particularly ear-piercing and clear.

Wang Teng looked at the sword in his hand.

The sword is shaking!

He raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and he was really surprised.

Man and sword are one!

See the man and the sword again!

At this time, the fierce aura released by Tutian was astonishingly the unity of humans and swords.

Wang Teng himself has mastered this realm of kendo, and he is naturally no stranger.

“Human sword is one!”

On the other side, Yu Yunxian also muttered to himself, and he also attached great importance to Tuotian in his heart.

A warrior who has mastered the realm of human-sword unity is definitely not to be underestimated.

This Slaughter gave him more and more surprises.

The people watching the battle around saw this scene, and their spirits were shocked.

“It seems that Slaughter hasn’t lost yet.”

In the eyes of everyone, Li Tian completely rushed through the flood of Wang Teng’s sword light, and reappeared in front of everyone in an extremely shocking way.

“Wang Teng, you are very strong, but it is not so easy to beat me!”

A cold drink came from Zilutian’s mouth, his body was filled with a terrifying sword intent, and his whole body seemed to be fused with that sword intent.

The war sword in his hand was raised high, as if his arms were extended, blending together.

Sword intent into the sky!

His whole person and Jianguang merged into one, completely turning into a black sword light.

A strange wave suddenly spread.

On the black sword light, there seemed to be strange lines appearing, engraved on the sword light.

The power of the law of origin!

That is the power of a source law!

Wang Teng was shocked and felt an extremely dangerous aura, as if under this sword, he would be killed in seconds.

This feeling is extremely abrupt!

But it really appeared in his mind.

Wang Teng rarely felt this way, only those warriors who were much stronger than him would give him such a feeling.

But at this time, this was the same cosmic level Slaughter Heaven as him, but it gave him such a feeling.

It’s incredible!

“That kind of original power…” Wang Teng was shocked, and faintly guessed.

However, he did not dare to be negligent, and the sword in his hand swept across, and the Five Elements Sword Domain erupted directly.

At this time, he couldn’t hide it.

The wool that should be squeezed is almost squeezed.

Although he won’t really die in the fighting space, he can’t let himself lose to the opponent.

I saw a five-color light suddenly burst out from the war sword in Wang Teng’s hand. His Five Elements Sword Domain had already reached the fifth rank and was powerful.

This is the first time to use!

As soon as it broke out, he felt that the pressure was much less.

But not enough.

He immediately quietly used the power of the Five Elements Origin and attached it to the Five Elements Sword Region, causing mysterious lines to appear on the five-color sword light.

This scene attracted the attention of all the spectators, who were shocked, staring at the two terrifying sword lights.

“That is… the power of origin!”

“Both of them have mastered the power of origin!”

“It’s too abnormal, they actually mastered the power of the source, are they really cosmic martial artists?”

At this time, many people finally realized that the aura that diffused from the two sword lights was the power of the source, and they were shocked.

It is too rare for a cosmic martial artist to master the power of the source.

Last time, Wang Teng and Zhulongshan fought, and Zhulongshan actually released the original power, but it was only a first-order level. In addition to the special nature of his candlelong eye, the surrounding area was completely dark, and other people simply saw it. Does not come out.

But this time is different.

This time the original power of the two men appeared in front of everyone in a majestic manner.

More importantly, the original power displayed by the two is very powerful!

Whether it is the power of Tutian’s origin or Wang Teng’s origin, it gives people an extremely shocking feeling.


There was a roar.

The black sword light transformed by Tutian finally brewed completely, and without any hesitation, it slammed towards Wang Teng.

The black sword light slashed out, and all the killing intent was converged on the blade, converging at one point, completely locking Wang Teng.

At this time he finally understood where the crisis just came from.

This sword light has compressed the killing field to a point, and has the original power added, all locked on his body.

The winner can be decided with one sword!

Many people can’t help but worry about Wang Teng when they see such a powerful attack.

Just now Slaughter Heaven was still at a disadvantage, but after this sword was cut out, everyone had only this sword in their eyes.

Wang Teng seemed a little dangerous.

The black sword light was too terrifying, even if everyone just looked at it, they felt its horror.

Wang Teng also looked solemn at this time, holding the war sword in his hand, the Five Elements Sword Domain was completely closed, and a five-color sword light bloomed.

Man and sword are one!

Five Elements Sword Domain!

Even superimposed the power of the source!

At this moment, Wang Teng did not dare to be negligent and used all the methods he had mastered.

In a blink of an eye, the black sword light on the opposite side had reached a few hundred meters above Wang Teng’s head. His eyes condensed without any hesitation. The whole person was merged with the sword light and cut out suddenly.

The sword opens in five colors, extremely gorgeous!

It was like a five-color sword flower blooming in the void, eclipsing everything.


Extremely stunning!

It’s just a sword, but it’s so amazing and shocking!


Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment. It was a little unbelievable. They didn’t expect Wang Teng to cut such a stunning and terrifying sword.

But don’t wait for them to think about it.


The five-color sword light condensed by Wang Teng instantly collided with the black sword light on the opposite side.

In the next moment, time and space seemed to freeze.

This time the collision, the two sword lights were not as powerful as that, and there was no scene of sword aura, as if they were colliding together in an ordinary manner.

But the feeling of stagnation in time and space made everyone look very dignified.

Their eyes suddenly became a little nervous, and they stared at two sword lights unblinkingly.

Everyone has a hunch, the victory or defeat lies in this sword.


Suddenly, a very crisp cracking sound came out, which seemed particularly abrupt in the battle space that suddenly became quiet.

Everyone’s eyes condensed, and suddenly they saw that clear cracks appeared on the black sword light.


In an instant, before everyone could react, the black sword light burst into pieces and turned into black light rain in the sky.

In the light and rain, an embarrassed figure shot out.

But Wang Teng’s five-color sword light slashed toward the embarrassed figure like a bamboo.

“Fuck!” The figure snorted coldly, holding up the sword to resist, but it was in vain. The whole person was severely slashed by the sword light, and several mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and the breath suddenly languished.

When those who watched the battle saw this result, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, their eyes full of disbelief.


“Liutian is defeated!”

Slaughter’s horrible sword finally lost!

They recalled Wang Teng’s sword, and their hearts were suddenly inexplicably shocked.

Now carefully tasted, that five-color sword light is truly terrifying. It seems to contain the power of five domains, but it seems that there is only one domain power, which is extremely mysterious.

There is even the original power attached to it, although they can’t see that there are several original powers attached to it, but it is indeed the original power.

Moreover, Wang Teng, like Slutian, also mastered the realm of the unity of man and sword.

For a while, many people looked at each other and finally knew why Wang Teng was able to win.

Wang Teng’s sword is undoubtedly more powerful than the terrifying sword of Slaughter!

“Fuck, too abnormal!”

I didn’t know who it was, and suddenly couldn’t help but burst into a swear word.

Others felt that they were quite right, and being able to use such a sword was not a metamorphosis.

“His sword is stronger!”

Yu Yunxian took a deep breath and had to admit that the sword that Wang Teng had just used really made him feel amazing.

He could be sure that Wang Teng couldn’t use that sword in the battle for genius hegemony, but now he did it.

This must be what Wang Teng realized after coming to the Star Academy.

Yu Yunxian admitted that he had also improved, but at this moment, compared with Wang Teng, he felt that he was still a lot worse.

Zhulongshan’s complexion was a bit ugly, Wang Teng’s strength was indeed somewhat beyond his expectations, this guy was stronger than he thought.

The last time Wang Teng fought with him, he certainly didn’t use all his strength.

Thinking of this, his face was a little blue and white, and he only felt that he was greatly insulted.

His pride made him unable to accept this fact.

“Bastard!” Zhulongshan’s fists clenched a little bit tighter, and the blue veins on his forehead violently.

In the fighting space, Tutian was able to stop his figure, his whole person appeared extremely weak, but his eyes were full of unwillingness to stare at Wang Teng.


He actually lost!

And it was still above Kendo, and was beaten upright.

This is the first time he has suffered such a huge blow since his debut.

Naturally, there is no balance inside.

“You lost!” Wang Teng looked at him and said lightly.

“Humph!” Slutian snorted coldly.

“Looking at your appearance, I don’t seem to want to admit defeat!” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows and walked towards the other side step by step.

“What are you doing?” Su Tian’s heart jumped, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

“Let you admit defeat!”

As soon as Wang Teng’s voice fell, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Tutian’s complexion changed drastically, and he could only feel the sound of breaking wind coming from behind his head.

He didn’t expect Wang Teng to make such a show, coupled with his weak body, it was too late to escape.



A muffled sound reverberated, and there was even a feeling of being struck by lightning.

That’s right, it’s the feeling of being struck by lightning.

Do you dare to believe it?

Immediately afterwards, a sharp pain came from the back of his head, spreading to his entire head, making him be stunned.

What is the situation with MMP?

What did the bastard hit his head with?

it hurts!

It’s a pity that I don’t wait for him to think about it…

Bang bang bang…


There was a sharp pain in his head again, and the feeling of being struck by lightning reappeared.

The dull sound kept coming into his ears, making him feel bad.


It’s a sharp pain!

He felt that his head was about to explode.

He wanted to hide, but his head was dumbfounded, he was paralyzed by the power of thunder and lightning, and his body didn’t listen at all.

Tutian almost doubted life.

He just doesn’t want to admit defeat, can’t he be arrogant?

As for such a heavy hand?


Now he regrets it, and just wants to give in immediately and get rid of the devil as soon as possible.

“Huh? You still don’t admit defeat, I respect you as a man!” Wang Teng said in surprise, and the thundering brick in his hand smashed harder.

“…” Slaughter the sky!

I want to surrender!

He roared in his heart!

“It’s really the arrogant I value, and it’s really admirable that I won’t admit defeat at this point.” Wang Teng said as he smashed wildly.

“If this is the case, I will give you a strong head!”

“…” Slaughter the sky.

What a great god!

This person is afraid that he is not a devil.

He was almost crying, and wanted to shout out the three words “I admit defeat”, but he couldn’t do it at all. The voice was blocked before he reached his mouth, and he couldn’t shout at all.

Slaughter the sky may never think of it.

His own dignified kendo Tianjiao, one day he will not be able to call out the trivial words.

It’s ridiculous!

For some reason, he suddenly regretted coming to challenge Wang Teng.

Why is he challenging this devil?

By the way, it is to feel the opponent’s powerful kendo mood!

But now he understands that what’s terrifying about the opponent is not the kendo mood, but the shameless character that doesn’t play cards according to common sense!

This bastard is not a human at all!

No one knows how complicated and collapsed this normally cruel kendo genius is at this time.

[Really, there is suffering! 】

Those who watched the battle were also dumbfounded at this time.

They thought that the battle was over, but they actually saw such a scene.

The guy Wang Teng actually held a brick in his hand and smashed it frantically at Tuotian’s head. The dull sound was endless, making them feel frightened.


I don’t know how many smashed, the shaky body of Tutian finally couldn’t control it anymore, and smashed to the ground fiercely. The terrifying force directly smashed the ground into a deep pit.

One after another cracks spread and opened, like a spider web.

And everyone also clearly saw the appearance of Tutian at this time, the bag full of heads, it was horrible.

Nowhere is there such a cold and handsome appearance before.

Completely a pig’s head.

Lying on the ground, his limbs twitched.

Might as well kill him directly.

“This action… is too cruel!” Many people couldn’t help swallowing, their faces full of surprise and horror.

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