Chapter 1412 Become a sweet steamed bun! Difficulties of the 9th Grade Grandmaster! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Volcano No. 6!

Volcano No. 6 has been extremely hustle and bustle these few days!

Many people gathered around the volcano, suspended in the air, looking forward to it, all their eyes focused on a certain alchemy room.

Yue Qiqiao and the others also came, the noise was so loud, they wouldn’t be able to come.

What’s more, they also wanted to determine for the first time whether the Grand Master was Wang Teng or not, so as not to have a happy time.

Someone also went to the hall of affairs to inquire about the news, but both Lin Qian and Yang Meng were tight-lipped and did not announce the news of Wang Teng.

They even held back the news that some people were willing to spend their points to buy the news.

In fact, it doesn’t make any difference whether the public is announced, Wang Teng will come out sooner or later.

But they don’t want it to pass from their mouths.

Once it spreads out, it is almost unnecessary to know that they did it. At that time, who knows if Wang Teng will feel sick to them because of it.

Offended a grandmaster-level figure with great potential, and the gain was not worth the loss.

Wade, Yue Qiqiao and others chatted in the distance.

“Sister Xiaoyue, when do you think the boss will come out?” Wade asked.

“I don’t know, he didn’t say it again.” Yue Qi shook his head cleverly.

“We have been waiting for a long time, the boss is still refining alchemy, right?” Wade suspiciously.

“It’s not so crazy, I’ve been practicing for three days, and the donkeys of the production team have to rest.” Yue Qi Qiao said silently.

“It’s mainly fast enough,” Wade said.

“You may be dying when you heard this sentence.” Yue Qi understood it by chance, glanced at him, and sneered.

“…Cough cough, don’t let the boss know.” Wade looked around with a guilty conscience, shaking with fear.

“Look at your performance.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“Eldest sister, I will definitely treat you first and foremost in the future.” Wade has no ethics and quickly promised.

“That grandmaster doesn’t know when to come out?” On the side of the Zhulong clan, Zhulongshuang and others were also discussing.

“Let’s wait and see, since you want to win people, you have to show a little sincerity.” Zhu Longshuang said lightly.

“I don’t know who it is? I haven’t heard of this person before. Could it be that this is a freshman?” Zhu Longhao guessed.

“It’s unlikely that the grandmaster level among the freshmen.” Zhulongshan said.

“No matter if it is possible for him, when someone comes out, you go up to solicit the other party. This time you will put your attitude on the right side. Your brother has confessed to me. Let me watch you well and don’t make trouble again.” Zhu Longhao Said.

“I got it.” When Zhu Longshan thought about what happened before, his face was a little ugly, but when Zhu Longhao mentioned his brother, he didn’t dare to say anything, so he could only nod his head in anger.

“Hehe, Zhu Longye really loves his younger brother.” Zhu Longshuang laughed.

Zhulongshan was a little aggrieved, and the other party’s tone seemed as if he was a baby bird sheltering under his brother’s wings.

“You don’t want to say a few words.” Zhu Longhao said in a bad mood.

Zhu Longshuang shrugged, but said nothing more.

Alchemy room.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the black meteor furnace, Wang Teng made a big move and opened the lid of the pill furnace, and the medicine in it flew towards him.

The pill fell into the jade bottle and made a crisp sound of ding ding dong dong, which was very pleasing to the ear.

These pills are below the master level and will not attract pill calamity.

After he finished refining the master-level pill, he began to refine these ordinary master-level pill.

“The time for the alchemy room is up, it’s time to go!”

Wang Teng stretched out, the sapphire Liuliyan hovered over him, and then sank into his body on its own, and disappeared. Then he stretched out his hand and the black meteor furnace disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, he walked towards the gate without hesitation.

Take the time to go out without wasting any points.

The door opened, it was already morning, and the light shone in, and Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then went out.

But the next moment, when he saw the situation outside, he was stunned.

what’s the situation?

so many people?

At a glance, people are everywhere, and these people seem to be looking at him?

Wang Teng wondered if he had read it wrong, but after looking around, he found that they were indeed looking at him, and did not mean to look away.

Moreover, these people’s eyes were obviously with a trace of astonishment and disbelief.

“Could it be that my movement is too big?” Wang Teng thought in his heart.

When Wang Teng saw the people around him, the others also saw him, and they all fell into silence.

“How could it be him?” Zhulongshan opened his mouth, his face difficult to look at at an extremely fast speed.

Zhu Longshuang and Zhu Longhao also looked at each other, they had never felt this way… Destiny made someone else!

An unexpected person appeared in their eyes, making them a little overwhelmed.

After Yue Qiqiao and the others saw Wang Teng, they immediately let out a sigh of relief, with joy on their faces, and immediately fell from the sky.

“Wang Teng!” Yue Qi Qiao called.

“Why are you here?” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“Ask us, all your news has been posted on the intranet, here, see for yourself.” Yue Qi Qiao said dumbfoundedly.

At first, she wondered if it was Wang Teng’s premeditated plan, but as a result, he himself didn’t know what happened.

It’s also a bit funny!

“Rolling, what’s going on?” Wang Teng asked in his mind.

“Hahaha…” A round laugh suddenly sounded, he turned on his smart watch and called up a message, saying: “Let’s see for yourself.”

After watching Wang Teng, he was speechless.

It turned out that the movement caused by his three days of alchemy was posted on the intranet and attracted such a large number of people.

He just made a pill, as for?

“You already knew this, right?” Wang Teng asked helplessly.

“Yes, but I want to see your expression after knowing the news, so I didn’t tell you in advance, hahaha… the awkward expression you just had was so funny.” Yuangunguin couldn’t stop laughing.

“Evil taste.” Wang Teng said silently.

“Hehe.” Rounded a smile.

“What are you going to do now?” Yue Qi Qiao asked.

“What else can I do? Go back.” Wang Teng glanced around and said indifferently.

“Go back?” Yue Qiqiao was a little surprised, but soon recovered, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wade looked at the two suspiciously, and didn’t say anything in the end, followed behind them, ready to go back.

As soon as he saw that he was leaving, the people around finally reacted, and one after another came to Wang Teng to surround him.

“Please stay!”

“This grandmaster, please stay!”

Some people obviously don’t know Wang Teng yet, but it does not prevent them from getting to know Wang Teng.

Before, many people froze in place because they knew Wang Teng, but some people didn’t have time to step forward because they saw Wang Teng so young.

Now that they have reacted, naturally they can’t just let Wang Teng go.

And this is Wang Teng’s plan.

Those who wish to take the bait!

If he wants to leave, someone will naturally come up to stay.

Otherwise, if he were to wait here, wouldn’t it appear that his grade was too low.

No, someone has taken the bait before two steps have been taken.

Wang Teng stopped and looked at where the sound was coming from.

Several figures flew quickly, and Wang Teng’s expression moved slightly. He noticed that there were faint pill incense wafting out of these people, who seemed to be alchemists.

And it is not a simple alchemist, but a master-level alchemist!

“This grandmaster…” The figures quickly came to the front, smiling and bowing their hands.

“My name is Wang Teng, who are you?” Wang Teng asked in return, showing doubts.

“We are the alchemist in the academy and also the grandmaster level. I have seen Grandmaster Wang Teng doing alchemy these few days. I really admire it, so I want to get to know it. road.

“It turns out to be masters!” Wang Teng was a little surprised at the directness of the other party, but acting so frankly made people feel very comfortable.

“Can Grandmaster Wang Teng move to our residence and chat for a while.” The grandmaster looked around and invited.

“Alright.” Wang Teng nodded.

There are so many people here, he naturally doesn’t want to chat in front of so many people, and he just wants to learn something from these masters.

“Then you go back first, I will notify you when I go back.” Wang Teng said to Yue Qiqiao and others.

“Okay!” Yue Qi nodded cleverly, and then left with Wade and Bolet.

“Let’s go.” After Wang Teng finished his explanation, he turned his head and said to the grandmaster.

“Please!” The grandmaster stretched out his hand and flew to an alchemy room with Wang Teng.

The people around saw them leaving, and were extremely disappointed. Many people saw Wang Teng’s true face and left, but some still stayed in place, seemingly ready to wait for Wang Teng to finish talking with the masters. .

Lin Qian and Yang Meng couldn’t help shook their heads. With so many people, they had no chance to step forward.

“This Wang Teng student is afraid that he will become a steamed bun,” said Yang Meng Chuanyin.

“Yes, people like him are destined to be very dazzling.” Lin Qian said with emotion, a little embarrassed in her heart.

When Wang Teng first arrived a few days ago, he was not well-known here, but now he has become a guest of the Grand Master, which makes people feel a very wide gap.

On the other side, the people of the Zhulong clan did not leave either, but their mood was very complicated, and some of them were speechless.

“That Wang Teng is Alchemy Grandmaster?!” In the end, it was Zhu Longshuang who spoke first, and said something that seemed like a doubt, but also like an incredible.

“So many people have seen it, and there are still falsehoods.” Zhu Longhao rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache. This Wang Teng’s energy was really beyond his expectations. It seemed a little troublesome. Thinking of this, he again Can’t help but glared at Zhulongshan: “Look at what you are doing.”

Originally, even if Wang Teng would not join their candle dragon clan, at least he would not become their enemy.

But now it’s okay, I was stupefied by Zhulongshan to become an enemy.

“Where did I know!” Zhulongshan’s complexion was very ugly, and some unconvinced muttered: “Isn’t it just a grandmaster, and our candlelong clan doesn’t have it.”

“Isn’t it just a grandmaster!” Zhu Longshuang sneered: “That’s the pinnacle of the grandmaster level, and it’s still so young, have you seen the expressions of those grandmasters? What do you think is the same as passion? What kind of treatment can ordinary masters have?”

Zhulongshan was speechless, he knew that Zhulongshuang was right.

If it were an ordinary master, it might not be a big deal to their candle dragon clan.

But a very young grandmaster-level pinnacle can almost be promoted to a holy level in the future, which has a very different meaning.

He has to admit that it seems that because of his arrogance, he has provoked an incredible enemy to the Candle Dragon tribe.

“Don’t talk about it, let’s think about how to remedy it now. I don’t agree with being an enemy of such a person.” Zhu Longhao said, “Fortunately, it’s not irreparable now, so it’s not impossible to make trouble for this. The point of tidying up.”

“Then continue to follow our original plan, but the price to be spent now may be higher.” Zhu Longshuang said helplessly. She had a great deal of certainty, but it is not necessarily anymore.

“Aren’t you very confident?” Zhu Longhao sneered.

“Now I am still confident.” Zhulongshuang laughed.

“Then I’ll wait and see.” Zhulonghao’s eyes flickered, and he left with Zhulongshan.

At the same time, a lot of people from the forces have stayed behind, obviously not wanting to give up like this.

After a while, Wang Teng and the masters came to the hall of an alchemy room, sat down and introduced each other.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, my name is Dong Yutang, I have been in the academy for many years, and I am now a ninth-rank grandmaster.” said the middle-aged grandmaster who had brought Wang Teng here.

“Grandmaster-level ninth-rank!” Wang Teng was shocked. He didn’t expect this grandmaster to reach the ninth-rank realm, which is really extraordinary.

“Dong Zongshi has a high level of alchemy, which is admirable. Wang will have to learn more from you in the future.” Wang Teng admired.

Everyone carried the sedan chair, not to mention that the opponent was a ninth-rank grandmaster, and he was expected to step into the holy rank in the future, so Wang Teng would naturally pay attention to it.

“Hahaha, it’s my honor to be praised by Grandmaster Wang Teng.” Dong Yutang smiled happily, then pointed to a plump looking man next to him, and introduced: “This is Grandmaster Pu Yuanzhong, His attainments are not low, reaching the eighth rank of the Grand Master!”

“Hey, old Dong, you passed the award, but my alchemy attainments are a lot worse than you.” Grandmaster Pu Yuanzhong smiled at Wang Teng, then waved his hand and said.

“Zongshi Pu!” Wang Teng also smiled at the other party, feeling in his heart that things really gather together and people are divided into groups.

That Dong Zongshi is the 9th rank, and this one reaches the 8th rank, and there is not much difference.

“Who is this……”

When Dong Yutang was about to introduce the third grandmaster, the other party directly smiled and said: “I’ll do it myself, my name is Cecil, I’m also an eighth-level grandmaster!”

This looks rather hearty and beautiful female grandmaster actually reached the eighth rank of the grandmaster level, which is surprising.

“Grandmaster Cecil!” Wang Teng nodded at the other side.

Three masters, one ninth-rank, and two eight-ranks, such a lineup is extremely rare and extraordinary in the academy’s alchemy.

After the two parties had finished their introduction, they started chatting. Grandmaster Dong Yutang and others were very curious about Wang Teng’s alchemy, so they couldn’t help asking:

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, I don’t know which Grandmaster you are?”

“I just reached the eighth rank of the Grand Master.” Wang Teng said truthfully.

“Grandmaster Grade Eight!!!” Dong Yutang looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

“It’s incredible, we thought you were the pinnacle of the Grand Master.” Cecil said with emotion.

“Yeah, you have refined the grandmaster-level alchemy twelve times in three consecutive days, and in my opinion, there are also pill of grandmaster-level 7 or higher. That kind of method may not be possible at the peak of the grandmaster-level. “Pu Yuanzhong nodded in sympathy.

“The grandmaster-level peak has not yet been reached, but refining the grandmaster-level nine-tier pill should be somewhat certain.” Wang Teng said.

“…” When the three heard Wang Teng’s words, their eyes widened.

Refining the 9th-grade pill of Grandmaster-grade with eight-grade master-grade accomplishments!

They didn’t doubt it, but their inner shock was not a lot.

It is not that there are no alchemists who can refine the pill of higher levels, but there are very few, and only those who have extremely deep knowledge of the alchemy can do it.

This Grandmaster Wang Teng is probably this kind of person.

In those three days, twelve times of refining the grandmaster-level pill, and zero failures, made them believe that Wang Teng could do it.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng’s profound knowledge is really impressive. I’m ashamed and ashamed.” Grandmaster Dong Yutang was really convinced, and only admiration in his heart. He was really more surprised than hearing that Wang Teng was the pinnacle of a grandmaster.

“I don’t know how old Grandmaster Wang Teng is?” Grandmaster Cecil looked at Wang Teng with a pair of black eyes, very curious, and couldn’t help asking.

“Let me think about it, I’m probably in my early twenties.” Wang Teng groaned and said.

The universe doesn’t remember years. Although he didn’t enter the universe long compared with other warriors, he really didn’t remember his specific age.


“Puff!” Grandmaster Pu Yuanzhong was drinking tea, and when he heard Wang Teng’s words, he spouted a sip of tea.

Both Dong Yutang and Grand Master Cecil were speechless, looking at each other.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, how old did you just say?” Cecil couldn’t help asking again.

“You are in your early twenties, it must be no more than twenty-five years old.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said.

“Cough cough cough…” Pu Yuanzhong coughed abruptly and said: “Grandmaster Wang Teng, you really scared me to death. Are you really in your twenties?”

“It’s true, I won’t deceive you with this.” Wang Teng said.

“It’s unbelievable.” Cecil took a deep breath, calming himself down.

“Yeah, Grandmaster Wang Teng is too young, none of us are thousands of years old.” Dong Yutang looked at Wang Teng with weird eyes. It is hard to imagine that the grandmaster in front of him is actually younger than their descendants.

In fact, their ability to reach the ninth and eighth ranks of the Grandmaster-level at the age of thousands of years is proof that their talents are extremely powerful, otherwise, most people, I am afraid that they will be within the third-level of the grandmaster, which is already very good.

But now compared with Wang Teng…

“This kind of talent is really terrifying.” Pu Yuanzhong shook his head, sighing: “It’s really more popular than others. I think we were only a few hundred years old. Grandmaster Wang Teng was only in his twenties. We are quite a bit, no, we have already surpassed us.”

“Has Grandmaster Wang Teng joined the deputy professional league?” Dong Yutang asked again.

“Joined.” Wang Teng said.

“That’s good, that’s good, for a genius like Grandmaster Wang Teng, if he doesn’t join the deputy professional league, it would be a loss for the league.” Dong Yutang breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Teng was a little helpless. Are these masters a bit too exaggerated?

There is no genius in the universe.

He just reached the eighth rank of the Grand Master in his twenties, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning.

These three masters are really ignorant!

He murmured slightly in his heart.

After sighing for a while, the three masters finally accepted the facts and were able to communicate normally.

“By the way, Old Dong, how is your [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] refining?” Pu Yuanzhong asked suddenly while chatting.

When Wang Teng heard the words [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan], he was taken aback.

Wouldn’t it be so coincidental?

Was the pill of the [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill] dropped by this Master Dong?

Since the alchemy room they were in was not the one where Wang Teng had picked up the [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] before, he didn’t think about it.

So when Pu Yuanzhong mentioned it suddenly, he was so surprised.

Thinking about it, there is no big surprise. This Master Dong is a ninth-rank, and he must have a certain degree of certainty to refine the [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] this superb pill.

Grandmaster-level ninth-rank alchemist can prepare to attack the saint-level at any time, but the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road needs to be step by step.

Moreover, Wang Teng saw that this Master Dong was only the pinnacle of the domain master level.

Alchemists focus most of their energy on alchemy, and martial arts cultivation skills will inevitably fall behind. Many alchemists’ martial arts cultivation skills are even improved by various treasures, not as powerful as martial artists, and their combat power is natural. Needless to say.

This is also the reason why holy alchemists are so rare!

The alchemy attainments need to be improved again, and the martial arts cultivation base must also reach the master level, which is not small.

Not everyone can be as enchanting as Wang Teng.

“Oh.” Dong Yutang couldn’t help sighing deeply, and said: “This [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] is too difficult to refine, I’m afraid I will live up to the expectations of those two adults.”

“Old Dong, you don’t need to be like this. [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] is really not good at refining. If you don’t reach the peak of the Grandmaster level, I am afraid it will be difficult to refining.” Grandmaster Cecil comforted.

“Although I know this, the star cores obtained by the two adults who have worked so hard to kill two male and female dragon star beasts were destroyed by me. I am really sorry.” Dong Yutang sighed again and shook his head helplessly.

Cecil and Pu Yuanzhong looked at each other, but didn’t know how to comfort them.

Alchemy inherently has a failure rate. The harder the pill, the harder it is to refine. Even if it fails, the person who entrusts it cannot blame the alchemist.

But those two adults were immortal, and could not easily offend them.

In addition, they did not refine the [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] to nurture their offspring, so Dong Yutang felt a little sorry for them.

“Why did those two adults have to find you to refine it? [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] is a superb pill. Isn’t it safer to find a pill holy to refine?” Pu Yuanzhong asked suspiciously.

Wang Teng was also very curious. From the conversations of several people, it was not difficult to hear that it was the two immortal ranks who asked Zongshi Dong to refine the [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan].

It shouldn’t be difficult for two immortal level experts to ask the pill saint to refine the pill, right?

“Uh…I can tell you about this, you must not tell others.” Dong Yutang hesitated.

“Don’t you worry about our character?” Pu Yuanzhong assured.

“Do you need me to avoid suspicion?” Wang Teng laughed. It was the first time he had contact with these three masters. He was not yet familiar with each other, so naturally there was no trust.

“It’s not that serious.” Dong Yutang waved his hand and said, “Actually, it’s the two adults…they are a little tight!”

“…” Pu Yuanzhong and Cecil looked at each other with a strange expression.

Wang Teng also thought it was a little funny. The two immortal-level powerhouses were actually in short supply. How could this reason sound a bit funny.

“Old Dong, you didn’t lie to me?” Pu Yuanzhong asked suspiciously.

“What do you lie to, that’s what the two immortal adults said.” Dong Yutang shook his head.

“Well, I guess they have something unspeakable.” Pu Yuanzhong said.

“Then what do you do now? Can there be another refining material?” Cecil said.

“I don’t have any materials in my hand. The star cores of male and female Flood Dragons are not so easy to obtain, not to mention that they are still the star cores of the supreme emperor-level pinnacle star beast.” Dong Yutang said helplessly.

“The star core of the supreme emperor-level pinnacle star beast!” Pu Yuanzhong and Cecil were taken aback.

The supreme emperor-level pinnacle star beast is equivalent to the world master-level pinnacle, and its star core is naturally extremely precious.

Besides, it is extremely rare to have one male and one female, and it is certainly many times more expensive than any one.

In this way, it is not incomprehensible that those two immortal-level powerhouses will be in a tight hand.

Wang Teng also guessed this.

But those two immortal grades were willing to give such noble materials to Dong Yutang, the ninth-level master grade, for refining. How great was this experience?

At this moment, Dong Yutang looked at the smart watch in his hand, his complexion changed abruptly.

“What’s the matter?” Pu Yuanzhong noticed his complexion and asked quickly.

“The two adults are coming.” Dong Yutang said helplessly.

Wang Teng glanced at him sympathetically, really saying that Cao Cao, Cao Cao was here, the luck of this Master Dong was a bit bad.

“Then what do you do?” Cecil quickly asked with a slight change of expression.

“What else can I do? Naturally, I can only tell the truth.” Dong Yutang shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, my alchemy skills are still not enough. I am a little too confident.”

“Don’t you promise them anything?” Pu Yuanzhong said in shock.

“I told them that I was 60% sure that I overestimated myself.” Dong Yutang smiled bitterly.

“You, how can you be so confused, how can the pill of exquisite grade be so easy to refine? If you lower your confidence, you won’t be so passive now.” Pu Yuanzhong said helplessly.

This is almost a potential rule of the alchemist, unless the alchemist is really sure enough, otherwise the alchemist will generally not say that the grasp is too high.

If it can be refined, then everything is easy to say.

But if it can’t be refined, it’s really a face-slapped face, just like Dong Yutang’s current embarrassing situation.

“It’s mainly the favor of the two immortal powerhouses. It’s really hard for me to refuse.” Dong Yutang sighed.

Pu Yuanzhong wanted to say something to him, but finally shook his head and sighed.

To be honest, the two Immortal-level favors, even if he had the ninth-rank master-level attainments, it would be difficult to refuse any chance of a fight.

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