Chapter 1410: Eighth Grade Grandmaster! Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Star Club!

The name that Wang Teng took when he moved his mind had the meaning of thousands of stars, which meant that everyone who joined the Star Club should be as dazzling as a star.

Even if it didn’t shine when I joined, it is bound to rise after the Stars Meeting.

This is a good wish!

It can be regarded as Wang Teng’s expectation for this star meeting.

Although he had already made plans to be the shopkeeper, he had to shout louder for slogans or something.

When others heard it, the name of this star club was so magnificent, it would be awesome to think about it.

Winning or losing is not important, what matters is the process.

Yue Qiqiao, Bolet and others left one after another, and Wang Teng also became clean. After thinking about it, he decided to start refining some pills.

The Star Club was first established, and now what is needed is to build a reputation and let other students know that there is such a new force.

With Wang Teng’s elixir skills, the low-level pill that he refines, even if he refines it carelessly, can reach eighty to ninety percent of the medicinal power, which is definitely better than the academy’s pill.

So as long as these medicinal pills flow out, they will surely gain fame quickly.

At that time, the students in the academy will naturally rush.

“Rumping, is there any place in the academy to make alchemy?” Wang Teng asked from the bottom of his heart.

He has been here during this period of time, and he has been familiar with the place of cultivation a lot, but he is not very familiar with the place of alchemy and the place of forging.

“In the northwest of the academy, you get on the spaceship, and I will take you directly.” Round Rolling Road.

Wang Teng nodded, and after walking out of the manor, he boarded the spaceship.

The spacecraft took off directly under the control of Chubby, and flew towards the northwest of the college.

In the northwest, volcanoes appeared in front of Wang Teng.

Thick smoke of the volcanoes floated up and gathered in the sky, making the sky in this area appear a dark red color, with more scorching hotness.

The spacecraft fell outside the volcano group, Wang Teng walked out of the spacecraft, looked around, and felt more clearly.

A pill of fragrant fragrance floated, refreshing.

“In such a large area, it seems that there are many alchemists in the academy.” Wang Teng said.

“It’s more than a lot. I have checked. The Seven Star Academy will recruit geniuses with alchemy qualifications in the universe every once in a while. Not only that, but also blacksmiths, rune masters, etc., but there is no genius battle for supremacy. It’s just like a huge momentum.” Yuan Gungun explained.

“So that’s it.” Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully, and smiled: “So, if I don’t participate in the genius battle, wouldn’t I be admitted to the academy through these methods?”

“It’s not the same. If you are absorbed through alchemists, blacksmiths, etc., you won’t have the benefits of warriors, and the focus is different.” Round Raceway.

“Okay.” Wang Teng said indifferently, it didn’t make a difference to him anyway.

While talking, he put away the spacecraft and flew towards a volcano ahead.

Both the alchemy room and the forging room of the college are within the volcano.

Among them, there are a total of nine volcanoes belonging to alchemists, which are number one to nine according to their numbers.

Volcanoes No. 1 to No. 3 are used by alchemists below the master level.

Volcanoes No. 4 to No. 6 are used by master-level alchemists.

As for volcanoes 7-9, only alchemists above the Grandmaster level can use them.

The fire power contained in these nine volcanoes is not the same, in fact, one or two can be seen from their size.

Even the No. 1 volcano covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, and the height reaches tens of thousands of meters, and the top is not visible at a glance.

“It seems that there are alchemists above the master level in the academy.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and he looked at the last three volcanoes.

“There must be, how exist the Seven Star Academy, where do you think the holy-level pills that hang out in the academy come from.” Yuan Gunun said in his mind.

“Above the Grand Master Level is the Saint Level!” Wang Teng said with emotion.

Not long ago, he was very far away from the Grand Master level, because Earth Star had no Grand Master level at all, and even on the Star Martial Continent, only Master Goring had reached the half-step Grand Master, and he had not yet taken that step.

So Wang Teng naturally has no way to go.

But now it’s different. After he came to the universe, he reached the Grandmaster level at an extremely fast speed, and now he has reached the level of about 6th Grandmaster Level, and he can refine pill of Grandmaster Level 6 or higher.

I didn’t even dare to think about this before.

Now that he has the qualifications to chase the Saint Level, it may not take long before he can cross the threshold and become a genuine…Pill Saint!

Dan Sheng! ! !

In the huge universe, Pill Saints are also extremely rare and noble existences, and it is difficult to see one at ordinary times.

In terms of status, Pill Saint is already on par with the immortal powerhouse!

Those immortal-level powerhouses must regard Pill Saint as a guest of honor and dare not offend easily.

For the immortal level powerhouses, the holy level pill refined by the pill sanctuary has a corresponding effect, and even the grandmaster level pill has little effect on them.

The holy grade pill seems to be somewhat different from the master grade pill.

Of course, these Wang Teng has no way of knowing for the time being, I am afraid that only after reaching the holy rank and becoming a pill saint can we know the difference.

However, he still knows some superficial things. For example, if you want to become a pill saint, you must at least become a master class powerhouse!

Even becoming a world master-level powerhouse is just the minimum requirement for one to three grade pill saints.

In other words, after becoming a master-class powerhouse, Wang Teng could only refine a holy-class pill of one to three ranks at most.

The grade of an alchemist is sometimes not clearly divided, and how many grades of pills can be refined is a few grades of alchemists.

Because only if you master the pill of the corresponding grade, you can be regarded as the alchemist of this grade.

However, Wang Teng is a little special. His grade is obviously only the sixth-rank grandmaster-level, but he can refine the seventh-rank grandmaster-level pills, such as the Qiancao Yunshen Pill previously refined.

Because of this, Grandmaster Alfred and the others might have regarded him as a seventh-tier grandmaster!

Thinking of this, Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile.

“It’s a pity that the three volcanoes couldn’t get in at the end, otherwise I would like to see if I can pick up some special alchemy attribute bubbles?” Wang Teng thought in his heart.

Seven, eight, and nine these three volcanoes can only be entered by holy alchemists, and they can be regarded as a holy land.

Even if Wang Teng is now a master-level alchemist, he is not qualified to enter.

Then he fell on the No. 6 volcano. As soon as his foot touched the ground, he felt a scorching heat invading from the sole of his foot.

If it weren’t for the strong physical body of the warrior, the temperature on the ground alone would be enough to make a person’s legs abolished.

But in such an environment, all kinds of strange flowers and plants are still growing all around.

Many are fiery red, like flames.

At the same time, the volcano is surrounded by various buildings. These volcanoes have been engraved with formations. They are suppressed by formations and cannot erupt at all. Therefore, there are no safety hazards to the buildings built on them.

Halfway up the mountain, a hall that resembles an office is located here. Due to the huge scale of these volcanoes, enough buildings can be built.

Wang Teng walked into the hall and saw many people walking around.

“This classmate, do you need any help? By the way, my name is Lin Qian, you can call my name directly.” Soon a young woman in a college uniform walked over and asked with a smile.

“I want to rent an alchemy room for alchemy.” Wang Teng took a look at the other person. It seemed that he should be a senior, but it was not too strange. Many people would earn points for doing things in the academy, so he directly explained his intention.

“Rent a pill refining room!?” Lin Qian glanced at the young man in front of her in surprise.

Is the opponent a master-level alchemist?

It doesn’t look like it at all, it’s too young.

“Generally, only Grandmaster-level alchemists with the seventh rank or above will rent the alchemy room on Volcano No.7. If you want to refine the pill of seventh rank or lower, you can go to several other volcanoes to see, and the points collected there are also It will be less.” Lin Qian kindly reminded.

What she said was not euphemistic, and felt that the young man in front of her might be here for the first time, and she is not very familiar with it yet.

After all, she has encountered this kind of thing many times.

In her opinion, Wang Teng is likely to be a new student, and he was admitted in the way of geniuses, but he also has the talent for alchemy, so he found this side by himself.

“Thank you, I don’t think I went wrong.” Wang Teng said flatly.

“Okay, then please come with me.” Lin Qian was obviously taken aback, but since Wang Teng said so, she didn’t say anything more, suppressing the surprise in her heart, took Wang Teng into the hall. And as he walked, he asked, “Are you a new student in this class? I always think where I have met you.”

“Yes, I am indeed a new student.” When Wang Teng heard the other party’s words, he didn’t think he was hitting up a conversation. After all, he has a lot of reputation now. Although the academy is big, there should not be many people who know him. The elder sister probably saw him before, but he didn’t need to explain anything in particular.

Lin Qian was just talking. She didn’t have to ask the bottom line. She quickly led Wang Teng to a machine and said, “There is an empty alchemy room on it. You only need to click on it and pay the points to get it. Right now.”

“In addition, one hundred points are required a day.”

“One hundred points a day!” Wang Teng’s heart exploded directly. This alchemy room is not cheap.

However, considering that a grandmaster-level 7-pin pill requires at least tens of thousands of points, I think the price is reasonable.

“This one hundred points must be included in the cost.” Wang Teng thought viciously, and then rented an alchemy room under Lin Qian’s guidance.

“It turns out that you are Wang Teng’s junior, no wonder I think you are a little familiar.” Lin Qian could not help but be surprised when she saw Wang Teng’s name in the light curtain emerging from the machine.

“Senior sister, don’t be too loud, it won’t be good if someone hears it.” Wang Teng whispered.

“Huh?” Lin Qian’s head was full of question marks, why she was still sneaking up, making it like something.

“I don’t want to be watched by too many people.” Wang Teng said.

“Oh oh.” Lin Qian reacted, nodding her head again and again, she was a little bit charming.

She also knew that this schoolboy had a good reputation now, and it would really be a trouble if someone else noticed him.

“Don’t worry, I will never tell other people.” She promised immediately.

“Then thank you Senior Sister.” Wang Teng nodded, and then said goodbye. He was anxious to make alchemy, but didn’t want to waste time here.

This elder sister looks good, but he is not a person who can’t walk when he meets a beautiful woman.

“Okay, can you find a place? Do you need me to take you there?”

After knowing the identity of Wang Teng, this Lin Qian seemed a little enthusiastic, especially when she saw that Wang Teng was still a master-level alchemist, she wanted to get acquainted even more.

A grandmaster-level alchemy master, that is simply walking points.

“By the way, don’t you need to buy alchemy materials? We have them all here.”

“No, I still have a lot of materials on my body. I will buy them when I run out.” Wang Teng smiled and refused.

At this time, he had to admire himself for a while, how foresight to let the girls of the Flower Spirit Race plant all kinds of elixir in the space debris.

If it is purchased within the academy, it will definitely cost a lot of points, which is too wasteful.

Of course, not everyone can have space debris at the cosmic level like him, and he also developed the spiritual field by himself, and there is a group of flower spirits to help take care of it.

Whether it is the construction of space or the cultivation of spiritual fields, it is no small project, and most people really can’t do it, and they don’t have the leisure time to do such things.

So most people can only act according to the rules of the college.

Lin Qian watched Wang Teng leave with some regrets, and wanted to say a few more words, but the other party seemed to have no meaning at all.

“Oh, forgot to leave contact information.”

She suddenly clapped her palms and almost burst into tears.

“Look, everyone is gone.” Just then, a hand suddenly patted her shoulder.

Lin Qian was shocked suddenly, and she almost jumped up. The other party walked silently without being noticed by her.

“What are you doing, it scares me to death.”

Lai Ren is a tall beauty, but also a familiar friend of her. The two of them usually earn points here together.

However, in fact their main purpose is not to earn points, but to get to know some alchemists.

So if Wang Teng observed carefully just now, he would find that the staff in this hall were almost all beautiful women.

“Who just now looks so handsome, and almost took your soul away.” The tall and beautiful senior asked curiously.

“Let me tell you, that was just…” Lin Qian took the other person and walked aside, and the two began to whisper.

She has forgotten what she promised Wang Teng just now.

It may also be that she felt that she was just talking to her friend, so it was nothing.

“Really, it’s him!” The tall and beautiful senior sister was very surprised: “Then you have to catch it. Seeing that the other person is still a master-level alchemist, it’s terrible, no one else is still there. I know.”

“Who said no, but whether he can refine the Grandmaster-level pill is still a problem, I doubt it.” Lin Qian said with blinking eyes.

“It’s not that the other party is here to refine alchemy, and not to deceive people. Without that ability, why waste points here.” said the tall and beautiful senior sister.

“It makes sense!” Lin Qian nodded thoughtfully.

“So you have to hurry up, while others don’t know.” said the tall and beautiful senior sister.

“Then I want the old cow to eat tender grass?” Lin Qian’s face turned red. Although Wang Teng was using this kind of calculation, Wang Teng was obviously much younger than her, and she really couldn’t do it.

“If you can’t do it, just let me do it, I can do it.” The tall and beautiful senior sister teased.

“No, are we still good sisters?” Lin Qian said silently.

“What’s the matter? For the sake of points, the old lady will even betray her hue, and she still cares about age.” The tall and beautiful senior sister said indifferently.

“You are right. I must seize this opportunity. Many of the people who came with us have already advanced to the master level. As long as we are still hovering at the master level, if we don’t improve soon, we will be eliminated. “Lin Qian said with a firm light in her eyes.

The warriors who can enter the Star Academy are not without ambitions.

Although Lin Qian and that tall beauty chose to find a source of points for themselves in this way, they did it precisely because of their ambitions.

“Oh, I thought I had a chance.” The tall and beautiful senior sister sighed. After all, it was her friend who discovered first. The two have a very good relationship. They shouldn’t fall out for this kind of thing, let alone they are not that kind. green tea.

“Okay! Okay! The big deal is next time, I will tell you first.” Lin Qian smiled.

“Look at you proudly.” The tall and beautiful senior sister said in a temper.

“It’s probably not that easy. I think he seems to be boring to me. He left without saying a word. He didn’t even look at me.” Lin Qian said with a bit of frustration.

“No way, a beauty like you, he doesn’t take a second look, is it the legendary super alloy straight man.” The tall and beautiful senior sister was surprised.

“How can you say that.” Lin Qian couldn’t laugh or cry.

“Anyway, you always have to try.” The tall and beautiful senior sister said: “It’s really impossible to give up.”

“That’s right.” Lin Qian nodded.

Wang Teng didn’t know that someone regarded himself as a prey. At this time, he had come outside an alchemy room on the volcano.

This alchemy room is a bit like a half-mountain villa, inlaid in the mountain, half exposed, and embedded in the mountain on one side, it does not have a meaning.

Wang Teng did not rush into the alchemy room, but swept his eyes around and felt his mental power.

Property bubbles!

Sure enough, there are many attribute bubbles here!

Although every alchemy room must be formed by a rune formation to prevent outsiders from disturbing.

But this is not difficult for Wang Teng.

He didn’t do this kind of thing once or twice. The mental power formed filaments, and went along the “gap” of the rune formation into the alchemy room. After picking up the attribute bubbles, he ran away, like a little stealing food. mouse.



【Yin and Yang Jiao Yuan Dan*1】

“Huh!” Wang Teng suddenly let out a startled cry: “Yin and Yang Jiao Yuan Dan!”

A prescription suddenly appeared in his mind, and it was still a prescription he didn’t know.

“Yin and Yang Jiao Yuan Pill, a master-level superb pill!!!”

Wang Teng closed his eyes and examined it carefully, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

This is actually a great master-level pill!

What is a superb elixir?

Generally speaking, the pill of each level is divided into one to nine products, and above the nine products, it is a peculiar product!

It is a kind of pill between the Grand Master and the Saint!

The most important thing is that a master-level alchemist can refine this exquisite pill.


The superb elixir is very rare!

Naturally, the pill is extremely precious, and most people don’t even know that even in the vice-professional league, there are very few elixir prescriptions for the peculiar pill.

If Wang Teng wants to redeem a pill of superb pill from the vice professional league, he will probably have to pay a great price.

Unexpectedly, today in this pill refining place of the Star Academy, I was lucky enough to get a pill of a superb pill.

Through the introduction of the pill, Wang Teng knew the function of this [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Pill].

Then his face became a little weird.

This [Yin Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] is actually a kind of pill to enhance the talents of the offspring, and it should be used when the man and woman are mingling, and then the essence enters the mother’s body and has an effect when the life is conceived.

After taking this pill, the children born out of them are absolutely very talented, and it is very possible to combine the talents of both parents.

For the warrior, the stronger the strength, the harder it is to conceive a child!

[Yin and Yang Jiao Yuan Dan] The main ingredient of the two flavors is the star core of the Yin and Yang Jiaolong. Combining the power of Yin and Yang, it can increase the chance of pregnancy.

Wang Teng really didn’t expect the effect of this pill to be so…Wonderful!

I don’t know who is refining this pill!

Have the opportunity to get acquainted with each other.

Wang Teng thought so and continued to pick up attribute bubbles.

With the first sweetness, even though it was only a wonderful pill, it was a superb pill at any rate. He still had a glimmer of hope that he might be able to pick up another pill.




Wang Teng’s alchemy level has rapidly improved, and here are all alchemists above the seventh rank of Grandmaster level, so the attribute bubbles they drop are very useful to Wang Teng.

It was a pity that there was no second kind of pill, which made him a little disappointed.

So far, Wang Teng has not picked up many pills, and it seems that it depends on luck to drop the pills.

After picking up the attribute bubble, he glanced at the attribute panel.

[Alchemist]: 850010000 (Grandmaster level)

“Now I am equivalent to the eighth rank of the Grand Master, right.” Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile.

In a blink of an eye, he was promoted to two grades in a row from the sixth grade of the grandmaster, and reached the eighth grade of the grandmaster. This feeling is really cool.

Then he didn’t stay any longer, and walked towards the door.

Without Wang Teng’s opening, Yuan Kuan Gu had already opened the door, and he walked directly into it.

This alchemy room is very humane, half resembling a residential area, with various rest areas, and the other half in the mountain is where the alchemy room is located.

Wang Teng glanced at the rest area and walked directly into the alchemy room.

The alchemy room was huge, with the fire opening in the center. Wang Teng walked over and saw that a hot temperature swept up from below.

Unfortunately, it is useless for Wang Teng.

With a big wave of his hand, the Black Falling Furnace fell on the vent, Wang Teng sat cross-legged, a variety of alchemy materials emerged, and he began alchemy.

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