Chapter 1400 I will give you a chance to challenge me! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)


In Wang Teng’s perception, his clone was sealed, and he couldn’t perceive the outside world at all.

That feeling can’t be wrong.

It must be a seal!

Since Wang Teng has mastered the means of sealing, he is no stranger to it, so he feels even more clear at this moment.

“Who is it, even my clone was discovered.” Wang Teng’s face was solemn, and various thoughts flashed in his heart.

His clone was hidden very secretly, but it was discovered and sealed.

The strength of the opponent, even the cautiousness, was beyond his expectation.

But there is one thing he can’t figure out. If it is an enemy, just destroy the clone, why is it just sealed.

To do so is obviously thankless.

Unless the other party is not hostile?

Then why did the other party quietly take Lin Chuhan away?

Wang Teng couldn’t figure it out, and his heart was upset. The main thing was that he had lost the last clue and couldn’t find where Lin Chuhan was.

He slowly opened his eyes, his face was a little gloomy, and a depressed mood seemed to burst out at any time.

“Wang Teng!” Yuan Tuanguo cried out worriedly.

“I’m fine.” Wang Teng said.

“Any clue?” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help asking.

“Without any clues, my clone is sealed, and I can’t find her position.” Wang Teng said.

“How could this be?” With a hint of weirdness on his face, Chuankuan asked hesitantly: “Then…what shall we do now?”

“There is no way, we can only wait. Since the other party did not destroy my clone, but sealed it, it shows that Lin Chuhan is probably safe. We can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to find us.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“I’ll see if I can anti-track through Lin Chuhan’s smart watch and find her.” Yuan Kuan said in a deep voice.

“Can you?” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, and then he remembered that Tumbling had just been promoted to the domain master level, and maybe he could really do it.

“I can only try. After all, the virtual network is the territory of the Virtual Universe Company. I don’t know if I can fail to be noticed.” Yuan Rolling said.

“Do your best.” Wang Teng took a deep breath and said solemnly.

“Okay!” Yuan Kuankuan nodded and disappeared in place.

It had originally planned to cultivate, but now it can only help Wang Teng find Lin Chuhan first.

Wang Teng sat quietly in the room for a while, trying his best to calm himself down. Now he can’t do anything, so he can only wait instead of letting his emotions influence him.

“Huh!” After a moment, he took a breath, and his heart gradually calmed down.

Although Yuangungun knew that he was very anxious now, so he didn’t mention the matter of cultivating anymore, he did not forget. At this time, he closed his eyes again and was immersed in the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast’s inheritance, looking for spiritual power techniques and battles suitable for his cultivation. Technique.

Time flew by, and it was three days in a blink of an eye.

In the past three days, Wang Teng was quiet here, but the new students outside were surging.

On a certain plain of the college, a huge stone monument was suspended in the air, and many new students’ names appeared on it.

Newcomer list!

This stone monument is impressively the newcomer list!

Three days ago, the freshmen returned from the Secret Realm. Many of them have been greatly improved in strength and learned that the newcomer list is open.

Many people immediately started to compete for the rankings!

In just three days, the names of tens of thousands of people have appeared on the stele.

But this is not all the new students, there are countless genius fighters from various territories.

There are a thousand people in the Dagan Empire alone. Except for the top ten, the others are almost evenly distributed among the seven star academies.

The Seven Star Academy must ensure enough students to be able to sustainably develop.

This is the consensus reached by the Seven Star Academy!

Although they have competition, they are not vicious competition, but healthy competition under the condition that their opponents are strong enough.

So even if the Seventh Star Academy has certain disadvantages, there are not many students enrolled in each session. At most, the top ten students will be less than other Star Academy.

In each territory, there are several forces like Dagan Empire, so in fact, every Star Academy can recruit hundreds of students in each territory, and all territories can reach nearly ten. Ten thousand people.

So the names on the stele at this time are not all.

Many people are still watching!

At the same time, not only new students are paying attention to the newcomer list, but some old students are also paying attention.

The opening of each newcomer list is the hottest thing. Now the well-known old students in the academy have basically risen from the newcomer list.

To a large extent, the newcomer list is an excellent opportunity for the college’s tutors and veteran students to observe true geniuses.

Some people rose up in the battle for genius, but when they arrived at the academy, they began to fall behind and were caught up by some latecomers.

But this newcomer list is different. Once the newcomer list is opened, it will remain in the academy until the next new students appear.

During this time, everyone can chase the ranks of the rookie list.

Therefore, as long as someone from behind catches up, those at the top of the rookie list will also be squeezed out.

A temporary rise is nothing, the one who really laughs last is the real strong and winner!

This is why most people are not in a hurry to compete for the rookie list.

“It has changed! The rookie list has changed again!”

At this time, there was a sudden uproar around the rookie list stone stele.

Many onlookers noticed that the first place in the newcomer list had changed, and they were shocked, and then there was a lot of discussion.

“Candle Dragon Mountain!”

“The first place became Zhulong Mountain!”

“Barney has been turned into second place!”

“Who is this Zhulong Mountain, what a strange name?”

“Candle Dragon?! I see, this is the Candle Dragon clan, a very powerful race.”

“Candle Dragon Clan, could it be the Candle Dragon Clan that occupies the entire Candle Dragon territory!”

“Yes, it is that race. It is said that they have the body of candle dragon and their strength is very terrifying. I didn’t expect that even the genius warriors of this race could not help but compete for the rankings.”

Amidst the discussion, ripples spread on the huge stone tablet, and a sturdy figure stepped out of it and appeared in front of everyone.

The way to compete for the newcomer list is very simple, that is, enter the stone tablet to fight!

But this battle is not a real person battle, but a projection!

This projection has been re-engraved by a stone tablet, and it is no different from a real person. It can display all the strengths of a real person, which is very magical.

This point is very similar to some functions of the virtual universe.

And doing this is naturally to prevent students from getting hurt.

The newcomer list is to arouse competition among students, not to fight for life and death.

There are many places that will die, such as the secret realm, but it is not the newcomer list.

Of course, although the battle in the rookie list is based on a re-enacted projection, it feels real.

In this way, the sense of fighting will not be missing, and it will still exist.

Fighting is sometimes not purely for fighting. The academy allows each student to compete for the rookie rankings. Part of the deep meaning is to let them fight each other, so as to gain insights in the battle.

After Zhulongshan walked out of the stone tablet, his gaze was stunned, as if he didn’t pay attention to the genius warriors around him.

He looked around, didn’t see the person he wanted to see, frowned, and then stepped out and disappeared in place.

“Is he the Zhulong Mountain?”

“It feels really strong, and it’s hard to see through.”

“Hmph, this guy’s eyes are very unpleasant, as if he looks down on everyone.”

“Hehe, the candle dragon clan!”

Everyone looked at the departure of Zhulong Mountain, with different expressions, some were solemn, some were upset, some were disdainful…and so on.

Those present were all talented warriors, everyone was arrogant and looked down upon. Of course, they were not convinced in their hearts.

Soon after Zhulong Mountain left, another pale youth figure also stepped out of the stone tablet, looked around, and left silently.

“It’s Barney.” Someone recognized the young man walking out.

“Looking at his appearance, he was indeed defeated. I didn’t expect it.”

“I remember Barney seems to be from the territory of the Witch Tower. It is said that he is also the top ten in the genius battle. He is very strong. I didn’t expect that he was squeezed out of the first place.”

“This number one is obviously hydrated, and now many people have not taken action at all, so this number one must not last.”

“What about Zhulong Mountain?”

“This…it’s hard to say, the Candle Dragon clan is indeed very strong, but other territories also have very strong existence. I’m not sure.”

Yue Qiqiao and Bolet, the tree man, stood in the sky and frowned as they watched the ranking changes on the stele.

“That guy is in the first place.” Yue Qi Qiao shook his head.

“He is very strong!” Bolet the tree man said with his eyes flickering slightly.

“Oh!” Yue Qiqiao was surprised.

Wang Teng once told her that this treeman is not simple, and now even he feels that Zhulongshan is very strong. It seems that Zhulongshan is by no means an ordinary genius warrior, and that Barney is not unjustly defeated.

“I don’t know when Wang Teng will come out, it’s been three days.” Yue Qiqiao muttered in his heart.

Not long after, Zhulongshan posted a message on the intranet of the Seventh Star Academy:

“Wang Teng, the trip to the Secret Realm is over, and I have been promoted to the cosmos level! Now I am also ranked first in the rookie list!”

“I give you a chance, come out to challenge me!”

Very conceited and very contemptuous.

It seemed that if Wang Teng didn’t challenge him, he was persuaded.

The news came out and surprised many people.

Who is Wang Teng?

Needless to say, many people already know Wang Teng’s fame, and the inexhaustible arrogant who made it to the star list, once entered the Star Academy, he attracted a lot of attention.

Just as Zhulongshan hit the top of the rookie list, he pointed the finger at Wang Teng!

Also call the names personally!

For a while, the eyes of the new and old students in the academy were all attracted, and many people were ready to watch the excitement.

Wang Teng’s strength makes many people jealous, they are not sure how strong Wang Teng is.

Now there is a candle dragon mountain jumping out, you can try the depth of Wang Teng’s pool.

However, some people were quite upset, thinking that this was an excellent opportunity to become famous, but Zhulongshan took the lead.

Especially those top geniuses in other territories, originally refused to accept it.

Wang Teng He De He Neng can actually be on the star list, but they can’t.

So these people were planning to find opportunities to dominate Wang Teng on the rookie list.

Good idea!

It’s a pity that Zhulongshan has made such a show, and he has exhausted the limelight. Even if they run out again, the effect is estimated to be greatly reduced.


After Zhulongshan’s words were heard, two more days passed, but there was no movement from Wang Teng’s side.

It seems to ignore it at all.

The discussion outside got more and more intense, and many people secretly guessed whether Wang Teng had no confidence, so he was timid, and did not dare to come out and fight Zhulongshan.

“Wang Teng, if you dare not fight, you will take the initiative to retreat when you see me in the future.”

“A genius on the star list is just a vain name, and it smears the name of the real star arrogance.”

There was another word from Zhulong Mountain, very arrogant, contemptuous and mocking Wang Teng.

When other students heard these words, they were very surprised.

Does this guy have hatred with Wang Teng?

Speaking so harshly, this is offending people to death.

“Hehe, it’s interesting now.” Someone also showed an expression of interest. It is not too big to watch the excitement, and they are looking forward to Wang Teng coming out to challenge.

“Too arrogant!” Yue Qi stomped angrily when hearing these words.

She is now tied to Wang Teng and expects Wang Teng to take her to earn points. This Zhulongshan is going to completely stigmatize Wang Teng’s reputation and make him lose his head in the academy in the future.

“Every time a star ranking arrogant appears, these talented martial artists must be jealous, and then they will rush up one by one, wanting to pull you off the horse, can you hold it?”

In the college arbitration meeting, the senior Woodman smiled to himself.

On the third day, Wang Teng still did not show up, making everyone more excited, as if it were more interesting.

One kept provoking, the other remained motionless.

The contradiction between the two will only accumulate deeper and deeper, and the later will be more exciting.

Sure enough, Zhulongshan said again:

“Are the warriors of the Dagan Empire all smuggled? It’s a mere appearance. Even if you get the first place in the genius battle by a counselor, you can still make him on the star list.”

This time, Zhulongshan directly fired the map cannon and attacked all the genius warriors of the Dagan Empire.

Obviously, he did this in order to arouse the outrage of the genius warriors of the Dagan Empire, so as to excite Wang Teng.

“This Zhulong Mountain is too much!” Yue Qiqiao’s anger rose in his heart, gritted his teeth, and looked at Wang Teng’s residence: “Why doesn’t that guy come out, this can be stable.”

The other genius warriors of the Dagan Empire were also furious, and one after another released words on the intranet of the Seventh Star Academy:

“It’s just a clown, what right does it have to make irresponsible remarks to our great empire.”

“That’s right, the candle dragon clan, I think it’s the reptile clan!”

“Reptiles also want to challenge the real dragon, too self-defeating. No wonder Wang Teng is unwilling to come forward. People never put a reptile in their eyes.”

“Hahaha, a crawler, crawling and crawling…”

On the intranet, some people actually compared the candle dragon clan to reptiles, and all kinds of malicious remarks were made.

Many people who eat melon are shocked.

The warriors of the Dagan Empire are too courageous, they actually call the Candle Dragon clan reptiles, this is to stab the hornet’s nest.

However, there are also many people who read it with gusto. They are not afraid of the candle dragon clan at all. At this time, they only find it very interesting. It feels that the melon is getting bigger and bigger.

“Puff!” In the college arbitration committee, Senior Woodman spouted a sip of red wine and looked at the intranet with wide eyes: “Goodbye, even the candle dragons dare to scold him.”

After seeing it, Zhulongshan angrily smashed everything in his manor to pieces.

“Asshole, who is it, dare to call me a reptile!”

“Look, find me the people who call me the candle dragon clan, I must make them pay the price.”

Zhulong Mountain was so angry that he wanted to tear everything apart, so he immediately ordered people to find them out.

“Tsk tusk, who opened the head, it seems that the mouth is a bit poisonous!” Yue Qi Qiao looked at the scolding war on the intranet, and couldn’t help being a little surprised.

But she also happily saw someone scolding Zhulongshan, the other party was too arrogant, and they scolded all the warriors of the Dagan Empire, really thinking that everyone was afraid that his Zhulong clan would fail.

The Candle Dragon clan has a lot of power in the academy. If they want to find a few people who speak on the intranet, there is no way they can do it.

But for a long time, Zhulongshan didn’t know how to find the people who cursed the Zhulong clan.

The result is not a group of people, just one person!

A fat guy!

Those posts calling the Zhulong clan as reptiles were all scolded by the fat man in his vest.

Zhulongshan wanted to trouble the fat man, but the other party was very cunning. He hid in his manor and didn’t go out at all. The angry Zhulongshan broke a pile of furniture again.

“No, it’s actually that Wade!” Yue Qi knew the identity of the fat man with a strange expression.

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