Chapter 1397 Return! Newcomer list! (Two-in-one subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng enters the channel between the chaos secret realm and the original universe.

The complete and vast universe they are in is called the original universe, which means “I am at the center of all realms”.

Probably every aboriginal people have such pretentious ideas, just like the earth and stars back then, thinking they were in the center of the solar system.

In fact, the earth star is just a planet of life in the vast universe too small to be small.


The people of Earth Star once fell into a panic about this.

It turns out that they are not the only life form in the universe, nor the strongest life form.

This is… embarrassing!

Closer to home!

With the experience of the last time, Wang Teng felt a lot better when he entered the tunnel this time. It may also be that his mental power has improved, so that feeling of confusion has a lot less impact on him.

In this way, Wang Teng has more energy to search for the attribute bubbles in the passage. The space and time attributes are very important to Wang Teng, and he naturally can’t let it go.

Fortunately, this channel did not disappoint him.

Not long after entering the passage, several attribute bubbles appeared in front of Wang Teng.

Pick it up!





As the attribute bubble merged into his body, Wang Teng couldn’t help but smile, feeling that his spatial body and time talent were increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This feeling is very good!

It seems that the talent accelerator is turned on, and the talent is rising.

And it’s such a rare talent!

What if he is about to leave the Secret Realm of Chaos?

Never let go of any chance!

Wang Teng snorted in his heart, his eyes were not idle at all, he constantly scanned the surroundings, looking for more attribute bubbles, and did not let any fish slip through the net.

At this moment, he stared, and saw a lot of attribute bubbles in a small space-time vortex. He immediately rolled out his mental power and picked them up.






I have to admit that as Wang Teng entered the cosmos level and swallowed a large number of golden light clusters before, his mental power soared many times. This time he was obviously much calmer than when he came, and the time spent in the passage has become Longer.

At this moment, he stepped in the turbulent flow of time and space, just like strolling in a leisurely courtyard, watching the turbulent flow of time and space around him.

Such a scene cannot be seen outside.

The guard elder outside the passage frowned!

what’s the situation?

That kid hasn’t come out after going in for so long?

Couldn’t it be something that happened?

I can’t tolerate him not thinking too much. After all, Wang Teng has a history of history, and he can be struck by lightning in the chaotic secret realm. What accidents may not happen in the channel of this chaotic secret realm?

What if this Chaos Secret Realm wanted to kill him at the last moment.

It’s still very dangerous to think about it.

By the way, even the “chaotic will” was aroused, and I don’t know what he did?

Could it be that he touched the tiger’s butt of “Chaotic Will”?


Although this kid is a good seed, he is too uneasy. After only entering the academy, he has already shown signs of it.

“No, I have to see what he is doing?” The guard elder muttered in his heart, and immediately reached out his mental power and entered the chaotic passage to peer at someone.

So he saw Wang Teng “walking” in the Chaos Channel!


In an instant, several black question marks appeared on the head of the guard elder.

What is this kid doing?

Even a strong man like him can’t see Wang Teng picking up attribute bubbles, so I just thought Wang Teng was…walking!

Well, probably only these two words can be used to describe what Wang Teng is doing.

“This bastard!” The guard elder was suddenly covered with black lines, blowing his beard and staring angrily.

Wang Teng was very comfortable picking up attributes, and suddenly a slightly familiar old voice came from his ear, and it was the guard elder before.

“Come out quickly, what are you going to do about it.”

Wang Teng paused, a little bit dumbfounded.

“Yes, I’ll be urged to walk through the passage, do you want to pick me up like that?”

He thought that the guard elder was disgusting him for wasting time, and knew that the other party was afraid that he would be quietly killed by Chaos Will.

But no matter what, Wang Teng didn’t dare to violate the other party’s will, and immediately responded respectfully:


Then he had to speed up and rushed towards the other end of the tunnel.

“It’s a pity, I wanted to stay a little longer.” Wang Teng thought bitterly, glanced quickly, trying to pick up more attribute bubbles in the last little time.

It is a pity that happy time always flies quickly. After all, this channel is limited, and it is impossible for him to keep picking up attributes.

After a while, a ray of light appeared in front of him.

“Here!” Wang Teng glanced back with nostalgia, and finally rushed out.

In a blink of an eye, the dizziness disappeared, and Wang Teng’s mental power operation also stopped, and he no longer needed to keep that tight state against the chaos of time and space.

“Huh!” He let out a sigh of relief. Although he can indeed stay longer in the tunnel after his mental power is promoted, it doesn’t mean that there is no pressure at all.

Then Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel.

[Time]: 186010000

【Space Body】: 23500400000; (fourth order)

“Not bad!” Wang Teng nodded inwardly.

The time attribute has increased by a few hundred points, and the space body attribute has also increased by several thousand points, which has greatly improved his mastery of the two talents.

Of course, there are also attributes found in the Chaos Secret Realm, not all of them come from this channel.

Although the time and space attributes are a bit rarer, the evolution of various laws in the chaos secret realm naturally also has time and space attributes.

And those attributes, in addition to the attributes of the original law, there are also some innate attributes of this time and space.

Otherwise, relying only on the attribute bubbles picked up by the channel, the two extremely rare talent attributes that Wang Teng mastered would not be able to increase so much.

But in general, so far, Wang Teng’s journey to the chaos secret realm is quite complete, and he has basically done everything he should do.

In the distance, a huge spaceship was staying in the air. It was the same large spaceship that sent Wang Teng and the others before. It was obviously here to pick up the students and leave.

In that spacecraft, many students had already come out of the secret realm. At this moment, they gathered in the spacecraft’s hall to discuss their trip to the secret realm, and the atmosphere was very warm.

After all, it was the first time for them to enter the secret realm, and this trip to the secret realm was too strange.

And everyone has gained more or less, and their strength has been greatly improved, and they naturally seem very excited.

These students all came out earlier than Wang Teng. They abide by the regulations of the academy very much. When the time came, they immediately left the secret realm without daring to delay the slightest.

Unlike Wang Teng, he squeezed out the last bit of time, and even delayed a lot of time.

So at this time they were actually waiting for Wang Teng’s return.

If Wang Teng doesn’t come back, the people will not be there, and the spacecraft will naturally not be able to leave.

In the crowd, Zhulong Shanzhi was triumphant, surrounded by a group of genius warriors, all kinds of flattery were endless, even if his face was always arrogant and indifferent, the corners of his mouth could not be restrained at this time.

However, when his gaze swept around, he couldn’t help but frown without seeing Wang Teng.

That guy hasn’t come out yet?

On the other side, Yue Qiqiao, Yu Yunxian and others also gathered together. They also didn’t see Wang Teng’s figure, and they couldn’t help but feel a little anxious, worrying about whether he might be in an accident.

At this moment, the immortal white-clothed man standing in front of the spaceship waved his hand and opened the panoramic simulation of the spaceship.

The scene of the outside world appeared in front of everyone.

Yue Qiqiao, Yu Yunxian and the others couldn’t help but froze, because they suddenly saw Wang Teng’s figure appearing at the entrance of the Chaos Secret Realm.

Wang Teng stretched his waist, retracted his gaze from the attribute panel, and looked around.

It is still the same as when he came, and there are gray areas everywhere, and around him, there are huge vortices, and those vortices are the entrances to the great secret realms.

At this moment, he was standing in front of a whirlpool.

The stone tablet next to it is inscribed with the four primitive characters of “Chaos Secret Realm”.

Not far away, an old man sat cross-legged, like an old monk sitting withered, his breath was not visible, even his [Pupil of True Sight] could not see the slightest.

“I have seen the guard elder!” Wang Teng already knew at this time that this was probably the guard elder who had previously spoken to him in the air, no matter how he complained, he immediately bowed respectfully.

“Yeah!” The guard elder slowly opened his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes were very deep, like two black holes.

Wang Teng was slightly surprised.

“Your kid really doesn’t save me trouble. Next time, go to another chaos secret realm, don’t come to me.” The guard elder said, some irritably said.

“Uh…” Wang Teng was speechless, he was disgusted?

“Hahaha, Wang Teng, he doesn’t want you, next time you come to me.” In the distance, an old loud laughter came.

Wang Teng turned his head and looked, and found that it was the elder guarding at the entrance of another Chaos Secret Realm. He was also an old man. He looked inconspicuous on the surface, but Wang Teng knew that the other party was definitely not easy, so he immediately saluted.

“Fuck, I’m just talking about it, he can go wherever he wants to go, what do you say.” The guard elder who entered the secret realm Wang Teng snorted coldly and said.

“Hehe, just be hard on you.” Another guard elder couldn’t help but smile, and curiously said: “But I’m a little curious, Wang Teng, what exactly did you do in the chaos secret realm that made him so disgusted.”

“…” Wang Teng.

Can we see through but not tell?

It’s shameful.

Wang Teng didn’t really want to mention that he was struck by lightning. He always felt that it was not a good thing. What if these guard elders dislike him?

He didn’t want it either!

That “Chaotic Will” didn’t know what was going crazy, so he used thunder robbery to smash him. It was wrong to think about it.

“He was smashed by thunder robbery.” The guard elder of Wang Teng’s secret realm glanced at Wang Teng and said lightly.


The remaining elders in the Secret Realm of Chaos were speechless, looking at Wang Teng with a strange expression.

“Elder, in fact, I was really wronged…” Wang Teng wanted to explain again.

“Get out of here, don’t be embarrassed here.” The guard elder interrupted Wang Teng’s words and waved his hand in disgust.

“…” Wang Teng was very heartbroken, and said helplessly: “Good elder, goodbye elder.”

After speaking, he turned into a streamer and galloped towards the spaceship in the distance.

The genius warrior in the spaceship also heard the conversation between Wang Teng and several Chaos Secret Realm guard elders, and they all showed a strange look.

“Struck by lightning?!”

What Wang Teng did in the Secret Realm of Chaos was struck by lightning!

At this time, the hatch opened and Wang Teng flew in from outside, and suddenly found that everyone was looking at him, his eyes seemed to be looking at something… strange?

Even the immortal man in white standing at the forefront of the spaceship couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng.

“Wang Teng, here!” Yue Qi Qiao called to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed slightly, and he walked over, meeting with Yue Qiqiao and others.

Yue Qi was just about to ask something, but the immortal white-clothed man said: “Everyone is here, return home!”

The spacecraft shook slightly, turned around, and flew towards the Seventh Star Academy.

Many people suddenly turned pale.

Are you all here?

But there are still people who haven’t come back.

What this shows is self-evident.

The white-clothed man glanced across the crowd and said: “First of all, I congratulate you all for returning from the secret realm. The survival rate of the secret realm during this trip has reached 86%. The rest of the people who have not returned have been confirmed dead.”


As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar around.

It’s dead!

Many people didn’t notice that some people were missing. At this time, they heard the words of the man in white, and then they reacted.

Many genius warriors who entered the secret realm died.

The survival rate is 86%!

Is it high?

It doesn’t seem to be low!

However, you have to know that these are all genius warriors from all the frontiers of the universe, they are so dead!

Fourteen percent of genius warriors, this is already a huge loss.

This news is really like a basin of cold water pouring on the hearts of these proud genius warriors.

There are areas suitable for new students to survive in the secret realm. As long as they are in those areas, there will not be too much danger.

These things, after entering the secret realm, there should be envoys reminding them.

So many people didn’t encounter any danger in the secret realm. They all regarded this secret realm as a place of opportunity, and they didn’t even think that they would die.

Even just now, they were quite happy because they got so many opportunities in the secret realm, but at this time they couldn’t be happy anymore, and their expressions became a little dignified.

Of course, there are also very few people whose faces show lingering fears.

Obviously they also encountered danger in the secret realm, but they came back alive, luckier than those who died.

Wang Teng glanced around, and he was also a little surprised.

“I just found out that some people were missing. I didn’t expect that they were dead.” Yue Qiqiao’s face changed slightly, and she muttered.

“The 14% mortality rate may not seem high, but in fact it is not low.” Wang Teng said.

“As long as they stay in the cosmic grade area, there will not be too much danger. What have they experienced in the secret realm? How could they die?” Yue Qi Qiao frowned.

“Some people should be tempted to step out of the universe-level area.” Bolet the tree man stood aside and said.

Yue Qiqiao was taken aback and reacted.

These geniuses from various territories are extremely arrogant. Perhaps many people will control their desires and will not seek opportunities outside the cosmic region, but it is difficult to guarantee that no one will have high self-esteem and must go outside.

All geniuses feel that they are different from other people and think that they can get better opportunities.

And these people are entering the secret realm for the first time, even if they don’t know much about the secret realm, they are naturally likely to die.

All death is not an accident, but a certainty.

“Wang Teng, have you also stepped out of the universe-level region?” Yue Qiqiao suddenly saw Wang Teng’s expression and couldn’t help asking.

“Did you not go?” Wang Teng asked rhetorically.

“I didn’t go, I am very self-aware of my own strength.” Yue Qiqiao said calmly.

“Bolet and Brother Yunxian must have gone.” Wang Teng smiled slightly and looked at Yu Yunxian and Bolet.

“Hehe.” Bolet scratched his canopy head and smiled.

Yu Yunxian nodded without denying it.

“So, there are still a lot of people who go out, but some are strong and can save their lives, some people…” Wang Teng did not finish, but the meaning was obvious. Those who did not come back were obviously not strong enough. of.

This is also true. If you have enough strength, you will be confident, and if you are not strong enough, you will be conceited and you will die.

But how to judge the strength of strength is very subjective, and it is not clear at all.

The man in white gave everyone time to react, and then continued:

“Many of you have already been promoted to the cosmos level. Even if you haven’t been promoted, the distance is not far away. Now that the newcomer list is open, you will try your best to compete.”

“On the newcomer list, the higher the ranking, the more benefits, the more it will attract the attention of the instructors of the academy, get their favor, and may even be accepted as a direct disciple by the strongest, and reach the sky in one step!”

“You are all geniuses in various territories. You came to the academy to cultivate and become the strongest.”

“In addition to relying on you, the teachings of a strong teacher are also very important. It will save you many detours.”

“In short, if you don’t fight for it in the academy, the gap between everyone will grow bigger and bigger due to various reasons. The strongest in China.”

“Speaking of this, the future depends on you.”

When the voice fell, the man in white closed his eyes, as if he didn’t intend to say anything.

But everyone’s mood was ups and downs because of his words.

Obviously, the newcomer list is a battleground for these new students, unless someone can ignore those benefits.

But just being the apprentices of that college tutor, they couldn’t refuse it!

These talented warriors came to the Star Academy, a large part of the reason is for the academy’s “teacher” power.

Those immortal powerhouses, if they can be accepted as direct disciples, they will definitely grow faster.

I even heard that there are existences above the immortal level in the academy, and they are the true heritage of the academy.

Some of the top arrogant talents in all major territories, all holding a trace of luck, if they can gain the favor of those above the immortal level, they will truly reach the sky in one step!

Of course, the genius warriors present did not dare to say these thoughts, because this kind of thing was too difficult and too difficult, and it seemed too overwhelming to say it.

It can only be said that at this time everyone is full of strength and wants to show off on the rookie list.

Wang Teng’s gaze is also blinking, and he attaches great importance to this.

To do it, he must do his best, his goal is to exist above the immortal level.

If you can get the favor of those strong and become their direct disciples, the Parax family will not be afraid.

“Wang Teng, this is a good opportunity.” Yue Qiqiao’s two big black pearl-like eyes were a little bright, and Chuanyin said: “If we can find a backer, we don’t have to worry about the business we talked about before being suppressed. ”

“I am afraid that the matter of apprenticeship is not so simple. Those who are strong and accept disciples must be observed for a while.” Wang Teng was not so optimistic, hesitated, and said: “When we come back this time, our business can start. Earn points, it will definitely be useful later.”

“Yeah.” Yue Qi nodded skillfully, agreeing with Wang Teng’s statement, and then asked curiously: “Speaking of which you have broken through the universe level? I can’t see your realm at all!”

When this question was asked, Yu Yunxian and Bolet both looked over and were obviously curious.

“Guess!” Wang Teng smiled mysteriously.

“Hehe.” Yue Qi smiled cleverly and said: “I don’t have to guess, you must have broken through.”

Wang Teng smiled slightly, didn’t say much, took a clever look at Yue Qi with [Pupil of True Vision], and said: “I can see that you have broken through!”

“Really, I can’t hide anything from you.” Yue Qi knew that Wang Teng must have a way to see through her strength, and couldn’t help being speechless.

“Bolet, you have also broken through.” Wang Teng looked at the treeman on the side.

“A fluke!” Bolet’s mouth twitched, revealing an “ugly and weird” smile.

“If you can break through, there is no fluke.” Wang Teng gave him a meaningful look.

This tree man is not simple, anyone who is deceived by his dull appearance would be really stupid.

“Wang Teng, you must have broken through, but I can’t tell.” Bolet took a serious look at Wang Teng and said helplessly.

This is temptation!

Although he was sure that Wang Teng would definitely break through, he couldn’t tell.

If you don’t see it, there is a certain degree of unknownness.

Wang Teng smiled slightly, looked at Yu Yunxian, frowned, and said, “Brother Yunxian, what trouble have you encountered?”

He didn’t ask directly, in his eyes, Yu Yunxian had not broken through, and he still stayed at the constant star.

He and the emperor had some feelings of sympathy, so that’s why he asked.

Yu Yunxian was not a talkative person at first, but he heard the concern in Wang Teng’s words, so he explained: “My situation is a bit special.”


This sentence alone is already very rare.

Wang Teng nodded thoughtfully. He knew about Yu Yunxian’s situation, so he didn’t ask much.

Yue Qi glanced at Yu Yunxian fortunately, as if thinking of something.

This emperor was a person who was invaded by darkness.

But she didn’t say much. It’s better not to say something, as long as she knows it.

“By the way, why were you struck by lightning?” Yue Qiqiao turned to look at Wang Teng again, and asked curiously.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless: “We are still good friends without mentioning this.”

“Hey!” Yue Qi skilfully curled his lips and said: “The more you say this, the more curious I will become.”

Even Bolet and Yu Yunxian looked at Wang Teng, really curious about it.

Who is okay to be struck by lightning!

So there must be some tricky things in it.

However, Wang Teng didn’t say anything, making the three of them feel itchy, but he couldn’t help it.

The spacecraft returned to the universe-class accommodation area, put Wang Teng and others down, and then flew away without looking back.

After a month, Wang Teng was a little nostalgic when he returned to his residence again.

“The newcomer list, what do you plan to fight for?” Yue Qi asked Qiao.

“No hurry, go back to take a comfortable bath, eat a meal, and rest.” Wang Teng stretched out and said lightly: “They love to fight, let them fight first.”

“Your heart is really big.” Yue Qi said cleverly.

“By the way, do you know how to compete for this newcomer list?” Wang Teng asked.

“If you go back and check it, you won’t know, the college’s intranet must have introduced it.” Yue Qiqiao said that he didn’t know either.

“I don’t know what you are anxious about.” Wang Teng said silently.

“I’m not in a hurry, I just want you to play Pioneer.” Yue Qi smiled slyly.

“Damn!” Wang Teng rolled his eyes: “I almost fell in love with you.”

“Hey, after all, I’m just a weak woman with limited strength. Of course, you have to go to the master first.” Yue Qiqiao said shamelessly.

“Go! Go! Go! Do you believe this by yourself.” Wang Teng glared at her and walked towards his manor: “Go, talk again when you have time.”

“Really, others are eager to compete for the rankings, so calm down.” Yue Qiqiao shook his head, turned and walked towards his manor, waved to Bolet and Yu Yunxian: “Look back. See.”

Borlet and Yu Yunxian, the two dull gourds, glanced at each other, nodded to each other, and went back to their own manor respectively.

Seeing them, it seems that they are not in a hurry to compete for the rankings.

Wang Teng walked into his manor, opened the door with his personal account on the smart watch, and sighed: “Yuan Gungun doesn’t know when he will be able to complete his life transition. It would be troublesome without it.”

He didn’t need to open the door by himself when he walked through the door.

After returning to the manor, Wang Teng went straight to wash up, his whole body refreshed, and he seemed to have wiped out all the bad luck that came out of the chaos secret realm.

Then he took out the spiritual food stored in the space ring, Hai ate a meal and fed himself.


Hiccups and lying on the soft five-meter bed, Wang Teng doesn’t want to do anything now.

After thinking about it, I “taken” Cao Jiaojiao out of the space debris. As a tool man, of course, he must bring it with him to use (tiao) and use (jiao)!

“Come on, give me a massage.” Wang Teng turned over and said to Cao Jiaojiao on his stomach.

Cao Jiaojiao finally came out to let her breathe out. Unexpectedly, it was for her to massage, so she could not help cursing in her heart: “Asshole!”

“What are you doing in a daze, hurry up.” Wang Teng urged.

Cao Jiaojiao bit his lip, walked forward with an expression of incomparable humiliation, and knelt down on Wang Teng’s back…

(One thousand words are omitted here!)

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