Chapter 1368 The background of the college! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

After entering the Seven Star Academy, all new students who entered the top ten in the battle of geniuses have the opportunity to enter the secret realm.

However, depending on the ranking, the secret realm you enter will definitely be different.

Otherwise, there will be no four secret realms.

These are also the news that Wang Teng learned from [Detailed Explanation of Secret Realm].

This [Secret Realm Detailed Explanation] should have been done by previous students, and it has a very detailed introduction and analysis of the four secret realms.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and the content of [Secret Realm Detailed Explanation] in front of him was slowly disappearing.

For the martial artist, watching it once is enough.

Moreover, the information that was queried from the college’s intranet can only be viewed by yourself, and cannot be viewed by others, otherwise it will be considered a violation of the college’s regulations.

This is to protect the interests of each student!

Others want to know the news that others have brought out from the secret realm, and naturally they have to pay a certain price.

Here, no one can get benefits for nothing.

The academy formulates such rules to give every student a chance to earn points.

For example, in this [Detailed Explanation of Secret Realm], a person needs 3 points to read, and if the number of people is large, the income will naturally be quite scary, and this is a long-term income, not overnight.

On the college intranet, there are countless information like this, but you need to pay points to read it.

Wang Teng asked Yuankunkun to open the intranet and glanced at it. There were various kinds of information, and basically every piece of information required points ranging from 1 to 10 points.

Each piece of information has a different value.

But that was ordinary information. Wang Teng saw some extremely precious information, even worth hundreds of thousands of points, even tens of thousands of points.

He couldn’t imagine, what exactly was recorded by these tens of thousands of points?

In fact, this is also a platform for students to exchange information.

Working behind closed doors is not advisable!

Information is more valuable only when it is circulated.

It is worth mentioning that the circulation of this information not only includes the Seventh Star Academy, but also includes the Seven Star Academy.

But that was on the public platform of the Seven Star Academy, and each academy also had its own platform.

“Interesting!” Wang Teng touched his chin and felt that the academy’s points system is really good. It can not only stimulate the enthusiasm of the students, but also connect each student, allowing them to have a little more communication in the boring practice life. .

I am afraid that this is the only way for each student to grow faster and even stronger!

This is a healthy competition!

“Wang Teng, there is also the Academy Treasure Treasure Pavilion here.” Yuan Gungun suddenly discovered something and shouted abruptly.

“Tibet Treasure Pavilion! Open it and take a look.” Wang Teng said immediately after his eyes lit up.

He holds 30,000 points, and he still doesn’t know where to use them.

Yuan Tungun immediately opened an interface.

Treasure Pavilion!

The first thing that appeared was the division of categories, such as exercises, combat skills, treasures, science and technology, weapons, and so on.

Below each category, there are even more detailed categories.

“Oh my god, so many categories!” Chuankuang’s eyes widened to the extreme, and he urged: “Open it and take a look.”

Wang Teng’s heart was also shocked, he took a deep breath, and his eyes swept across the interface.

The first is the type of exercises. According to different attributes, the exercises can be divided into different attributes, such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. There are even exercises with special attributes such as wind, thunder, poison, light and so on.

Wang Teng stared, and suddenly saw the last subdivided category.

Mixed attribute exercises! ! !

This has caught his attention, because he has always wanted to create a combination of various attributes.

In this way, he doesn’t need to master too many exercises.

A practice that contains various attributes can save him a lot of trouble.

But he never succeeded.

So he first directly clicked on the category of mixed exercises, and immediately countless texts and catalogues appeared.

【Shui Mu Liu Yun Gong: Water system wood system double attribute exercise method, two attributes complement each other, get twice the result with half the effort, suitable for water and wood dual attribute martial arts. (Note: This technique was created by King Mizuki! Price: 12,000 points (universe level) 50,000 points (domain master level) 150,000 points (world master level) 500,000 (immortal level))][Fire Sea Burning Wood Skill: Fire and Wood dual attribute exercises. To practice this exercise requires both fire and wood talents to reach the domain master level. The two attribute forces cooperate with each other, fire is the main force, and wood is the main force. Supplemented. (Note: This technique was created by Fire Sea King! Price: 12,000 points (universe level) 50,000 points (domain master level) 150,000 points (world master level) 500,000 (immortal level))][Golden Wind Breaking the Sky: Gold and wind dual-attribute exercises. This exercise is more difficult. To practice this exercise requires both gold and wind talents to reach the master level. After completion, the gold-based wind in the body The force of the force is actually one, and the power is amazing. (Note: This exercise was created by the Venerable Breaching Sky! Price: 20000 points (universe level) 80,000 points (domain master level) 200,000 points (world master level) 800,000 (immortal level))]

“Hiss!” Wang Teng looked at the several mixed-attribute exercises that appeared on the first page, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

He thought he had just got 30,000 points and he was already a rich man.

Now he knew that he was a poor ghost.

Looking at the introduction on this list, cosmic-level exercises alone require 12,000 points.

And this is only a dual-attribute exercise, he hasn’t seen more attributes later.

Forget it, 12,000 points are just the lowest point, like that [Golden Wind Po Tianlu] requires 20,000 points.

Not to mention the techniques of the domain master level and the realm master level behind.

Fortunately, these exercises can be disassembled and sold according to the realm, otherwise anyone can afford it.

Among the freshmen, Wang Teng should be the one with the most points, even he can’t afford it, and the others are even more hopeless.

“It’s expensive!” Yuan Gungun looked at the exercises on the list, was silent for a moment, and uttered two words.

“Too bad, the price of Domain Master Level, Domain Master Level, and Immortal Level are almost doubled. How many points you have to earn is enough.” Wang Teng said depressed, even the domain master level techniques. can not afford.

“Look at the remarks behind it, these techniques are almost all created by the immortal level of the king, and the [Golden Wind Breaking the Sky] is even a powerful immortal of the honorable level. Such techniques are in the outside world. , They are definitely treasures that are eagerly rushed by the major strengths, but they have no channels to buy, but they can be bought here, which is actually very good.” Yuangunguin said in shock.

“It also makes sense. People from the outside world can’t buy such a technique.” Wang Teng was convinced. He looked at the technique called [Golden Wind Po Tianlu], and said with emotion: “The immortal of the venerable level. Grade, that is the strongest among the Immortal Grades. It seems that the power of this [Golden Wind Breaking the Sky] is indeed as powerful as the one described above.”

“The dual-attribute exercise is really powerful, especially this exercise is still a combination of gold and wind. The gold has always been known for its strong offensive power, and the wind is a special attribute. The combination of the two is naturally extraordinary.” Nodded, and said: “There seems to be a three-attribute exercise behind it. Turn to the back and take a look.”

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded, then lightly tapped the interface.

It took several pages to turn to a series of three-attribute exercises, but the price made Wang Teng prohibitive.

“Too expensive!” Wang Teng shook his head and said speechlessly: “I can’t afford it at all.”

“It seems that you have to find a way to earn points first.” Yuan Gungun said with a smirking smile.

It knew that Wang Teng was going to take a multi-attribute route, and he had too many attributes, far beyond the average multi-attribute warrior. This road was destined to consume more resources.

But this was Wang Teng’s own choice. It wanted to see if Wang Teng would stick to his original decision when faced with such a huge consumption of resources?

“The weapons and pill on this list need to be purchased with points. I think I can sell weapons or pill. As long as the sale is lower than the treasure pavilion, I don’t have to worry about not having sales.” Wang Teng blinked a few times and smiled. road.

“…” Yuan Gungun dumbfounded, and said: “Are you trying to grab business with the academy?”

“I have read the regulations of the academy. I did not say that students should not be allowed to steal business from the academy. Besides, this is a serious business for me, and no one can fault it.” Wang Teng said.

“No wonder you have been studying the admission guidelines and college regulations just now. Have you thought of this a while ago?” Yuangungun sometimes feels that he really has to admire Wang Teng. He thinks a step faster than others.

“It was just a preliminary idea. Now I am more determined to do some business on my own.” Wang Teng touched his chin and said in deep thought, “But someone has to help me.”

“Then find Ji Haochen and the others, I think these people can still trust them, but in this way, you have to make a little profit.” Yuan Kun said.

“It’s okay. If you want a horse to run, you can’t give some grass to eat.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

“If they know that you compare them to horses, they must be anxious with you.” Yuan Kuankuan couldn’t help laughing.

“Hahaha…It’s a metaphor.” Wang Teng seemed to associate those geniuses with horses, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Fortunately, the points of the seven colleges can be circulated, which is convenient for you.” Yuan Tuan Gun said suddenly with a flash of eyes.

“It’s true, and that’s okay, I want to make my business go to the Seven Star Academy.” Wang Teng was agitated.

“Probably not many people want you, the Tianjiao who is on the star list, you are actually a master of the three realms.” Yuan Gungun said with a smile.

“It’s okay, they will know soon.” Wang Teng said lightly.

Then he flipped it back, but unfortunately the mixed exercises only had five attributes at most, and they had five element attributes, and nothing more.

This makes Wang Teng a little regretful!

What he wants is the integration of all attributes!

“It seems that I can only take one step and see one step.” Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he thought to himself.

Then he didn’t pay attention to the exercises anymore, but looked through the other categories.

The division of combat skills and exercises is basically the same, and there are also various mixed combat skills. The price is not as exaggerated as the exercises, but it is not low.

For the time being, Wang Teng didn’t plan to waste his points on combat skills. He had a lot of combat skills, even God-level combat skills, not bad.

The classification of treasures is even more detailed. Wang Teng couldn’t help turning over the types of minerals, plants, metals, elemental medicines, etc. It was really dazzling.

There are many things he hasn’t seen in it, all of which are extremely precious.

There are even those that increase lifespan. Wang Teng finally got a light-bearing tree with a strange thing to extend lifespan, but there are so many kinds here, which is really unimaginable.

But the price is also very expensive, this kind of treasure is hard to find.

Fortunately, Wang Teng has it himself, so don’t be envious, and even if he has the opportunity, he can get some light liquid from the Hanguang Tree to sell it.


Within the space fragments, Han Guangshu has now settled down there, accompanied by girls from the Flower Spirit Clan every day, and they are also living happily.

And with the efforts of the girls of the Flower Spirit Race, its body has recovered as before, no longer the original charred and bald appearance.

At this time, the spiritual body it transformed was sitting on the trunk of its own body, covered in snow white, with jade legs swaying lightly.

The girls of the Flower Spirit Race under the tree ran and laughed happily.

This atmosphere makes Han Guangshu feel relaxed.

But at this moment, she frowned suddenly and suddenly felt a chill.

“I have already acknowledged the Lord, what is that bastard calculating me?” Han Guangshu could only think of Wang Teng, and couldn’t help cursing bitterly in his heart.

Wang Teng continued to read.

He saw that the science and technology category not only included spacecraft weapons, etc., but also warships.

I opened it and saw that the warships were indeed the kind of ancient warships he had been on before, and this thing was actually considered a technology class?

But when I thought that it was made by ancient rune technology, it was considered rune technology.

It’s just that he didn’t expect the Academy to sell all the ancient warships?

Looks like a bit of a slap in the face!

The academy’s methods really made Wang Teng a little confused.

Most people are reluctant to sell such things.

The aspiration of the college exceeded Wang Teng’s expectations.

“Tsk!” But as soon as he saw the price of the battleship, Wang Teng couldn’t help being speechless: “A cosmic-class battleship actually costs 500,000 points!”

“This is an ancient warship!” Yuan Guan Gu stared at the screen carefully, exclaiming: “Although the style is a bit different, the ancient rune can be seen at a glance, and it is not too much to sell 500,000.

“You said lightly.” Wang Teng rolled his eyes.

“Try to earn points, Sao Nian!” Yuangungun said with a smile.

“Rolling!” Wang Teng cursed with a smile.

Finally, there are weapons, which can be divided into different categories, such as swords, sticks, axes, hammers, and so on.

He opened the sword-like weapon, turned it from the beginning to the end, his eyes suddenly widened.

[Dark God Sword: God-level! Price: 100000000! 】

[Void Sword: God-level! Price: 120000000! 】

“God-level weapon!” Wang Teng exclaimed directly, and the stormy sea turned up in his heart.

Although there is only a simple introduction of the word “God-level”, it is no less shocking.

There are a few god-level swords in the treasure chest of the academy. This… it’s incredible.

“Hiss!” Yuan Gungun took a breath, and said in shock: “Am I right?”

Wang Teng did not speak, and opened the knife-like weapon again, turning to the end.

[Slaughter of the Sky: God-level! Price: 100000000! 】

A few more weapons like god-level knives emerged, and Wang Teng and Yuan Gunun looked at each other speechlessly.

Wang Teng did not believe in evil, and opened up other types of weapons. Except for some more partial ones, the more common types, such as sticks, guns, axes, hammers, etc., actually have corresponding god-level weapons!

For a while, Wang Teng and Yuan Gungun were both stunned.

“How profound is the academy!!!” After a while, Wang Teng exhaled and said with emotion.

“It’s terrifying, these seven star academies are really extraordinary, and they have collected so many god-level weapons.” The rounded voice said solemnly, “Many of them are legendary weapons.”

“The legendary weapon!” Wang Teng was shocked.

“Yes, like that Void Sword is a legendary weapon.” With a big wave of his hand, a light curtain emerged.

In the light curtain, is an extremely simple, dark ancient sword!

The ancient sword seemed to possess some kind of magic power, capable of absorbing people’s eyes and even emotions.

“What a terrible sword!” Wang Teng took a deep breath, almost unable to extricate himself: “Is this the Void Sword?”

“Yes, do you know that this Void Sword has something to do with you.” Yuan Gungun suddenly smiled.

“Have a relationship with me?” Wang Teng was stunned.

What is his relationship with this divine sword?

“It is rumored that the Void Sword was forged from the bones of the Void Swallowing Beast.” Round Rolling Road.

“Fuck me!” Wang Teng couldn’t help but explode.

This is called Yuanyuan?

Now Void Swallowing Beast is his clone, no different from himself.

He suddenly felt a little chill in his back.

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