Chapter 1359 Thunder Spirit! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng and the turbulent flow of the void are in a stalemate.

Sikong didn’t mean to intervene a little bit, he just watched with a smile.

Wang Teng rolled his eyes, thinking that this instructor was a bit nasty.

The things under the turbulent flow of the void are still below a kilometer, so Wang Teng can’t see what it is.

He can only increase his strength continuously, and the muscles in his arms are even squirming.

[Ancient God Body] After all, it is a very powerful physical warfare skill. The potential in Wang Teng’s body is stimulated, and terrifying power continues to erupt.

If it were to be replaced by other ordinary physique combat skills, it would certainly not reach this level.

Especially in the face of the existence under the turbulent flow of the void, that kind of terrifying drag force, the ordinary constant star warrior has long been dragged down.

Wang Teng’s face became solemn, and he found that no matter how hard he tried, the creatures below were still struggling crazily, as if tirelessly.

This is not the way to go!

The existence below is unknown, who knows how long that thing can last.

What if it lasts longer than him?

So we can only make a quick battle.

As for whether that thing is stronger than him?

This is no longer within Wang Teng’s consideration. The big deal is to get it up first, and then he hides far away, so that he has won.

Sagong No. 2 can’t watch that thing destroy the warship, right!


Wang Teng praised his wit in his heart.

At this moment, various thoughts flashed in his mind constantly, his eyes swept across the attribute panel, and finally he freezed.

Dragon Blood Battle Body!

This is a physical talent, which can be superimposed with [Ancient God Body], and its power can definitely be stronger!

You are the one!

Turn it on!

Without hesitation, Wang Teng instantly turned on the Tier 4 [Dragon Blood Battle Body], and several different types of heaven and earth were turned into flame patterns all over his body.

Of course, the face and bare skin etc. are avoided!


A powerful aura broke out on Wang Teng’s body, and at the same time a heat wave swept out.

Sikong was standing next to him the most profoundly. In his eyes, Wang Teng at this moment was like a little sun, extremely hot.

The temperature of the different fires is no joke!

Moreover, there are still three kinds of different fires of heaven and earth, and six kinds of special flames.

Sapphire Liuliyan! Myriad Beasts True Spirit Flame! Bright flame!

Sea Whale Flame! Star Sparrow Fire! Angry Beast Flame! Mu Chi Yan! Greystone Yan! Flame of the Candle Dragon!

Wang Teng was also ruthless, directly exploding all the flames.

At this time, if someone saw the skin under his clothes, he would have a “horrible” expression. With so many flame patterns all over his body, it was almost like a totem of a backward tribe, or the kind of chieftain.

But the effect is also obvious.

Wang Teng felt very good at this moment, extremely good, full of power.


With a loud shout from the bottom of his heart, the two powers of [Dragon Blood Battle Body] and [Ancient God Body] erupted, and the extremely tough fishing rod was bent into an exaggerated arc, and the fishing line above was broken and straight.

“My fishing rod!” Sikong was frightened second, for fear that Wang Teng’s violent madness would break his fishing rod.

He really did not expect that such a terrifying power could burst out of the body of this constant star warrior.


Those who can be on the star list are indeed monsters!

“Come out!” At this moment, Wang Teng’s eyes were bright, and wisps of steam rose from his skin, and he let out a loud shout.


A black shadow rushed out of the turbulent flow of the void and flew towards the deck of the warship.

With a bang, the black shadow passed through the protective cover and smashed firmly onto the deck of the battleship.

The battleship seemed to be able to recognize it automatically, knowing that it was Wang Teng’s prey, so a gap for the prey to pass was properly exposed on the protective cover.

Otherwise, if the prey hits the protective cover, it will be seriously injured if it doesn’t die.

In case it is something extremely precious, its value will be greatly reduced.

However, Wang Teng didn’t care about that much. After pulling the things up, he avoided it and stayed away.

Everything went according to plan.

Sikong second: “…”

This kid is a bit of a thief!

He saw Wang Teng’s plan at a glance, and suddenly felt a little dumbfounded in his heart.

Wang Teng looked over from a distance, his eyes surprised.

The imaginary situation did not appear, and the thing that was pulled up was very quiet, without the slightest struggle.

This is really beyond his expectation.

Sikong Second was also extremely surprised. His eyes fell on the thing on the deck. When he saw the thing clearly, he was suddenly shocked: “This is…Lei Ling!!!”

“Lei Ling!” Wang Teng came from a distance, hearing Sikong Second’s words, a trace of shock appeared in his eyes.

Lei Ling is a kind of spirit produced by the gathering of thunder and lightning, but a kind of strange life form born from the collection of heaven and earth.

This kind of life form is very rare, because the conditions for its birth are extremely harsh.

Even if the different fire of heaven and earth gave birth to spiritual wisdom, it can also be called a fire spirit, a flame spirit, and the same life form as this thunder spirit.

But how could a Thunder Spirit appear here?

Was it caught by Wang Teng?

This is a bit unscientific!

You know that things like Lei Ling will generally only be born in a special environment where the power of thunder and lightning is extremely strong. It seems that there is no such environment here.

Not only did Sikong Second feel incredible, but Wang Teng himself had a sense of unreality.

The most important thing is, if it was Lei Ling, how could it be possible to stay on the deck so quietly, having already figured out a way to drive away.

Lei Ling is alive, it is impossible to wait and die.

Wang Teng looked at the creatures on the deck, like a silver-white ball, translucent, with a hint of purple in it occasionally flashing, the overall look…round, flat, and quite elastic.

After it was caught, it lay on the deck quietly, motionless, as if there was no life at all.

However, under Wang Teng’s [Pupil of True Vision], it can be seen that this thing has the origin of life, and it should indeed be a living body.

Are you pretending to be dead?

An absurd thought came to Wang Teng’s mind, and he asked suspiciously: “Teacher, is this thing really…Lei Ling?”

“It should be correct.” Sikong No.2 touched his chin and said in deep thought, “It’s just that this little thing seems to have just been born, and the power of thunder is very weak.”

“That said, I really caught a Lei Ling!” Wang Teng said in shock.

“You guy is very lucky. This Thunder Spirit is a legendary thing. I have never heard of anyone who caught a Thunder Spirit in the Void Turbulence Belt, and it looks like this is a newly born Thunder. Spirit, very valuable for training.” Sikong second reacted, looking at Wang Teng, even with an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred on his face involuntarily.

This is an extremely rare Lei Ling, even he is a little moved!

“Hahaha, I have always been lucky.” Wang Teng couldn’t help laughing.

If it is really a Lei Ling, he will make a lot of money, and Sikong’s second promised condition has become second.

“Damn, I knew I wouldn’t compete with you. Not only did I lose a condition, but also let you pick up an extremely precious Thunder Spirit.” Sikong No.2 was depressed and shook his head and said, “You must know that you want to be in the void. Fishing with turbulence is not so easy. Not only must there be a boat that can cross the turbulence of the void, but also a fishing rod that can withstand the turbulence of the void. These are not what ordinary people can have, and now they are all for you to use. It’s a big loss! A big loss!”

“Tutor, the more you say this, the happier I will be.” Wang Teng was overjoyed.

“Boy, if you give me this Lei Ling, I will definitely offer a price that satisfies you.” Sikong said with a second glance.

“That won’t work, you are a mentor, or an immortal powerhouse. You will never do such a wicked thing as stealing my Thunder Spirit.” Wang Teng looked at him warily.

“…” The words behind Sikong Second were blocked by Wang Teng.

If he wanted to use Lei Ling’s idea again, wouldn’t he admit that he was wicked?

I can’t afford to be ashamed of this face!

“By the way, mentor, I won this trial, right?” Wang Teng asked.

“…” Sikong Second felt that his heart was stabbed again, and his heart… hurts!

“Teacher, why don’t you speak? Is your throat uncomfortable?” Wang Teng said.

Shente has an uncomfortable throat!

“…” Sikong was speechless and snorted, and said in a bad mood: “You won, you won, I owe you a condition.”

“Teacher, you are a good person who keeps promises. I did not misunderstand you. When I arrive at the academy, I will definitely try my best to promote your virtues.” Wang Teng gave it out without money, and the second shot of Sikong was very comfortable. , The depression just now disappeared a lot.

“Teacher, I won you once, and now you can be called Sikong No. 2 justifiably, aren’t you very happy?” Wang Teng said suddenly.


“…” Sikong second said he didn’t want to talk to Wang Teng anymore.

“Wang Teng, you are too bad, and I’m not afraid that he will slap you to death.” Yuan Teng said silently in Wang Teng’s mind.

“Haha… I’m sorry I couldn’t help it. I saw Mentor Sikong being so arrogant before, so I wanted to hit him.” Wang Teng smiled dryly in his heart.

“Be careful when he gets to the Star Academy to put on your little shoes.” Yuan Guanguo teased.

“It’s not like that, the dignified immortal powerhouse must be very broad-minded. You shouldn’t treat the gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain.” Wang Teng said.

“…Damn!” Rounded a swear word: “With me, I have become a villain.”

Wang Teng ignored it, and quickly figured out a way to remedy it. He rolled his eyes and said to Sikong secondly: “Teacher, mentor, do you think this Lei Ling is going to die?”

“It can’t die. Didn’t you catch it with that kind of lightning energy just now, just feed it a little bit more.” Sikong glanced at the second one, and said, “But you should subdue it first, so you don’t have to wait. It slowed down and ran away.”

“Yes! Yes!” Wang Teng secretly smiled in his heart, this Sikong instructor was really hard-hearted, but on the surface he nodded quickly.

“Do you know how to subdue it?” Sikong said with a smile, “If you don’t know, you can ask me.”

“Tutor, I know.” Wang Teng searched the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast in his mind, and immediately knew the way to conquer Lei Ling.

In fact, it is almost the same as conquering the different fires of the world, which is to use the power of the soul to leave a soul mark and establish a contract for both sides to coexist.

Of course, there are some differences.

Lei Ling is a living body after all, so you can’t use too rough methods, if you accidentally kill it, you will lose a lot.

Fortunately, in the memory of the Void Swallowing Beast, there is precisely the kind of soul contract method that can establish contact with this elf life body.

Here I have to admire the extremely comprehensive inheritance of the Void Swallowing Beast, even this kind of slightly sideline thing.

Sikong Second was very depressed, how did he feel that Wang Teng, this kid, could do everything, nothing was wrong with his instructor.

Wang Teng didn’t hesitate anymore, he went through the soul contract method in his mind, and then he was ready to do it.

He sat cross-legged in front of Lei Ling, about to close his eyes, ready to subdue.

Lei Ling seemed to feel something, his dumpling-like body slid backwards, trying to escape.

It seemed that it was actually pretending to be dead just now. Although it was very weak, it was not incapable of action.

It’s just that he felt the power of Sikong Second and didn’t dare to act rashly, so he just lay there all the time.

Seeing that it is inevitable now, it can only escape.

There was a gleam in Wang Teng’s eyes, and one hand slammed out. The sapphire Liuliyan immediately swept out along his arm, turning into a big flame and grabbing Lei Ling.


But the Lei Ling didn’t keep his hands, slipped out of the big flames, and then rammed into the protective shield of the warship.

“Want to go!” Wang Teng snorted coldly. Under the hood, the sapphire Liuliyan turned into a circular closed cage, completely trapping Lei Ling in it.

Lei Ling struggled wildly in it, rushing from left to right, bursting out the power of thunder.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed, and he quickly reinforced the protective cover formed by the sapphire glaze flame.

Lei Ling broke out for a while, then withered, after all, he couldn’t break through the shield formed by the sapphire and glazed flames.

After all, the sapphire glaze flame is a different fire from heaven and earth, and it is of the same level as Lei Ling, so it can naturally be trapped.

And this little guy has just been born, how could it be compared to the sapphire Liuliyan that has been born for countless years.

“It is very resistant, and it has just been born, the soul essence should be very weak. If you are not careful, I am afraid it will be destroyed.” Sikong’s second voice said slightly solemnly: “You’d better eliminate it first. Psychological resistance.”

“Eliminate the resistance.” Wang Teng frowned, thought for a moment, and slammed his palms: “Why did I forget this.”

As he said, a silver-white thunder and lightning appeared on his fingers, and he approached Lei Ling.

“Sure enough!” Sikong second saw the silver-white lightning, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart.

There are so many good things about this kid.

There are even thunder from heaven and earth!

Obviously, he has recognized it.

After all, the immortal powerhouse also wants to deal with Heaven and Earth Jie Lei, he is no stranger.

“Small things, do you want to eat? I have something delicious here!” Wang Teng smiled and said to Lei Ling in the flame shield.

“…” Sikong was second.

So wretched!

This look is like asking a little girl if she wants to go to see the little goldfish with her uncle.

But Lei Ling ate this set very much, and just felt the ray of thunder in Wang Teng’s hand, and he calmed down.

Then, like a greedy cat encountering food, it slowly approached involuntarily.

It was just blocked by a flame cover, it couldn’t come out, and it was spinning around in front of Wang Teng’s fingers very anxiously.

“Would you like to eat?” Wang Teng tempted his fingers around his fingers: “Follow me in the future, and I will feed you every day.”

This Lei Ling seemed to really understand Wang Teng’s words, especially when he heard that he could eat every day, the whole dumpling stopped, like a child who couldn’t move his feet.

“There is a door.” Wang Teng was overjoyed and continued to seduce: “If you promise me, come closer.”

“Wang Teng, you are a real dog.” Yuan Gungun couldn’t help but said.

“What do you know, I have pointed out the direction of life for it. After following me, it will be delicious and spicy.” Wang Teng said confidently: “Things like heaven and earth robbery can’t be provided by others, but I can.”

“What you said makes sense.” Round rollers.

“Come on, come on.” Wang Teng kept calling Lei Ling.

But Lei Ling is not stupid. Although Heaven and Earth Jie Lei’s temptation to it is unparalleled, it seems to know that if it agrees to Wang Teng, it is estimated that there will be no freedom.

It wanted to devour the thunder from heaven and earth in Wang Teng’s hands, but it didn’t want to lose its freedom.

“This Lei Ling’s intelligence is really not low.” Sikong second said with emotion, envy in his heart.

Wang Teng was also very happy. The higher the intelligence, the more useful this little guy is, which is a good thing for him.

However, it was so consumed, and he didn’t know when he would have to wait until he could be subdued, so he decided to scare Lei Ling.

“Little thing, if you don’t agree, I will burn you to death.” Wang Teng showed a vicious look, and when he closed his big hand, the flame shield began to shrink.

“Grumbling!” Leiling suddenly froze and let out a pitiful voice.

Wang Teng remained silent, and kept shrinking the flame cover. Lei Ling finally compromised and moved slowly in front of Wang Teng’s finger.

“Very good!” Wang Teng said with joy: “Now I want to plant a soul mark for you, don’t resist.”

“Guji!” Lei Ling even nodded up and down.

Wang Teng didn’t talk nonsense any more, his brows shone brightly, forming a golden mark, slowly drifting towards Lei Ling.

It really didn’t resist, and the golden mark easily entered its body.

After a while, Wang Teng felt a weak, helpless and poor soul body, and he was overjoyed. He knew that this was a success, and the two sides had established contact.

The flame cover was immediately dispersed by Wang Teng.

Lei Ling floated out and landed on his outstretched palm.

Wang Teng put the finger entwined with a trace of thunder from heaven and earth to Lei Ling.

“Guji!” Lei Ling seemed to cheer, and immediately wrapped up the thunder of heaven and earth, as if swallowed by it.

“If I hadn’t seen the process of your subjugation with my own eyes, I could hardly believe it.” Sikong said with emotion.

“Good luck, good luck.” Wang Teng smiled.

“You are the thunder from heaven and earth, right?” Sikong said secondly.

“What heaven and earth rob thunder? That is the power of ordinary thunder.” Wang Teng pretended to be stupid.

Sikong gave a second “hehe” and didn’t ask any more. He just said, “Since you have this thing, you can feed Lei Ling more in the future to help it grow up soon.”

“I see.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Okay, we should leave here too.” Sikong second waved his hand, shook his head and walked into the cabin regretfully.

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