Chapter 1354 Why do I think your expression is a bit wrong? (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

[Ancient Runes]: 651000 (Beginner)

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel, and his perception of this [Ancient Rune] had reached the threshold.

Looking at the runes on the wall, a small part can be understood.

And the feeling of dizziness was reduced again.

Yuankunkun noticed the anomaly, and Wang Teng stared at the wall longer and longer, which shocked his heart.

Can Wang Teng really perceive ancient runes?

This guy MMP is dead again!

This situation is not once or twice. Whenever it feels impossible, Wang Teng always breaks this impossibility.

Wang Teng frowned, and he found that this [Ancient Rune] was indeed very advanced. Just getting started requires 1000 points of attribute value. He has only picked up 65 points now.

But to Wang Teng’s surprise, this [Ancient Rune] was directly independent of the runemaster’s attributes on the attribute panel.

In other words, [Ancient Runes] is another system.

Of course, Wang Teng’s rune attainments are still at the master level, which makes his understanding of [Ancient Runes] far superior to ordinary rune masters, which is unchangeable.

Chuankuang did not urge Wang Teng to leave anymore, it wanted to see how much Wang Teng could feel.

But after half an hour, Wang Teng shook his head and turned around to leave.

“Don’t watch it?” Yuan Gungun asked aloud.

“It’s finished.” Wang Teng said as he returned to the original path.

It’s a pity that attribute bubbles are no longer dropped on the stone wall, and there is no point in staying any longer.

“Did you comprehend ancient runes?” Yuankuan asked hesitantly.

It didn’t feel weird either, it was pretty good to be able to feel it for so long.

“Understood a little bit.” Wang Teng replied casually.

“…” Yuan Gungun took a deep breath, feeling shocked.

Is this guy really such a villain?

“What does the ancient rune on the wall mean?” it couldn’t help asking.

“That is a rune of protection and isolation, the effect is much stronger than our current rune, but I only understand a little.” Wang Teng shook his head.

“Is protection and isolation? It’s almost the same as guessed.” Yuan Gengkuan thought for a while, and asked hesitantly: “Can you feel more ancient runes?”

“We need more ancient runes. The wall alone will probably not work.” Wang Teng said.

“That’s right. The runes on that wall are very limited. It is already very good to be able to comprehend some.” Yuan Gungun said in agreement: “And this kind of ancient things must be that the more runes, the greater the meaning, the more Conducive to perception.”

“Implication?” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and nodded.

Maybe it is the existence of this meaning that will drop the attribute bubbles.

Wang Teng returned to the room and didn’t wander around anymore. He shut himself in the training room and began to practice.

He is very clear where his advantages are, because of the existence of the system baba, he is balanced in all aspects and has a lot of combat skills.

The cultivation base cannot be improved for the time being, so I can only focus on combat skills and domains.

The general master-level and immortal-level combat skills are okay against ordinary genius warriors, but the genius in the Star Academy is definitely more than that.

And if you want to fight at a higher level, you need a powerful combat skill above the immortal level.

And the several super-powerful combat skills he now masters are undoubtedly the [Ancient God Body], [Air Destruction Excalibur], [Yellow Sky One Sword], and [Overlord’s Twelve Swords].

Counting them carefully, Wang Teng himself was a little surprised. There are actually four kinds of combat skills that can be called god-level!

There is also his own space storm!

Its power can also be comparable to god-level combat skills.

The rest of the storm series is still far behind, unable to compare with the space storm.

The first four god-level combat skills cannot be improved temporarily unless the blank attribute is used, but Wang Teng wants to save the blank attribute to use when he breaks through the universe level.

He has a hunch that he breaks through the universe level and is absolutely different from ordinary warriors.

So he set his sights on his own storm series.

His own storm series include sword storm, ice storm, flame storm, thunder storm, and space storm.

The combat skills of these several storm series are listed separately are extremely powerful combat skills, if they merge, I don’t know what changes will happen.

I’m a little excited when I think about it!

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he had decided to try now.

He stretched out a palm, and the force of the thunder and wind in his body surging, merged on the palm, and gradually turned into a tiny thunderstorm.

Thunder flickered, and a low roar echoed in the training room.

Even if it is just a mini-storm the size of a palm, its power cannot be underestimated.

Wang Teng worried that if a larger thunderstorm were to be released, the warship would be destroyed, so only such a tiny thunderstorm would be released.

What’s more, he will continue to merge, and he can’t guarantee that he will succeed once. When he fails, a big explosion is bound to happen, and the power is estimated to be even more amazing.

After the tiny thunderstorm took shape, Wang Teng began to add ice force to it.

A strong repulsive force suddenly appeared, and the power of thunder was too overbearing, and it was difficult for the formed thunderstorm to add another force.

Especially the force of the ice system which is comparable to it.

In an instant, an extremely violent riot came from within the thunderstorm.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed slightly, and he threw the thunderstorm in his hand directly, and he dodges and exits the training room.


The entire training room was shaken, and there was a roar.

Fortunately, Wang Teng had the foresight and did not release a thunderstorm that was too large, otherwise it would definitely be more dangerous.

The aftermath of the Force in the training room slowly dissipated, and Wang Teng returned to it again and continued to try.

He closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, and the details of the fusion just appeared in his mind to find out the reason for the failure.

“During the battle for geniuses, I once integrated the three source powers of fire, gold, and wind into the space storm, but it didn’t explode at that time.” An aura flashed in Wang Teng’s mind, faintly grasping something.

He suddenly opened his eyes, knowing how he should start.

He stretched out his palm again, but this time, instead of releasing a thunderstorm, he released a tiny space storm, smaller than the thunderstorm just now.

After all, the power of space storms is not comparable to thunderstorms.

Although this training room can withstand immortal attacks, it is better to be cautious.

And this can also save one’s own force, you can try a few more times.

A tiny space storm took shape. Wang Teng slowly added the power of Thunder to it. The power of space began to repel the power of Thunder, but this rejection was not as equal as before, but the power of space occupied the dominant position. The power is second, and is equal to the power of the wind system.

When Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, he immediately controlled the three powers, and then slowly let the power of thunder blend into them.

“Sure enough.” After a while, Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

This time it did not explode, but the three forces coexisted in a strange balance.

The power of space is like the boss, and the power of the wind system and the power of thunder are little brothers, relying on the power of space.

“Continue!” Wang Teng hurriedly displayed the power of ice and snow and slowly blended into it.

The appearance of the fourth power once again broke the balance in the storm, and the power of thunder began to riot first, repelling the entry of the power of ice and snow.

Wang Teng already had an idea, and immediately used the power of space to suppress the power of thunder.

In this way, it becomes the power of ice and snow and the power of thunder to resist space together.

Of course, this process is not as simple as it sounds. It takes time and process to achieve a delicate balance between the four forces.

This fusion lasted for more than half an hour before Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief.

Within the storm, the power of thunder, ice and snow was faintly visible.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and the fire force came out in his other hand. He was hesitating whether to join the fire force. After all, the fire and ice forces would definitely overcome each other.

But after hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and firmed up his thoughts.

The fire element is a kind of force with extremely strong offensive power, and he will use the different fires of heaven and earth in the follow-up, so this is a kind of power that cannot be ruled out.

The fire force in his left hand slowly moved closer to the storm in his right hand, and Wang Teng actually became a little nervous.

In the next moment, the Fire Elemental Force completely merged into the storm.


A roar suddenly sounded, Wang Teng’s complexion changed slightly, and without thinking about it, he threw the storm out of his hand, and he withdrew from the training room, closed the door with his backhand, and a series of movements were smooth and smooth.

There was a violent vibration in the training room, which lasted for a long time.

Even if it is just a tiny storm, after adding four or five powers, there will be some kind of qualitative change, and the power is extremely amazing.

A figure suddenly appeared behind Wang Teng, looking at the door of the cultivation room curiously: “What are you doing?”

“Instructor Sikong!” Wang Teng was taken aback. He turned around and saw Sikong No. 2 suddenly appeared. He did not expect that he practiced combat skills and was shocked by this instructor. He couldn’t help but say, “It’s nothing, it’s just a try. A self-made combat technique!”

“That’s the trick you used to defeat the emperor of the Dagan Empire in the battle for genius hegemony?” Sikong Second thought of what.

“Yes.” Wang Teng nodded without concealing it.

“That trick is very strong!” Sikong looked surprised and looked at Wang Teng and said, “I didn’t expect it to be your own creation.”

“A coincidence,” Wang Teng said modestly.

“Your move combines the power of space, do you have a talent for space?” Sikong Second asked, touching his chin.

“Yes.” Wang Teng nodded.

“Space talent, it is indeed a very rare special talent. Even in the Seven Star Academy, I am afraid that only a small number of people have special talents that can compare with you.” Sikong said with emotion.

“Tutor, are there many people with special talents in the Seven Star Academy?” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up.

“…” Sikong Second looked at him and said suspiciously: “Why do I think your expression is a bit wrong.”

“That’s because you read it wrong.” Wang Teng said solemnly.

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