Chapter 1352 Leave! New journey! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Wang Teng temporarily let go of the idea of ​​charging the tears of luck. It is impossible for him to add all his lucky attributes to the tears of luck.

After getting used to good luck, he couldn’t imagine lowering his lucky attributes.

Broad fear!

Then he looked at another attribute value… Heaven and Earth Tribulation Thunder!

[Heaven and Earth Robbery]: 450010000 (first order)

After a lot of improvement, Wang Teng nodded secretly.

“Let’s go!” Wang Teng greeted Lin Chuhan to leave.

Lin Chuhan nodded.

The two of them had just walked out of the forging room, and a few people came to face each other, Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.

“This is Grand Master Wang Teng, he is really young and promising.” The lead a somewhat fat middle-aged man walked over quickly and said with a very enthusiastic smile.

This person is a domain master-level powerhouse!

“You are…” Wang Teng doubted.

He saw the middle-aged man standing behind this person, who had entertained him before.

“I’m Archer, the person in charge of this place.” said the fat middle-aged man.

“Hello!” Wang Teng nodded lightly.

Although the status of the person in charge of the deputy professional alliance is not low, the other party is just a manager. As a grandmaster, Wang Teng’s status is even higher than that of the other party, so there is no need to be too polite, at least to maintain the personality of the grandmaster.

“Grandmaster Wang Teng, was it the thunder robbery that you forged just now?” Archie asked carefully.

“Why, is there any problem?” Wang Teng said in his heart as expected.

The Thunder Tribulation before was a bit weird, and it will inevitably attract the attention of others. As the head of the Jade Star Deputy Professional League, Archie could not just ask.

“No problem, no problem, just this thunder…” Archie couldn’t help but hesitate for fear of offending Wang Teng.

“That should be just an accident. I don’t know exactly what’s going on.” Wang Teng shook his head, and said with a puzzled look: “If there is any loss on the deputy professional league, I will compensate at the price.”

“Look, what you said is just a damage to the formation. It’s nothing. Where do you need to compensate.” Archie said quickly: “Since it’s just an accident, then I won’t bother.”

Wang Teng nodded, did not say much, and left with Lin Chuhan.

Archie looked at Wang Teng’s back, his eyes flickered slightly.

“My lord, this matter…” a deputy professional league staff member asked behind him.

“Since Grandmaster Wang Teng said it was accidental, of course it was accidental.” Archie glanced at the other party and said with a smile.

“Yes.” The staff member responded with an excitement.

“Powen, do you think the thunder robbery that Grandmaster Wang Teng has just recruited, is it… serious?” Archie touched his chin and looked at the middle-aged man beside him.

“…” Bowen agreed with a smile: “Probably it’s a bit…running.”

“Let me just say, how can the serious Thunder Tribulation fail to hit the target? It must be a problem with this Thunder Tribulation.” Archie said, hitting his palm with a punch.

“You are right.” Bowen’s mouth twitched and nodded.

Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan left the vice-professional league directly, and then took the Rune Force Speed ​​to return to the manor.

“Will this matter affect you?” Lin Chuhan asked worriedly.

This Lei Jie was really a bit weird, she was worried that someone would investigate Wang Teng.

“Don’t worry, they won’t offend me for an unknown thing.” Wang Teng smiled relaxedly.

Lin Chuhan nodded and said nothing.

At this time, it was getting late. One day was to refine the pill and to forge tears of luck. Wang Teng’s efficiency was already very high.

After the two had dinner and walked for a while in the manor, Wang Teng quietly pulled Lin Chuhan into the room.

“What are you doing?” Lin Chuhan’s face blushed slightly, isn’t this guy wanting to do something strange, is it really coming this day?

“Where did you want to go?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but stunned, then leaned in front of her, smirking.

“No…no, I didn’t think about it.” Lin Chuhan’s entire earlobe was red, crystal clear, and Wang Teng couldn’t help it.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed it lightly, his eyes lit up suddenly, and the hand felt superb.

Wang Teng seemed to have discovered the New World. He didn’t expect the girl’s earlobes to be so soft, a bit like…jelly!

People want to have a bite.

“Don’t…” Lin Chuhan softened his whole body, whispering softly, infinitely shy.

Where did Wang Teng endure the stimulus and kissed him instantly.

After a while, the two talents gradually separated, and Wang Teng still had some ideas.

“You’re getting worse and worse.” Lin Chuhan gave him a slight beating, and groaned.

“Aha, are you there?” Wang Teng smiled, took out the tears of luck, and said: “I will put them on for you.”

“Wang Teng, this is too precious, I can’t ask for it, and you need it more than I do.” Lin Chuhan said.

“Take it, I originally bought it for you.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“But…” Lin Chuhan wanted to say something more.

“No but.” Wang Teng ignored Lin Chuhan’s refusal and put tears of luck on her slender and white neck.

“You really…” Lin Chuhan was a little angry with Wang Teng’s domineering, and his heart was a little sweet.

“In fact, there is one thing you said wrong, it doesn’t do much to me.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Really?” Lin Chuhan asked suspiciously.

“What did I lie to you?” Wang Teng said, while looking at Lin Chuhan after wearing the tears of luck, nodded with satisfaction: “Yes, it’s pretty.”

Lin Chuhan looked down. After Wang Teng forged the tears of luck, it was indeed even more exquisite. There was a sense of mystery. It is estimated that a woman would like it, and she is no exception.

I have to admit that this guy’s craftsmanship is indeed very smart.

More importantly, after wearing the tears of luck, she felt that the aura around her seemed to have undergone a slight change, which was extremely comfortable.

Could this be the function of tears of luck.

“It deserves to be forged by my own hands.” Wang Teng said contentedly.

“Smelly, you.” Lin Chuhan couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“How do you feel?” Wang Teng asked with a laugh.

“It feels… very comfortable!” Lin Chuhan thought for a long time, but he could only use the simplest words to describe it.

“That’s right. In the future, your luck will be affected by this tears of luck, and everything will develop in a good direction.” Wang Teng said.

“It’s amazing.” Lin Chuhan sighed.

“Wear it on your body all the time, but don’t show it, so as not to be noticed by someone with a heart.” Wang Teng said.

“I see.” Lin Chuhan nodded.

“But don’t worry too much. It stands to reason that, except for yourself, no one else can feel the peculiar fluctuations of tears of luck.” Wang Teng said.

“Well, when you say that, I feel a lot easier.” Lin Chuhan smiled slightly.

“After you don’t feel the comfortable feeling, put it away and bring it back to me.” Wang Teng exhorted.

“Okay.” Lin Chuhan was a little confused, but didn’t ask more, just nodded.

For the rest of the time, Wang Teng stayed at home and got along with Lin Chuhan. He actually owed Lin Chuhan a little bit. Now he finally has some time, and of course he has to spend time with her.

During the period, Clara and Zhuang Caixuan came back a few times, but did not wait much. They chatted with Wang Teng a few times, maintained their relationship for a while, and left.

After all, Lin Chuhan was still there, and they couldn’t find the opportunity to dig the foot of the wall, which made Clara very helpless.

As for Zhuang Caixuan, she was here to make trouble. She actually didn’t want to establish a super friendship with Wang Teng.

I don’t want Clara to succeed either.

Later she discovered that Clara had no chance at all, and she was happy to see it done.

However, she also understands that the Zhuang family needs to hold Wang Teng tightly, so she must also maintain a good relationship with Wang Teng.

In addition, Wang Teng also took time to gather with the younger generation of Earth Star warriors.

Including Han Zhu, Ji Xiuming and others.

And his classmates, Baili Qingfeng, Lu Shu, Song Shuhang and others.

Soon after Wang Teng left the last time, they were taken to Jade Star to get in touch with the most advanced cultivation method in the universe.

The younger generation of warriors of these Earth Stars was so miserable by Wang Teng that everyone was cultivating desperately to catch up.

Nowadays, their strength is absolutely outstanding among the younger generation of Earth Stars, and they are expected to break through the Stars!

I have to admit that although the universe is dangerous, it is also more suitable for training young warriors.

The eagle can fly higher only in a wider world.

When they were in Earth and Star before, the limited world finally restrained their growth.

The good time always flies quickly, Wang Teng spent fifteen days in Yuxingxing, knowing that he should leave.

Wenrou Township is the Tomb of Heroes!

He cannot be immersed in it.

Although he won the first place in the genius battle, it was only the first place in the Dagan Empire. He knew that there were many powerful strengths outside the Dagan Empire.

Felia’s Pan-Universal Alliance is one of them, and there are many such forces.

He can only come into contact with the geniuses of those forces in the Seven Star Academy.

Only then can we see the truly vast starry sky.

Of course, the most important thing is that these geniuses are waiting for him to pick up the wool, and I can’t bear to let them wait any longer.

“Ruankunkun, inform the Seventh Star Academy, I’m going to report!” That night, Wang Teng spoke to Yuankuanqiu.

“Is it finally going to leave? I’ve been waiting for a long time.” Chuan came out, excited.

It also wanted to see the legendary Seven Star Academy. When it used to follow Nangong Yue, it had no such opportunity. Now following Wang Teng, it can finally see a wider world.

“We should go now.” Wang Teng’s expression was complicated.

“Okay, I’ll let you know right away.” Round Roller Road.

I don’t know how fast the seven starry sky academy’s receiving spacecraft is. Only two days later, Wang Teng received a notice that the spacecraft was about to come.

Two days later.

The Jade Star spacecraft is anchored in the port.

Zhuang Zewei, Zhuang Caixuan, Clara and others all came to see you off.

There are Wu Xingyun, Han Ping, Hong Tianshi and others.

After taking the Qiancao Yunshen Pill refined by Wang Teng, the bodies of several people have undergone some transformation.

Especially Hong Tianshi, Yong Lianggong and others, they were old before, and the effect was better after taking them, and they became much younger like Han Ping.

When Lin Chuhan saw Han Ping’s appearance, he couldn’t help being shocked, almost unable to recognize it.

Even Zhuang Zewei was surprised, he was no stranger to Han Ping.

Originally they were all looking old, but now they are just like mature men, and they have changed too much.

However, he also learned from Zhuang Caixuan that it was Wang Teng who refined the seventh-grade pill of Grandmaster-level, but he took it for granted.

Just a little bit envious.

Grandmaster-level seven-pin pill!

Even the things he can’t eat, these warriors from the earth stars have already enjoyed them.

Had it not taken up the friendship with Earl Wang Teng, they might not have such a chance after they have practiced for hundreds of years.

From this point, it can also be seen that Earl Wang Teng is a nostalgic person.

Zhuang Zewei’s heart was firmer in the idea of ​​holding this thigh tightly.

At any rate, he and Wang Teng also have a trace of affection there. He believes that as long as he serves Wang Teng loyally, he will be recognized in the future.

On the contrary, Wu Xingyun hasn’t changed much. He is a middle-aged person. After taking the Thousand Grass Yun Shen Pill, only his gray hair has completely turned black.

In this regard, he felt that he was a bit disadvantaged.

However, Wang Teng used the [Pupils of True Vision] to see their physical conditions, and he could be sure that their bodies had no dark injuries. After practicing, they would definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

At this time, Wang Teng and Lin Chuhan stood together, and they were speechless.

Lin Chuhan was a little silent, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, and he held Wang Teng’s palm tightly with one hand.

Wang Teng didn’t say much, but shook her hand tightly to give comfort.

“Don’t be children, it’s not that you can’t come back. The young couple miss each other, so they will meet in the virtual universe.” Han Ping interrupted the two of them, jokingly.

Lin Chuhan was immediately embarrassed.

Wang Teng rolled his eyes at him angrily.

“You are still young, and there is still a long way to go.” Wu Xingyun also came over and said.

At this moment, a violent spatial fluctuation came.

I saw that the void outside the Jade Star suddenly tore open a spatial crack, and a huge ancient warship slowly emerged.

“That is the battleship of the Seven Star Academy!”

Everyone in Jade Star saw the ancient warship and exclaimed.

They had only seen the battleship of the Seven Star Academy in the live broadcast, but at this time a real battleship of the Seven Star Academy appeared in the void outside the Jade Star.

The ancient and vicissitudes of life rushed forward, causing many people to breathe uncontrollably, shocking their hearts.

This warship is very similar to the warship that appeared in the battle of geniuses, with a weird symbol on it.

That is the ancient language, representing the number “seven”!

“I should go!” Wang Teng looked up. He knew that this was the battleship of the Seventh Star Academy to pick him up.

“Go ahead, I will follow your footsteps.” Lin Chuhan took a deep breath and gently let go of his hand, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Teng took a deep look at her, his figure slowly lifted into the air, and finally turned and turned into a streamer, rushing into the warship in the void.

“Everyone, there will be a period later!”

A voice came slowly from the sky.

A beam of light suddenly dropped from the inside of the warship, leading Wang Teng into the warship.

Afterwards, the ancient warship turned into a ray of light in all eyes and sank into the void, disappearing in front of everyone.

Wang Teng embarked on a new journey.

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