Chapter 1350 Clara’s gratitude! Forge tears of luck! (Seeking subscription for monthly pass!)

Alchemy room.

Wang Teng sat cross-legged, and in front of him was the black meteor furnace surrounded by flames, and the strange pill incense floated out.

Lin Chuhan sat not far away, resting his chin in both hands, looking at the figure in front of him quietly.

She has always known that Deputy Wang Teng’s professional talent is very strong, whether it is alchemy, forging, or rune, it has reached a level far beyond ordinary people.

Even Lingcook is a profession that is not too advanced, but also has extremely deep attainments.

But I only heard about it before, but I haven’t really seen it.

Yesterday she saw Wang Teng’s spiritual cooking skills, but now she really saw Wang Teng’s appearance when he was refining alchemy. The operation of clouds and flowing water, and the free fire control technique all shocked her.

This guy is really an evildoer!

After entering the universe, she became more and more aware of the terrible geniuses in the universe, but even in such an environment, Wang Teng still became one of the best.

Is such a gifted and talented person really coming out of the same planet with her?

If it weren’t for watching Wang Teng grow up step by step, she would even wonder if the person in front of her was a monster that had fallen from an alien to an earth star.

Wang Teng didn’t know what Lin Chuhan was thinking in his mind. At this time, he had reached the moment of condensing pills. Even if he was confident, he did not dare to neglect at this time.

Condensation of pills is a very critical step, and no mistake is allowed.

Clara asked him to refine the pill called Yulu Qingling Pill, which is a kind of pill for detoxification. There is nothing too special about it, but it is not difficult to refine.

I don’t know how long it took, there was a sudden roar from the pill furnace, and the invisible energy fluctuation spread to the surroundings. First it hit the furnace wall of the black meteor furnace, making a crisp sound, and then a beam of light rushed straight. rise.


Thunderclouds gathered in the sky, lightning and thunder.

A few pills of elixirs rose from the beam of light and rushed straight into the sky.

Many people were stunned.

Have so many grandmasters refining grandmaster-level pills recently? Just two days ago, a grandmaster completed the refining, and today another one is coming.

Clara and Zhuang Caixuan outside the door opened their eyes wide in shock. They were ready to wait for a long time. As a result, Wang Teng only went in for a long time before Thunder Tribulation came.

This speed is really fast!

“He’s just… refined?” Clara asked uncertainly.

“It’s faster than last time.” Zhuang Caixuan couldn’t care about her anger with Clara, and said in surprise.

“What about that, men can’t say fast, sister’s happiness in the future is still on him.” Clara said suddenly.

“…” Zhuang Caixuan.

You can drive on this broken road!

The two looked at each other, speechless for a moment.


The thunder fell and slashed on the beam of light.

Clara couldn’t help clenching her fists, for fear of an accident.

It didn’t take long for the three thunder tribulations to be smashed on the beam of light and blocked.

The elixir in the beam of light was intact.

Compared with the last thunder robbery, this time is obviously a lot weaker, and Clara relaxes a lot when she sees this scene.


The fourth thunder robbery came, and the beam of light could no longer hold it, and a figure appeared in the sky, blasting towards thunder robbery with a punch.

Then two more thunder tribulations were bombarded down, all of which were easily resolved by the figure, and the thundercloud dissipated.

“So familiar figure, how do you feel that today’s grandmaster is the same one a few days ago?”

Many people saw Wang Teng’s figure, although it looked very vague in the thunder light, but it did not prevent them from seeing Wang Teng’s combat skills.

The same combat skills, but so powerful, many people recognize it at a glance.

The middle-aged man in the vice-professional league who hosted Wang Teng was one. He was really surprised when he recognized Wang Teng.

This grandmaster Wang Teng’s alchemy efficiency is terrible.

Two days ago, it took a day to refine the highly difficult pill of Qiancao Yunshen Pill, and today it only took half a day to refine a grandmaster-level six-level pill.

Which alchemy master has this kind of speed?

He hadn’t seen it anyway.

It’s no wonder that the masters of the Earth Stars are all good friends with Grandmaster Wang Teng, it’s not unreasonable.

He thinks he should do something too. Shouldn’t he hold such a thick golden thigh in front of him?

On the other side, after Wang Teng put away the pill, he walked out of the alchemy room.

Clara and Zhuang Caixuan greeted them immediately.

“Earl Wang Teng, how is it?” Clara asked nervously.

“It’s refined.” Wang Teng took out a jade bottle and handed it to the other party.

“Thank you! Thank you! Earl Wang Teng, you really helped me a lot.” Clara held it in her hand as if it were a treasure, excited and thanked again and again.

Judging from her appearance, it is estimated that if Lin Chuhan hadn’t been here, she would have long waited to give her a hug.

Zhuang Caixuan looked at the lonely pill in the jade bottle, but her eyes twitched.

She clearly saw that there were at least four or five pills in the beam of light just now, but now there is only one.

You don’t need to think about it and know where those pills have gone.

too dark!

But she didn’t dare to say anything after all, she knew the rules of asking alchemists to make alchemy.

Clara only needs one pill, so the extra pill that is refined is the alchemist’s.

“You’re welcome.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“If you have any instructions in the future, even if you come to me, I work in Wanbao Pavilion, and I have some access to some special products.” Clara blinked her eyes and said sincerely.

“Okay, I remember this sentence.” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and nodded.

Then Clara seemed to be in a hurry, said a few words of thanks, and hurriedly left.

Zhuang Caixuan glanced at Lin Chuhan next to her, her eyes were a little weird when she thought of what Clara had said before, and she didn’t want to stay any longer, and followed Clara to leave.

“How do I feel that Zhuang Caixuan’s eyes look a little strange at me?” Lin Chuhan frowned and said suspiciously.

“Is there? Why didn’t I feel it.” Wang Teng asked in surprise.

“A woman’s intuition.” Lin Chuhan said: “But it shouldn’t be a big deal, she won’t do anything to me yet.”

“That’s true, unless she ignores the dealer.” Wang Teng smiled.

He still has this confidence. A small dealer, dare to offend him, the empire count?

Zhuang Zewei’s previous series of performances have proved that he dare not.

“Shall we go back now?” Lin Chuhan looked around and asked.

“No, there is one more thing to do, come with me.” Wang Teng smiled and led the way.

The two went all the way through the area where the alchemy room was located, and came to the area where the forging room was located. The two areas were actually next door, but they were separated for easy distinction.

Wang Teng found the forging room he reserved, opened the door with his ID account, and walked in with Lin Chuhan.

“You want to forge something?” Lin Chuhan asked curiously.

“Yes, you forgot the lucky tears I got yesterday.” Wang Teng smiled.

Lin Chuhan nodded thoughtfully and asked, “What do you want to forge it into?”

“You’ll find out later.” Wang Teng said mysteriously.

“What? It’s still confidential.” Lin Chuhan curled his lips, but didn’t ask any further. It’s not bad to keep an expectation.

She felt that looking at Wang Teng in this way, whether it was alchemy or forging, was very interesting.

As he was talking, someone knocked on the door outside the forge.

Wang Teng walked over and opened the door. The middle-aged man who had entertained him was standing outside: “Grandmaster Wang Teng, all the materials you need are here.”

“Okay, thank you.” Wang Teng took the box he handed over and nodded.

“You are too polite, it is my honor to serve you.” The middle-aged man said quickly.

After speaking, he quit, did not dare to disturb Wang Teng.

When the two were talking, Wang Teng also took the opportunity to swept out his mental power and picked up the attribute bubbles scattered around the forging room.




In a short while, Wang Teng gained a lot of forging attribute values, which totaled 1,260 points.

The attribute value that he can obtain now can only come from the blacksmith above the grandmaster level, and the attributes dropped by the ordinary master level are of no use to him.

So at the Grand Master level, it is not so easy to increase the attribute value.

Wang Teng didn’t want to put the blank attribute fee on this, so he could only find the opportunity to pick up the corresponding attribute value, which would inevitably slow down.

At this time, a period of grandmaster-level forging insights melted into his mind, which made him continue to improve his forging skills.

Look at the properties panel.

【Blacksmithing】: 446010000 (Grandmaster level)

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, with more than four thousand attribute values, which made his forging skills much better than before.

He used to forge a thousand receivers and weapons that reached the fifth rank of Grandmaster level, but at that time it was extremely difficult to refine.

As for the things to be forged today, with his current attainments, he is more confident.

Wang Teng closed the door, walked to the forging table with the box, and opened it. There was some metal in it, most of which were the size of a palm, not very big.

For weapons that require several kilograms or even dozens of kilograms of ore and metal to be forged, these materials seem a little pocket-sized.

Lin Chuhan also leaned over to take a look.

Uh… I can’t see anything at all.

For a person who is not a blacksmith, these materials are relatively partial, and it is normal for ordinary people not to know it.

“This is an escape stone!” Wang Teng took out a gray stone and said.

“Huh?” Lin Chuhan looked dumbfounded, and everyone was silly: “Avoid…contraceptive stones?”

“…” Wang Teng was dumbfounded, and said quietly, “Luck of luck.”

“Hahaha…” Yuankunkun rolled in Wang Teng’s mind: “I’m so ridiculous.”

“Laugh!” Wang Teng said.

“Nor say clearly.” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes at him irritably.

“Ahem, return to the topic, this refuge stone can hide the breath of tears of luck and prevent outsiders from discovering it.” Wang Teng explained.

“Oh.” Lin Chuhan nodded with a sudden realization, but then frowned: “But in this way, can’t the tears of luck fail to play its role?”

“Therefore, another material is needed, the lead stone.” Wang Teng took out another piece of ore glowing with purple light from the box, and explained: “This lead stone can shed tears of luck. The force is guided out, as long as there is contact with it, you can gradually be affected by the force of luck.”

“It’s a big circle.” Lin Chuhan couldn’t help feeling. Wang Teng’s approach is undoubtedly very safe and cautious. It will not be known to people about the existence of the tears of luck, and it will be able to make the tears of luck work normally. Forgers have this ability.

“Well, I’m about to start forging, you can just watch it from the side.” Wang Teng smiled.

“Yeah.” Lin Chuhan nodded.

Wang Teng didn’t talk any more nonsense, and with a big wave of his hand, various materials flew up, and the sapphire and glazed flames swept out of his body, wrapping up all kinds of ores.

Under the extreme temperature of the different fires of heaven and earth, various ores and metals soon began to melt, and all impurities were discharged.

Here we have to admit that the benefits of different fires between heaven and earth are indeed great. If it is a normal flame, it will take a lot of time to get rid of the impurities, or even relatively clean. In fact, there will be a lot of things left inside that cannot be removed. Impurities.

This is the disadvantage of ordinary flames!

However, Wang Teng has the different fires of heaven and earth, and he has never had such troubles. This is also the reason why the pill and the weapons he forged are much better than others.

After removing the impurities, Wang Teng made a move with his left hand, and the forging hammer placed next to him flew over, and began to ding ding dong dong with the hammer.

Six-handle forging hammer hammers six metal materials at the same time.

Lin Chuhan looked a little dumbfounded from the side, and Wang Teng’s forged appearance was a bit unexpected.

Is it okay for one person to control six forging hammers?

Although she hadn’t seen other blacksmiths forging, she was also very clear that it was impossible for anyone to control six forging hammers to forge at the same time.

This is counterintuitive!

But when she thought of Wang Teng’s usual style of doing things, she felt a little fussed again, and quickly closed her expression so as not to be laughed at by this guy.

If Lin Chuhan knew that Wang Teng had manipulated more than a dozen forging hammers to forge at once, what kind of expression would he look like?

Probably it will be…cute!

The entire forging room was suddenly filled with various hammering sounds, but Lin Chuhan didn’t look irritable.

This forging sound even carries a peculiar rhythm, like a melodious piano song, echoing in the quiet forging room.

If there are other master forging masters present, it is estimated that they will be shocked and speechless at this time.

Those who can achieve this level are all top blacksmiths.

Many master-level forgers have their own unique rhythms and rhythms when forging materials, but there are very few that can evolve into a piece of music.

This requires a high degree of control to do it!

Generally, only a forge at the pinnacle of the Grandmaster-level can do it, and Wang Teng is only the fourth-rank realm of the Grandmaster-level.

As time passed, several materials were forged by Wang Teng very soon, lying quietly on the forging table, emitting a dazzling light, which looked extremely strange.

But this is just the beginning.

Wang Teng merged the other three kinds of materials with the refuge stone, gradually turning into a blue-gray exotic metal.

Only then did he take out the purple box containing the tears of luck and open it.

The tears of luck floated under the control of his mental power, and the most important step is to begin…

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