Chapter 132 Who on earth are you? (Please subscribe!)

The man in front of him was tall and handsome, with a bold smile on his face.

But people with a little more life experience can see that this smile is a bit fake.

Drunkard doesn’t mean wine!

Before that, there was no intersection between the two. Now if they insist on saying there is, it can only be Xu Hui.

Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly.

Xu Hui, the devil girl, caused trouble for herself as soon as she came back.

“No, I’ll wait for my friend.” Wang Teng said.

Xie Zhilong frowned without a trace, and then smiled again: “You can call your friends together. You just graduated from high school, and you haven’t really seen many things. We have been in college for a year or two, and we can see and hear better than you. Many, follow us and learn some experience.”

He didn’t think about anything else, thinking that Wang Teng’s friends must be his peers, nothing more than high school graduates.

Maybe they have passed the martial arts exam, and feel that they are amazing. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

As a senior, Xie Zhilong felt that he had to educate them from the standpoint of their predecessors.

Pan Danwen and the other Xu Hui’s senior sisters secretly nodded their heads. They were people who had just graduated. They knew better than anyone else. To tell the truth, it was a bit bloated. They only entered university. Know what the sky is high and the earth thick.

This Wang Teng is a friend of Xu Hui’s, and they also agree with Xie Zhilong’s statement.

“Little brother Wang Teng, I am Xu Hui’s senior sister, Pan Danwen. What about you, wait with us. Everyone should take care of each other. Don’t be embarrassed.” Pan Danwen speaks more tactfully, with a pretty face like a flower, like a breeze blowing on his face. .

Wang Teng said helplessly: “Sister Pang, it’s not that I didn’t accept your kindness. I’m really waiting for my friends, and I can’t make decisions for them.”

“So evasive, it seems that you look down on us people, forget it, forget it, let’s not ask ourselves to be boring.” Xie Zhilong said with a mockery.

Sure enough, hearing what he said, those senior elder sisters immediately frowned, and their faces showed unpleasant expressions.

This Wang Teng is really ignorant!

Do you really think that you are a champion in the martial arts exam and you can be deceived?

“Wang Teng, you are stupid. It’s for your own good to let you follow. Why are you so stubborn.” Xu Hui complained a little angrily.

Wang Teng narrowed his eyes slightly, ignored Xu Hui, and looked at Xie Zhilong with a smile.

Seeing that his heart was furry, he felt unexplainably being stared at by some beast, and there was a hint of timidity in his heart.

I would be scared by a high school graduate.

He shook his head hurriedly, a little embarrassed into anger, and was about to have a seizure when he suddenly heard a voice.


Xie Zhilong turned his head and looked around, his face was happy, and he shouted, “Uncle!”

“Hey, it’s really your kid!” Xie Kun and Li Liangda and his son walked over.

When Wang Teng saw Li Liangda and his son, he felt a little pain in his brains. Really, all the ghosts, ghosts and snakes were all gathered together.

“Uncle, aren’t you in Jiangnan? Why are you here?” Xie Zhilong asked curiously.

“Of course I’m here to participate in the auction.” Xie Kun smiled, then turned his eyes to Pan Danwen and others next to Xie Zhilong and said: “These are your classmates?”

“Yes, they are all my classmates at Jiangnan University, but this one is not. He is the top pick in the Tokai Wushu exam and looks down on us ordinary students.” Xie Zhilong introduced Pan Danwen and others, and looked at it slightly mockingly. Wang Teng said with a glance.

“Oh, the champion in the Donghai Wushu test!” Xie Kun looked at Wang Teng up and down, then turned to ask Li Liangda, “Is this the Wang Teng you are talking about?”

“It’s him.” Before Li Liangda spoke, Li Rongcheng couldn’t wait to say.

Seeing that this martial artist Xie Kun knew his father, he would definitely be on their side. In addition, the martial artist was very disdainful and contemptuous of Wang Teng just now. At this time, he might suffer a little bit. Li Rongcheng is naturally happy. See it.

“Wang Teng, this Mr. Xie is a 3-star warrior-level warrior. Don’t think that you have become a warrior and your tail will be up to the sky. Compared with Mr. Xie, a 1-star warrior is not enough to look at. Don’t be too proud.” , Directed at Wang Teng.

“3-star warrior-level warrior!”

Pan Danwen and others looked at Xie Kun in surprise.

“Hey, my uncle has been a 3-star warrior-level warrior for some years, and my strength is not comparable to that of an ordinary 3-star warrior-level warrior.” Xie Zhilong said with some pride.

“It’s nothing like a mere 3 star warrior level. There are so many big people on the scene. I’m just the lowest existence.” Xie Kun quickly humbled, but he was still quite content in his heart, enjoying the gazes of others, faint. He asked Wang Teng: “I heard that you and Li Rongcheng had old grievances. In order to retaliate against him, you used some means to force him to withdraw from the martial arts test. I wonder if this happened?”

When Pan Danwen and the other students from Jiangnan University heard this, they looked at Wang Teng one after another, with a hint of contempt on their faces.

Originally, they were a little bad for Wang Teng’s senses because of the incident just now. Now that they heard this inside story, they were even more disgusted with him.

“Impossible, Wang Teng is not that kind of person.” Xu Hui said loudly without even thinking about it.

“Xu Hui, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, how can you be sure that he is not that kind of person?” Xie Zhilong said.

“It’s Li Rongcheng.” Wang Teng glanced at everyone, especially Xie Zhilong, and Li Liangda and his son, after a pause, and then slowly said.

It seemed that even if he was misunderstood, he was not in a hurry at all.

“Don’t care who said it, you can’t hide the facts, your mind is so vicious at a young age, and if you become a high-level powerful warrior in the future, it will be a big cancer.” Xie Kun said with his hand.

“By the way, who the hell are you? I don’t seem to know you. Even if I have a vicious mind, do I have half a dime relationship with you? Somehow I ran over to Barabala and said a lot of things I don’t know. Who gave you such a big face?” Wang Teng looked at Xie Kun speechlessly.

“You…” Xie Kun was choked by him, and he didn’t know whether his face was angry or annoyed, and he was instantly green.

He originally thought that with the strength of his 3-star warrior-level warrior, Wang Teng didn’t dare to say anything more, and he would definitely be honestly trained.

Who knew that Wang Teng was not afraid to offend him, so he disregarded his face when he opened his mouth, so that he could not get off the stage in public.

At this time, he could not wait to slap Wang Teng to death.

It’s a pity that this is in the heavyweight auction venue of the Bond Auction House.

“Wang Teng, do you know how to respect your elders? My uncle is for your own good. You actually insulted him. People like you are also worthy of being the champion in the martial arts exam.” Xie Zhilong shouted angrily.

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