Chapter 113 Shaking Mountain Sword Technique (seeking subscription!)

Wang Teng had no choice but to buy a set of one-star high-end flying knives from the [Master Lu] shop and use it first.

1.5 million was just spent!

Next, he bought a backpack, and even all kinds of necessary items such as healing medicine and antidote, which cost 300,000 yuan!

Then, according to the introduction of Captain Lin Zhan, he bought another two-star shield for 6 million!

Plus the war sword and heavy bow purchased earlier.

This time, only 58 million of the 100 million cultivation fund remained.

If Wang Shengguo knew that Wang Teng spent so much money, it would be distressed for a long time!


Wang Teng looked at the balance, suddenly a little distressed.

What should I do if I can’t spend the money?

Waiting online, very anxious!

“By the way, there are also exercises and combat skills!”

Wang Teng suddenly thought of this. So far, he only has fire, ice, and earth methods, but not the three types of wood water poison.

Especially the poison type, which is very rare and rare.

He flipped through the Pole Star Martial Arts Pavilion, but he didn’t find any Poison Cultivation Techniques!

Wang Teng shook his head and could only give up.

Just about to look at the techniques of the Mu-Shui two systems, something suddenly came to mind.

He tried to use the two elements of the wood and water in his body, and found that they were completely dormant in his body, and he didn’t listen at all.

“Sure enough, I didn’t have the physical talent of the corresponding attribute, so I couldn’t use it. Now even if I purchase the wood water attribute of the practice secret, I can’t cultivate.”

Wang Teng smiled bitterly and had no choice but to do it.

“It’s still missing an earth-based attacking combat technique!”

He already possesses the earth system technique “Loess Earth Technique”, which includes a defensive combat technique “Earth Element Shield”.

The only difference is an earth-based attacking combat skill!

Enter the combat skill hall!

A well-ranked combat skill is listed in front of the buyer.

Cultivation methods and combat skills, from high to low, are all based on the four levels of “Heaven, Earth Xuanhuang”, and each level is divided into four levels: low, medium, high, and top.

The “Red Flame Jue” and “Xuanbing Jue” that he had obtained before were all high-level Huang-level techniques, while “Huang Tu Gong” was the top-level Huang-level technique.

In addition, “Fire Lin Sword Technique” and “Phantom Ice Fist” are Huang Tier’s advanced force combat skills!

These exercises and combat skills are all sold on the intranet, and they are expensive.

Both “Huang Tu Gong” and “Xuan Bing Jue” are priced at 80 million yuan!

“Chi Yan Jue” has a price tag of 70 million!

“Fire Lin Sword Art” has a price tag of 30 million!

“Phantom Ice Fist” has a price tag of 20 million!

Wang Teng was really surprised and delighted when he saw this price!

“Hey, I turned out to be a billionaire.”

He didn’t expect that the Force technique and combat skills were so expensive, no wonder the martial artists were all rich.

No wonder it is so difficult to become a warrior!

At this price, many people can’t afford to go bankrupt.

The threshold is too high!

Those big powers and big chaebols can be taken out without pressure, but for ordinary people, thinking about it makes people desperate!

“Wu Kao is a way out, and that’s really good.” Wang Teng thoughtfully.

To enter the martial arts major, the school will provide exercises secrets, even if it is not free, it will certainly not be so expensive, otherwise how can those students become martial artists?

Wang Teng shook his head. If it weren’t for a system boss, he would have to worry about the exercises and combat skills. It’s really… too difficult!

Take back your thoughts and browse the original force combat skills!

“Bengshan Jin”, Huang Tier low-level-5 million!

“Cracking Stone Palm”, Huang Tier Intermediate-10 million!

“Big Rock Hammer”, Huang Tier top-20 million!

“Shaking Mountain Sword Art”, the low-level Xuan Tier-50 million!

When I arrived at the Profound Rank, the price of Force Combat Skills suddenly soared. After checking my balance, I resolutely purchased the low-level Profound Rank “Shaking the Mountain Sword Technique”!

I’m about to enter another world, I don’t know what dangers there will be, it is best to master a powerful combat technique!

Xuan Jie’s low-level “Shaking Mountain Sword Art” is definitely stronger than Huang Jie’s “Fire Lin Sword Art” and “Ice Fist”.

Practicing knives, naturally you must have knives!

With eight million left, Wang Teng simply bought a two-star high-end sword.

At this point, all his practice funds at this stage have been completely spent!

As for the cultivation resources such as the source stone and the medicine pills, they were not comparable to picking up attribute bubbles, so he didn’t buy them.

Money naturally has to be spent on things that are not there.

For others, improving your strength is the most important thing, so if you change to someone else, you will definitely buy various training resources first.

But for Wang Teng, weapons and combat skills are what he lacks.

Moreover, in fact, whether it is a medicinal medicine or a source stone, there are certain impurities in it. If you directly absorb the force in it for cultivation, it will also absorb the impurities into the body together.

Long-term accumulation will have an impact on the body and even the realm of warriors.

So don’t use it!

Knowing the joints in this, Wang Teng was so aggressive, he was completely disdainful of using it.

The ice source stone and ice spirit pill gifted by Principal Yu hadn’t moved at all, and planned to use it elsewhere or directly sell it for a small amount of money.

The next day, the things Wang Teng bought arrived.

The delivery was a man in a black suit and black sunglasses, who made it mysterious.

Under his command, the staff removed boxes one by one from the car.

“Mr. Wang Teng, right? Please use your personal account password to open the box and check it.” said the black man.

Wang Teng nodded, pointed his watch at a certain place on the side of the box, and the box opened automatically.

He counted, everything was right.

“Mr. Wang Teng, if there is no problem, please sign here.”

A black man handed over a list, and when his eyes scanned the items in the box, he was secretly startled…

Really rich!

After signing and confirming the acceptance, the man left with someone.

Wang Teng moved a few boxes upstairs, sorted them out, put them aside, and then inserted a USB flash drive into the computer.

“Shaking Mountain Sword Technique”!

A line of big characters came into view…

Time flies quickly, and the day to rendezvous with the Battle Tiger team has arrived.

In the past two days, Wang Teng’s life is very fulfilling, he has prepared everything he should prepare, and the “Shaking Mountain Sword Technique” has also started to practice.

Look at the properties panel:

Shaking Mountain Sword Technique (Entry 5100).

Just getting started, his proficiency is still very low, Wang Teng still has 35 blank attributes left, but he didn’t rush to add them.

In the morning, Wang Teng and his family had breakfast.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei wanted to say something but stopped, they were very worried, but they didn’t show it.

“Dad, I have here a proof of the right to purchase a house in [Deer Park]. You have time to check it out, buy a larger house and move in as soon as possible,” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, leave this to me, don’t worry.” Wang Shengguo nodded.

“Then I’m leaving!” Wang Teng wiped his mouth after eating breakfast and stood up and said.

Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei sent him to the door, hesitated for a moment, and turned a thousand words into one exhortation.

“Be careful and come back safely!”

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