Chapter 11: Walking the Fat Guy~

Many trainees are also training on the second floor of the training building.

Wang Teng swept his eyes, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he saw a familiar figure.

A flexible fat guy!

At this time, he was running wildly on the runway.

The other party has also been promoted to an intermediate martial artist. No wonder that he didn’t see him on the first floor all day yesterday. It turned out that he came to the second floor.

“Fatty, early!”

Wang Teng greeted each other as if facing an old acquaintance.

When the fat man heard the sound, he turned his head and looked around, his face suddenly changed: “Why is this guy!”

He pretended not to see Wang Teng and didn’t answer a word, running faster.

Wang Teng watched the other party running, completely unaware that the attribute bubble was falling behind his butt, and he was happy in his heart.

He used the basic body technique, and ran behind the fat man while picking up attributes.



【Basic Body Method*3】


“Upgrading to an intermediate martial artist, this fat man will drop more attribute points. In this way, the higher the strength, the more attribute points will be dropped.”

Wang Teng thought to himself.

If this is the case, then there must be more properties on the second floor than on the first floor!

After all, here are all intermediate warriors.

In this way, I believe that it won’t take long to be promoted to a senior warrior, and one step closer to an official warrior.

“How come you guys are like a dogskin plaster, always sticking to me? There is no end?”

The angry voice of the fat man in front pulled Wang Teng back from his thoughts.

“Hey, what’s the point of training alone? Why don’t we come to Bibi and run ten laps to see who takes less time? How about? Come or not?” Wang Teng said.

The fat man was about to refuse. He rolled his eyes and said, “If you lose, stay away from me and let me train by myself.”


Wang Teng agreed, and said, “What if you lose?”

“Joke, how could I lose!” Fatty said with disdain.

“Confidence is a good thing, but since you set the conditions, I naturally have requirements. The test talks about fairness, right?” Wang Teng said

“Then what do you want?” The fat man asked with a frown.

“It’s very simple. If you lose, how about singing “Conquer” in front of everyone?” Wang Teng said.

“Okay, as long as you can win, you can sing anything. Don’t say “Conquer”. It’s okay to sing Ten Capitals.” The fat man agreed with his chest.

Wang Teng smiled secretly in his heart——ten poems? Wait when you cry.

“There is a timer next to it. I will find someone to help us time it.”

The fat man said, stepped aside, said a few words to a trainee who was training, and asked him to help with the timing.

The student nodded and followed the fat man to the edge of the runway.

“You guys get ready, I call to start, and you can run.” The student stood by the timer and said.

The two nodded.

The fat man started to prepare, shaking his legs and relaxing his muscles.

As a result, it was a tremor of fat.

Seeing that the two were about to compete, the other students gathered around and watched the excitement by the runway.

They couldn’t help laughing when they saw the trembling fat of the fat man.

“This fat guy, who is so fat like this, actually learns body skills and practice speed. I don’t know what he thinks?”

“But don’t tell me, this fat guy is a bit capable, and he runs faster than a rabbit.”

Listening to the discussion coming from the side, the fat man couldn’t help showing a smug look on his face.

He glanced at Wang Teng provocatively, stood upright on the spot, and didn’t even make the start.

Wang Teng smiled, still standing still, and asked casually: “Fatty, what’s your name?”

“My name is Wu Liang!” The fat man pointed to his nose and said.

“Be sure to remember this name, lest you don’t know who you are losing to when you lose.”

After speaking, he asked, “How about you?”

“Wang Teng, remember to sing “Conquer” if you lose!” Wang Teng laughed.

“Hey!” Wu Liang rolled his eyes in disdain.

A loud shout suddenly came from the side.


Although Wang Teng and Fatty were talking, they jumped out at the same time when the sound rang.

The face of the person next to him changed slightly.

The speed of the two is very fast, and they rushed out several tens of meters in an instant.

They kept running at a high speed and did not retain their physical strength just because they ran ten laps and stayed in the final sprint.

Because this is a timed run, the comparison is time.

What’s more, martial arts have a lot of strength, and running ten laps is just a trivial matter.

Even though Wu Liang was fat, he was not satisfied at all when he ran. On the contrary, his speed even surpassed everyone present.

Few people have really trained their body skills and speed to his level.

That’s why the students onlookers have just changed their colors.

Worthy of being a fat man like the wind.

Many people sigh in their hearts.

When they looked at Wang Teng, the expressions on their faces were also extremely surprised.

They knew about the fat man a long time ago, and even if they were surprised, they could quickly accept it, but Wang Teng was an unfamiliar face, and he probably just became an intermediate warrior.

However, this newly promoted mid-level warrior can actually run on a par with Wu Liang, which is quite remarkable.

Wait, Wu Liang seems to have just become an intermediate martial artist!

He was on the second floor just yesterday.

In this way, these two people are both pink and tender newcomers!

Are the newcomers so fierce now?

Give them back to these old people to survive?

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach.

A sorrowful atmosphere suddenly filled the mid-level warriors.

“This newcomer is still a bit worse than Wu Liang.” Someone commented.

“It’s hard to say, although he has been behind, but he is hanging behind the fat man. You haven’t noticed that he has never been behind more than 20 meters.”

“Hey, if you don’t say it, you really haven’t found it!”

The few people looked at Wang Teng behind in amazement, and after a closer look, his appearance was not strenuous at all.

Wang Teng did not try his best and fell behind Wu Liang, mainly to pick up attributes.

And this competition itself is to make Wu Liang lose more attributes.

He almost figured out some uses of gold fingers.

If you want these “mobs” to drop more attributes, you have to train them harder, or…

Hit them directly, the harder you hit, the more you may explode!

The latter point is the inspiration from the shady young man last night, but it has yet to be verified.

After all, you can’t just find someone to beat him up.

In order to get rid of Wang Teng, Wu Liang’s extra purchasing power was tested this time, and the attributes dropped were so many, almost all the way.

【Basic Body Method*2】



【Basic Body Method*4】


Wang Teng felt like he was playing in the temple and fleeing, each attribute bubble was like gold coins.

There seemed to be a tinkling sound in my ears.

As he ran, he picked up attributes, and his attributes continued to increase. Not only did he not feel tired, but he became more energetic.

This is where he dared to compete with the fat man.

Let’s cheat, if we lose, we can’t afford to lose this person.

The students onlookers saw a smile at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and their expressions suddenly became weird.

This guy is completely walking the dog… No, he’s walking the fat guy!

It’s just a chain.

Wu Liang didn’t notice the abnormality at all. Seeing that Wang Teng had been lagging behind him, he turned around and laughed: “Small, I said you are no longer an opponent, you have to look for abuse!”


As soon as the voice fell, a figure flickered past him.

The smile on the fat man’s face instantly stiffened.

His eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he uttered a word for a long time.

“Depend on!”

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