Chapter 107 Five top universities (subscription required!)

The principal’s office is not very big, even a little simple.

Opposite the desk was a sofa and a coffee table, and Principal Yu made tea himself.

Several admissions teachers and Wang Teng took their seats one after another.

“All the teachers came here in person, I am really flattered!” Wang Teng said.

“A gifted person always has some privileges, and you are one of them.” A chubby middle-aged man said with a smile of praise:

“Introduce myself, I am the admissions teacher of our Yellow Navy Academy, you can call me Teacher Qin!”

Seeing that he had taken the lead, a teacher next to him quickly said: “Student Wang Teng, I am the admissions teacher of Donghai University, and my surname is Li.”

“The first college, you can call me Teacher Huang!”

This teacher Huang from the First Academy is a man in his thirties, with a cold look and a touch of arrogance in his tone.

“I’m from Xiadu Military Academy, my last name is Zhou!”

“I’m from Jinlin University, so I can call it Teacher Xia.” This teacher Xia is the only woman among the five. She is not very stunning and ordinary, but she has an intellectual temperament. People are like spring breeze.

Today only came the teachers from these five universities!

However, these five universities have included the top universities in China.

The rest of the universities probably know that they can’t compete with them, so they simply won’t come.

As long as he is not stupid, it is impossible for Wang Teng to leave the top schools unchecked, and instead choose schools below them.

At this time, Teacher Huang from the No. 1 Academy said lightly: “Student Wang Teng, you should have heard of the name of our No. 1 Academy!

We have the strongest faculty in the country, and our teachers are at least 4-star warriors!

There are also many high-level leaders in schools, the lowest being 6-star warrior level.

Whether it is a normal practice problem or a bottleneck encountered when breaking through the realm, they can give adequate guidance.

In addition, it is the resources. You can’t imagine the resources that our school can enjoy. We can provide the best for exercises, combat skills, medicines, source stones, etc. It’s not that I belittle other schools, they are still bad. point.

In addition, we have a lot of excellent alumni, who are in business, politics, and the military. As long as you enter our first university, these seniors and sisters will be your invisible contacts.

Although everyone has to rely on themselves, having them standing behind you will save a lot of trouble.

Moreover, our principal is an 11-star warrior who is a Taishan Beidou in the education world, and is well-known all over the world!

Before coming, he told me that he must take you back. He really wanted to see you!

So, come to our first university. If you don’t come, you will definitely regret it! ”

At the end of the hearing, the four enrollment teachers of other schools suddenly changed their faces. Are even the old man in the northern education circle paying attention to Wang Teng?

“Student Wang Teng, the faculty and resources of our Jinlin University are almost the same as those of the first institution, and there are many excellent alumni, not inferior to the first institution. Moreover, our principal is also an 11-star warrior who has a great presence in the south. The right to speak, the East China Sea is in our south, and Jinlin University is undoubtedly more suitable for you.” Teacher Xia from Jinlin University said hurriedly.

But the words seem to be a bit thin, and the weight is not as heavy as the first institution. Even the principal of the first institution is paying attention to Wang Teng, and the expectation of him is obviously not low.

Once Wang Teng enters the first university, he will definitely be trained.

“Student Wang Teng, let’s not talk about anything else. Our East China Sea is a major commercial city, and East China Sea University has no worse resources than any other university. The same is true for teachers. You are a 5, 6, or 7-star warrior. You can have as many as you want.” Teacher Li from Tunghai University looked like a wealthy man.

And he smiled again:

“As for our principal, that is also an 11-star warrior. He told me many times about you. If something happened this time, and you really can’t get out of it, he might come over to catch you personally and will never allow you to run away. .”

Wang Teng was secretly speechless.

Very obedient!

Three 11-star warriors came out all at once, and Yali Mountain felt big!

At this time, only the admissions teachers of the two military academies had not spoken yet, and they couldn’t help but glance at each other.

Fight against each other!

Teacher Qin from the Yellow Navy School still smiled, and said without rush: “In terms of resources and teachers, in fact, none of our five schools are much different. Even if it is a little bit, it will not affect much.

Student Wang Teng, I have watched your actual combat video. You are very strong. Come to the military academy. This is where you can display your talents.

Regarding the alien world, a legion is being formed. As long as you perform well in the school, you can be awarded a military rank and enter the alien world to fight.

The warrior can only exert the greatest value on the battlefield, and the alien world is undoubtedly a huge battlefield!

To some extent, warriors are soldiers.

Our warriors are all fighting!

And soldiers who don’t want to be generals are not good soldiers!

Only military academies can satisfy this point.

Moreover, according to the discussion and decision of superiors, as long as you enter our Yellow Naval Academy, you will immediately be awarded the rank of “Senior”! ”

Jinlin, Donghai, and even the three enrollment teachers of the first college suddenly changed their expressions: “You… are too shameless! You actually used your military rank to attract classmate Wang Teng.”

“Haha, you can too!” Teacher Qin smiled harmlessly.

“Yes, if you have the conditions, you can also take it out.” Teacher Zhou of Xiadu Military Academy nodded, and then said to Wang Teng: “Our Xiadu Military Academy also has the same conditions, but we have an advantage over the Yellow Navy Academy.”

Having said this, he paused for a while, then took a triumphant look at Teacher Qin, and continued:

“An outstanding alumnus of our school-Admiral Lei Yao, is now in charge of the “Red Tiger” Legion in another world. After ten years of development, the Red Tiger Legion has matured. As long as you are good enough, we can guarantee that you will enter it and you will be able to improve steadily in the future. ,To have a role to play!”

Teacher Zhou is very loud and convincing in his words.

The other teachers were a little silent. They were already very optimistic about Wang Teng, so they came personally and tried their best to win him over.

Who knows, the importance of Wang Teng in various schools has been refreshed again and again, and the conditions set out are more attractive.

“Student Wang Teng, there are also many alumni of our Yellow Navy Academy who are forming the “Black Sparrow” Legion in other worlds. Although the Legion was initially built and faced with many difficulties, it also means more opportunities. On the contrary, the “Red Tiger” Legion mechanism has matured. The main general is in his prime, even if you can be promoted in the future, there is very little room for improvement.” Teacher Qin said.

“Hehe, can it be possible that your “Black Sparrow” legion’s main seat can be left to classmate Wang Teng. I think you drew a big cake for classmate Wang Teng.” Teacher Zhou said with contempt.

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