Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 951 Simon

The one who was left to stare at the thing was Simon, the former observer and current sniper of the scout team. He looked at the barely humanoid monster in the scope and felt as if the acid in his stomach was going to his throat. Everywhere.

It is difficult to describe this monster in words. Compared with it, even Roni, whose face is full of blood and flesh, can be regarded as pretty.

Judging from the remaining pieces of clothing on this monster, it should have been a resident of this power plant before it was alive. Now, it is walking with staggering steps, wandering around the public communication terminal, just like those NPC monsters in video games guarding the mission target point.

Perhaps the employees of the power plant realized that something was wrong and wanted to use the public communication terminal to report to the upper management. But just as they arrived, the infection in their bodies suddenly broke out and they turned into monsters? Simon thought to himself, clicking the index finger of his right hand. He rubbed the trigger guard of the semi-automatic sniper rifle.

The scout who rushed back to report the news soon came back. He ran to Simon who was squatting behind a roadblock with a gun, patted the latter on the shoulder, and said: The squad leader ordered to deal with this monster. Lose.

Copy that. Simon said expressionlessly, took a deep breath, and moved his finger from the trigger guard to the trigger.

The shooting distance is one hundred and ninety meters, and the target moves very slowly. In this case, with Simon's technology, it is almost possible to hit the target 100 times.

Puff puff.

The sound of the semi-automatic sniper rifle equipped with a silencer was very dull. Simon's first two shots directly hit the chest and abdomen of the humanoid monster. The monster responded. Then he moved the center of the scope to the monster's head and added another shot. A shot was taken.

The Mozambique shooting method of two guns in the chest and one in the head is not only suitable for close combat with pistols. This operation can also be completed with a high-precision sniper rifle, but it requires higher technical requirements for the shooter - similarly, the target is also more lethal.

Refill the gun. Simon said to his companion.

The scout nodded, picked up the short assault rifle in his arms, rushed forward, and fired a series of three bursts of short bursts at the motionless humanoid creature.

The short magazine contains active ammunition - as mentioned before, the Mukach base does not have active sniper ammunition in stock. Simon uses conventional ammunition, and it is not sure whether this kind of monster is corrosive. In this case, using active ammunition to replenish the gun is undoubtedly the safest way.

Threat removed.

After confirming that the humanoid monster was completely dead, the entire team quickly moved up from behind and arrived at the roadblock where Simon had set up an observation position.

That monster should be an employee of the power plant. Look at the light gray uniform on it. The pilot of the transport plane handed the telescope in his hand to the squad leader. Other than it, there are indeed no traces of other creatures nearby.

Captain, I think it was supposed to use the public communication terminal to call for help or report, but unfortunately, it mutated into a monster when it was only a few steps away from the target... It had been circling the public communication terminal before. The pavilion at the terminal is wandering around. I guess the remaining obsessions from 'life' are still affecting its action logic to a certain extent.

Is it the only one? The team leader frowned and held the telescope tightly with both hands. If it came to the public communication terminal to ask for help, what about the other people in the power plant? What about the half-armed security force? What if it came to the public communication terminal to ask for help? They became monsters, so where did they go?”

Do you suspect there might be an ambush here? the transport pilot asked - in this team, in addition to the team leader who is the commander, the transport pilot has the highest rank. According to the combat regulations of the field army, According to current regulations, he will automatically assume the position of deputy captain.

It's hard to say. In the terrain ahead, if there are people who have turned into monsters hidden around us, once we are surrounded, the situation will be very unfavorable for us. The team leader said.

A public communication terminal is actually an oversized telephone booth with an octagonal shape and composed of eight separate compartments. Public communication terminals can not only conduct video communications, but also handle virtual transactions and various civil affairs procedures. It is said to be a communication terminal, but in fact it is more like a multi-functional, fully automated convenience center.

The bottom of the public communication terminal is directly connected to the Ark's cable and optical fiber dual networks. It can still operate normally even if the radio communication is interfered with. It is the fastest and most reliable among the various communication methods on the Ark. The most reliable one out there.

The only disadvantage may be that it is inconvenient for people who live far away from the communication terminal. Unlike a mobile phone, you can take it out of your pocket and use it.

The public communication terminal in front of the team, perhaps for the sake of convenient transportation, was actually set up at a crossroads. The surrounding terrain was extremely empty and there were no bunkers or shelters at all.

If they were surrounded at the public communication terminal, it would be difficult for them to build a simple defensive position.

I think you are overthinking it, the transport plane pilot said. Judging from the behavior of the monster that was just killed by the sniper, these guys probably don't have the ability to think. They rely entirely on instinct to act. At most, they will be attacked. The influence of some obsessions during life...ambushed us, I think it is unlikely.

No... what if these monsters can be controlled? What if the monster that was just killed is just a bait used by the enemy to attract us into the encirclement? The number of samples is too small, and it is difficult for us to detect this through the behavior of a small number of individuals. A monster makes a judgment... Anyway, I think it's better to be cautious.

If you're being cautious, divide your forces. The pilot of the transport plane said solemnly.

Yes. The squad leader nodded and began to assign tasks. The scout team took three black cards to the public communication terminal and tried to get in touch with the 'big shot' that General Maginot said. Group A and Group B respectively Guard the four intersections in the southeast and northwest, and set up a guard post every 20 meters to ensure that nothing moving comes close within 100 meters, and the rest of the people stay where they are.

Understood. Simon took the black card handed over by the squad leader, stuffed it into the pocket of his tactical vest, hung the semi-automatic sniper rifle behind his back, opened the folding butt of the slightly flush gun and put it in his arms, hunched over and walked quickly toward The public communication terminal trotted over.

Each of the other two scouts was also assigned a black card. They set off in order, keeping a distance of about thirty meters between each of them. This distance was also to ensure that if the person in front was attacked, the person behind would be attacked. people have enough space and time to respond.

Soldiers from Group A and Group B also spread out along both sides of the road and quickly set up a dynamic cordon.

Everyone else stared at the three scouts nervously, not even daring to express their anger - but the plot that often happens in thriller movies did not appear. Including Simon, the three scouts were not attacked at all. Nothing unusual happened around them. The three of them arrived at the public communication terminal smoothly, each found a cubicle and got in.

Each compartment of the public communication terminal only has space for one person, and the doors and walls are made of transparent soundproof glass, so there is no possibility of monsters hiding inside. After Simon got into a cubicle, he immediately turned on the power of the communication equipment and quickly checked it.

The communication equipment is in good condition, the power supply is normal, and there are no network failures.

Simon did not rush to insert the black card into the card slot of the communication device. He first swiped his personal ID and then opened the web browser.

All the portal websites on the Ark were last updated three days ago, and the difference between the update times of each website was no more than three hours. But what made Simon a little puzzled was that there was no website to update the unknown creatures that attacked the Ark. According to reports, there are no posts discussing these matters even on those forums.

Has the official blocked the news? After much deliberation, Simon came up with the only possibility. He hesitated for a few seconds and then entered a string of URLs.

It was an underground website in a gray area. What was discussed on that website were topics that were on the edge of legality and illegality. Many things that could not be said in formal forums could be expressed freely on this website... If the government blocks information on portals and formal forums, you can often detect rumors on such underground websites.

But Simon still found nothing.

The latest post on this underground website is a question about how to avoid high taxes and fees on certain controlled military regulations. The poster was an anonymous netizen. The posting time was thirty-seven hours ago, and the last reply to him was He was also an anonymous netizen, and the reply time was thirty-seven hours ago. In the next thirty-seven hours, Ark seemed to be disconnected from the Internet, and there was no new content on the Internet.

That's not right...the network is not down. If these websites are still accessible, it means that their servers are still running normally. How come there is no one to speak? Simon's heart was full of doubts. He was originally He planned to collect some information through the Internet first, but the results of the search made him feel extremely uneasy.

If there are still survivors on the Ark, then why do all network users seem to disappear out of thin air when the network can still be used normally... Where did they go?

Have they all turned into that kind of monster?

Are there really any survivors on the Ark?

Simon took a deep breath, closed the web browser, opened the video call, and entered a series of numbers after hesitating.

This is the mobile phone number of his biological sister. Simon is not married yet and has no wife or children. His only relatives on the Ark are his parents and his sister who lives with his parents. Their residence is in the West Seventh District, which is not a wealthy area but It's not bad. If those monsters attack from the outside in, Simon's family should have a chance to evacuate to the core area protected by heavy troops.

Assume that the core area is heavily protected and willing to be open to civilians.


The notification tone waiting for an answer was like drumsticks hitting Simon's heart one after another. Every time it rang, he felt as if his body was shaking... It's not that he wasn't worried about his family, it was just that he was here Before, he was forcing himself to forget these things and concentrate on the task. But now, when he had the opportunity to confirm the life and death of his family, he felt a trace of fear in his heart.

He was afraid of hearing an answer he couldn't accept.

When the prompt sounded to the ninth tone, Simon finally couldn't help but hang up the video call, and then inserted the black card into the card slot at an extremely fast speed.


With a soft sound, the entire cubicle went dark, and even the originally lit screen fell into darkness.

The power is out? Simon was stunned for a moment. He turned around and glanced behind him. Through the light black frosted glass door, he could see that the outside of the public communication terminal was still lit, which meant that there was no problem with the power supply line. .

Is it possible that there is a problem with the communication equipment? Simon glanced at the card slot. The black card had been completely swallowed. It could not be pulled out by conventional means. Even the forced card ejection button was not there. It's stuck and I can't press it down at all.

There can't be something wrong with the black card the general gave us, right?

Just when Simon was suspicious, a deep voice sounded in the compartment: I am a member of the Immortal Crew Association, Zeus, what do you want from me?

The Immortal Crew? Zeus? Simon couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Although he knew that the big shot in General Maginot's words was not a member of the United Council, what kind of organization was this Immortal Crew?

Zeus? That seems to be the name of a mythical character, right? Is this the other person's name? Or a code name?

But Simon didn't have the heart to dwell on this kind of thing. He thought for a while and replied: I am Simon Villier, the observer of the scout team of the spear squad of the garrison of Mukah Fortress. Mukah Fortress is in contact with Ark. After losing contact, we observed that the Ark was attacked by unknown creatures, and we are currently organizing support troops. We are the first reconnaissance force to return to the Ark. This black card was given to us by General Maginot. He asked us to wait until we contact you. , obey all your instructions.

Although he didn't know who the other party was, Simon still used the honorific title.

Mukahe Base... Magino... Oh, I understand, you just stay where you are and I will send someone to join you immediately. The man who called himself Zeus said.

Uh, please, can you tell me what happened on the Ark? Where did those monsters come from?

They will tell you after you join my people.

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