Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 944 Emergency Landing

The transport aircraft begins to slow down. When it decelerates to a certain extent, the anti-gravity device installed inside the fuselage will start to stabilize the fuselage in mid-air. Compared with the crystal engine, the anti-gravity device produces much less movement. More difficult to detect by detection equipment.

But the moment the transport plane stopped in the air, a spike as thick as a bowl penetrated the cabin without warning, skewering a mercenary and the spear squad soldiers sitting opposite him. Heartbroken.

We have been discovered! the leader of the spear team shouted immediately, picked up the assault rifle hanging on his chest, turned his head and shouted in the direction of the cockpit, Open the cabin quickly and let us out!

No, the current height is 600 meters. When the rappelling rope is fully released, it will only be 150 meters long. The remaining 400 meters are enough to break people into pieces! the driver responded loudly, I have to rely on the anti-gravity device to quickly lower the altitude of the plane so you can get off!

We were discovered the moment the anti-gravity device was turned on! Soap also shouted loudly, This thing will kill us! Turn it off, and then let's rappel to a farther location!

It's been exposed anyway, what difference does it make if it's turned off or not? The plane is already in a hovering state. If you want to leave this place, you have to restart the engine. Do you think we can escape? the captain of the Spear Team yelled at Soap. .

I plan to make an emergency landing! The pilot clutched the joystick tightly and stared at the console. The aircraft body has been damaged. In addition to the cabin, the two crystal engines have also been penetrated. We have lost power. .

Fortunately, the crystallization engine had been shut down during the gliding stage, otherwise the exploding engine alone would have been enough to cause the entire transport plane to disintegrate in the air.

Is it possible to make an emergency landing at this height? Soap asked urgently, If the enemy's next target is an anti-gravity device, we will be thrown to death!

Generally speaking, aircraft emergency landings are forced to land by taxiing, but now this Amran-class transport aircraft is completely hovering in mid-air like a helicopter, and the propellers at the ends of the wings on both sides have been It stopped rotating and relied entirely on the reverse thrust of the anti-gravity device and the two compressed air nozzles at the bottom. If the anti-gravity device was destroyed, the reverse thrust of the compressed air injection alone would not be able to support the weight of the transport aircraft itself, and they would He fell vertically from the air and hit the ground heavily.

I think it's better to skydive! Giraffe also said from the side. The target of the transport plane is too big. If we stay here, we will wait for death! By then the anti-gravity device will be destroyed, and we will not even have the chance to skydive!

You can't parachute! The opinion of the captain of the spear team was completely opposite to that of the Giraffes. The enemy's accuracy is very high. Being able to accurately hit two crystal engines at this distance speaks volumes. The parachute speed is too slow. The sky is a perfect target and we have no choice but to make an emergency landing!

But just as the two groups of people were arguing, the pilot of the plane had already begun the emergency landing operation. Although he was also very nervous, and the hair on his forehead and back were wet with sweat, his hands were unusually stable, holding on with one hand. He used the joystick to carefully adjust the balance of the fuselage, while his other hand continued to reduce the air output of the reverse thrust nozzle and the power of the anti-gravity device, allowing the transport aircraft to descend vertically.

The altitude was decreasing, but the cabin also began to shake violently. Two more spikes penetrated the cabin. One spike pinned a relic hunter from the Snapping Turtle Hunting Group to the seat, and the other spike It amputated a soldier's right leg.

Fortunately, the anti-gravity device of the transport plane was not hit.

Five hundred and fifty meters, five hundred meters... If any of you want to parachute, hurry up! the pilot shouted without looking back, If you don't jump, I will activate the energy shield!

This is a high-end version Amran-class transport aircraft equipped with a shield generator. However, the energy shield has advantages and disadvantages. Once it is turned on, the transport aircraft in the dark night sky will become like the most dazzling star in the sky. Like stars, he is simply actively asking the enemy to focus on him.

The pilot was betting that he could land the transport plane to the ground before the shield was broken - he didn't care whether he parachuted or not. From a certain point of view, if someone really jumped out of the cabin at this time, he could help the transport plane share the burden. A burst of firepower would actually increase the chances of survival for those who remained on the plane.

We should have turned on the shield a long time ago! Soap said through gritted teeth. Because of the violent shaking of the fuselage, everyone had to use seat belts to tie themselves tightly to their seats, unable to move. This feeling of not knowing when a sharp thorn will be shot from behind and pierced through one's body is simply maddening, and the wailing of the injured soldier pushed the tense atmosphere up several levels.

The hot blood spurted out from the aorta of the broken leg and splashed on almost everyone in the cabin. Soap lowered his head and glanced at the smart watch on his wrist. The number on the dial representing the real-time heart rate had soared to one hundred and nineteen. ——You know, even when he usually performs high-intensity training, his heart rate rarely reaches this value.

With the help of several subordinates, the captain of the spear team managed to stop the bleeding of the injured soldier. However, in just a few seconds, the blood loss had reached a fatal amount, and the soldier's face was as pale as paper. He became pale, and his moans and breathing began to become fainter and fainter.

There was no plasma on the transport plane, and the hemostatic and stimulant drugs were useless at this time. The captain of the spear team sighed, pulled out his pistol, and pulled the trigger on the injured subordinate.

On this mission, they were simply unable to carry a seriously injured person who was unable to move. Even if they could revive the injured person, they could only abandon him on the transport plane to die.

There is no base or transfer station nearby that can provide medical rescue, and the Ark three kilometers away has been captured by unknown creatures - at least the external structure has been captured. Even if they can bring the wounded through the captured area and find the medical cabin, they can Without plasma, the wounded man wouldn't be able to survive until that time.

What Soap and Giraffe didn't know was that the wounded man who was personally killed by the captain of the Spear Squad was actually one of his most valued subordinates in the Spear Squad.

This soldier was selected by the captain of the spear squad when he came out of the recruit camp. He has been trained all the way until now. The captain of the spear squad even decided to recommend him to take over the position of captain after he retired. But now, a spear penetrated the cabin. , but it brought this soldier’s life to an end.

Can you start the crystal engine? At this moment, the Joker who had been silent suddenly asked the driver.

The crystal engine has been damaged. Forcibly starting it is equivalent to detonating two crystal energy bombs. Do you want us to be killed? The pilot who was focusing all his attention on controlling the transport plane did not respond. Instead, the spear The team leader took over.

The height of the transport plane was still falling, but the speed of descent had slowed down. In order to avoid those spears and prevent the plane from being locked, the pilot had to use jets to keep the plane moving irregularly horizontally. But in this way, he wanted to make the plane move irregularly horizontally. It will become more difficult for the aircraft to maintain a stable state. If they accidentally lose their balance, the only thing waiting for them is a crash.

No, what I mean is that at the moment of restarting the crystallized engine, open the safety lock and throw the engine out - the Amran-class transport aircraft is a piece of equipment developed under the modular design concept. For the convenience of maintenance and To avoid explosion accidents caused by engine failure, the engines located at the end of the wings can be quickly detached. Joker explained to everyone in the cabin at a very fast speed, And the enemy obviously relies on energy reaction to lock on the target. , the two damaged engines that exploded are much more conspicuous than the anti-gravity device, and they can definitely help us attract a lot of firepower.

The captain of the spear team was stunned. Although this operation sounds crazy, if you think about it carefully, it can indeed greatly increase the chance of a successful emergency landing.

Okay! But I need someone to help me master the timing of engine ignition and throwing! said the driver.

I'll do it. The clown who made this suggestion unbuckled his seat belt, pressed his body against the inner wall of the cabin, and moved step by step towards the cockpit.

The pilot of the transport plane also worked very cooperatively to stabilize the plane, allowing the Joker to enter the cockpit smoothly. The price of this was that the energy shield had to endure several spike attacks. The saturation of the shield suddenly became precarious.

Joker seemed to have been in contact with the Amran-class transport aircraft. Before the pilot could tell him where the switches that controlled engine ignition and engine throw were, he had already put his hands on the corresponding buttons on the console.

It seems that you should have flown this kind of transport aircraft. The pilot glanced at the Joker from the corner of his eye in his busy schedule. I won't say more. The life of this plane is in your hands. I'm here...I haven't tried the kind of manipulation you mentioned, so I can't give you any advice. Just give me a signal when you are ready, and I will cooperate with you.

Any time. Joker nodded.

There is a two-second delay for the engine to re-ignite. I will count down for five seconds. When the count reaches zero, I will control the fuselage to rotate. At the moment of the rotation, you open the lock and disconnect all connections. Use the inertia to throw out the two engines. As for the others, try to hold on to the handrails and lifting rings as much as possible to avoid being thrown out together.

Understood. Joker said.

Five, four, three, two——

As soon as the two in the driver's mouth was shouted, about a quarter of a second later, the Joker took a picture of the engine ignition button, and a screen that had been darkened lit up again and emitted a flashing red light.

Warning! Engine damage detected! It may explode at any time, please cancel the operation immediately! The alarm sounded, and dazzling red fonts appeared on the screen.

Joker pressed his hand firmly on the ignition button and never moved it away.

In this case, if you want to force ignition, you must press and hold this button. If you release it, the engine's safety program will automatically terminate the ignition process. It is for this reason that it must be stuck at the moment when ignition is successful. Throw the crystal engine out...otherwise, what will be thrown out will only be two dumb bombs that cannot explode.

one zero!

While shouting zero, the cockpit directly rotated the vector nozzles on the head and tail of the transport aircraft, and increased the air outlet power. The entire transport aircraft completed a large tail flick in the air. As for the Joker , at this moment the energy shield was turned off and the safety lock connected to the engine was opened.

The two re-ignited crystal engines were thrown away together with the propellers. The energy shield of the transport aircraft was opened again. The next second, they exploded into two gorgeous fireworks in mid-air.

Everyone, pay attention! The explosion shock wave is coming! Before the leader of the spear team finished shouting these words, the fuselage that had just stabilized began to shake violently again, like a canoe in a storm... I don't know whether it was due to the driver's superb control skills, or whether they were lucky enough to not be overturned by this terrifying force.

It worked! The enemy's firepower was really diverted! Although Soap couldn't turn his head to look at the window on his side, he could still see the window on the other side. Through the flames of the explosion of the crystal engine, he could only see a few Many spikes were shot at the two large fireworks, and the saturation of the transport aircraft's energy shield increased again.

Under the cover of fireworks, the transport plane finally landed on the ground. Everyone hurriedly dragged the equipment boxes and ran out. Even the pilot, after turning off all the equipment on the plane that would release energy reactions, got out from under the seat. An FMG folding submachine gun was pulled out.

But just when he wanted to get up from the driver's seat, he found that his legs were completely out of control - under the influence of a large amount of adrenaline, his whole body was shaking like a sieve, even the submachine gun in his hand They all slipped to the ground.

Are your legs weak? The Joker who had just walked out of the cockpit looked back, then came back, pulled the driver up from his seat and let him support him.

Just now, I didn't feel that... now after finishing the work, I found that... my hands and feet... don't feel like my own anymore... the driver said, even... I can't even speak... well...

It's normal, no shame. Joker picked up the submachine gun dropped by the pilot, and the two walked out of the plane together. At least you performed well in the sky just now.

You... are you praising me? The pilot tilted his head and stared at the clown, Your tone... reminds me of... that instructor when I first entered aviation school... By the way, you used to ...Also...a pilot?

I've never flown an airplane. Joker said in a very calm voice, I'm just familiar with its structure.

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