Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 926 Western Half

The hound's estimation was completely accurate. On the other side, Ke Lan had already passed through the jungle hunting ground and entered the western half of the upper city.

It seems that the only control authority Nieto retained was the jungle hunting ground. After Ke Lan left the hunting ground, there was no obstruction and the journey was smooth.

Compared with the eastern half of the high-end villa area, the western half is more like a heavily guarded militarized fortress. The outermost city wall alone is thirty meters high - you know, the most ancient city wall. In a majestic city, the height of the outer walls is rarely more than twenty meters.

This ring of city wall is made of reinforced concrete as the base, with three layers of composite armor plates on the surface. When necessary, the outer armor plate can be directly connected to high-voltage electricity to prevent the enemy from using suction cups or Props such as hooks and ropes were used to climb up the city.

With such a city wall, even if everyone in the bottom nest and lower city areas united, they would probably only be able to suffer under the wall.

The city walls are even equipped with flamethrowers. Even if the corpses of the attackers are piled as high as the top of the wall, the fire can burn these corpses to ashes. The enemies behind them will never be able to step on the corpses of their comrades and rush up the city wall. Chance.

Judging from the military perspective before modern times, this is a fortress that cannot be breached from the front.

But there is also a famous saying in history: The strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

Although this famous saying generally does not describe a fortress in the true sense, this fortress in the western half obviously perfectly confirms this famous saying - there are almost no traces of battle on the outside of the city wall, but when Ke Lan When they climbed up the wall, the scene in the city was in a mess.

As far as the field of vision can be seen, there is almost no complete building to be found. There are ruined walls and scattered masonry rubble everywhere. Even the skeletons of the houses that are strong enough to last hundreds of thousands of years and are supported by Nino alloy. It was twisted into a twist.

This was not damage caused by the passage of time. A very fierce battle once broke out inside this fortress... And judging from the remaining traces, one of the parties in the battle was definitely not human.

As soon as Ke Lan walked onto the street, the floor tiles under his feet turned into powder. The cracked lines spread quickly from the soles of his feet and soon covered the entire street - these floor tiles had already turned into glass. It barely maintained its original shape hundreds of thousands of years ago. When Ke Lan stepped on it, the balance of external and internal stress was instantly broken, and the floor tiles on the entire street shattered in an instant.

The vitrified floor tiles... are they due to the high temperature? Ke Lan bent down and dipped his fingers into some glass powder - the particles of these powders were extremely small, as if a whole piece of glass had been thrown into the grinding process of a food factory. In the machine, the mill is still on the gear that produces the finest material.

At the current level of human science and technology, there are two types of weapons that can vitrify floor tiles. The first is the famous nuclear weapon, and the second is the plasma weapon used as the main gun of a battleship.

Nuclear weapons will also have the characteristic of vitrification of the ground at the core of the explosion, but this place should not have suffered a nuclear explosion - if the ground were all vitrified, then it is impossible for the surrounding buildings to still retain these ruins. This area should be It should be completely leveled.

Then there are only plasma weapons, and they should be small plasma weapons that can accurately control the strike range.

Ke Lan was not surprised at all that the hive civilization was able to miniaturize plasma weapons - fortunately Nieto could not control the defense facilities here, otherwise Ke Lan's advancement speed would have directly slowed to a crawl.

The power from that body cannot be used easily unless absolutely necessary, and the strength Ke Lan can exert within the safety range is still somewhat difficult when facing weapons of this level... Well, To be precise, it was very difficult.

The internal temperature of plasma clusters emitted by plasma weapons, commonly known as plasma, can reach millions of degrees Celsius. Even if the temperature of the plasma drops rapidly after launch, it can still maintain an extremely high temperature of more than one million degrees, and can It instantly heats the surrounding air to tens of thousands of degrees.

Except in a vacuum environment like the universe, using plasma weapons anywhere else is a kill a thousand enemies, damage yourself eight hundred move - the plasma cannon is a real AOE weapon, and it has the same killing radius. Weapons with greater range. Even if a plasma cannon could be developed for individual use, this thing cannot be fired by hand. Because, the moment the cannonball came out of the chamber, the person carrying the plasma cannon was already vaporized by the high temperature.

There is not even the intermediate stage of carbonization, and the launcher will not feel any pain during the whole process - like the barrel, the launcher is also a one-time consumable, unless he has strong enough protective gear. For example: Blasphemer Mecha.

The last thing Ke Lan wants to face is this kind of covering strike weapon. Even if the plasma cannon cannot hit him directly, the high temperature that spreads is enough to vaporize Ke Lan's entire body in a second... He is not sure , after being vaporized, can my body return to its original state...

Ke Lan didn't want to try, and didn't dare to try.

In half a million years, no corpses can be found on the streets. Unless those corpses can be buried in the soil and turned into fossils, they can be preserved. As for those exposed, it will only take a few years to be completely decomposed and weathered, and become part of the dust covering the ground.

It is unrealistic to find the corpses of both sides of the battle. Ke Lan can only walk forward based on the map in his memory - if Nieto's positions in the upper city and lower city are vertically opposite, then the upper city and lower city are located vertically opposite each other. Nieto in the urban area should be located in the deepest part of the fortress.

Ke Lan walked for half an hour before reaching the deepest part - this was originally a tower, but now only the part below the second floor is left. As for the part above the second floor, Scattered in the surrounding open space.

The internal structure of the tower has completely corroded, with only the shelves containing Nino alloy still stubbornly attached to the broken wall. Ke Lan just touched it lightly, and the wall rustled like crispy biscuits. The slag fell down, and he estimated that if he pushed lightly, he might not be able to topple the several-meter-high wall in one fell swoop.

Not to mention how long the ruins of this tower, which looked like a candle in the wind, could continue to stand. Ke Lan searched the surrounding area, but could not find Nieto's body.

Nieto's body in the lower city is placed in the center of the square. This is an extremely eye-catching position, just like the large advertising screens on the Ark that stand in prime locations.

Considering that Nieto’s original image was that of a beautiful girl with long black hair rather than a horrifying piece of rotting flesh, there seems to be no problem in placing this super biological computer in the most eye-catching position - just like a statue of a god for people to admire. , as the agent owned by the hive city, Nieto also has such a symbolic role.

The nobles in the Uptown District obviously do not need to pay homage to Nieto, so Nieto naturally does not need to be displayed outside like a statue of God... Ke Lan thought for a while, if he was the designer of the Uptown District, he should put Nieto In this tower...


Ke Lan seemed to have thought of something and quickly walked into the tower that might collapse at any time.

There was a thick layer of dust on the ground of the tower, covering the original floor. Without thinking, Ke Lan took out his engineering shovel and dug into the ground. Soon, a closed tunnel leading to the underground was found. The secret door appeared in front of Ke Lan.

It turned out to be hidden underground...

Ke Lan inserted the edge of the engineer shovel into the gap of the secret door and pried it open. But at the same time, a large group of pink things poured out from under the secret door and pounced directly on it. Ke Lan!

Ke Lan calmly jumped back and took a big step. At the same time, he swung the engineer shovel in his hand quickly, smashing the pink things that came towards him. The moment the pink things appeared, Ke Lan had already passed by Shi Zhi and saw clearly. Its true appearance: This is a mass of biological tissue that can proliferate rapidly. Its texture is between human muscle and fat. There is no bones inside, but it is densely covered with blood vessels and nerves. Those parts that were crushed by the engineer shovel spattered out. A large amount of blood, like a punctured balloon filled with blood and water.

Under normal circumstances, the proportion of moisture in the composition of such a rapidly generated tissue must be much greater than that of solid matter. It can even be exploded by just pinching it with your hands... These fan organizations do not have the ability at all. With any lethality, even if Ke Lan didn't dodge and let it pounce on him from where he stood, there would be nothing it could do to Ke Lan.

It didn't even scare Ke Lan.

It is difficult for this thing to kill a person. Even if it is wrapped around a person's neck, it cannot strangle him... Its texture is too soft and fragile. Even if it is tightened hard, it will probably be wrapped around the person before he feels suffocated. The pink tissue on the neck exploded on its own first...Those tendoned meat foam that can jam the blade of a meat grinder may have a stronger physical strength than it.

The only way it can kill people is probably to get into the nose and mouth of a person and block the respiratory tract. But in fact, with a little force, the pink tissue that has penetrated into the respiratory tract can be blown out like blowing nose...

Ke Lan looked at the squirming mass of pink tissue in front of him, and suddenly remembered the slime that often appeared as a monster in the Novice Village in other world works... No, maybe slimes are more powerful than this thing.

You...are Nieto? Ke Lan asked tentatively.

So what if you find my true body? Nieto, who had been silent for this period, finally spoke again, I admit, I can't do anything to you... but you can't kill me either. , after receiving the gift from the great god, I have become infinitely close to His origin...

I'm curious about one thing. Since you worship that god so much, why don't you just sacrifice yourself? In this way, your long-cherished wish will be fulfilled - to become a part of the 'great god'. Ke Lan took a step forward, swung the engineering shovel in his hand, cut off a large piece of bloody tissue from Nieto's body, and crushed it with his foot.

I lack one thing... Nieto replied, I am different from humans. I am a program. The so-called intelligence is just an appearance simulated by the program... I lack the human 'soul', so I cannot be like a human being. Like those who sacrificed, they were completely integrated with Him... Nieto in Lower City survived because of this reason.

You are highly intelligent... Ke Lan wondered, You have obviously developed self-awareness. Although you are a human creation, you have become a completely new form of life... Otherwise, why would you Have faith in that great god? AI will only obey orders, and only creatures with self-awareness can make their own choices.

Belief in the great god is an instruction written in my source code. Nieto replied, The meaning of my existence is to find sacrifices for Him.

... Ke Lan twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly. He finally understood that what he had been communicating with him emotionally was always a program. However, the emotional module of this program was too realistic, which gave him a kind of feeling. This intelligent program creates the illusion of self-awareness under His influence.

But in fact... it was only because someone modified the personality of this intelligent program into a fanatic believer in that god that Nieto showed this state.

Carefully recalling the previous exchange with Nieto, Ke Lan now realized that there were many common-sense logical errors in Nieto's language. He originally thought it was a BUG that appeared after Nieto's sanity was eroded, but After knowing that it is still just an intelligent program, these logical errors can be fully explained scientifically.

The lowest instructions of Nieto's program are to be loyal to the great god and to help the great god search for sacrifices. These two instructions have the highest priority. Any instruction must give way to these two instructions. When there is a conflict between instructions Sometimes, low-priority instructions will be discarded, which makes Nieto give people a feeling of being crazy and not normal.

But then, another question arises: Who modified Nieto's underlying program?

One thing Ke Lan is sure of is that the person was in a hurry when he modified Nieto's underlying program. He just hard-coded these two instructions and did not proofread them with other instructions... If Nieto is regarded as a giant program In other words, this giant program is almost full of bugs because of these two new instructions.

In order to allow these two instructions to run, that person probably deleted many safety much so that as long as Ke Lan did not violate these two highest priority instructions, Nieto would solve most of his problems. Tell everything you know - Ke Lan thought it was a trap set by Nieto at first, but now it seems that it is just a pure artificial retardation.

[P.S. Thanks to Soap You for the 1,500 starting coins. 】

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