Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 890 The Earth A Thousand Years Ago, Selfish People, and Right and Wrong

Unfortunately, in this attack, the members of the resistance organization who had sneaked into the factory only killed some ordinary staff. As for the precious senior engineers, except for one person who was scratched on the leg by a stray bullet, no one was lost.

As for the identity of the attacker, it was quickly discovered that the leader was a former mercenary named Prince. This person once served in the US special forces Seals. After retiring, he and his comrades formed a mercenary group called Shadow Force. This mercenary group is secretly funded by the U.S. government and is active in West Asia. It specializes in helping the United States do some dirty and dirty work. If things need to be solved by force but cannot be solved by regular troops, the U.S. government will order them to do this. The mercenaries will do it. These people are ruthless and have no scruples in what they do... During the Second Energy War, more than 70% of the casualties of innocent civilians in West Asia were caused by this group of mercenaries.

But later, with the introduction of the global armistice agreement, the jobs of these mercenaries were gone...and in order to cleanse themselves, the US government naturally cut off contact with them - the US government no longer funded these mercenaries and refused to Admit that everything they do is related to ZF...

For the American government, this is a normal thing, but for these abandoned mercenaries, they suddenly turned into lonely ghosts wandering in a foreign land...

Because they killed innocent people indiscriminately during the war and lost the protection of the U.S. government, these people were held legally responsible. They could not even return to their home countries. They could only live in the backwoods of small countries in West Asia and live in poverty all the time. Beware of retaliation from the local population.

These people spent the first half of their lives fighting. Without war, they would lose their means of livelihood... For these mercenaries, peace is the most terrifying thing.

Their living standards have also plummeted. Not only have all their bank accounts been seized, weapons and ammunition and even daily necessities and food have not been supplied. On the contrary, their names and photos have been posted on international wanted websites... These people must have been mentally exhausted. He hated his old club to the core.

When people from the resistance organization came to the door, the two sides naturally hit it off - these former mercenaries helped the resistance organization train armed personnel, and even personally led the team to perform various sabotage tasks. These mercenaries are very good at doing this kind of thing, which is much more difficult than those who only know how to demonstrate and shout slogans on the Internet.

But the irony is that they don't know that behind the resistance organizations that employ them, they actually include their former employers...

According to the agreement jointly issued by various countries, after Noah's Ark is built, only humans with the best genes will be selected as seeds, and most of the heads of state and dignitaries... they are not on this list.

Although at the time of human life and death, all heads of state have made the decision to sacrifice themselves for others, there are still selfish people at the top of human society... not only some, but many.

While these people were trying their best to stuff themselves and their families into the boarding list, they also secretly contacted the resistance organizations to provide funding and convenience, allowing them to carry out attacks on various construction factories of the Ark, and use this as a bargaining chip to criticize themselves. Opponents... During the construction of the Ark, the governments of various countries seemed to work together, but in fact there was an undercurrent surging, and everyone had their own small thoughts... If you make a mistake, you will be in a doomed situation.

In fact, there is indeed a group of dignitaries who have successfully added their children to the list, but none of these people have succeeded - Noah's Ark needs to be accelerated through the star gate. During this acceleration process, It will put a huge load on the body of the occupants. Even with the protection of the hibernation cabin, people with weak physiques will not be able to survive this stage... Because of this, Noah's Ark actually still has a plan B.

Human Seed Vault.

This human seed bank stores a large number of high-quality and healthy human promoted cells. If after the acceleration phase of the Ark ends, no crew members survive on the ship or the crew members mutate their genes and bodies due to some special reasons and lose their fertility. This B The plan will start. The preset program will thaw these upgraded human cells and combine them in pairs to create a new batch of humans.

Even the young and healthy crew members may not be able to survive the acceleration stage of the Ark, and it is even less likely for those elderly dignitaries... The first condition for crew selection is that the age must not exceed thirty-five years.

Those who have children will naturally go to great lengths to send their children to the ark, while those who have no offspring, or whose offspring do not meet the conditions, will naturally have the idea that since they don't have a chance of survival, then others can't either. To thwart the Ark Project... Even if they shout awe-inspiring slogans on the surface, secretly, they are continuously pouring funds one after another into the accounts of the resistance organizations.

These people never consider whether the human race will become extinct because of this. In their view, if their family cannot be continued, then human beings might as well be destroyed and buried with them.

This idea is very extreme, but it has to be said that it is indeed human nature...

Nieto was not wrong in what he said... Human nature is inherently evil.

This kind of evil comes from people's survival instinct. Rather than saying it is evil, it is more appropriate to say that it comes from selfishness - there are only so many survival resources, and if you share them with others, you will not be able to survive. ...If you want to survive, you can only plunder other people's survival resources, or simply kill other people.

In the final analysis, the cause of most wars in human history is because of this.

Human beings are social animals, but unlike a bee swarm, there is only one will of the queen - each human individual will have his own thoughts, desires, greed, selfishness, violence... These negative emotions have been around since the beginning of the human mind. Buried in the dark side of human nature, a little negative emotion may be able to stimulate people's willpower, but if there is too much negative emotion, the whole person will be completely swallowed up...

There is no perfect person in this world. People who are called saints also have shortcomings to a greater or lesser extent... But even so, there are very few people who can be called saints in thousands of years of history. And little.

More and more people believe in the saying If you don't serve yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth... Even if they have never heard this proverb, they will definitely put their own interests first when doing things. .

No matter in which era, a person who benefits others at the expense of oneself may be regarded as a positive energy publicity target on the surface, but behind the scenes, there may be many people who will ridicule him.

People with a slightly better temperament will only admire them, but will not have a deep friendship with them, let alone become such a person.

Just when such thoughts were fermenting in Ke Lan's mind, the surrounding scene changed again.

He found himself sitting at a dining table.

Sitting on the other three sides of the dining table were a man, a woman and a boy who looked to be about sixteen or seventeen years old.

There were bowls and chopsticks placed in front of the three of them, but Ke Lan's was empty.

Ke Lan glanced down and found that not to mention dishes and chopsticks, there were no chairs, and he couldn't see his legs. In this scene, he was a transparent person, a spectator who was completely on the outside.

There is a paper calendar hanging on the wall. From the date on the calendar, it can be seen that this family lives in the mid-21st century. Judging from the dishes on the table and the interior decoration, this family is not considered rich, but At least it can be said that it is a well-off family, at least it has exceeded the food and clothing line by a long way.

The boy seemed to have just come back from outside. The clothes on his back were still wet, and the white sweat steam rose up together with the heat of the food. He didn't even have time to take off the protective gear on his elbow, so he just wiped it with a wet wipe. Face, he sat next to the dining table.

We broke the record again today, the average speed broke 35 yards! the boy said excitedly, I feel like the special training over the past month has had a very obvious effect!

There is a bicycle helmet on the cabinet nearby. It is obvious that this boy is a cycling enthusiast.

Oh. The boy's father responded without raising his head. He sipped the wine in the glass carelessly and swiped the screen of his mobile phone with his fingers. A popular short video of that era was playing on the mobile phone. Strange laughter and dubbing came from the external speakers from time to time.

On the way home today, I helped an old man. I saw that the old man was having a hard time riding a tricycle uphill, so I got off the car and helped him push it uphill... Several people were watching, but But no one came to help. After I got out of the car to help, I felt like they were all staring at me! the boy said proudly, with a happy smile on his face, as if he was waiting for praise from his parents.

But the father still just whispered hmm. After only two seconds, he raised his head and glanced at the boy with a frown.

The boy didn't seem to understand the hidden meaning of his father's eyes, and continued: Later after we passed that slope, when we were waiting for the red light, the old man rode up and kept thanking me...hehe...

The boy was still complacent, but his father said indifferently: That's because you are lucky.

Good luck? The boy was stunned for a moment, What do you mean...

Have you ever thought about what you would do if that person fell down while you were helping him push the cart? My father said while looking at his mobile phone. You are lucky because you met a reasonable person today. What if you meet someone who is unreasonable?

Ah? The boy obviously didn't understand his father's words, Why did he fall? And even if he fell, why did I...

Of course it has something to do with you. The father interrupted the boy, Because you took action, you have to take responsibility. There are not so many reasons, this is reality. Do you think why those people just watched but were unwilling to help? Because they are smart and you are the dumbest.”

Is there anything wrong with being helpful? the boy said unconvincingly, his face turning red all of a sudden.

It's okay to help, but you have to take care of yourself first. My father took another sip of wine and said, It's not like you don't know that those in the news and those who were blackmailed, everyone knows that they are innocent, but is it useful? Even if everyone thinks he is right, he still has to bear part of the responsibility. Just because he helped others, he has to pay a 'price' - do you remember the day before yesterday when we were driving, a man riding a scooter ran a red light and almost... Are we going to hit you?


The person who violated the traffic rules was the person riding the electric scooter. We did nothing wrong. But even so, if something happened, we would still have to pay that person tens of thousands of yuan. Did you know? The father continued, Our family We’re not a wealthy family, we don’t have that much money to do good things, we just need to take care of ourselves, do you understand?”

But I just want to help...

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were blackmailed? Father asked in a deep voice.

At this time, the short video in my father's hand happened to show a scene that seemed to be promoting some kind of positive energy. Although it was promoting positive energy on the surface, it was actually that inferior quality. Shuangwen's pretentious script is accompanied by a burst of harsh canned laughter and funny sound effects. The people in the video speak in substandard Mandarin and talk about the big principles that are basically nonsense... And in this At the dinner table of the family of three, the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

Then the law should be changed so that those who lend a helping hand do not have to admit any responsibility. Only in this way will everyone be willing to help others, and the society will become better and better, the boy said.

What do you know?! His father glared at him, You said you should change the law if you want to change it? Who do you think you are? You always think of some things too simply, but never consider the real problems. , people like you will definitely suffer big losses when they enter society in the future!

If there are mistakes, they should be corrected. Everyone should understand such a simple truth! The boy began to talk back.

Then go do it! You can't do it, so what's the use of saying this?! The father's voice obviously increased. The mother on the side looked at it and gently pulled the boy's sleeve, indicating that he should stop talking to his father. The argument went on.

But the boy completely ignored his mother's dissuasion and continued: I just can't understand why I can't do the right thing! I don't understand!

These are not things we need to consider! My father said angrily, Do you know how hard it is for me to maintain this family? I don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when I'm not a family, and I think about such illusory things all day long. You have thoughts, so why not Study more and work harder, get into a good university, find a good job in the future, and earn more money!”

Is studying just to make money? But...

Seemingly knowing what the boy wanted to say, the father interrupted him again: I'll say it again, those are not things you need to consider! We just need to take care of ourselves! Reality is not what you imagined!

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