Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 869 Shangcheng District

The Tunnel Dwellers themselves were not afraid of their own combat prowess, but Thirty-Three felt that a certain amount of respect should be given to this thermal weapon invented by human civilization.

Unlike the Ark immigrants who have been drifting in the universe for nine hundred years, struggling for energy and food, and did not begin to develop weapons technology until they found Alpha Planet, they arrived on this planet hundreds of thousands of years earlier than the Ark. Who can There is no guarantee to what extent their weapons technology has developed during these hundreds of thousands of years.

Those guns that look similar to the firearms of the old era, who knows what will be shot out are bullets, or lasers... or even... highly compressed plasma clusters?

With their technology, there is every reason to believe that they can create individual weapons that can penetrate space barriers.

Prioritize the targets with firearms and allow them to be killed. Ke Lan nodded slightly.

Leave it to me. Thirty-three waved his right hand, and more than a dozen black flying blades silently shot at the tunnel dweller who was holding a weapon that looked like a firearm, and the latter also raised it very quickly. The gun was pointed at Thirty-Three.

Ke Lan suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. He didn't even bother to speak. He grabbed the backpack behind Sanshi San and pulled him back. The next second, the ground where San San San was standing was It collapsed, forming a shallow pit about ten centimeters deep.

Although this pit does not look deep, you must know that the channel wall of Channel 4 is made of graphite sandwiched between two layers of lead alloy several meters thick. In order to resist radiation, its density and mass are extremely exaggerated. A ten centimeter-deep pit was instantly printed on the material... If Thirty-Three was still standing there, even if he was not crushed to pulp on the spot, all the bones in his body would definitely not be able to escape the fate of being crushed.

As for the black flying blades shot by Thirty-Three, because his operation was interfered by Ke Lan, these flying blades that lost their balance completely lost their accuracy. Only three flying blades successfully hit the tunnel dweller, and It didn't hit any vital parts either.

What the hell? Thirty-three glanced at the shallow pit on the ground with lingering fear, This thing directly penetrated Zeluo's space barrier?

That weapon that looks like a firearm can control gravity. Ke Lan said, while dragging Thirty-Three back - the tunnel dweller holding the gravity gun repeatedly pulled the trigger and kept passing by the two of them. The location creates one collapse zone after another.

In the blink of an eye, Ke Lan and Sansan San had already retreated more than fifty meters. In this fifty-meter-wide open space, there were densely packed pits created by gravity guns, and the average height of the entire ground was covered. It was lowered by dozens of centimeters.

Can that thing be fired so many times in a row? Huh... there is no... huh... energy consumption or overload problem? Thirty-three said breathlessly - the feeling of being dragged around at high speed is not at all It was uncomfortable. The clothes made of special materials were very tough. They were originally designed to prevent wear and tear during action, but now the collar almost broke his neck.

The attack... whirring... seems to have stopped. Thirty-three touched the red and swollen circle of strangulation marks on his neck and said.

I didn't observe the other party changing ammunition or anything like that. It was still aiming at us with its weapon raised. Ke Lan said, It should be a matter of distance. Although the weapon is very strong, its range seems to be its shortcoming.

If the range is still far, then this weapon is invincible. Thirty-three covered his neck and shook his head vigorously, There is no trajectory, no delay, you can hit wherever you point, you can't predict or avoid it, and no matter what Is it a physical shield or an energy shield... Even a plug-in level space barrier can't stop it... The greater the mass of the target itself, the greater the lethality of this thing... I even think this thing can kill Lei with one shot. beast.

The premise is that the user can get within fifty meters of the thunder beast. Ke Lan added.

Weapons that can control gravity are indeed abnormal, but compared to the destructive power of Joker that can directly destroy an entire fleet with a single move, this kind of gravity gun created by the hive civilization still has certain limitations.

If I had known better, I should have asked the manager named Nieto what kind of weapons there are in the hive... At least we won't be caught off guard like we are now. Thirty-three said.

Just stay here and don't move. I'll go grab that thing. Before he finished speaking, Ke Lan's figure disappeared from the spot.

The body of a level nine enhanced human is extremely powerful, and its explosive power and speed are comparable to a heavy tank equipped with an eight-cylinder engine. However, it is still difficult to escape the attack of the gravity gun. During this charge, Ke Lan only relied on the nine-cylinder engine. It only strengthens the body's ability to resist blows.

Of course, this anti-strike ability does not mean using the body to resist the gravity gun in the hands of the tunnel dwellers, but treating oneself as a human cannonball, using Zeluo's space slingshot to continuously launch oneself out, and during the movement The mid-to-high frequency direction change makes it impossible for the tunnel dwellers to lock their position and predict their movement trajectory - this movement pattern is like a billiard ball bumping around on the table, except that this table There are invisible walls everywhere on the table, and every time the billiard ball touches these invisible walls, it will accelerate again...

If someone with a slightly lower level of enhancement came here, he would probably have fainted the moment he was shot out as a human cannonball.

The ground Ke Lan stepped on continued to collapse, but the collapse could not keep up with his steps. Finally, when there was only twenty meters between him and the tunnel dweller holding the gravity gun, they both stopped. down.

Ke Lan stopped because he no longer needed to dodge, and the latter was locked up by a pair of shackles that were invisible to the naked eye.

Not only was the trigger of the gravity gun unable to be pulled, but any muscle and bone in the tunnel dweller's body was unable to move. He could only watch helplessly as Ke Lan walked closer and pulled the gravity gun out of his hand. go out.

The shape of this gravity gun is somewhat similar to the P90 submachine gun from the old era, except that there is no magazine on top. Instead, there is a crystal pillar sealed in a glass tube, and the light is already very dim.

The muzzle of the gun is not hollow. Looking inside, you can see the complex crystal structure and some designs that Ke Lan can't understand at all... But the gun itself has almost no intelligence. It can't help but have no display screen and electronic sight. It's not even equipped with an optical sight... There are only three places on the entire gun that can be manipulated: the trigger, the safety, and the release button of the energy magazine.

The entire gravity gun is filled with a strong mechanical industrial style. Although the internal structure is far more sophisticated than the most advanced electronic equipment on the Ark, from the appearance, it looks like a creation from the 20th century of the old era.

Even the sights have extremely retro sights and gaps. Ke Lan really doesn’t know how this tunnel dweller managed to quickly lock and aim just now...

He turned the gun over and found a series of badly worn inscriptions on one side of the trigger. Fortunately, the gun's shell was made of high-purity Nino alloy. Otherwise, it would have been hundreds of thousands of years old. In the past, let alone these inscriptions, even the gun itself may have disintegrated.

The content of the inscription is very simple, with only two pieces of information, namely Type 105 Prototype Gravity Gun and Only for use in the No. 2 Weapon Laboratory.

It's actually a trial model? Ke Lan couldn't help but exclaimed inwardly. After such a high-frequency attack just now, the reliability of this gun did not have any problems... What's more, this is a gun that is hundreds of thousands of years old. The weapons left behind... This alone is enough to show that the hive civilization has an industrial level that is enough to crush the Alpha civilization.

You know, many of the weapons excavated from the ruins of the Alpha civilization are no longer usable, especially this type of individual light weapons. The damage rate is almost 100%. Only a few can barely be used after being repaired, and their lifespan is only a few rounds. Even just one shot.

It's a good thing. I'll accept it. Thank you. Ke Lan said to the tunnel dweller who couldn't move. He turned off the safety of the gravity gun and stuffed it into the backpack behind him.

At this time, Thirty-three also came over. He glanced at the tunnel dwellers who kept making bah sounds but did not dare to rush up at all. He asked Ke Lan: What should we do with these tunnel dwellers? ?”

Ignore them for now, let's go directly to the upper city.

After two hours of long journey, Ke Lan and Sansan finally walked out of the No. 4 channel used to transport hazardous waste... As for the tunnel dwellers, they chose to give up after following them for several kilometers. , once again disappeared into the darkness.

Compared with the lower city on the second floor, the upper city on the third floor can simply be described as magnificent - wide streets, tall and beautiful buildings, manors covering an area of ​​more than ten acres and retro-style townhouses. ...Even the wealthy areas on the Ark seem a bit bleak compared to this level.

What surprised Ke Lan and Sansan San the most was that unlike the pitch-black lower city, the entire upper city was shrouded in a layer of soft white light like sunlight. This made people hold a tactical flashlight in one hand and push the button in the other. Ke Lan, who opened the entrance barrier, couldn't help but froze in place for half a second.

But even though he was very curious in his heart, Ke Lan still remembered the warning from Nieto, the manager of the lower city: Don't look up at the dome.

Can't look directly at the light source?

Could it be that the glowing things on the dome have been contaminated by disasters, and a few glances will increase the degree of erosion of the human body?

Or is it that the light source itself is harmless, but there are other dangerous things attached to the dome?

Ke Lan really wanted to look up, but he resisted the urge and forced himself to cast his gaze on the ground in front of his feet - he didn't even dare to raise his gaze horizontally, for fear of seeing the dome coming into view in the distance.

Before you have enough information, it is better to do nothing if you are going to die.

The reason why Ke Lan was so unsure was that after he stepped out of the tunnel, the spiritual connection between him and Ze Luo was forcibly removed.

Ze Luo told Ke Lan that there is a very special restriction in the space in the upper city. This restriction is a bit like the force field on the bridge of the Genoa. In this area, her The ability will be completely disabled. Not only will it be impossible to use space power, but even the range of perception will be compressed to a distance of half a meter around the body.

After losing his biggest trump card, Ke Lan once thought about giving up, but after thinking about it again, he decided to move on.

It would be difficult to discover more if they continued to stay in the Lower City... Even if they did, Manager Nieto would never let them come into contact with anything related to forbidden knowledge.

Be careful, don't look up. Ke Lan repeated this warning to Thirty-three, then took a deep breath, took out the gravity gun, and walked forward.

It is also a garbage treatment plant. The environment of the garbage treatment plant in Shangcheng District is simply more luxurious than the most high-end buildings in Lower City. The open space where the entrance to the passage is located is paved with perfectly polished granite. It's not the alloy plate with anti-slip patterns on the upper layer. There are rows of white Baroque-style stone pillars erected on the two floors of the open space. Every distance you walk, you can see a statue and an empty flowerbed below the statue.

Walking in this environment, Ke Lan even suspected that this was not a garbage treatment plant at all, but the ruins of a temple on earth... Those gorgeous white stone pillars that had broken and collapsed, as well as incomplete statues and... Decoration of works of art... Ruins of this level are extremely rare even on earth.

However, considering the technological level of the hive civilization, it is not difficult to create these things... It seems that it is not that the hive is not developed enough, it is just that the living environment of the lower and lower hives is really poor...

Just when Ke Lan and San Sansan walked to the door of the garbage treatment plant, a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded in the space.

Welcome both of you to Uptown. I am the administrator of Uptown, Nieto.

The sound seemed to come from all directions, and Ke Lan couldn't locate the source of the sound at all... But recalling the warning from Nieto in the Lower City, he did not respond to the sound, but continued to lower his head in silence. Go forward.

The manager of the Uptown also called Nieto? Thirty-three whispered beside Ke Lan, Could it be the same consciousness? Speaking of artificial intelligence...could it be possible to suffer from schizophrenia?

I don't know. Ke Lan shook his head, But Nieto on the second level told me not to believe anything the managers on this level has been contaminated by disaster.

She is lying. The female voice said suddenly, She is the one who was contaminated by the disaster.

[P.S. Thanks to LiZhuofan for the 100 starting coins. 】

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