Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 848 The second batch of people entering the water

Yeager was also thinking about this problem - as a senior air force pilot, he had participated in no less than a hundred battles, but this was really the first time he had gone deep into the deep sea.

In Yeger's memory, he fought with aquatic indigenous creatures. It was six years ago that a mid-sea scientific expedition team was attacked by a one-mighted shark that lived in shallow seas and sent a signal to the military for help. . At that time, Yeager's fighter jet formation happened to be conducting long-distance flight training in nearby airspace, so the rescue mission was naturally assigned to them and became part of the training content.

But that rescue couldn't be called a was more like a massacre. Those one-eye sharks are not much different from sharks on the earth except for their larger size and strength. The fighter jet's 25mm caliber cannon can just sweep all the way across the water, and the dense shark swarm Let the pilots not have to consider the issue of hit rate at all. After flying down for several rounds, the entire sea surface had been dyed dark red, and the bloody corpses of sharks were floating everywhere.

Oh, by the way, another most significant difference between these one-eye sharks and sharks on Earth is not the number of eyes, but the density of the body - sharks on Earth do not have swim bladders, and they rely entirely on their own muscles to float in the water. Power, if a shark dies and its body stops moving, its body will not float on the water, but will slowly sink to the bottom of the sea.

When a whale dies, it's called a whale falling... What should a dead shark be called? Shark wilting? Shark falling?...Sand sculpture? When he thought of this, Yegel couldn't help but laugh, and even the nervousness of about to set off was gone. A lot has been eliminated.

Zokok Kai has already reached the transmission channel. If he takes another step forward, he will be transported to the deep sea outside.

When his eyes came into contact with the chaos at the entrance of the teleportation channel, the tension in Yeger's heart that had just subsided was suddenly full again. The invisible pressure made him feel like there was a heavy body around his neck. Like shackles, it takes a lot of effort to even raise your head to look at the heads-up displays above.

Yeager took several deep breaths, then turned to look at Wilson aside.

He was obviously just a fitter, and even if he had military experience, he was probably in a non-combat position such as logistics. Presumably, even with a mecha driving license, he probably had never participated in actual combat... But at this moment, the expression on Wilson's face, But he is much calmer than Yeger, a veteran who has experienced many battles.

His breathing was very steady, his facial muscles relaxed, and his hands gently rested on the keyboard placed horizontally on his knees. He was as calm as an office worker who goes out to drive every morning, instead of driving an untested car. The mecha goes to the bottom of the sea three thousand meters deep to fight unknown monsters.

Wilson's eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him, and the reflection of the screen flashed in his pupils... Yeager vaguely seemed to see some strange tiny light spots in the other person's pupils, but these light spots were fleeting. Geer just blinked and they disappeared.

There are no such light spots on the screen, so it can't be reflection... Could it be my imagination? Did you just see it wrong?

Yeager muttered in his heart, but as a fighter pilot, he has absolute confidence in his eyes. The person who can be selected as a pilot has much stronger dynamic vision and momentary capturing ability than ordinary people, let alone Yeager. He has undergone two enhancement surgeries on his eyes. Although the enhancement was not large, he can still be regarded as a vision-specialized person.

Yeager rubbed his eyes and looked carefully again, but those strange tiny light spots never appeared again.

The cockpit of Zokok Kai is completely sealed. Apart from the screen and the indicator lights on the console, there are no other light sources here. These bald heads cannot be reflections of other things... That time What's going on?

Could it be that he was hallucinating because he was too tired?

Just when Yeager was thinking this, Wilson had noticed his gaze, turned his head and looked at him and said, What's wrong? Is there a problem?

No... Yeger shook his head slightly, I just think your eyes seem a little strange.

Although it seemed a bit rude to say this, Yeager's cautious character and a slight symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder made him decide that it would be better to ask clearly... Otherwise, he always felt like there was a stone in his heart that he couldn't put down. Come down.

Are you talking about this eye? Wilson pointed to his left eye with his finger - Zork's cockpit adopts a left-hand drive layout, with the co-pilot's seat on the right side of the main driver, Yeager It was Wilson's left eye that I just saw those spots of light.


Oh, this is just a cybernetic eye. As if to verify Wilson's words, the pupil of his left eye expanded and contracted twice very quickly, as if a monitor camera was adjusting the focus.

It's a prosthetic eye... For some reason, Yeger felt as if he was relieved. Is it because of an accidental injury or some kind of disease? Did you just replace the prosthetic eye?

No, there's nothing wrong with my eyes. I just put them on for work needs. There was a hint of emotion in Wilson's voice. The screen in front of him just cut to black, and most of his face was also blank. Then he disappeared into the shadows, making Yeger unable to see his expression clearly. In many cases, the original parts of the human body are not as convenient as these technological creations.

Haha, that's what I say, but I always feel that prosthetics are quite troublesome to maintain. And for such small-sized prostheses that are directly connected to nerves, you should need regular injections of immunosuppressants, right? ...Forget it, let’s not talk about it.” Yeger laughed twice and planned to end the topic, “By the way, you don’t seem nervous at all? You have a good psychological quality. Have you been in the army before?

No. Wilson whispered, Nervousness... has no effect other than bringing negative effects to yourself.

Uh... Yeger was choked and didn't know how to answer the call.

This big brother seems to be easy to get along with, but how come he is chatting to death with just a few words?

At this time, the logistics personnel standing on both sides of Zokok Kai had disconnected all the external connecting pipes of the mecha and retreated to both sides. One logistics personnel vigorously waved his light stick to signal Yeager and Wilson Ready to go at any time.

Please... we must find the deep submersible and Lao Gou and the others. Layton's voice came from the earphones, Although I know that the hope is slim... but I can only place my hope on you. .

I can only say that I will try my best. Yeager responded, and then moved the joystick forward.

The body then entered chaos.

After that familiar yet unfamiliar state, between weightlessness and freezing, Yeager felt like a drowning man suddenly breaking through the water, breaking free from the extremely brief state of confusion after being teleported. ——However, the machine he was driving began to slowly fall downwards.

In order to ensure the strength of the aircraft, Zokok Kai does not have a drainage tank. The buoyancy is completely provided by the propeller. Without starting the propeller, it will just be like a big iron lump, pointing straight towards the seabed. sink.

This is Zokok Kai, the No. 1 pilot, Yeger. Yeger reported to the communicator, The machine has separated from the transmission channel, entered the middle sea area, and is approaching the seabed.

Received. Layton's reply came immediately - the communication signal strength between the mecha and Yagunaktor was full, Layton's voice was very clear, and the slight current noise in the communication channel was also completely Can be ignored. Of course, this is just because they are not far away from Yagunaktor yet. Once the distance exceeds three hundred meters, both radio communication and laser communication will fail. Only acoustic communication devices can maintain contact at this distance.

But the sonic communication device has a very fatal problem. It is very easy to be interfered with, intercepted or even tampered with... Yeager once saw a story on the Internet. When a team of hunters was exploring the ruins, because of the ruins, There is strong electromagnetic interference inside, so they carry ultrasonic communication equipment. During the exploration, two hunters disappeared, but their communication was not interrupted. They called for help over and over again in the communication channel... When the remaining people found their crushed bodies, the communication in the communication device The cry for help still did not stop.

Later, after research by the scholars accompanying the team, it was discovered that the walls of this ruins have the function of absorbing sound waves and releasing them again, so the distress signal they sent out was repeated over and over again like a recording.

Fortunately, it was just a repetition of the dead man's cry for help... If there was some intelligent mechanism in that ruins, and the cry for help was changed into a wrong guide to induce the remaining people to step into the trap, maybe the entire team would be wiped out.

Damn it! Yeger cursed secretly, Why would I want to do such a thing at this time? I'm scaring myself.

But the more he said this, the easier it was for all kinds of strange stories he had heard about exploring ruins to come to mind.

... It seems that being a ruin hunter is not that easy... To be honest, I would rather fight those ferocious native creatures than groping through tunnels like ancient tombs. Ye Ge. I tried to adjust my emotions and let my heart rate slow down as much as possible.

He glanced at his vital signs monitor, took several deep breaths, and his heart rate barely dropped from 130 to 115. Wilson, who was sitting next to him, looked like an emotionless machine. Like the bionic robot, the heart rate has always been maintained at a level of around 80, without excessive fluctuations at all.

This guy... his psychological quality is a bit unbelievable...

Colonel Yeager, I have synchronized the last coordinates of the deep submersible when it disappeared and the coordinates of the suspected Tusk IV torpedo explosion point to you. Your task is to prioritize searching for these two coordinates. The search is then expanded to the area between those two points, Layton said.

The first mission goal is to agree. The second mission goal is to reject it. Before Yeager could speak, Wilson was the first to reject Layton's order.

What's wrong? Do you have any objections? Layton was not angry, but asked Wilson sincerely.

If the deep submersible is caught in the impact of the 'Tusk IV' torpedo explosion, it should move in the opposite direction from the explosion center. It is recommended to connect the disappearance coordinates of the deep submersible with the torpedo explosion center point, and then move towards Draw a three-kilometer-long extension line on the outside, use the extension line as the reference axis, and use the 180-degree sector area on the reference axis as the third priority search target. Wilson explained.

This guy... his way of thinking is very careful. Yeger nodded secretly, thinking to himself, In this environment, he can still analyze it so calmly and point out the errors in the superior's instructions... This guy, even if he doesn't If you do this and join the army, you will definitely become an excellent will shine wherever it goes.

Layton was silent for a few seconds, seeming to be thinking about what Wilson said. A few seconds later, Layton's voice sounded again: You are right, then just follow what you said and connect the two points. The extended sector area of ​​the extension line is the third priority search target.”

Copy that. Yeager's Wilson responded at the same time.

With a slight vibration, Zokok Kai landed steadily on the streets of the underwater city and began to move towards the first priority coordinates, which was before the signal of the deep submersible on which Hound and others disappeared. , walked to the place where he last appeared.

The deep submersible that Hound and others boarded was initially headed for the pyramid in the Undersea City, and it disappeared less than one kilometer away from the pyramid. Yeger had long heard from the reserve hunters of the Hunting God Hunting Group. According to the discussion, the pyramid was most likely to be an altar or a mausoleum. For some reason, subconsciously, Yeger was interested in the altar and mausoleum are two types of buildings that are particularly resistant.

But he also felt that the disappearance of the deep submersible might be inseparable from the submarine pyramid.

Sonar has detected large targets approaching rapidly at three o'clock, four o'clock and twelve o'clock. Six hundred meters... no, only four hundred meters left, so fast! Yeger was still in a good mood. Before they could calm down, they were hoisted up again by the sirens. On the sonar image, there were more than a dozen light spots in front of them on the right side, approaching them at an extremely fast speed!

Don't panic! Leighton's voice sounded again, Yagunaktor also discovered these targets, which are giant eels in the deep sea.

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