Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 837 Explore the Undersea City Again

What did you say? Thirty-three almost couldn't hold back, Didn't Old Dog and the others say that you stayed underwater for nearly a day and a night?

It was on a deserted island, not an undersea city. Ke Lan explained, I didn't stay in the city for long, and then I went to the abyss hatchery, that is, the rift. After encountering the fusion body, In order to avoid pursuit, I hit a liquid cliff and fell into the deep sea... When I woke up, I found myself on an unnamed desert island.

This is completely different from the version I know! Thirty-three frowned - since he joined the God of Hunting Hunting Group not long ago, he knew very little about the secrets of Ke Lan and the others, especially these hunters. Before the establishment of the Divine Hunting Group, Ke Lan and the others formed a temporary team for exploration operations. What he knew was less detailed than outsiders.

Although Ke Lan and others mentioned the place Unnamed Desert Island many times in their conversations, Thirty-Three had never connected this nameless desert island with the undersea city - and at that time, because he had just When I joined the team, I felt that I was not qualified to know those things, so I didn't ask any more questions.

In the version circulated outside, you surfaced from the water near the Pioneer icebreaker and were rescued by a lifeboat lowered from the ship... weren't you on an unnamed desert island? Thirty-three Then he said, Is this version a cover to disrupt the view?

No, I was indeed found on the sea near the Pioneer. Ke Lan shook his head, The flow of time on that unnamed desert island is different from the outside world. Lao Gou and the others mentioned before I stayed in the Undersea City for a day and a night. In fact, I spent most of my time on this unnamed desert island.

Then how did you leave that island? Thirty-three asked.

This is a long story. It may take at least half an hour to explain clearly. Are you sure you want to listen now? Ke Lan glanced at Thirty-Three and said.

Forget it. Thirty-three waved his hands repeatedly, If we really ran to the nameless desert island you mentioned, it will be too late to talk about it by then... Now I still want to know more about this underwater city. thing.

According to my short exploration experience, I didn't find any threats inside the Undersea City. Instead, it was the Abyss Hatchery not far away. We'd better stay away and not disturb the fusion inside. Ke Lan said.

Thirty-three touched the back of his head and said: The fusion body is the kind of monster cultivated by the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce, right? It can absorb the genes of various creatures and fuse them into its own body to promote its own mutation and evolution, and even It can also perfectly simulate the organs of the absorbed creature... If any other creature had been so messy, it would have died suddenly due to immune storm or genetic collapse...

If we use the levels in fantasy novels to describe it, the fusion body cultivated by the Xinxing Chamber of Commerce is at most a 'qi refining stage', while the one dormant in the abyss hatchery can definitely be regarded as a 'Nascent Soul Old Monster' ’. The Alpha people didn’t know how much ‘gene seeds’ they fed it, and in the tens of thousands of years that followed, it preyed on a large number of marine life near the abyss on its own... Even if Ari Zeluo was there, we met it I guess I have to run, Ke Lan said.

But as long as we don't get close to the Abyss Hatchery, it won't come out to attack us, right? Thirty-three glanced at the dark rift and took a deep breath.

I'm not sure. Anyway, last time, I was attacked deep into the abyss hatchery. Ke Lan said, But it doesn't rule out that this guy is just waiting for me to go down... His level of intelligence is very high, even It has a habit of toying with its prey, and there seems to be no limit to its range of activities... It chased me all the way to the outside of the sea platform. According to this calculation, the entire underwater city is within its radius of activity.

In other words, when we are exploring this underwater city, this monster may appear at any time and attack us?

Theoretically, yes. Ke Lan nodded.

It feels like a sword hanging over our heads, and we don't know when it will fall.

It's the 'Sword of Damocles'. Ke Lan added for him, But this metaphor is a bit inappropriate here. You might as well say it is a time bomb with no visible countdown.

I'm not writing novels. Why are you so entangled? Just understand what I mean. Thirty-three checked the few dozen nino alloy flying blades left on his body, then pulled out the magazine of the pistol and put the contents inside. All the warheads were withdrawn one by one.

The power of firearms in the underwater environment is extremely limited. Even if it is a large-caliber hunting pistol, the bullet fired will not be able to shoot very far in the water. The kinetic energy attached to the warhead will also be consumed by the resistance of the water body, let alone the water pressure. Such a high place.

The range is probably not as far as a toy gun used by children.

However, the bullets they carried this time had a large amount of Nino alloy incorporated into their warheads. It was a good choice to replenish the previously lost flying blades.

Zeluo used the power of space to separate the Nino alloy part from the warhead, and then pressed it into a thin sharp blade - more than 40 rounds of bullets, a total of 135 pieces were pressed out, which were about the size of a thumbnail and as thick as a piece of paper. The oval-shaped blades are not as strong and durable as the specially made black flying blades, but they are enough to be used as consumables.

Thirty-three, who had replenished his ammunition, hid the blades in the hidden pockets of his clothes, and then nodded to Ke Lan: I'm ready and ready to go at any time.

Then let's go.

The large bubble surrounding the two people began to rise slowly, approaching the undersea city.

It took almost five minutes for the two of them to finally enter the interior of the underwater city. At this time, Ke Lan and Sansanyou discovered another strange thing.

According to their original perspective, the underwater city was hanging upside down above their heads. But after approaching the underwater city, the two discovered that the gravel on the ground and other scattered things without attachments were actually attracted to the ground as if they were magnetic, and did not move toward the ground under the action of gravity. Down sinks.

Ke Lan and Thirty-three looked at each other. Neither of them spoke, but expressed their thoughts with practical actions. With the help of Zeluo's space power, they turned over and landed on a relatively empty road. on the street.

Only after they had their feet on the ground did Ke Lan and Sansan San finally verify the idea in their hearts.

Those things did not sink not because they were sucked by the ground, but because there was still gravity in the underwater city - a gravity that was completely opposite to the plane where Ke Lan and the others were before.

If you look at the two people from their previous perspective, they are hanging upside down on the street at this time...

Moreover, the two of them could not feel the brain hemorrhage feeling at all when the blood flowed to the brain under the action of gravity when hanging upside down. From the moment they turned around and stepped on the ground with their feet, the direction of gravity changed.

It feels like being in a gravity-free environment in space. I am wearing induction gravity boots under my feet... It's a pity that there is no reference in the original place, otherwise this feeling will be more obvious. Thirty-three said as he said , while taking out a cartridge case that had just been disposed of from his pocket. As soon as his fingers loosened, the cartridge case fell straight towards the ground.

Let's go. Ke Lan was already used to it. He looked around at the scene around him, and then walked towards the intersection about a hundred meters away.

Although the outline of the city felt very familiar to Ke Lan, the location was unfamiliar to him - he had never been to this place during his brief exploration two years ago.

This city doesn't seem to be much different from the Alpha civilization city on the ground. There is almost no difference in architectural style. Thirty-three said while observing the buildings on both sides of the street, Moreover, these buildings don't seem to be waterproof at all. measure……

This city was originally on the ground, but later it sank to the bottom of the sea. Ke Lan thought of the mirage scenes he saw on the beach of an unknown desert island.

I thought that 'City 2' was originally built on the bottom of the sea. After all, this sea platform is like a foundation specially prepared for this city. Plus the abyss hatchery on the side - the city can sink. The hatchery can’t sink, right?”

This city was originally built on a suspended platform above the sea. Below the suspended platform is the Abyss Hatchery. Ke Lan said, The city is a disguise for the hatchery and also a defense, and in the underground city of this city... no , to be precise, it should be the underwater city part, which is a large biological laboratory supporting the hatchery.

This information all comes from the memory fragments sealed deep in his mind... Ke Lan can even catch a glimpse of the afterimages of the city's sinking moment from the perspective of those researchers among the Alpha people.

This place probably hasn't been explored yet. Thirty-three sniffed, Maybe there are many useful things buried in the ruins.

It has been some years since he retired and became a relic hunter. The professional habits that those old hunters should have are almost the same on Thirty-three... Normal people will only think about saving their lives when they see such relics, but a senior hunter Relic hunters, while thinking about saving their lives, also subconsciously think about the valuable treasures contained in this ruins.

It doesn't seem right. Ke Lan suddenly shook his head.

What's wrong? Thirty-three immediately became alert, and the thoughts in his head disappeared without a trace in an instant.

I remember that last time I saw this underwater city, there didn't seem to be so many least 60% of the buildings were intact. Ke Lan said.

The construction technology and material technology of Alpha Civilization are still very good. Even if the city sank into the deep sea and was soaked under such strong water pressure for tens of thousands of years, most of the buildings still retained their original outlines... But now, Ke Lan Eighty percent of the buildings within the field of vision were in ruins, and only some relatively low houses were relatively intact.

Could it be related to different regions? Thirty-three said, Just like human cities, there are prosperous city centers and shantytowns on the edges. When the city encounters an earthquake, the reinforced concrete houses in the city center are like Even the earthquake will not collapse, but those slums and shantytowns will instantly turn into ruins... Maybe this is the slums of the underwater city? During the sinking process, the solid buildings in the core city remained intact. And all the houses here have been destroyed...

When he mentioned the word destroy, Thirty-three paused for a moment before continuing: Of course, there is another possibility that I don't want to mention... This neighborhood may also be there. The head fusion body was destroyed when it came out to move.

It's better to be careful. Ke Lan nodded and slowed down a little.

Just twenty meters away from the intersection, Thirty-three stopped and looked at a building ruins on the right side of the street.

What's wrong? This time it was Ke Lan's turn to ask.

I can sense... there is a large amount of Nino alloy buried under the ruins... Thirty-three frowned.

A large amount? How large a amount?

At least...a ton.

A ton of Nino alloy is rarely found even in the ruins of Alpha civilization. For the Alpha people, Nino alloy is also a very precious material. If you think about something made of a ton of Nino alloy, its importance will definitely not be low.

Step back. Ke Lan signaled Thirty-Three to step back. Then with a wave of his hand, two invisible buckets condensed with space power began to dig into the ruins.

After a while, a metal pipe that was completely black and covered with a large number of barnacle-like marine creatures appeared in front of the two men.

That's it. Thirty-three said immediately.

What is this...? Ke Lan waved his hand again, and the barnacles that were dense enough to trigger trypophobia were swept away, revealing the original appearance of the metal pipe.

Nino alloy does not rust and is extremely corrosion-resistant, so the metal pipes basically maintain their original shape.

It's not pure Nino alloy, but the content is over 90%... Thirty-three told Ke Lan.

But Ke Lan fixed his eyes on an inscription on the metal pipe, an inscription in both Chinese and English.

This thing... was made by humans? Or...are they the escapees?

Thirty-three also saw the inscription and immediately read it: Zhenhai-class No. 1 ship 'Zhenhai', No. 45-caliber smoothbore gun...

This is a gun barrel! Thirty-three whispered, It's the barrel of a naval gun on a naval battleship!

Navy? Ke Lan was stunned for a moment, Ark's navy?

He knew that the Ark had three major legions: the garrison that guarded the Ark, the field legion that was the main force in external operations, and the most powerful air force fleet, but he had never heard of a naval fleet.

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