Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 827 Pursuit Order

Ke Lan! You should be able to hear it, right? The hound raised his head and shouted loudly, We are trapped and can't escape at all! Isn't that thing you just released from the coffin very powerful? It can be done with one move After destroying that fleet, can this guy break through this damn space anchor?

I don't know why, but it seems that the 'Joker' was down because of too much 'consumption' just now. I can't control it for the time being, Ke Lan said.

Although Joker seemed to have just raised his arm carelessly, only Ke Lan, the controller, knew how terrifying the price he had to pay was - at that moment, his mental power was almost drained. , had it not been for the support of the spear turned into a living armor, he would have fallen to his knees on the ground.

After his mental power was almost exhausted, the connection between Ke Lan and Joker and Yagunaktor also became extremely weak. Fortunately, he had handed over control of the battleship to the Hounds before, otherwise , in his current state, he really can't make Yagunaktor move.

Isn't it? The chain is off at this critical moment? Hound shouted with some annoyance, spitting hard at his feet, Then do you know how long it will take for that guy to recover? We can't do it without relying on his ability. Escaped.

At least... Ke Lan estimated in his mind, Six to eight hours.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to recover from this level of consumption without a day and night's rest. But just after Ke Lan controlled Joker and used that trick, Ze Luo obviously saw that his mental power had been exhausted. , took the initiative to walk behind Ke Lan, stretched out his arms and hugged him.

The next second, Ze Luo once again transformed from the form of a Sanwu girl into an armor. However, unlike the previous combat-style armor, the armor transformed this time mainly covered Ke Lan's head and spine. The tiny tentacles pierced Ke Lan's skin and muscles, reaching deep into the spine and cerebral cortex... directly fusing each other's consciousness together in a 'physical connection'.

Ze Luo is like a power bank, helping Ke Lan quickly recover his overdrawn mental power... But even so, it will take at least six hours to recover to the point where he can control Joker again.

Fleet Zero, Betelgeuse heavy cruiser, Medical Room No. 4.

I don't need a bandage, I'm not injured! Yeager opened the side of the medical staff and used his other hand to support the edge of the stretcher bed, trying to turn it down, but the severe pain from behind still shook his body. He lost his balance and fell heavily face down to the ground with a snap.

Although Yeager was extremely lucky to have passed through the fighting airspace and landed on the ground, it would be a bit exaggerated to say that he was unscathed - according to the image on the scanner, there were at least three persons, large and small, inside Yeager's body. More than a dozen metal fragments were not removed, and the impact of landing on the ground caused multiple fractures, bone cracks, and countless muscle contusions all over the body...

The most serious injury was undoubtedly after the ejection. A piece of debris ejected from the cockpit explosion penetrated directly through his right thigh, but he was very lucky to avoid the aorta on his thigh... Otherwise, he would have to wait until Fleet Zero When the search and rescue team found Yeager, he was probably already dead from excessive bleeding.

There are no serious life-threatening injuries, but there are countless minor injuries all over the body. Perhaps it is because of the crazy adrenaline secreted during the battle, or perhaps because of the huge sadness when a close comrade died. At that time, Yeager didn't notice his injuries at all, and didn't even do the most basic emergency treatment.

In fact, when the search and rescue team found him, Yeager's consciousness was already on the edge of confusion, and the emergency medical kit distributed to each fighter pilot was still placed in the mezzanine at the bottom of the seat. Not touched.

In the original words of the officer from the search and rescue team, This guy doesn't want to live anymore. Even if the wreckage of a fighter jet falls from the sky towards where he is standing, he probably won't move his steps. .

It wasn't until Yeager was sent to the medical room of Betelgeuse that he received a blood transfusion, a large amount of electrolyte fluid, and two injections of boosters, before his consciousness was pulled back from the edge of semi-coma. .

But as soon as Yeager regained consciousness, he kicked away the medical soldier who was helping him remove the metal fragment embedded in his leg.

The battle is over, Colonel Yeager! a second lieutenant standing at the door shouted with a frown, We have successfully withdrawn from the combat airspace, and the enemy has not caught up! Please cooperate with the medical staff... …This ship has received a large number of disabled personnel, and the medical department is already a bit overwhelmed!”

The battle is over? What did you say? Yeger's eyes widened, We escaped?

It's not an escape, it's an order from Yagunaktor to retreat. the second lieutenant explained.

Isn't that just running away? Is there any difference between leaving Yagunaktor there and us, the warships responsible for escorting us, to retreat on our own and running away? Yeager spat and cursed.

It's the order from Yagunaktor. The second lieutenant emphasized again with an accent.

Since we have to withdraw, what are we going to fight in the first place? Huh? Is our fighting meaningful? So many people...and Hans, what's the point of their sacrifices? Yeager said angrily, Let me... …Ouch…give me a wheelchair, I’m going to the hangar!”

Colonel Yeager, please calm down... The second lieutenant paused and then said, If you want to go back to fight, then I can tell you that the unidentified black fleet has been destroyed.

What? The anger on Yeger's face froze, and slowly turned into shock, muttering to himself, The black fleet... was wiped out? How is it possible... No, it is possible, if it is As for Yagunaktor, let alone one black fleet, even ten…

Actually... Seeing that Yeger's mood seemed to have stabilized, the second lieutenant's expression and tone also softened. He came closer and lowered his voice and said to Yeger, The black fleet was destroyed by one person.

Alone?! Yeger's eyes suddenly widened, Are you kidding me?

It's just a person...many people have seen it. It's unmistakable. Speaking of this matter, the second lieutenant's face also had a very complicated expression. That person suddenly appeared in the air, raised his hand, and held a black The fleet was photographed directly on the ground... The officers and soldiers were secretly spreading the news...

At this point, the second lieutenant suddenly stopped as if he remembered something.

What are you passing on? Are you going to continue talking? Yegel asked anxiously.

This is just a private rumor. Colonel, don't take it seriously, and don't tell the captain... the ensign warned first, and then continued after seeing Yeger nodding, The officers and soldiers are all here. Said that that person is not a human at all, but a super weapon created by the superiors using the Alpha civilization...possessing the 'power of gods'.

The power of gods... refers to the 'great god' that the Alpha people believe in? Yeger frowned, Could it be that you were mistaken? It was Yaguna who destroyed that black fleet. But the weapon on Thor, that...that person just happened to make an action at that time?

Then we don't know. Anyway, there was no movement on Yagunaktor's ship at that time. Even our energy detector did not detect any energy fluctuations around Yagunaktor. On the contrary, that person……

What happened to that guy?

When the monitoring instruments selected that person as the target, all the instruments malfunctioned at the same time... I heard that the situation on the flagship was even more serious. Almost half of the external monitors were scrapped. The second lieutenant lowered his voice even more. It's low, It cannot be observed, cannot be spied on... It sounds like it is inseparable from those mysterious things.

Yeager knew very well that the those mysterious things mentioned by the second lieutenant were referring to the great gods believed in by the Alpha civilization.

If the second lieutenant hadn't made up a story to fool himself, then the suspect of this mysterious man who suddenly appeared would indeed be much greater than that of Guna Ketor.

Have you taken any photos of that figure? Yeager asked again.

Yes, but there is only a back view, and it's not very clear. The second lieutenant glanced at the medical soldier next to him, and used his eyes to signal the other person to take advantage of this opportunity to insert the infusion needle that Yeger had just pulled out into him, and at the same time, he took the infusion needle from his pocket Li took out his phone and opened a photo.

Yeager leaned his head closer and saw an extremely blurry photo on the screen. It seemed to have been taken through the porthole with a mobile phone. Even if it was enlarged to the maximum extent, no details could be seen clearly.

Only a figure could be seen floating directly above Yagunaktor, and he seemed to be wrapped in something that was not sure whether it was a robe or a blanket.

It is not a surprising thing in this era that people can float in the air. Whether it is an anti-gravity device or a micro-propulsion device, some specially modified people equipped with flight modules can even do what Iron Man does in the movie. , flying freely in the air without relying on any equipment other than battle armor.

What about the black fleet? Yeger asked again.

The ensign's finger swiped across the screen to the next photo. I saw that the powerful fleet that originally suppressed the Zero Fleet throughout the fight, giving Yeager a feeling that he could not defeat it, has been embedded on the ground in this overhead photo. The two-thousand-meter-long fleet The nearly 3,000-meter-long aircraft carrier battleship was even broken into four parts, and raging smoke shot straight into the sky.

Wait a minute, switch back to the previous photo. Yeager said suddenly.

Oh, okay. Although the second lieutenant was a little puzzled, considering that Yeger was finally willing to calm down and receive treatment, it was hard to refuse his request. Anyway, it was just a photo. If he wanted to see it, let him see it... It's better than letting him continue to make trouble.

Although the command above has issued an order prohibiting the dissemination of any relevant information, Colonel Yeager is also a member of the Zero Fleet. These photos have been circulated wildly on the fleet's internal network. Basically, the Zero Fleet All the officers and soldiers have seen it, including Colonel Yeager...

Huh? Staring at the back in the photo, Yegel couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

Although this back figure is only a few pixels in size, for some reason it always gives Yeager a very familiar feeling.

It was as if he had seen this person before somewhere.

No, it’s not like, he must have seen this person, and more than once!

Can you send me the photo? Yeager said, This shouldn't violate the rules, right?

Logically speaking, it's not possible... The higher-ups have already banned the spread of it. The second lieutenant hesitated, But Colonel, as long as you don't tell anyone, there won't be a big problem.

Not to mention him, a young second lieutenant in the logistics department, even the medical soldiers next to him who were helping Yeger treat his wounds already knew about this... There were so many witnesses that this was nothing at all. Confidential information.

Okay, please send it to my personal communication terminal. Yeager had already made a decision in his mind. When he had the opportunity to return to the Ark, he would ask his technical officer friend who worked in the military information department to see if he could Adjust the sharpness of the photo... If you can zoom in a little more and get more details and information, maybe you can recall where you saw this back figure...

At this moment, the red alarm light installed above the door frame of the medical room suddenly turned on, and the alarm sounded: This ship will enter the first level of combat readiness immediately. All personnel please be prepared!

Level 1 combat readiness status? Yeager was stunned for a moment, Didn't it mean that we have withdrawn from the combat airspace? And the black fleet has also been eliminated... What is going on?!

Wait, wait a minute, the order from above has just been passed down, let me take a look. The second lieutenant himself was also confused. He took the phone back and quickly pressed a few times on the screen.

The next second, the second lieutenant's body froze and his face gradually turned pale.

What's going on? Yegel urged, You should speak!

News just came from the flagship, saying... that Yagunaktor confirmed the mutiny, and asked Fleet Zero to immediately carry out pursuit and interception missions. Our battleship... is also in the combat sequence. The second lieutenant said in a trembling voice the voice said.

What did you say? Are you not mistaken? Yeger took out his ears hard. He thought for a time that he had heard wrongly, Yagunaktor rebelled? Why? Because of the man who just asked us to retreat? An order? But wasn’t the Black Fleet wiped out?”

I, I don't know. The second lieutenant shook his head like a rattle, Anyway, the order from above says so... Colonel, do you know what this means?


Not only do we need to fight Yagunaktor... we also have to face... the thing that just... wiped out the entire black fleet with one hand.

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