Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 825 Rebellion

Is there no reply from the Fool? The female voice who had been silent all this time said suddenly, The progress of the matter has completely deviated from the original plan. Logically speaking, he should be more anxious than us.

I suddenly began to wonder, is the Fool really awake? said the voice that argued with Zeus before.

Apollo, what do you mean? Zeus said coldly.

You don't have to talk to me in such a questioning tone. Apollo's reply was equally cold, I just simply feel that the vote that belonged to 'The Fool' in the previous vote was not cast by him himself.

Absolutely impossible! You know the basic structure of the core mastermind better than I do! No one can pretend to be the Fool, and his authority is the most special! Zeus vetoed.

Don't say it so harshly. Nothing is absolute. Apollo sighed, Aphdirota, what do you think? Among us, you should be the one who has spent the longest time with the Fool. You Know him better than any of us.”

The female voice that had been voice-changed was none other than the Lover Aphdirota, the sixth member of the Immortal Crew who brought Ke Lan to contact the core mastermind.

Have you ever thought that maybe this was part of the Fool's plan? Aphdirota said softly, The Fool has never really trusted us... In his eyes, we are just chess pieces. Pawns. Just do what you have to do, there’s no need to know the whole plan.”

After she said these words, she went offline, and the holographic projection sitting in the corner, which could not even hide her voluptuous figure with a large cloak, gradually went out.

There was silence in the secret room.

Yagunaktor, Core Power Room.

Joker. Ke Lan said.

What did you say? Thirty-three looked at Ke Lan with some confusion.

Joker... I found that I have memories related to this body in my mind, but there is only one name, his name is 'Joker'. Ke Lan said.

Joker? Does it mean clown? Or does it refer to the king of poker? Thirty-three muttered, Considering this guy's strength, I think the latter explanation is more likely.

There is another explanation. Ke Lan said in a deep voice, Sequence zero corresponds to the first card of the Major Arcana, 'The Fool', which symbolizes the beginning of everything... but it can also be the Major Arcana. The last card, at this time it will change from zero to twenty-two, symbolizing the end of everything.”

Fool? That's not the zeroth seat of the Immortal Crew Club... Thirty-three opened his mouth in surprise, You mean...this body is the zeroth seat? But you didn't mean that he was once in the voting meeting Have you ever voted?

But he never showed up... or even said a word. Ke Lan shook his head, In fact, you don't have to be present in person to vote. You just need to make settings in advance, and the rest will be handed over to you. Just give it to the core mastermind.

Then...then if this body is really the Fool himself, what are you going to do with it? Also, why does he look exactly like you? Thirty-three looked at Joker in the holographic image. He looked at Ke Lan again and asked.

Maybe there is a part of him in my genetic sequence... As for how to deal with this body, let's solve the current problem first.

As soon as Ke Lan finished speaking, Joker had already disappeared.

The holographic projection lens also switched from inside Yagunak Tor's ship to outside the ship. The disappeared Joker was seen floating directly above Yagunak Tor, facing the semi-surrounded black fleet. , quite a kind of momentum of even if there are thousands of people, I will go.

However, he just raised his right arm, and the warships of the black fleet fell to the ground one after another, as if being slapped down by an invisible big hand.

With just one strike, the entire black fleet was wiped out.

Ze Luo, can you tell what kind of ability this is? Thirty-three said in astonishment, Even with your space ability, it's impossible to take down an entire fleet from the air, right?

I can't do it. Ze Luo said truthfully, But I don't think it's a space ability. I can't see the changes in space.

It's gravity. Ke Lan said, This body has the ability to control gravity. I just increased the gravity exerted on the Black Fleet battleship by a thousand times. Naturally, the buoyancy provided by the battleship engine cannot support a thousand times. Times their own is gravity that pulls these warships down from the sky.

A thousand times gravity?! Thirty-three took a breath of cold air, Are there any restrictions on this ability? How many times the gravity can be applied at most, can it be applied to any target?

I don't know... My control of this body is not precise enough. Just now I was just thinking about destroying this fleet in my mind, and he has already responded on his own. Ke Lan shook his head. .

Does he have the ability to think for himself...or is it just instinct? Thirty-three frowned, You must have heard what Ze Luo said just now, right? Although this thing has terrifying power, it is also very hot. Yam...not to mention that he is now related to the 'Fool' of the Undead Crew...

But we must now rely on his power to help Lao Gou and the others out of danger. Ke Lan turned to say, Old Gou, the threat outside has been lifted. I will temporarily hand over control of Yagunaktor. For you and Layton, you two drive the battleship to the edge of the gray mist forest.

Ke Lan's words were not said on the public channel within Yagunaktor as before, but a private chat that only a few people such as Hound and Layton could hear.

Are you determined to break up with Ark? Hound said calmly. He lowered his voice as low as possible so that even Layton standing next to him couldn't hear it.

But Ke Lan, who is in a neural connection state with Yagunaktor, can definitely hear it.

The situation is very complicated. In short, if you continue to stay there now, you will inevitably have a direct conflict with Ark... I cannot let you become the hostage of the Undead Crew. Even if you want to negotiate with them, it must be on an equal basis. We can only talk under certain conditions... Ke Lan explained.

Okay, I understand. The hound responded, then glanced at the hunters and soldiers garrisoning in the distance from the corner of his eye, and asked, What should we do with these people?

Previously, these ruin hunters and garrison officers and soldiers regarded the black fleet as an unidentified intruder, so they stood on the same front as the hounds... But now if they are told to drive Yagunaktor away, this is tantamount to Hounds can't guarantee how these people will react when they directly announce their betrayal of Ark.

Whether it is out of loyalty to the Ark or self-preservation, these soldiers and relic hunters must not be willing to become exiles. Even if those men in black were killing them just now, but just because of this One point would require them to completely break with Ark and mainstream human society, which is probably impossible.

Even if these people are willing to leave with Yagunaktor due to a combination of various factors (including but not limited to persuasion, coercion, and force), things will definitely change in the future.

The garrison troops, relic hunters, and logistics staff on Yagunaktor, plus people sent by various cooperative consortiums for the exploration project, add up to at least 20,000 to 30,000 people. Among them, there must be the Security Bureau and even The undead crew will directly insert the secret agents. It will be too difficult to manage the two to thirty thousand people with only the hounds and the others...

Even with the absolute force of suppression like Yagunaktor, it would not work.

Since ancient times, it has not been difficult to occupy a city through war, but the security war after occupying the city is the real test for the occupier.

In ancient times, the Mongol Empire's expedition to Europe could be described as a massacre of thousands of miles... The reason why the Mongolian cavalry chose to massacre the city was to reward the soldiers and plunder wealth, but the main reason was to protect the supply lines and supplies for their expedition. The stability of the rear during combat.

The current situation of Yagunaktor is very similar to that of the expedition. The lone ship is running away, and supplies are a big problem... Almost all of Yagunaktor's supplies come from the Ark, and a transport fleet will arrive every three days. A large amount of supplies were transported from the Ark to Yagunaktor. If the supply was cut off, the supplies on Yagunaktor would not last more than a week.

In short, the hounds can't manage the two to thirty thousand people, and they can't feed the two to thirty thousand people either.

What's more, if Yagunaktor is allowed to sail away from the anchorage, it is likely to be pursued by the undead crew. By then, we can't rely on these people to fight against the Ark's troops, right?

We can't...kill all these people, right? Zhuoligetu whispered. As a descendant of Mongolians, he immediately thought of the things his ancestors had done back then.

If it doesn't work, find a place to put these people down, leave them with some supplies and some beacons... I wonder if the Undead Crew will do anything to these people. At most, they will take them back for investigation and interrogation. Hound suggested, Like the previous Zero Fleet, after withdrawing from the combat airspace, didn't the black fleet not pursue it?

Well, then I'll do as you say, but I have to wait until it's safe before putting the people down. As for now... Ke Lan thought for a while, and then said, You guys, go back to the core power room first and put the others down. They all stay in Block One. In order to prevent any accidents from happening, after you leave, I will immediately close the passage between the core power room and Block One, and put these 20,000 people under house arrest inside Block One.

Okay, Hound nodded, There are a total of eleven forward exploration bases in Block 1. Although the supplies stored in each base are not large, when collected together, it is still enough for 25,000 people. Week’s worth of consumption.”

Without further ado, take action while the Immortal Crew is still silent!

Outside the combat airspace, Fleet Zero.

The actual commander of Fleet Zero, Rear Admiral Alexander, looked at the black fleet that was single-handedly solved by the figure floating in the air, and couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

Not only him, but the expressions of the crew members on the bridge of the New Dawn were also wonderful... This kind of power has exceeded the limits of human beings in their imagination, and can only appear in novels or movies. Such a thing.

That thing suspended in the air is not a human... it's a god! !

Zoom the camera! It took a full twenty seconds after the black fleet was destroyed before Major General Alexander came to his senses and ordered.

As for which camera was being zoomed in, there was no need for him to elaborate.

The body of a young man wrapped in a linen robe appeared on the big screen. Just when Major General Alexander felt that the back seemed familiar, the young man seemed to feel the prying eyes from the New Dawn and turned his head to A glance in this direction.

With just one glance, all the external monitors on the New Dawn exploded, and the screen suddenly turned into a black and white snowflake.

Major General Alexander felt as if his heartbeat had missed a beat, and he sat down on his seat, breathing heavily.

The moment the young man turned his head, he saw half of the other person's face.

That seems... to be Ke Lan?

Major General Alexander knows that Ke Lan has a very powerful ability, but although that ability is powerful, it is at least within the scope of normal thinking can understand... If nothing else, at least when dealing with the underground stronghold of the heretical sect. , he also needs to use the firepower of Fleet Zero.

But now, he just raised his hand and directly destroyed the mysterious black fleet that had been suppressing Fleet Zero... This can no longer be regarded as ability.

It should be called divine power!

Major General Alexander is an atheist. He scorns the religions of the old era, and does not believe that the great god believed in by the Alpha civilization really exists. In his view, the so-called gods are just some kind of powerful creatures. Or a civilization with highly developed technology... But just now, he suddenly felt that he was wrong...

If there really is a creature that can do such a thing, then there is nothing wrong with calling it a god, right?

At this moment, the screen in front of Alexander suddenly lit up, and in a secret communication channel that only he had permission to view, there was suddenly an additional message.

This is a direct message from the Undead Crew. Generally, this communication channel will only be activated when the situation is extremely urgent.

Of course, Major General Alexander fully agrees that this is a very urgent situation.

He tried to calm down, then stretched out his fingers that were still shaking just now and clicked on the message.

But the next second, his fingers started to tremble again.

The content of the message is very short, only one line.

The mutiny of Yagunaktor is confirmed. It is expected that the ship will escape from the airspace soon, and it will be immediately included in the hostile target sequence and a pursuit operation will be launched.

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