Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 822 Offensive and defensive battle inside the ship

Ke Lan tried to speed up Yaguna Kotor, but it was too late. Taking advantage of the gap when the energy shield disappeared, six high-speed landing ships had already attached themselves to the top deck of Yaguna Kotor - they Just like a fish attached to the bottom of a big fish or ship, Ke Lan could not get rid of it no matter how he turned the ship.

Just when Ke Lan thought that he could turn Yagunaktor upside down and rely on the ground to rubber these landing ships away, these six landing ships had already completed their mission and flew away from Yagunaktor. you.

All six landing ships are equipped with transmission devices. The troops on standby in the ship can directly enter the interior of Yagunaktor through the transmission device without leaving the cabin.

During the entire transmission process, Yagunaktor's own defense system failed to respond at all.

This point is basically the same as Ke Lan's previous guess - they cannot be stopped by simply closing the transmission channel.

These troops that broke into the ship were directly teleported into Yagunaktor's core power room without any obstruction.

Leading the charge were four heavily-equipped mass-produced Fallen Angels. In addition to its own energy shield, each machine also carried three additional shield generators - although the troops remaining on board the ship were surprised when they discovered the enemy. A saturation fire strike was launched immediately, but it still failed to break the defensive field formed by the twelve layers of energy shields, and still allowed the opponent to gain a firm foothold.

These four heavily-equipped mass-produced Fallen Angels are like a solid bridgehead, attracting most of the firepower of the troops stationed in Yagunaktor, and behind them, the follow-up troops are continuously coming from the transmission channel. gush out.

Don't waste ammunition and energy on that damn shield! Hound roared upon seeing this, Tactical mecha unit! Outflank me from the side and cut into the opponent's wings!

More than a dozen highly mobile tactical mechas equipped with air cushions on their feet rushed out immediately. They projected a series of thermal smoke bombs, creating a continuous smoke wall along their movement trajectory, mixed with extremely fine smoke bombs. The gray-white smoke of the metal wire covered almost half of the battlefield - in this smoke, most detection devices will lose their function, and all accurate guided weapons will become blind.

When fighting in this environment, all you can rely on is your fighting instinct and your sense of danger and opportunity...

The garrison troops deployed inside Yagunaktor are all veterans with rich experience, and the pilots are pure ACE. Although the heat smoke obscures all vision and detection equipment, these dozen or so There was actually no confusion in the formation of the tactical mecha - they drew two arc-shaped trajectories in the smoke and headed straight towards the flank of the invader.

When these dozen tactical mechas attacked, they had already replaced their main weapons with large-caliber rapid-fire shotguns used by mechas. The two leading mechas chose physical shields and flamethrowers for combat. At the moment when Hound gave the order, the captain of this mecha squadron had already arranged his tactics: using the cover of thermal smoke grenades to crash directly into the intruder's formation. Taking advantage of the fact that the invaders have just come out of the transmission channel and have not yet set up a formation, they directly disperse them. If there is a chance, they will kill the invaders' formation from the side and rear, and defeat the four heavy-duty machines from behind. Fallen angel.

This is not the first time they have implemented this tactic. Before they were incorporated into the Yagunaktor garrison, they often used this tactic to raid the communities of indigenous creatures and separate the herds that were originally gathered together. Come. Immediately afterwards, they first concentrated their forces to eat up the small group of targets that had been washed to pieces, and finally surrounded the large group and annihilated them.

This tactic is not only useful against wild beasts, but also against intelligent enemies - after all, this tactic originally evolved from the wars between humans in the old era.

Keep moving! Don't fall behind! Start accelerating in fifteen seconds! Transform into a straight-line charge! the captain of the tactical mecha squadron shouted on the internal channel, although only the two machines closest to him could receive the order. But by relying on the team members to pass orders to each other, the entire squadron can keep up with the squadron leader who is leading the front.

Suddenly, a ball of plasma shimmering with faint blue light tore through the gray-white smoke screen and accurately hit the machine that was following the squadron leader - that machine didn't even have a chance to open its energy shield. , it turned directly into a blazing fireball.

Of course, there is another possibility - the pilot has opened the body's shield at the critical moment, but the shield still cannot block the plasma cannon carrying huge energy.

Unit No. 2 is damaged! Second Lieutenant Zara is killed! Repeat! Unit No. 2 is damaged and Second Lieutenant Zara is killed! The bad news was repeated over and over in the team's communication channel, which made the squadron leader feel a sense of unease for no reason. It was a wonderful feeling, but he knew very well that as a commander, he would never panic...if he messed up on the battlefield, the entire squadron would be destroyed.

Don't panic! It's probably a stray bullet... Second Lieutenant Zara, he just has bad luck...

Before he finished speaking, Unit 3, which had just rushed to take over, was blown up by a blast of plasma...

Unit No. 3 is destroyed! Bliss... Before the pilot of Unit No. 4 could finish his words, his aircraft also exploded. After a brief explosion, the internal communication channel went silent for an instant. Come down.

The squadron leader could barely convince himself that the first shot was a stray bullet, but the second and third shots could not be explained by luck.

Spread out! Everyone spread out! the squadron leader said sternly, The opponent can see through the smoke! Disrupt the original formation, everyone, plan your own evasion route!

Although the air conditioner was turned on in the cockpit and the temperature remained at a pleasant 24 degrees Celsius, fine beads of sweat oozed from the forehead of the squadron leader, and there was a sticky feeling in the palms of his hands. If it weren't for him still wearing gloves, I'm afraid even the joystick would slip now.

His heart rate had soared to over 170, and the dazzling red warning icon kept flashing on the heads-up display.

The squadron leader knew very well that his body was probably locked by the enemy. The reason why the enemy's priority target was not him who was at the head of the team was entirely because he was carrying a heavy physical shield. Even if he was hit by a plasma cannon, If it hits, there is a certain chance of escaping... And the destroyed No. 2, 3 and 4 machines were all dual-wielded rapid-fire shotguns and did not carry any defensive equipment at all.

The No. 5 machine did not replenish its position in time, and the squadron leader himself did not know whether the No. 5 machine was out of touch with him or had been killed by the enemy, but no matter which case it was, he had now become a line approaching the enemy line. Lone wolf.

A lone wolf will be a lone wolf... Anyway, there are worse situations... I have experienced it... The squadron leader gritted his teeth, threw away the flamethrower in his hand, and at the same time removed the fuel backpack from the back of the machine - since Now that the opponent can clearly see his movement trajectory, there is no point in mid- and short-range weapons like flamethrowers that are used to create chaos that are greater than actual lethality. A heavy fuel backpack will not only slow down the body, And once it is hit, it will directly ignite the entire body.

The squadron leader pulled out the mecha fighting ax from his waist, held the shield in front of him with his left arm, and held the ax with his right arm ready to slash forward at any time.

At this moment, an indescribable palpitation spread throughout his body like an electric shock. Before his brain even had time to think, under the influence of muscle memory, his arm had already pushed down the joystick and was about to lift the axe. The right arm of the machine waved forward!

An armor-piercing sword that exuded dark red light and had a thick spine quietly cut through the smoke screen. It first cut off the fighting ax that was horizontally placed in the path of the blade, and then cut through the physical shield weighing several tons. , and even the arm holding the shield was cut off!

It's that kind of machine called 'Fallen Angel'! The squadron leader sitting in the cockpit couldn't help but widen his eyes. Although like Yeger, he had never seen the mass-produced Fallen Angel in action at the Battle of the Ancient Copper City Ruins. However, not long ago, Mr. Layton of the God Hunting Group had described the general performance and data of this stealth machine to everyone in the Mecha Force... As ACE, they knew very well that the Fallen Angel The performance gap between the mecha and its own body has become so large that it cannot be made up by operating technology.

What's more, the operating skills of mass-produced fallen angels with living CPUs are not necessarily worse than those of ACEs.

The air-cushion nozzles on his feet suddenly turned around, and the squadron leader's body suddenly retreated several meters. The Vulcan cannons installed on his wrists, chest, and head fired fiercely in the direction of the sword attack.

The heavy rain of bullets that poured out disturbed the smoke screen, and the squadron leader did not see the effect of the hit - but he also knew in his heart that except for unprotected personnel and lightly armored targets, this 12.5 mm caliber cannon could Facing the overwhelming majority of enemies, it can only play a containment role. The mass-produced Fallen Angel's armor contains more than 75% Nino alloy, and its strength can even be used to directly fire depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets.

The 'Sly Fox' Mecha Squadron is calling the headquarters! There are also 'Fallen Angels' in the enemy's follow-up troops! And they have the ability to lock targets in the heat smoke! Please pay attention to the headquarters! The squadron leader did not care about the rear headquarters. Did he receive the message he sent? He shouted into the microphone while controlling the machine to retreat quickly.

The smoke screen that was originally used to provide cover has now become an obstacle - the other party can see itself through the smoke, but you cannot see the other party. You are already at a huge disadvantage in terms of information alone, not to mention the performance of the machine.

With such a mass-produced Fallen Angel standing in front of him, the squadron leader of the Sly Fox squadron knew that it was impossible to break into the enemy's formation with his own machine... He could only merge with other machines in the squadron and rely on numbers. Only by besieging this fallen angel with their superiority can they have a chance of victory.

Every aircraft in the Sly Fox Squadron, if you can hear me - the squadron leader continued to try to communicate with other aircraft, note that from now on, it is forbidden to fire thermal smoke bombs, those things cannot cover the enemy's eyes!

But what the squadron leader didn't notice was that the mass-produced Fallen Angel that was still directly in front of him had already relied on its maneuverability far superior to his to move around the path of his retreat and hit the heavy destroyer. The armor sword thrust forward!

Accompanied by the sound of metal being forcibly torn apart, the heavy armor-piercing sword penetrated the squadron leader's chest from back to front - where the cockpit was located.

The squadron leader of the Sly Fox Squadron didn't even realize what happened. His whole body had been carbonized by the ultra-high temperature blade, and the remains of the corpse were directly mixed with the molten metal.

The Sly Fox Squadron is completely destroyed! The first, second, and third lines of defense have been breached by the invaders! They are still advancing! A soldier rushed into the command room of the base and reported to the hound. road.

You don't need to tell me! I'm watching! Hound shouted angrily. He placed his hands on the edge of the holographic sand table, and the shoulder blades on both sides protruded backward, making his already thin figure look even more rugged.

Since the battle began, it seems that no good news has come back from the front. The Ghost Owl of the Gray Bird Hunting Group stood aside, frowning.

Ke Lan! Ke Lan, can you hear my voice? Hound raised his head and shouted to the ceiling, Doesn't this damn battleship have an internal defense system?

No. Ke Lan's voice rang in the hound's ears, Alfa civilization has done something to this battleship, and basically all the weapons that can be dismantled have been dismantled... Just hold on a little longer, I'm thinking of a solution.

Based on the current situation, we can hold on for another fifteen minutes at most. If you don't think of a solution to the problem after fifteen minutes, then don't think about it. You might as well think about how to collect the bodies for us! Hound said.

How about we retreat to 'Block No. 1'? Ghost Owl tried to suggest, During this period, the hunters have explored Block No. 1 to an extent. With the area of ​​Block No. 1, , we can completely trade space for time...retreating there is enough for us to hold on for a few more hours.

No! The Hound rejected Ghost Owl's proposal. We can't retreat. The core power room is our last line of defense... We absolutely can't give this place to those guys. Yes, retreating to Block 1 is indeed a good idea. It can let us live for a few more hours, but what's the point? We are dragging these guys to buy time for Ke Lan, but if the control of Yagunaktor is taken away by these guys, then we The time you bought is useless!

Can you try to blow up the console? Leiton said cruelly, Since Ke Lan obtained control through the console before, if the console is destroyed, even if these intruders occupy the core power room, they You may not be able to control Yagunaktor!

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