Alien Relic Hunter

Chapter 820 War of Attrition

Fleet Zero has gradually withdrawn from the battlefield. Except for the air combat units of each ship that have suffered what can be called a devastating blow, the fleet itself has not suffered much damage - only one high-speed support ship and one light ship. The frigate crashed, and one heavy cruiser and four light frigates were severely damaged. Other than that, the other warships were basically still in good condition.

In any case, Hound's order saved the lives of the entire Zero Fleet and most of the people in the fleet... Although the commander and staff of the fleet were a little confused about this order, the captains and captains of each ship However, the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief - they all knew that if they continued to fight this mysterious black fleet, at least 80% of them... or even more would have no chance. I saw the sun the next day.

If they leave the battlefield without authorization, they are escaping from the battlefield, and all officers and soldiers on the ship will be held accountable... But now this situation can only be called retreat under orders. Even if the time comes to hold the officers and men accountable, the officers and men on the ships of Fleet Zero, including No one, including the commander, Major General Alexander, had to bear any responsibility.

When the battleship of Fleet Zero sailed past Yagunaktor, all the officers and soldiers near the portholes cast their sights on this behemoth... They must be grateful to the person who issued the retreat order. ’s... No one can truly be fearless of death. Even the most courageous warrior, if he suddenly hears the news that he does not have to die when he originally thought he was certain to die, he must be happy in his heart - the desire to survive is the most instinctive instinct of living things. Desire, only madmen and people with desperate hearts would want to die.

But in addition to gratitude and luck, there is a third emotion that occupies the hearts of the officers and soldiers, and that is worry.

Yagunaktor is indeed very powerful. Even if this super battleship from an alien civilization does not have Fleet Zero as an escort, it can still operate unparalleled on this planet with its own performance (Note 1)... But the problem is The manufacturer of this super battleship is an alien civilization rather than a human being. So far, human civilization is still at a very superficial stage of exploration of battleships. Rather than saying that this battleship is a weapon, it is better to say that it is a Relics would be more appropriate.

Can Yagunaktor...can handle the attack of that black fleet? In the medical room of a certain battleship, an engineer with many burn marks on his uniform leaned against the window frame with a worried look on his face. He looked at the black fleet approaching Yagunaktor from behind and said.

It should be fine, right? Another engineer who was lying on the bed and being treated by medical staff said, I heard that when this ancient warship was just discovered, it participated in a battle. At that time, the Mukah base was close to We were about to be captured by the giant monster created by the heretic sect at one point, but as soon as Yagunaktor joined the battlefield, the situation was instantly reversed... Hiss, be gentle, auntie!

The medical soldier who had just used tweezers to pull out the metal fragments from the injured engineer's arm glanced at the guy angrily, and then said in a cold voice: Who did you call aunt?

Who else could it be? There are a bunch of big men here. As for you, Auntie, you are a woman. Of course I called you. The injured engineer soldier continued, completely ignoring the murderous eyes of the medic and the frequent calls from his companions. Hint, as for the other injured people lying on the hospital bed, they all had expressions of gloating and winking at each other——

The medical soldier did not answer the call, but gently pressed the disinfectant cotton ball dipped in alcohol on the wound of the injured engineer soldier, and then wiped it hard.

Ah! The guy immediately let out a scream, and then said in a trembling tone, Ah...ah...Auntie, no, sister, sister, I know I was wrong!

Hahahaha—— The wounded around him suddenly laughed.

Having just escaped from a desperate situation, the previously oppressive atmosphere among everyone had dissipated unconsciously, and several soldiers who usually had a more lively personality even started telling jokes - if it hadn't been for another Lesbians are here. It is estimated that the topic has already started to get salty and wet at this time.

As for Yagunaktor, these soldiers didn't care much about it, especially after being made such a fuss, no one thought about it.

In their hearts, Yagunaktor's strength can completely crush that mysterious black fleet, and they will not lose at all.

What they were originally worried about was that in order to protect Yagunaktor, the superiors banned Yagunaktor from participating in the war and allowed Fleet Zero to act as a shield. But now that there has been an order from Yagunaktor for Fleet Zero to evacuate, this situation will definitely not happen.

After the flagship New Dawn of Fleet Zero retreated five kilometers behind Yagunaktor, the black fleet's attack on Fleet Zero finally stopped completely. After watching Fleet Zero completely withdraw from the battle area, these pitch-black battleships spread out their formation, surrounding Yagunaktor in a semi-surrounding manner.

There was no announcement or initial probing attack. After completing the array, all the battleships of the Black Fleet fired a salvo, and countless barrages, lasers and plasma balls overwhelmingly covered Yagunaktor. Come down!

Boom boom boom boom!!!

The deafening explosions were so deafening that Fleet Zero, which had withdrawn more than ten kilometers away, could feel the strong shock wave. Several lightweight warships suddenly shook under the strong airflow, and everything inside the ship suddenly The man fell on his back - and the battleship where the injured engineer soldier was located was one of them. His wound was already being sutured, but when he was shaken like this, not only did the suturing fail, but the wound was torn even wider.

As for others, it was not much better - after withdrawing from the combat area, Fleet Zero was downgraded from combat status to level one combat readiness, and then downgraded to level two combat readiness. The restraints originally used to fix the wounded in the hospital bed also The wounded were untied by themselves due to discomfort. In a flash, almost all the people lying on the bed fell to the floor. The most unlucky guy even got his eye pricked by a slipped needle.

Damn... why is this shock wave so terrifying? The engineer whose uniform was scorched and the back of his hands was scratched was the first to get up from the ground. He immediately lay down on the porthole and looked into the combat airspace. go.

What... happened... Oops... did Yagunaktor use some super weapon? A wounded soldier limped to the window, supporting himself with one hand. He put his right leg on the engineer's shoulder with his other hand, leaned his head forward, and pressed it against the porthole glass.

No... Yagunaktor hasn't fought back yet.

Damn... that black fleet showed mercy to us just now? The wounded soldier suddenly shouted after seeing the situation on the battlefield.

Whether it is the density of the barrage or the output power of the cluster laser and plasma cannon, it has been improved by more than one level compared to the time when it just exchanged fire with the Zero Fleet - if the Black Fleet had used this offensive to deal with the Zero Fleet just now , it is absolutely impossible for Fleet Zero to withdraw from the battlefield with so many intact warships.

If nothing else, at least the light frigate they were on must have crashed.

These warships seem to be similar in appearance to several models currently in service on the Ark, but their firepower is several times stronger... This is simply not something that military industrial companies can do at this stage. The engineer murmured.

It must have used the technology of Alpha Civilization. This fleet is a trump card hidden by the people above! the wounded soldier said confidently.

The ace hidden from above? The engineer was stunned, But, didn't you say that this fleet is a rebel?

Do you really think so? The wounded soldier gave him a strange look, Don't you think it's strange... From the beginning of the battle to now, Ark, which is so close to us, has not even sent a battleship to reinforce it. There is not even an aircraft used for communication... Do you still think that this black fleet emerged from some nook and cranny...'rebels'?

Then what do you mean...? The engineer's face turned pale, obviously thinking of something bad.

If this force is a rebel, there is only one situation. That is, when they launch an attack on us, they have successfully suppressed Ark and all the troops guarding Ark... But the problem is, even if you put Alpha on It would be impossible for all the fleet forces to be together to achieve this. The wounded soldier's voice became even lower, Maybe... we are the one who is regarded as the 'rebels'.

Us? Rebels? The young engineer couldn't help but exclaimed, But, but, we didn't do anything at all!

Shh... don't be so loud! The wounded soldier grabbed the engineer's arm and shook it hard, If you don't want to be taken away by the security bureau afterwards, then keep your mouth shut... This black fleet, obviously It’s for this big guy.”

The wounded soldier pursed his lips at the Yagunaktor that was undergoing saturation bombing in the distance, and continued: Otherwise, they would not have issued that statement to us before the war started, and they would not have made any statements to us during the war. Hold on. When we retreated, they generously did not conduct any pursuit, not even a symbolic pursuit... But how did things discover later? Since we have withdrawn from the battlefield, this matter has nothing to do with us. ,do you understand?

I understand... The young engineer nodded, But...

It's nothing! We are soldiers, just obey the orders and that's it. Don't think about everything! The wounded soldier patted him on the shoulder, We should be lucky that the people on the big guys let us withdraw from the battlefield. Instead of fighting this black fleet until the entire army is annihilated.

The young engineer glanced at Yagunaktor in the distance again, his lips twitched, and he hesitated to speak.

The second floor of Babel Tower.

Ke Lan looked at the projection screen where the black fleet began to attack Yagunaktor with more intense firepower, and couldn't help but curled his lips - Zofia was right, they were indeed acting before, against Zero The action of the fleet was just a feint attack.

I just don’t know if Hound didn’t issue an order for Fleet Zero to evacuate, whether their “drama” would have continued... It wouldn’t really end until Fleet Zero was annihilated, right?

The Black Fleet's firepower is fierce, but no matter whether it is physical shells, rockets and missiles, or energy attacks such as lasers and high-temperature plasma, they can't break through Yagunaktor's shield - even the Black Fleet's Even if the battleship imitated the Kirin in the Leviathan incident and rammed head-on, it probably wouldn't be able to cause any substantial damage to Yagunaktor.

The size of Yagunaktor is so huge that even the flagship of the Black Fleet, the aircraft carrier battleship of unknown model, is like a small boat in front of it - the armor is made of pure Nino alloy, even if it is Without an energy shield, it can withstand all attacks from the black fleet.

But the black fleet did not give up. They were still bombarding Yagunaktor's energy shield. Even if the battleship's main gun barrel overheated, engineering ships would immediately come up to repair or replace the gun. Guan's job... As for ammunition, in addition to the battleships, there are also sixteen heavy transport ships behind the black fleet. If these transport ships are filled with spare ammunition, energy crystals and weapon parts, an offensive of this level will It can even last for three days and three nights without stopping.

But what is their purpose in doing this?

Ke Lan took a look at Yagunaktor's energy reserves - although Yagunaktor's shield was indestructible, the consumption of energy was still staggering. The current consumption rate, if converted into energy crystals, was about the same. It's like a whole truckload of high-grade and high-quality crystals are being poured into the bottomless pit every second... When he thinks that Yagunaktor soaked in the magma pool for so long to accumulate this little energy, Ke Lan I feel like my heart is bleeding.

But just when he was about to turn off the energy shield and rely on Yagunaktor's physical armor and hull structure to resist, he suddenly thought of something -

He has figured out what the other party's purpose is!

Their purpose is to consume the energy shield of Agunak Tor. After the shield is exhausted or Ke Lan takes the initiative to shut it down, the mass-produced fallen angels on standby in the air will immediately land to Agunak Tor. Thor's deck!

Although the Hounds and the others have closed the transmission channel, who can guarantee that this black fleet does not have the means to open the channel?

Their purpose is to seize control of Yagunaktor!

[P.S. Thanks to Zhaolu Yudrop and Pipi Xing for the 500 starting coins. 】

[P.P.S. Note 1, explanation of the term that may seem a bit redundant: Open Wushuang, from the Wushuang series of games, the original meaning is to use a big move, invincible state, immune to damage control, cutting down the minion NPC is like cutting grass, and later extended to mean that someone enters a This state of being invincible is often used to refer to a strong person or a loser whose combat power completely overwhelms others. 】

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